# encoding: UTF-8 module Statsample module Factor # Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of a covariance or # correlation matrix.. # # NOTE: Sign of second and later eigenvalues could be different # using Ruby or GSL, so values for PCs and component matrix # should differ, because extendmatrix and gsl's methods to calculate # eigenvectors are different. Using R is worse, cause first # eigenvector could have negative values! # For Principal Axis Analysis, use Statsample::Factor::PrincipalAxis # # == Usage: # require 'statsample' # a=[2.5, 0.5, 2.2, 1.9, 3.1, 2.3, 2.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.1].to_scale # b=[2.4,0.7,2.9,2.2,3.0,2.7,1.6,1.1,1.6,0.9].to_scale # ds={'a'=>a,'b'=>b}.to_dataset # cor_matrix=Statsample::Bivariate.correlation_matrix(ds) # pca=Statsample::Factor::PCA.new(cor_matrix) # pca.m # => 1 # pca.eigenvalues # => [1.92592927269225, 0.0740707273077545] # pca.component_matrix # => GSL::Matrix # [ 9.813e-01 # 9.813e-01 ] # pca.communalities # => [0.962964636346122, 0.962964636346122] # # == References: # * SPSS Manual # * Smith, L. (2002). A tutorial on Principal Component Analysis. Available on http://courses.eas.ualberta.ca/eas570/pca_tutorial.pdf # * Härdle, W. & Simar, L. (2003). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Springer # class PCA include Summarizable # Name of analysis attr_accessor :name # Number of factors. Set by default to the number of factors # with eigen values > 1 attr_accessor :m # Use GSL if available attr_accessor :use_gsl # Add to the summary a rotation report attr_accessor :summary_rotation # Add to the summary a parallel analysis report attr_accessor :summary_parallel_analysis # Type of rotation. By default, Statsample::Factor::Rotation::Varimax attr_accessor :rotation_type attr_accessor :type def initialize(matrix, opts=Hash.new) @use_gsl=nil @name=_("Principal Component Analysis") @matrix=matrix @n_variables=@matrix.column_size @variables_names=(@matrix.respond_to? :fields) ? @matrix.fields : @n_variables.times.map {|i| _("VAR_%d") % (i+1)} @type = @matrix.respond_to?(:type) ? @matrix.type : :correlation @m=nil @rotation_type=Statsample::Factor::Varimax opts.each{|k,v| self.send("#{k}=",v) if self.respond_to? k } if @use_gsl.nil? @use_gsl=Statsample.has_gsl? end if @matrix.respond_to? :fields @variables_names=@matrix.fields else @variables_names=@n_variables.times.map {|i| "V#{i+1}"} end calculate_eigenpairs if @m.nil? # Set number of factors with eigenvalues > 1 @m=@eigenpairs.find_all {|ev,ec| ev>=1.0}.size end end def rotation @rotation_type.new(component_matrix) end def total_eigenvalues eigenvalues.inject(0) {|ac,v| ac+v} end def create_centered_ds h={} @original_ds.factors.each {|f| mean=@original_ds[f].mean h[f]=@original_ds[f].recode {|c| c-mean} } @ds=h.to_dataset end # Feature matrix for +m+ factors # Returns +m+ eigenvectors as columns. # So, i=variable, j=component def feature_matrix(m=nil) m||=@m omega_m=::Matrix.build(@n_variables, m) {0} m.times do |i| omega_m.column= i, @eigenpairs[i][1] end omega_m end # Returns Principal Components for +input+ matrix or dataset # The number of PC to return is equal to parameter +m+. # If +m+ isn't set, m set to number of PCs selected at object creation. def principal_components(input, m=nil) data_matrix=input.to_matrix var_names=(data_matrix.respond_to? :fields_y) ? data_matrix.fields_y : data_matrix.column_size.times.map {|i| "VAR_%d" % (i+1)} m||=@m raise "data matrix variables<>pca variables" if data_matrix.column_size!=@n_variables fv=feature_matrix(m) pcs=(fv.transpose*data_matrix.transpose).transpose pcs.extend Statsample::NamedMatrix pcs.fields_y=m.times.map {|i| "PC_%d" % (i+1)} pcs.to_dataset end def component_matrix(m=nil) var="component_matrix_#{type}" send(var,m) end # Matrix with correlations between components and # variables. Based on Härdle & Simar (2003, p.243) def component_matrix_covariance(m=nil) m||=@m raise "m should be > 0" if m<1 ff=feature_matrix(m) cm=::Matrix.build(@n_variables, m) {0} @n_variables.times {|i| m.times {|j| cm[i,j]=ff[i,j] * Math.sqrt(eigenvalues[j] / @matrix[i,i]) } } cm.extend CovariateMatrix cm.name=_("Component matrix (from covariance)") cm.fields_x = @variables_names cm.fields_y = m.times.map {|i| "PC_%d" % (i+1)} cm end # Matrix with correlations between components and # variables def component_matrix_correlation(m=nil) m||=@m raise "m should be > 0" if m<1 omega_m=::Matrix.build(@n_variables, m) {0} gammas=[] m.times {|i| omega_m.column=i, @eigenpairs[i][1] gammas.push(Math::sqrt(@eigenpairs[i][0])) } gamma_m=::Matrix.diagonal(*gammas) cm=(omega_m*(gamma_m)).to_matrix cm.extend CovariateMatrix cm.name=_("Component matrix") cm.fields_x = @variables_names cm.fields_y = m.times.map {|i| "PC_%d" % (i+1)} cm end def communalities(m=nil) m||=@m h=[] @n_variables.times do |i| sum=0 m.times do |j| sum+=(@eigenpairs[j][0].abs*@eigenpairs[j][1][i]**2) end h.push(sum) end h end # Array with eigenvalues def eigenvalues @eigenpairs.collect {|c| c[0] } end def eigenvectors @eigenpairs.collect {|c| c[1].to_matrix } end def calculate_eigenpairs if @use_gsl calculate_eigenpairs_gsl else calculate_eigenpairs_ruby end end def calculate_eigenpairs_ruby #:nodoc: @eigenpairs = @matrix.eigenpairs_ruby end # Eigenvectors calculated with gsl # Note: The signs of some vectors could be different of # ruby generated def calculate_eigenpairs_gsl #:nodoc: eigval, eigvec= GSL::Eigen.symmv(@matrix.to_gsl) #puts "***" ep=eigval.size.times.map {|i| ev=eigvec.get_col(i) [eigval[i], ev] } @eigenpairs=ep.sort{|a,b| a[0]<=>b[0]}.reverse end def report_building(builder) # :nodoc: builder.section(:name=>@name) do |generator| generator.text _("Number of factors: %d") % m generator.table(:name=>_("Communalities"), :header=>[_("Variable"),_("Initial"),_("Extraction"), _("%")]) do |t| communalities(m).each_with_index {|com, i| perc=com*100.quo(@matrix[i,i]) t.row([@variables_names[i], "%0.3f" % @matrix[i,i] , "%0.3f" % com, "%0.3f" % perc]) } end te=total_eigenvalues generator.table(:name=>_("Total Variance Explained"), :header=>[_("Component"), _("E.Total"), _("%"), _("Cum. %")]) do |t| ac_eigen=0 eigenvalues.each_with_index {|eigenvalue,i| ac_eigen+=eigenvalue t.row([_("Component %d") % (i+1), sprintf("%0.3f",eigenvalue), sprintf("%0.3f%%", eigenvalue*100.quo(te)), sprintf("%0.3f",ac_eigen*100.quo(te))]) } end generator.parse_element(component_matrix(m)) if (summary_rotation) generator.parse_element(rotation) end end end private :calculate_eigenpairs, :create_centered_ds end end end