# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe Faraday::Request::Retry do let(:calls) { [] } let(:times_called) { calls.size } let(:options) { [] } let(:conn) do Faraday.new do |b| b.request :retry, *options b.adapter :test do |stub| %w[get post].each do |method| stub.send(method, '/unstable') do |env| calls << env.dup env[:body] = nil # simulate blanking out response body callback.call end end end end end context 'when an unexpected error happens' do let(:callback) { -> { raise 'boom!' } } before { expect { conn.get('/unstable') }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) } it { expect(times_called).to eq(1) } context 'and this is passed as a custom exception' do let(:options) { [{ exceptions: StandardError }] } it { expect(times_called).to eq(3) } end context 'and this is passed as a string custom exception' do let(:options) { [{ exceptions: 'StandardError' }] } it { expect(times_called).to eq(3) } end context 'and a non-existent string custom exception is passed' do let(:options) { [{ exceptions: 'WrongStandardErrorNotExisting' }] } it { expect(times_called).to eq(1) } end end context 'when an expected error happens' do let(:callback) { -> { raise Errno::ETIMEDOUT } } before do @started = Time.now expect { conn.get('/unstable') }.to raise_error(Errno::ETIMEDOUT) end it { expect(times_called).to eq(3) } context 'and legacy max_retry set to 1' do let(:options) { [1] } it { expect(times_called).to eq(2) } end context 'and legacy max_retry set to -9' do let(:options) { [-9] } it { expect(times_called).to eq(1) } end context 'and new max_retry set to 3' do let(:options) { [{ max: 3 }] } it { expect(times_called).to eq(4) } end context 'and new max_retry set to -9' do let(:options) { [{ max: -9 }] } it { expect(times_called).to eq(1) } end context 'and both max_retry and interval are set' do let(:options) { [{ max: 2, interval: 0.1 }] } it { expect(Time.now - @started).to be_within(0.04).of(0.2) } end end context 'when no exception raised' do let(:options) { [{ max: 1, retry_statuses: 429 }] } before { conn.get('/unstable') } context 'and response code is in retry_statuses' do let(:callback) { -> { [429, {}, ''] } } it { expect(times_called).to eq(2) } end context 'and response code is not in retry_statuses' do let(:callback) { -> { [503, {}, ''] } } it { expect(times_called).to eq(1) } end end describe '#calculate_retry_interval' do context 'with exponential backoff' do let(:options) { { max: 5, interval: 0.1, backoff_factor: 2 } } let(:middleware) { Faraday::Request::Retry.new(nil, options) } it { expect(middleware.send(:calculate_retry_interval, 5)).to eq(0.1) } it { expect(middleware.send(:calculate_retry_interval, 4)).to eq(0.2) } it { expect(middleware.send(:calculate_retry_interval, 3)).to eq(0.4) } end context 'with exponential backoff and max_interval' do let(:options) { { max: 5, interval: 0.1, backoff_factor: 2, max_interval: 0.3 } } let(:middleware) { Faraday::Request::Retry.new(nil, options) } it { expect(middleware.send(:calculate_retry_interval, 5)).to eq(0.1) } it { expect(middleware.send(:calculate_retry_interval, 4)).to eq(0.2) } it { expect(middleware.send(:calculate_retry_interval, 3)).to eq(0.3) } it { expect(middleware.send(:calculate_retry_interval, 2)).to eq(0.3) } end context 'with exponential backoff and interval_randomness' do let(:options) { { max: 2, interval: 0.1, interval_randomness: 0.05 } } let(:middleware) { Faraday::Request::Retry.new(nil, options) } it { expect(middleware.send(:calculate_retry_interval, 2)).to be_between(0.1, 0.105) } end end context 'when method is not idempotent' do let(:callback) { -> { raise Errno::ETIMEDOUT } } before { expect { conn.post('/unstable') }.to raise_error(Errno::ETIMEDOUT) } it { expect(times_called).to eq(1) } end describe 'retry_if option' do let(:callback) { -> { raise Errno::ETIMEDOUT } } let(:options) { [{ retry_if: @check }] } it 'retries if retry_if block always returns true' do body = { foo: :bar } @check = ->(_, _) { true } expect { conn.post('/unstable', body) }.to raise_error(Errno::ETIMEDOUT) expect(times_called).to eq(3) expect(calls.all? { |env| env[:body] == body }).to be_truthy end it 'does not retry if retry_if block returns false checking env' do @check = ->(env, _) { env[:method] != :post } expect { conn.post('/unstable') }.to raise_error(Errno::ETIMEDOUT) expect(times_called).to eq(1) end it 'does not retry if retry_if block returns false checking exception' do @check = ->(_, exception) { !exception.is_a?(Errno::ETIMEDOUT) } expect { conn.post('/unstable') }.to raise_error(Errno::ETIMEDOUT) expect(times_called).to eq(1) end it 'FilePart: should rewind files on retry' do io = StringIO.new('Test data') filepart = Faraday::FilePart.new(io, 'application/octet/stream') rewound = 0 rewind = -> { rewound += 1 } @check = ->(_, _) { true } allow(filepart).to receive(:rewind, &rewind) expect { conn.post('/unstable', file: filepart) }.to raise_error(Errno::ETIMEDOUT) expect(times_called).to eq(3) expect(rewound).to eq(2) end it 'UploadIO: should rewind files on retry' do io = StringIO.new('Test data') upload_io = Faraday::FilePart.new(io, 'application/octet/stream') rewound = 0 rewind = -> { rewound += 1 } @check = ->(_, _) { true } allow(upload_io).to receive(:rewind, &rewind) expect { conn.post('/unstable', file: upload_io) }.to raise_error(Errno::ETIMEDOUT) expect(times_called).to eq(3) expect(rewound).to eq(2) end context 'when explicitly specifying methods to retry' do let(:options) { [{ retry_if: @check, methods: [:post] }] } it 'does not call retry_if for specified methods' do @check = ->(_, _) { raise 'this should have never been called' } expect { conn.post('/unstable') }.to raise_error(Errno::ETIMEDOUT) expect(times_called).to eq(3) end end context 'with empty list of methods to retry' do let(:options) { [{ retry_if: @check, methods: [] }] } it 'calls retry_if for all methods' do @check = ->(_, _) { calls.size < 2 } expect { conn.get('/unstable') }.to raise_error(Errno::ETIMEDOUT) expect(times_called).to eq(2) end end end describe 'retry_after header support' do let(:callback) { -> { [504, headers, ''] } } let(:elapsed) { Time.now - @started } before do @started = Time.now conn.get('/unstable') end context 'when retry_after bigger than interval' do let(:headers) { { 'Retry-After' => '0.5' } } let(:options) { [{ max: 1, interval: 0.1, retry_statuses: 504 }] } it { expect(elapsed).to be > 0.5 } end context 'when retry_after smaller than interval' do let(:headers) { { 'Retry-After' => '0.1' } } let(:options) { [{ max: 1, interval: 0.2, retry_statuses: 504 }] } it { expect(elapsed).to be > 0.2 } end context 'when retry_after is a timestamp' do let(:headers) { { 'Retry-After' => (Time.now.utc + 2).strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT') } } let(:options) { [{ max: 1, interval: 0.1, retry_statuses: 504 }] } it { expect(elapsed).to be > 1 } end context 'when retry_after is bigger than max_interval' do let(:headers) { { 'Retry-After' => (Time.now.utc + 20).strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT') } } let(:options) { [{ max: 2, interval: 0.1, max_interval: 5, retry_statuses: 504 }] } it { expect(times_called).to eq(1) } end end end