# Visitors may create an account, but for those who are not already in the # system an someone must activate the account for them before it can be used. Feature: Activating an account As a registered, but not yet activated, user I want to be able to activate my account So that I can log in to the site Scenario: Not-yet-activated user can activate her account Given a registered user named 'Reggie' # need to rewrite # And the user has activation_code: 'activate_me', activated_at: nil! # And we try hard to remember the user's updated_at, and created_at # When she goes to /activate/activate_me # Then she should be redirected to 'login' # When she follows that redirect! # Then she should see a notice message 'Signup complete!' # And a user with login: 'reggie' should exist # And the user should have login: 'reggie', and email: 'registered@example.com' # And the user's activation_code should be nil # And the user's activated_at should not be nil # And she should not be logged in