class String # Returns a random String of a given +length+. def self.random(length = 100) (0...length).map { ("a".."z").to_a[rand(26)] }.join end # Returns the String in snake_case. def snakecase str = dup str.gsub! /::/, '/' str.gsub! /([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2' str.gsub! /([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2'! ".", "_"! "-", "_" str.downcase! str end # Returns the String in lowerCamelCase. def lower_camelcase str = dup str.gsub!(/\/(.?)/) { "::#{$1.upcase}" } str.gsub!(/(?:_+|-+)([a-z])/) { $1.upcase } str.gsub!(/(\A|\s)([A-Z])/) { $1 + $2.downcase } str end # Returns whether the String starts with a given +prefix+. def starts_with?(prefix) prefix = prefix.to_s self[0, prefix.length] == prefix end unless defined? starts_with? # Returns whether the String ends with a given +suffix+. def ends_with?(suffix) suffix = suffix.to_s self[-suffix.length, suffix.length] == suffix end unless defined? ends_with? # Returns the String without namespace. def strip_namespace split(":").last end # Translates SOAP response values to Ruby Objects. def map_soap_response return DateTime.parse(self) if Savon::SOAP::DateTimeRegexp === self return true if self.strip.downcase == "true" return false if self.strip.downcase == "false" self end # Returns the String as a SOAP request compliant value. # Escapes special characters for XML. def to_soap_value str = dup str.gsub! "&", "&" str.gsub! '"', """ str.gsub! "'", "'" str.gsub! "<", "<" str.gsub! ">", ">" str end end