# # haversine formula to compute the great circle distance between two points given their latitude and longitudes # # Copyright (C) 2008, 360VL, Inc # Copyright (C) 2008, Landon Cox # # http://www.esawdust.com (Landon Cox) # contact: # http://www.esawdust.com/blog/businesscard/businesscard.html # # LICENSE: GNU Affero GPL v3 # The ruby implementation of the Haversine formula is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public # License version 3 for more details. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ # # Landon Cox - 9/25/08 # # Notes: # # translated into Ruby based on information contained in: # http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/51879.html Doctors Rick and Peterson - 4/20/99 # http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haversine_formula # # This formula can compute accurate distances between two points given latitude and longitude, even for # short distances. # PI = 3.1415926535 require 'haversine/core_ext' class Haversine RAD_PER_DEG = 0.017453293 # PI/180 # this is global because if computing lots of track point distances, it didn't make # sense to new a Hash each time over potentially 100's of thousands of points class << self def units [:miles, :km, :feet, :meters] end end class Distance attr_reader :distance def initialize distance @distance = distance end def [] key method = :"delta_#{key}" raise ArgumentError, "Invalid unit key #{key}" if !respond_to? method Distance.send "in_#{key}", send(method) end Haversine.units.each do |unit| class_eval %{ def #{unit} self[:#{unit}] end } end protected # the great circle distance d will be in whatever units R is in Rmiles = 3956 # radius of the great circle in miles Rkm = 6371 # radius in kilometers...some algorithms use 6367 Rfeet = Rmiles * 5282 # radius in feet Rmeters = Rkm * 1000 # radius in meters # delta between the two points in miles def delta_miles Rmiles * distance end # delta in kilometers def delta_km Rkm * distance end def delta_feet Rfeet * distance end def delta_meters Rmeters * distance end class << self Haversine.units.each do |unit| class_eval %{ def in_#{unit} number Unit.new :#{unit}, number end } end end class Unit attr_accessor :name, :number def initialize name, number = 0 @name = name @number = number end def number @number.round_to(precision[name]) end def to_s "#{number} #{name}" end private def precision { :feet => 0, :meters => 2, :km => 4, :miles => 4 } end end end # given two lat/lon points, compute the distance between the two points using the haversine formula # the result will be a Hash of distances which are key'd by 'mi','km','ft', and 'm' def self.distance( lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, units = :meters ) dlon = lon2 - lon1 dlat = lat2 - lat1 a = calc(dlat, lat1, lat2, dlon) c = 2 * Math.atan2( Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a)) Distance.new c end def self.calc dlat, lat1, lat2, dlon (Math.sin(dlat.rpd/2))**2 + Math.cos(lat1.rpd) * Math.cos((lat2.rpd)) * (Math.sin(dlon.rpd/2))**2 end def self.wants? unit_opts, unit unit_opts == unit || unit_opts[unit] end end