#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # posttdiary-ex: update tDiary via e-mail. $Revision: 1.2 $ # # Copyright (C) 2002, All right reserved by TADA Tadashi # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under GPL2. # # 2010.10.19: v.1.71: Modified by K.Sakurai (http://ks.nwr.jp) # Acknowledgements: # * Based on posttdiary.rb & tdiary.rb by TADA. # * Some codes partially imported from Enikki Plugin Ex. : # http://shimoi.s26.xrea.com/hiki/hiki.cgi?TdiaryEnikkiEx # * Thanks to taketori for image size detection method. # * Thanks to NOB for debugging. # * Thanks to tamo (http://tamo.tdiary.net) for image-POSTing codes & testing. # # language setup for tdiary.conf (for both @data_path & @tdiary_dirname) @tdencoding = 'UTF-8' # @tdencoding = 'US-ASCII' # @tdencoding = 'EUC-JP' # @tdencoding = 'Big5' #---------------------------------------------- def usage( detailed_help ) # (if "!" is at the head of the line, it is to be shown only when detailed_help == true (-h option) ) text = <<-TEXT #{File::basename __FILE__}: update tDiary via e-mail (v1.64). usage: ruby posttdiary-ex.rb [options (without -d)] ruby posttdiary-ex.rb [options (with -d)] arguments: url: update.rb's URL of your diary user: username for your tDiary system passwd: password for your tDiary system ! If the To: field is formatted as "user-passwd@example.com", ! you can omit user and passwd arguments. options: ! ============ for automatic configuration ========== --read-conffile, -a dirname: read settings from (dirname)/tdiary.conf ! Reads configuration parameters of image_ex plugin as well. ! (The default values of -i, -u, -t, -z, -o, -y, -C can be imported.) ! Specify the localtion (or fullpathname) of tDiary conf file. ! ex. -a /home/hoge/htdocs/diary/tdiary.conf ! ! ============ basic options ============== --image-path, -i dirname: directory to store the image(s) in. --image-url, -u URL: URL of the image directory. ! You must specify both -i and -u options ! (unless they are available from tdiary.conf + image_ex plugin) ! When using --remote-mode or --use-image-ex, -u is not required. --use-subject, -s: use mail subject as subtitle ! Also inserts attached image(s) between subtitle and body. --make-thumbnail, -t size: Create thumbnail with a link to the original image ! Works only when the original image is larger than the specified size ! (see --threshold-size also) ! ex. -t 80x80 --image-geometry, -g size: resize image(s). ! The original image would be overwritten. ! Does not change the image size when the original image is smaller. ! ex. -g 800x800 (change the image size to "fit in" to 800x800 pixels) --use-image-ex, -e: Recognize & auto-generate tags for image.rb (Enikki) or image_ex.rb (Enikki ex.) plugin ! Tag format: <%=image (serialno),"(alt text)"%> ! Serialno starts from 0. Will be automatically increased to match ! the real filename. ! Overrides -f option. --wiki-style, -w: output image tags in Wiki style ! Suppress adding a whitespace before each tag ! Adds "!" to subject when -s option is given ! Recognize Wiki style tags and rewrite ! Must be used with image.rb or image_ex.rb plugin. --blog-style, -B: do not specify date to append unless specified ! Suitable for use with blogkit --read-exif, -c: read "User Comment" tag from EXIF and use as ALT text ! If not specified, filename would be used as ALT text. ! Requires libexif and "exif" command. --hour-offset, -o offset: hour_offset of tDiary ! (ex. -o +4 (do not change date until 28:00)) --yearly-dir, -y: put images in yearly separated directories ! ( 2004/ , 2005/ , ...) --help, -h: show detailed help & advanced options ! ! ============ advanced options ============== ! --convert-path, -C fullpath_of_convert: location of "convert" command ! Use this option when ImageMagick's commands are not path-reachable. ! Assumes the same location for "identify" command as well. ! --exif-path, -E fullpath_of_exif: location of "exif" command ! Enables --read-exif command as well. ! Use this option when "exif" command is not path-reachable. ! --remote-mode, -R: upload images via update.rb using HTTP POST. ! Allows user to separate the mailserver and the webserver. ! Note: Thumbnails would not be posted. ! --remote-image-path,-D remote_dirname: ! Specify the image directory of the remote webserver. ! Required when using image_ex.rb with --remote-mode option. ! --remote-yearly-dir,-Y switch: ! Specify whether to put images in yearly separated directories ! at the remote webserver. ! Required when image_ex.rb with --remote-mode option. ! 0: do not separate, 1: separate ! --preserve-local-images, -P: ! Do not delete local image files. ! Effective only when --remote-mode is enabled. ! --upload-only, -U: ! Upload the attached images to server, but do not update the diary. ! Also possible by adding "_UPLONLY#" to mail body. ! --group-id, -G: specify the group name (or GID) of the image file. ! Also makes the file group writable (chmod 664). ! ex1. -G www ! ex2. -G 67 ! --class-name, -n class_name: ! Class name for each photo (default: photo) ! Invalid when --use-image-ex or --wiki-style option is enabled. ! --add-div, -v number_of_images: ! Encapsule all attached images with
! When specified number of (or more) images are attached. ! Set to 2 when not given. Specify 0 to disable. ! Automatically set to 0 when --wiki-style is enabled. ! ex. -v 3 (works only when 3 or more images are attached) ! --threshold-size, -z threshold_image_size: ! Make thumbnail if image size is larger. ! ex1. -z 120x140 ! ex2. -z 140 (same to 140x140) ! --image-format, -f format string: ! Specify the format string of the image tag ! These variables can be used in the format string: ! $0 : image serial number ! $1 : image url ! $2 : thumbnail image url (when -t is specified) ! $3 : class name ! $4 : ALT text (filename, or EXIF comment when -c is specified) ! ex. -f \\\"{{image \\\$0}}\\\" ! --use-original-name, -r: ! use original filename as ALT text when not specified ! --pass-filename, -p: ! Pass real filename (instead of serialno) to image_ex plugin ! (EXPERIMENTAL: Has no meanings so far) ! Effective only with -e option. ! --filter-mode, -d: print to stdout (does not call update.rb) ! --write-to-file, -b filename: writeout to file (does not call update.rb) ! --date-margin, -j date_margin: avoid writing diaries for future dates ! ex. -j 30 (default=7, 0=disabled) ! --rotate, -T LEFT or RIGHT: rotate images ! ex. -T RIGHT (rotate 90degrees clockwise) ! Also possible by adding "_ROT_LEFT#" or "_ROT_RIGHT#"to mail body. ! ! Output format: ! without -e/f, without -t: $4 ! without -e/f, with -t: $4 ! with -e: <%=image $0,'$4'%> ! with -w: {{image $0,'$4'}} (overrides -e) ! with -f: (specified format) (overrides -e, -w) ! ! Date specification format in mail body text: ! ex. when you want to append this mail to "2005 Feb 15" 's diary, ! add this line to mail body: ! ! _Date#2005-2-15 ! Examples: posttdiary-ex.rb -a /home/hoge/htdocs/diary/tdiary.conf http://yoursite.jp/~hoge/diary/update.rb (tDiary username) (passwd) posttdiary-ex.rb -w -i /home/hoge/htdocs/diary-images/ -y -t 120x120 -s -g 800x800 http://yoursite.jp/~hoge/diary/update.rb (tDiary username) (passwd) ! posttdiary-ex.rb -i /home/hoge/htdocs/diary-images/ -u http://yoursite.jp/~hoge/diary-images/ -t 120x120 -s -g 800x800 http://yoursite.jp/~hoge/diary/update.rb (tDiary username) (passwd) ! posttdiary-ex.rb -R -i /home/hoge/tmp -D /home/hoge/htdocs/diary-images -Y 1 -s -g 800x800 http://yoursite.jp/~hoge/diary/update.rb (tDiary username) (passwd) TEXT if( detailed_help ) text.gsub!( /\!/, '' ) else text.gsub!( /\![^\r\n]*[\r\n]+/, '' ) end text.delete("\t") end #--- override functions in the original tdiary.rb def base_url return '' end def TDiaryError( msg ) print msg + "\n" exit 0 end def load_cgi_conf raise TDiaryError, 'posttdiary-ex: No @data_path variable.' unless @data_path @data_path = add_delimiter( @data_path ) raise TDiaryError, 'posttdiary-ex: Do not set @data_path as same as tDiary system directory.' if @data_path == @tdiary_dirname def_vars1 = '' def_vars2 = '' variables = [:author_name, :author_mail, :index_page, :hour_offset] variables.each do |var| def_vars1 << "#{var} = nil\n" def_vars2 << "@#{var} = #{var} unless #{var} == nil\n" end begin cgi_conf = File::open( "#{@data_path}tdiary.conf" ){|f| f.read } cgi_conf.untaint unless @secure cgi_conf.force_encoding( @tdencoding ) b = binding.taint eval( cgi_conf, b, "(cgi_conf)", 1 ) eval( def_vars2, b ) rescue IOError, Errno::ENOENT end end #--- read tdiary.conf def read_tdiary_conf( dfname ) if test( ?d , dfname ) then @tdiary_dirname = dfname @tdiary_conf_file = 'tdiary.conf' elsif test( ?f , dfname ) then dfname =~ /(.*)[\/\\]([^\/\\]+)/ @tdiary_dirname = $1 @tdiary_conf_file = $2 end @tdiary_dirname = add_delimiter( @tdiary_dirname ) orgdir = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir( @tdiary_dirname ) @secure = false @options = {} # evaluate tdiary.conf (load_cgi_conf() would be called as well, via tdiary.conf) f = File::open( @tdiary_dirname + @tdiary_conf_file ){|f| f.read }.untaint.force_encoding(@tdencoding) eval( f, binding, "(tdiary.conf)", 1 ) Dir.chdir( orgdir ) true; rescue IOError, Errno::ENOENT raise 'posttdiary-ex: failed to read tdiary configuration file' end def check_local_images( date, path ) available_list = [] exist_list = [] maxnum = -1 Dir.foreach( path ) do |file| if file =~ /(\d{8,})_(\d+)\.([^\.]*)/ then if $1 == date then serial = $2.to_i maxnum = serial if serial > maxnum exist_list[serial]=true end end end num = 0 for i in 0 .. 200 if !exist_list[i] then available_list[num] = i num += 1 end end maxnum += 1 [maxnum, available_list] end def bmp_to_png( bmp ) png = bmp.sub( /\.bmp$/, '.png' ) stat = system( "#{@convertpath} #{bmp} #{png}" ) raise "posttdiary-ex: could not run convert command (#{@convertpath})" if !stat if FileTest::exist?( png ) File::delete( bmp ) png else bmp end end def check_command( cmdname ) raise 'posttdiary-ex: program bug found in check_command() (call the programmer!)' unless cmdname if @pt_exist_cmd then for priv in @pt_exist_cmd if priv == cmdname then return true end end end stat = false if ( test( ?x , cmdname ) ) then stat = true else require 'shell' sh = Shell.new searchdir = sh.system_path for dir in searchdir fullpath = add_delimiter( dir ) + cmdname if sh.executable?(fullpath) then stat = true break end end end if stat then @pt_exist_cmd = [] unless @pt_exist_cmd @pt_exist_cmd << cmdname else raise "posttdiary-ex: execution failed: #{cmdname} not found" end stat end def check_image_size( name, geo ) cmdstr = @magickpath + "identify" check_command( cmdstr ) return false if !FileTest::exist?( name ) begin imgsize = %x[#{cmdstr} '#{name}'].sub(/#{name}/, '').split[1][/\d+x\d+/] i = imgsize.split(/x/) j = geo.split(/x/) return false if !i[1] or !j[1] return false if i[0].to_i < j[0].to_i and i[1].to_i < j[1].to_i rescue return false end true end def change_image_size( org, geo ) check_command( @convertpath ) system( "#{@convertpath} -size #{geo}\\\> #{org} -geometry #{geo}\\\> #{org}" ) if FileTest::exist?( org ) org else "" end end def read_exif_comment( fullpath_imgname ) require 'nkf' v = "" check_command( @exifpath ) return "" if !FileTest::exist?( fullpath_imgname ) open( "| #{@exifpath} -t \"User Comment\" #{fullpath_imgname}", "r" ) do |f| s = f.readlines s.each do |t| t.gsub!( /.*Value:/, '' ) v = NKF::nkf( '-m0 -Xwd', t ).gsub!( /^\s+/, '' ).chomp! if $& end end v = '' if v =~ /^\(null\)$/i v end def read_exif_orientation( fullpath_imgname ) # returns orientaion value # top-left : 1 # right-top : 6 # left-bottom : 8 # bottom-right : 3 val = 1 v = '' check_command( @exifpath ) return 1 if !FileTest::exist?( fullpath_imgname ) open( "| #{@exifpath} -t \"Orientation\" #{fullpath_imgname}", "r" ) do |f| s = f.readlines s.each do |t| t.gsub!( /.*Value:/, '' ) if $& then v = t break end end end val = 6 if v =~ /right.+top/i val = 8 if v =~ /left.+bottom/i val = 3 if v =~ /bottom.+right/i val end def rotation_degree( ori ) deg = 0 deg = 90 if ori == 6 deg = -90 if ori == 8 deg = 180 if ori == 3 deg end def rotate_image( org, deg ) if FileTest::exist?( org ) then check_command( @convertpath ) system( "#{@convertpath} -rotate #{deg} #{org} #{org}" ) end if FileTest::exist?( org ) org else "" end end def make_thumbnail( idir, iname , newsize , gid ) org_full = idir + iname tb_name = "s" + iname tb_full = idir + tb_name begin check_command( @convertpath ) # only for imagemagick 6 and later!! system( "#{@convertpath} -thumbnail #{newsize}\\\> #{org_full} #{tb_full}" ) end if FileTest::exist?( tb_full ) if gid then require 'shell' sh = Shell.new sh.chown( nil , gid , tb_full ) sh.chmod( 00664 , tb_full ) end tb_name else iname end end def add_body_text( prev, sub_head , sub_body ) addtext = prev if prev.size > 0 and !(prev =~ /\n$/) then addtext += "\n" end if sub_head =~ %r[^Content-Transfer-Encoding:\s*base64]i then addtext += NKF::nkf( '-wXd -mB', sub_body ) elsif addtext += sub_body end addtext end def add_delimiter( orgpath ) if !orgpath or orgpath.size < 1 then newpath = "" else if !(orgpath =~ /[\/\\]$/) then if !(orgpath =~ /\//) and orgpath =~ /\\/ then newpath = orgpath + "\\" else newpath = orgpath + "/" end else newpath = orgpath.dup end end newpath end def make_image_body( imgdata , imgname , remotedir , now , image_boundary, protection_key ) fname = "" extension = "" image_body = "" if imgname =~ /^(.*)(\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.gif|\.png)\z/i extension = $2.downcase fname = $1 + extension else return nil end typestr = "image/jpeg" if extension =~ /jpe??g/i typestr = "image/bmp" if extension =~ /bmp/i typestr = "image/gif" if extension =~ /gif/i typestr = "image/png" if extension =~ /png/i if remotedir and remotedir.length > 0 then image_body.concat < 0 then image_body.concat < "Basic #{auth}", 'Content-Length' => image_body.length.to_s, 'Content-Type' => "multipart/form-data; boundary=#{image_boundary}", 'Referer' => refurl, } response, = http.post( cgi, image_body, image_header ) raise "posttdiary-ex: failed to upload image (#{imgname}) to remote server" if response.code.to_i < 200 or response.code.to_i > 202 end (image_body ? true : false) end def get_date_to_append( http, cgi, user, pass, now ) # call update.rb via HTTP and get the date to append str = cgi req = Net::HTTP::Get.new( str ) req.basic_auth user, pass response, = http.request(req) body = response.body year = now.strftime( "%Y" ) month = now.strftime( "%m" ) day = now.strftime( "%d" ) bodytmp = body.split(/$/); bodytmp.each do |oneline| if oneline =~ /\]*)\>/ then if $1 =~ /value=\"(\d\d\d\d)"/ then year = $1 end end if oneline =~ /\]*)\>/ then if $1 =~ /value=\"(\d+)\"/ then month = $1 end end if oneline =~ /\]*)\>/ then if $1 =~ /value=\"(\d+)\"/ then day = $1 end end end Time::local( year, month, day ) end def parse_mail( head, body , image_dir ) imglist = [] orglist = [] textbody = "" imgnum = -1 imgdir = add_delimiter( image_dir ) if head =~ /Content-Type:\s*Multipart\/Mixed.*boundary=\"*([^\"\r\n]*)\"*/im or head =~ /Content-Type:\s*Multipart\/Related.*boundary=\"*([^\"\r\n]*)\"*/im then bound = "--" + $1 body_sub = body.split( Regexp.compile( Regexp.escape( bound ) ) ) body_sub.each do |b| sub_head, sub_body = b.split( /(?:\r\n){2}|\r\r|\n\n/, 2 ) sub_body = "" unless sub_body next unless sub_head =~ /Content-Type/i if sub_head =~ %r[^Content-Type:\s*text/plain]i then textbody = add_body_text( textbody , sub_head, sub_body ) elsif sub_head =~ %r[^Content-Type:\s*(image\/|application\/octet-stream).*name=\"*(.*)(\.[^\"\r\n]*)\"*]im imgnum += 1 orgname = $2 orgname = "" if !orgname image_ext = $3.downcase image_name = "_tmp" + Process.pid.to_s + "_" + imgnum.to_s + image_ext File::umask( 022 ) open( imgdir + image_name, "wb" ) do |s| begin s.print Base64::decode64( sub_body.strip ) rescue NameError s.print decode64( sub_body.strip ) end end if /\.bmp$/i =~ image_name then bmp_to_png( imgdir + image_name ) image_name.sub!( /\.bmp$/, '.png' ) end imglist[imgnum] = imgdir + image_name orglist[imgnum] = orgname end end elsif head =~ /^Content-Type:\s*text\/plain/i textbody = add_body_text( textbody , head, body ) else raise "posttdiary-ex: can not read this mail (illegal format)" end addr = nil if /^To:(.*)$/ =~ head then to = $1.strip if /.*?\s*<(.*)>/ =~ to then addr = $1 elsif /(.*?)\s*\(.*\)/ =~ to addr = $1 else addr = to end end subject = '' nextline = false headlines = head.split( /[\r\n]+/ ) for n in 0 .. headlines.size-1 if nextline then if /^[ \t]/ =~ headlines[n] then s = headlines[n].sub( /^[ \t]/, '' ) subject += NKF::nkf( '-wXd', s ) else break end end if /^Subject:(.*)$/ =~ headlines[n] then s = $1.sub( /^\s+/, '' ) subject = NKF::nkf( '-wXd', s ) nextline = true end end [addr, subject, imglist, orglist, textbody] end begin raise usage(false) if ARGV.length < 1 require 'getoptlong' parser = GetoptLong::new conf_df_name = nil image_dir = nil image_url = nil use_subject = false thumbnail_size = nil image_geometry = nil use_image_ex = false hour_offset = nil @hour_offset = nil yearly_dir = false thumbnail_name = Hash.new("") exif_comment = Hash.new("") exif_orientation = Hash.new(1) image_orgname = Hash.new("") remote_mode = false remote_image_dir = nil remote_yearly_dir = false preserve_local_images = false upload_only = false class_name = 'photo' group_id = nil add_div_imgnum = 2 add_div_imgnum_specified = nil threshold_size = nil pass_filename = false filter_mode = false writeout_filename = nil read_exif = false image_format = ' $4' image_format_with_thumbnail = ' $4' image_format_specified = nil wiki_style = false blog_style = false use_original_name = false date_margin = 7 convertpath_specified = nil @convertpath = "convert" @magickpath = "" exifpath_specified = nil @exifpath = "exif" rotation_degree_specified = nil parser.set_options( ['--read-conffile', '-a', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--image-path', '-i', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--image-url', '-u', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--use-subject', '-s', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--make-thumbnail', '-t', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--image-geometry', '-g', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--use-image-ex', '-e', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--hour-offset', '-o', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--yearly-dir', '-y', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--convert-path', '-C', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--exif-path', '-E', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--remote-mode', '-R', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--remote-image-path', '-D', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--remote-yearly-dir', '-Y', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--preserve-local-images', '-P', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--upload-only', '-U', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--group-id', '-G', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--class-name', '-n', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--add-div', '-v', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--threshold-size', '-z', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--image-format', '-f', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--use-original-name', '-r', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--wiki-style', '-w', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--blog-style', '-B', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--read-exif', '-c', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--margin-time', '-m', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--pass-filename', '-p', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--filter-mode', '-d', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--write-to-file', '-b', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--date-margin', '-j', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--rotate', '-T', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT] ) begin parser.each do |opt, arg| case opt when '--read-conffile' conf_df_name = arg.dup when '--image-path' image_dir = arg.dup when '--image-url' image_url = arg.dup when '--use-subject' use_subject = true when '--make-thumbnail' thumbnail_size = arg.dup when '--image-geometry' image_geometry = arg.dup when '--use-image-ex' use_image_ex = true when '--hour-offset' hour_offset = arg.to_i when '--yearly-dir' yearly_dir = true when '--help' print usage(true) exit 0 when '--convert-path' convertpath_specified = arg.dup when '--exif-path' exifpath_specified = arg.dup read_exif = true when '--remote-mode' remote_mode = true when '--remote-image-path' remote_image_dir = add_delimiter(arg.dup) when '--remote-yearly-dir' remote_yearly_dir = (arg.dup =~ /[1yt]/i) when '--preserve-local-images' preserve_local_images = true when '--upload-only' upload_only = true filter_mode = true when '--group-id' if arg =~ /\D/ then require 'etc' group_id = Etc.getgrnam( arg.dup )['gid'] else group_id = arg.to_i end group_id = nil if group_id <= 0 or group_id > 65535 when '--add-div' add_div_imgnum_specified = arg.to_i when '--threshold-size' threshold_size = arg.dup when '--image-format' image_format_specified = arg.dup when '--use-original-name' use_original_name = true when '--wiki-style' wiki_style = true use_image_ex = true when '--blog-style' blog_style = true when '--read-exif' read_exif = true when '--pass-filename' pass_filename = true when '--filter-mode' filter_mode = true when '--write-to-file' filter_mode = true writeout_filename = arg.dup when '--date-margin' date_margin = arg.to_i when '--rotate' rotation_degree_specified = 0 rotation_degree_specified = 90 if arg =~ /right/i rotation_degree_specified = -90 if arg =~ /left/i end end rescue raise usage(false) end if conf_df_name then if read_tdiary_conf( conf_df_name ) then image_dir = @options['image.dir'] if @options['image.dir'] and !image_dir image_url = @options['image.url'] if @options['image.url'] and !image_url yearly_dir = true if @options['image_ex.yearlydir'] and @options['image_ex.yearlydir'] == 1 thumbnail_size = @options['image_ex.convertedwidth'].to_s + "x" + @options['image_ex.convertedheight'].to_s if @options['image_ex.convertedwidth'] and @options['image_ex.convertedheight'] and thumbnail_size == nil threshold_size = @options['image_ex.thresholdsize'].to_s if @options['image_ex.thresholdsize'] and !threshold_size @convertpath= @options['image_ex.convertpath'] if @options['image_ex.convertpath'] and !convertpath_specified @exifpath = @options['image_ex.exifpath'] if @options['image_ex.exifpath'] and !exifpath_specified else conf_df_name = '' end end image_url = "" if use_image_ex and !image_url raise 'posttdiary-ex: image-path (-i) or image-url (-u) missing...' if (!image_url and image_dir) or (!image_dir and image_url) if image_dir then image_dir = add_delimiter( image_dir ) end if image_url then image_url += '/' unless %r[/$] =~ image_url end if thumbnail_size then thumbnail_size.gsub!(/[\>\\\s]/, '') thumbnail_size = thumbnail_size + 'x' + thumbnail_size if !(thumbnail_size =~ /x/ ) raise usage if !(thumbnail_size =~ /^\d+x\d+/) end threshold_size = thumbnail_size if !threshold_size if threshold_size and threshold_size.size > 0 then threshold_size.gsub!(/[\>\\\s]/, '') threshold_size = threshold_size + 'x' + threshold_size if !(threshold_size =~ /x/ ) raise usage if !(threshold_size =~ /^\d+x\d+/) end if image_geometry then image_geometry.gsub!(/[\>\\\s]/, '') image_geometry = image_geometry + 'x' + image_geometry if !(image_geometry =~ /x/ ) raise usage if !(image_geometry =~ /^\d+x\d+/) end hour_offset = @hour_offset if !hour_offset hour_offset = 0 if !hour_offset if image_format_specified then image_format = image_format_specified image_format_with_thumbnail = image_format else if use_image_ex then image_format = '<%=image $0,\'$4\'%>' image_format_with_thumbnail = image_format end if wiki_style then image_format = '{{image $0,\'$4\'}}' image_format_with_thumbnail = image_format end end if wiki_style then add_div_imgnum = 0 else add_div_imgnum = add_div_imgnum_specified if add_div_imgnum_specified end @convertpath = convertpath_specified if convertpath_specified @convertpath = add_delimiter( @convertpath ) + "convert" if test( ?d , @convertpath ) @magickpath = $1 if @convertpath =~ /(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/ @exifpath = exifpath_specified if exifpath_specified @exifpath = add_delimiter( @exifpath ) + "exif" if test( ?d , @exifpath ) if filter_mode == false then url = ARGV.shift.dup if %r|http://([^:/]*):?(\d*)(/.*)| =~ url then host = $1 port = $2.to_i cgi = $3 raise 'posttdiary-ex: invalid url for update.rb.' if not host or not cgi port = 80 if port == 0 else raise 'posttdiary-ex: invalid url for update.rb.' end user = ARGV.shift.dup pass = ARGV.shift.dup end require 'base64' require 'nkf' require 'net/http' require 'shell' Net::HTTP.version_1_2 mail = NKF::nkf( '-m0 -Xwd', ARGF.read ) raise "posttdiary-ex: no mail text." if not mail or mail.length == 0 head, body = mail.split( /(?:\r\n){2}|\r\r|\n\n/, 2 ) body = "" unless body addr, subject, tmpimglist, orglist, @body = parse_mail( head, body, image_dir ) if /([^-]+)-(.*)@/ =~ addr then user = $1 unless user pass = $2 unless pass end raise "posttdiary-ex: please specify the username for your tdiary system." unless user or filter_mode if tmpimglist.length > 0 and ( !image_dir or !image_url ) then raise "posttdiary-ex: please specify image-path (-i) and/or image-url (-u)" end now = Time::now + hour_offset * 3600 tmp = Time::now + hour_offset * 3600 if @body.gsub!( /^\_date\#([\d\-\/\.]+)[^\r\n]*[\r\n]+/i , '' ) then t = $1 if /(\d\d\d\d)[^\d]*(\d\d)[^\d]*(\d\d)/ =~ t then tmp = Time::local( $1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i ); end if /(\d\d\d\d)[^\d]+(\d+)[^\d]+(\d+)/ =~ t then tmp = Time::local( $1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i ); end else if blog_style and !filter_mode then Net::HTTP.start( host, port ) do |http| tmp = get_date_to_append( http, cgi, user, pass, now ) end end end if @body.gsub!( /^\_up[ld]+only\#[ \t]*[\r\n]+/i , '' ) then upload_only = true end if @body.gsub!( /^\_rot[ate]*\_right\#[ \t]*[\r\n]+/i , '' ) then rotation_degree_specified = 90 end if @body.gsub!( /^\_rot[ate]*\_left\#[ \t]*[\r\n]+/i , '' ) then rotation_degree_specified = -90 end if @body.gsub!( /^\_rot[ate]*\_none\#[ \t]*[\r\n]+/i , '' ) then rotation_degree_specified = 0 end if date_margin != 0 and (tmp - now).abs >= date_margin * 24 * 3600 then # raise "posttdiary-ex: specified date is too far from today" # # use current date (now) instead of specified date(tmp).. else now = tmp end topic_year = now.strftime( "%Y" ) topic_month = now.strftime( "%m" ) topic_date = now.strftime( "%d" ) if image_dir then image_dir = add_delimiter( image_dir + now.strftime( "%Y" ) ) if yearly_dir Dir.mkdir( image_dir ) if !test( ?d , image_dir ) if remote_mode then image_url += topic_year + "/" if remote_yearly_dir else image_url += topic_year + "/" if yearly_dir end end nextnum = -1 av_list = [] if remote_mode then if !remote_image_dir or remote_image_dir.length < 1 then # needed when using image_ex.rb, but not when using image.rb... # raise 'posttdiary-ex: please specify --remote-image-path' remote_image_dir = "" else if remote_yearly_dir then remote_image_dir = add_delimiter( remote_image_dir + topic_year ) end end Net::HTTP.start( host, port ) do |http| nextnum,av_list = check_remote_images( http, cgi, user, pass, now) end else nextnum,av_list = check_local_images( now.strftime( "%Y%m%d" ), image_dir ) end @image_name = nil sh = Shell.new for i in 0 .. (tmpimglist.length-1) tmpimgname = tmpimglist[i] raise "posttdiary-ex: program bug found: no extension in tmpimgname" if !(tmpimgname =~ /(\.[^\.]*?)$/) image_ext = $1.downcase image_name = now.strftime( "%Y%m%d" ) + "_" + nextnum.to_s + image_ext nextnum += 1 sh.rename( tmpimgname , image_dir + image_name ) exif_comment[image_name] = (read_exif ? read_exif_comment(image_dir + image_name) : "" ) exif_orientation[image_name] = (read_exif ? read_exif_orientation(image_dir + image_name) : "" ) image_orgname[image_name] = orglist[i] change_image_size( image_dir + image_name , image_geometry ) if image_geometry if rotation_degree_specified then if rotation_degree_specified != 0 then rotate_image( image_dir + image_name , rotation_degree_specified ) end elsif read_exif and exif_orientation[image_name] != 1 then rotate_image( image_dir + image_name , rotation_degree( exif_orientation[image_name] ) ) end if group_id then sh.chown( nil , group_id , image_dir + image_name ) sh.chmod( 00664 , image_dir + image_name ) end thumbnail_name[image_name] = "" thumbnail_name[image_name] = make_thumbnail( image_dir, image_name , thumbnail_size , group_id ) if thumbnail_size and check_image_size( image_dir + image_name, threshold_size) @image_name = [] unless @image_name @image_name << image_name end if @image_name then img_src = "" marker = "_posttdiary_ex_temporary_marker_" img_in_div = 0 for j in 0 .. @image_name.size-1 i = @image_name[j] serial = i.sub( /^\d+_(\d+)\.[^\.]*?$/, '\1' ) serial = i if use_image_ex and pass_filename cm = "" cm = exif_comment[i] if read_exif and exif_comment[i] and exif_comment[i].size > 0 cm = image_orgname[i] if use_original_name and (!cm or cm.size == 0) cm = i.gsub(/\.[^\.]*?$/, '') if !cm or cm.size == 0 if use_image_ex then # modify <%=image (num),'comment'%> or <%=image (num)%> tags if @body =~ /\<\%\=image[^\s]*\s+#{j}\s*\,\s*[\"\'](.*)[\"\']\s*\%*\>/i then alttext = $1; alttext = cm if alttext.length < 1 @body.gsub!( /\<\%\=(image[^\s]*)\s+#{j}\s*\,\s*[\"\'].*[\"\']\s*\%*\>/i, '<%=\1 '+marker+serial.to_s+',\''+alttext+'\'%>' ) next elsif @body =~ /\<\%\=image[^\s]*\s+#{j}\s*\%*\>/i then alttext = cm @body.gsub!( /\<\%\=(image[^\s]*)\s+#{j}\s*\%*\>/i, '<%=\1 '+marker+serial.to_s+',\''+alttext+'\'%>' ) next end end if wiki_style then # modify {{image (num),"comment"}} or {{image (num)}} tags (also recognizes image_left, image_right) if @body =~ /\{\{image[^\s]*\s+#{j}\s*\,\s*[\"\'](.*)[\"\']\s*\}\}/i then alttext = $1; alttext = cm if alttext.length < 1 @body.gsub!( /\{\{(image[^\s]*)\s+#{j}\s*\,\s*[\"\'].*[\"\']\s*\}\}/i, '{{\1 '+marker+serial.to_s+',\''+alttext+'\'}}' ) next elsif @body =~ /\{\{image[^\s]*\s+#{j}\s*\}\}/i then alttext = cm @body.gsub!( /\{\{(image[^\s]*)\s+#{j}\s*\}\}/i, '{{\1 '+marker+serial.to_s+',\''+alttext+'\'}}' ) next end end img_in_div+=1 if thumbnail_size and thumbnail_name[i].size > 0 then t = thumbnail_name[i] img_src += image_format_with_thumbnail.gsub( /\$0/, serial ).gsub( /\$1/, image_url + i ).gsub( /\$2/, image_url + t ).gsub( /\$3/, class_name ).gsub( /\$4/, cm ) else img_src += image_format.gsub( /\$0/, serial ).gsub( /\$1/, image_url + i ).gsub( /\$3/, class_name ).gsub( /\$4/, cm ) end end @body.gsub!( /#{marker}/ , '' ) if img_src =~ /^\s+$/ then img_src = '' else if add_div_imgnum <= img_in_div and add_div_imgnum > 0 then img_src = "
" + img_src + "
" end end img_src.sub!( /^/ , ' ' ) if ! wiki_style if use_subject then img_src = img_src + "\n" if !(img_src =~ /^\s*$/) @body = "#{img_src}#{@body.sub( /\n+\z/, '' )}" else @body = "#{@body.sub( /\n+\z/, '' )}\n#{img_src}" end end if use_subject then title = '' @body = "#{subject}\n#{@body}" @body = "!" + @body if wiki_style else title = subject end if upload_only then exit 0 end require 'cgi' require 'nkf' if filter_mode then data = title + "\n"; data << @body + "\n"; if writeout_filename then open( writeout_filename, "wb" ) do |s| s.print data end else print data end else data = "title=#{CGI::escape title}" data << "&body=#{CGI::escape @body}" data << "&append=true" data << "&year=#{topic_year}" data << "&month=#{topic_month}" data << "&day=#{topic_date}" auth = ["#{user}:#{pass}"].pack( 'm' ).strip Net::HTTP.start( host, port ) do |http| protection_key = nil res = http.get( cgi, 'Authorization' => "Basic #{auth}", 'Referer' => url ) if %r|| =~ res.body then protection_key = $1 data << "&csrf_protection_key=#{CGI::escape( CGI::unescapeHTML( protection_key ) )}" end if remote_mode and @image_name then for i in 0 .. (@image_name.length - 1) imagename = @image_name[i] thumbnailname = thumbnail_name[imagename] post_image( http, cgi, user, pass, image_dir, imagename, remote_image_dir, now, protection_key, url ) File.delete( image_dir + imagename ) if !preserve_local_images File.delete( image_dir + thumbnailname ) if !preserve_local_images and test( ?f , image_dir + thumbnailname ) end end response = http.post( cgi, data, 'Authorization' => "Basic #{auth}", 'Referer' => url ) end end rescue $stderr.puts $! exit 1 end