require 'spec_helper' require 'bigbluebutton_api' # Some tests mock the server and its API object # We don't want to trigger real API calls here (this is done in the integration tests) describe Bigbluebutton::MeetingsController do render_views let!(:server) { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_server) } let!(:meeting) { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_meeting) } let!(:rec){ FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_recording, :published => false, :meeting => meeting) } describe '#destroy' do context "when meeting_ended == true" do context "when meeting has no recordings" do let!(:meeting) { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_meeting, ended: true) } context "when meeting.destroy == true" do before { request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = '/any' BigbluebuttonServer.any_instance.stub(:send_delete_recordings).and_return(true) expect { delete :destroy, :id => meeting.to_param }.to change{ BigbluebuttonMeeting.count }.by(-1) } it("should decrease meetings count by -1") { } it { should redirect_to '/any' } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.meetings.delete.success')) } end context "when meeting.destroy == false" do before { request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = '/any' BigbluebuttonMeeting.any_instance.stub(:destroy).and_return(false) expect { delete :destroy, :id => meeting.to_param }.to change{ BigbluebuttonMeeting.count }.by(0) } it("should not decrease meetings count") { } it { should redirect_to '/any' } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.meetings.notice.destroy.error_destroy')) } end end context "when meeting has recordings" do let!(:meeting) { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_meeting, ended: true) } context "when meeting.destroy == true" do before { BigbluebuttonServer.any_instance.stub(:send_delete_recordings).and_return(true) request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = '/any' expect { delete :destroy, :id => meeting.to_param }.to change{ BigbluebuttonRecording.count }.by(-1) } it("should decrease recordings count by -1") { } it { should redirect_to '/any' } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.meetings.delete.success')) } end context "when meeting.destroy == false" do before { request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = '/any' BigbluebuttonMeeting.any_instance.stub(:destroy).and_return(false) expect { delete :destroy, :id => meeting.to_param }.to change{ BigbluebuttonRecording.count }.by(0) } it("should not decrease Recordings count") { } it { should redirect_to '/any' } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.meetings.notice.destroy.error_destroy')) } end end end context "When meeting_ended == false" do let!(:meeting) { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_meeting, ended: false) } before { request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = '/any' BigbluebuttonMeeting.any_instance.stub(:destroy).and_return(false) expect { delete :destroy, :id => meeting.to_param }.to change{ BigbluebuttonMeeting.count }.by(0) } it("should not decrease meetings count") { } it { should redirect_to '/any' } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.meetings.notice.destroy.running.not_ended')) } end end describe "#edit" do context "basic" do before(:each) { get :edit, :id => meeting.to_param } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should assign_to(:meeting).with(meeting) } it { should render_template(:edit) } end context "doesn't override @meeting" do let!(:other_meeting) { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_meeting) } before { controller.instance_variable_set(:@meeting, other_meeting) } before(:each) { get :edit, :id => meeting.to_param } it { should assign_to(:meeting).with(other_meeting) } end end describe "#update" do let!(:new_meeting) { } context "on success" do before(:each) { expect { put :update, :id => meeting.to_param, :bigbluebutton_meeting => new_meeting.attributes }.not_to change{ BigbluebuttonMeeting.count } } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { saved = BigbluebuttonMeeting.find(meeting) should redirect_to(bigbluebutton_meeting_path(saved)) } it { saved = BigbluebuttonMeeting.find(meeting) ignored = new_meeting.attributes.keys - ['title'] # only description is editable saved.should have_same_attributes_as(new_meeting, ignored) } it { should'bigbluebutton_rails.meetings.notice.update.success')) } end context "on failure" do before(:each) { BigbluebuttonMeeting.should_receive(:find_by).and_return(meeting) meeting.should_receive(:update_attributes).and_return(false) put :update, :id => meeting.to_param, :bigbluebutton_meeting => new_meeting.attributes } it { should render_template(:edit) } it { should assign_to(:meeting).with(meeting) } end describe "params handling" do let(:attrs) { FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:bigbluebutton_meeting) } let(:params) { { :bigbluebutton_meeting => attrs } } let(:allowed_params) { [:title] } it { # we just check that the rails method 'permit' is being called on the hash with the # correct parameters BigbluebuttonMeeting.stub(:find_by).and_return(meeting) meeting.stub(:update_attributes).and_return(true) attrs.stub(:permit).and_return(attrs) controller.stub(:params).and_return(params) put :update, :id => meeting.to_param, :bigbluebutton_meeting => attrs # puts attrs.inspect attrs.should have_received(:permit).with(*allowed_params) } end # to make sure it doesn't break if the hash informed doesn't have the key :bigbluebutton_meeting describe "if parameters are not informed" do it { put :update, :id => meeting.to_param should redirect_to(bigbluebutton_meeting_path(meeting)) } end context "with :redir_url" do context "on success" do before(:each) { put :update, :id => meeting.to_param, :bigbluebutton_meeting => new_meeting.attributes, :redir_url => '/any' } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to "/any" } end context "on failure" do before(:each) { BigbluebuttonMeeting.should_receive(:find_by).and_return(meeting) meeting.should_receive(:update_attributes).and_return(false) put :update, :id => meeting.to_param, :bigbluebutton_meeting => new_meeting.attributes, :redir_url => '/any' } it { should respond_with(:redirect) } it { should redirect_to "/any" } end end context "doesn't override @meeting" do let!(:other_meeting) { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_meeting) } before { controller.instance_variable_set(:@meeting, other_meeting) } before(:each) { put :update, :id => meeting.to_param, :bigbluebutton_meeting => new_meeting.attributes } it { should assign_to(:meeting).with(other_meeting) } end end end