AllCops: NewCops: enable SuggestExtensions: false TargetRubyVersion: 3.1 inherit_gem: rubocop-ronin: rubocop.yml # # ronin-recon specific exceptions # # Empty classes Lint/EmptyClass: Exclude: - 'lib/ronin/recon/value.rb' - 'lib/ronin/recon/message/shutdown.rb' # Allow Value classes to not call super() in their initialize Lint/MissingSuper: Exclude: - 'lib/ronin/recon/values/*.rb' # Worker#initialize exists for documentation purposes Lint/UselessMethodDefinition: Exclude: - 'lib/ronin/recon/worker.rb' # until is better suited for waiting until the Engine is "empty" Style/WhileUntilModifier: Exclude: - 'lib/ronin/recon/engine.rb' # the Values #=== methods need to compare the other value's class Style/ClassEqualityComparison: Exclude: - 'lib/ronin/recon/values/*.rb' # must use #=== to compare values Style/CaseEquality: Exclude: - 'lib/ronin/recon/scope.rb' - 'lib/ronin/recon/values/ip_range.rb' - 'spec/**/*_spec.rb'