require 'spec_helper' describe Datagrid::Filters::DateFilter do it "should support date range argument" do e1 = Entry.create!(:created_at => 7.days.ago) e2 = Entry.create!(:created_at => 4.days.ago) e3 = Entry.create!(:created_at => report = test_report(:created_at => do scope { Entry } filter(:created_at, :date) end expect(report.assets).not_to include(e1) expect(report.assets).to include(e2) expect(report.assets).not_to include(e3) end {:active_record => Entry, :mongoid => MongoidEntry}.each do |orm, klass| describe "with orm #{orm}", orm => true do describe "date to timestamp conversion" do let(:klass) { klass } subject do test_report(:created_at => _created_at) do scope { klass } filter(:created_at, :date, :range => true) end.assets.to_a end def entry_dated(date) klass.create(:created_at => date) end context "when single date paramter given" do let(:_created_at) { } it { should include(entry_dated(1.second.ago))} it { should include(entry_dated(} it { should_not include(entry_dated( - 1.second))} it { should_not include(entry_dated( + 1.second))} end context "when range date range given" do let(:_created_at) { [Date.yesterday,] } it { should include(entry_dated(1.second.ago))} it { should include(entry_dated(} it { should include(entry_dated(} it { should include(entry_dated(Date.yesterday.beginning_of_day))} it { should_not include(entry_dated(Date.yesterday.beginning_of_day - 1.second))} it { should_not include(entry_dated( + 1.second))} end end end end it "should support date range given as array argument" do e1 = Entry.create!(:created_at => 7.days.ago) e2 = Entry.create!(:created_at => 4.days.ago) e3 = Entry.create!(:created_at => report = test_report(:created_at => [, 3.days.ago.to_date.to_s]) do scope { Entry } filter(:created_at, :date, :range => true) end expect(report.assets).not_to include(e1) expect(report.assets).to include(e2) expect(report.assets).not_to include(e3) end it "should support minimum date argument" do e1 = Entry.create!(:created_at => 7.days.ago) e2 = Entry.create!(:created_at => 4.days.ago) e3 = Entry.create!(:created_at => report = test_report(:created_at => [, nil]) do scope { Entry } filter(:created_at, :date, :range => true) end expect(report.assets).not_to include(e1) expect(report.assets).to include(e2) expect(report.assets).to include(e3) end it "should support maximum date argument" do e1 = Entry.create!(:created_at => 7.days.ago) e2 = Entry.create!(:created_at => 4.days.ago) e3 = Entry.create!(:created_at => report = test_report(:created_at => [nil, 3.days.ago.to_date.to_s]) do scope { Entry } filter(:created_at, :date, :range => true) end expect(report.assets).to include(e1) expect(report.assets).to include(e2) expect(report.assets).not_to include(e3) end it "should find something in one day interval" do e1 = Entry.create!(:created_at => 7.days.ago) e2 = Entry.create!(:created_at => 4.days.ago) e3 = Entry.create!(:created_at => report = test_report(:created_at => (4.days.ago.to_date..4.days.ago.to_date)) do scope { Entry } filter(:created_at, :date, :range => true) end expect(report.assets).not_to include(e1) expect(report.assets).to include(e2) expect(report.assets).not_to include(e3) end it "should support invalid range" do e1 = Entry.create!(:created_at => 7.days.ago) e2 = Entry.create!(:created_at => 4.days.ago) e3 = Entry.create!(:created_at => report = test_report(:created_at => (1.days.ago.to_date..7.days.ago.to_date)) do scope { Entry } filter(:created_at, :date, :range => true) end expect(report.assets).not_to include(e1) expect(report.assets).not_to include(e2) expect(report.assets).not_to include(e3) end it "should support block" do report = test_report(:created_at => do scope { Entry } filter(:created_at, :date, :range => true) do |value| where("created_at >= ?", value) end end expect(report.assets).not_to include(Entry.create!(:created_at => expect(report.assets).to include(Entry.create!(:created_at => end context "when date format is configured" do around(:each) do |example| with_date_format do end end it "should have configurable date format" do report = test_report(:created_at => "10/01/2013") do scope {Entry} filter(:created_at, :date) end expect(report.created_at).to eq(,10,01)) end it "should support default explicit date" do report = test_report(:created_at => Date.parse("2013-10-01")) do scope {Entry} filter(:created_at, :date) end expect(report.created_at).to eq(,10,01)) end end it "should automatically reverse Array if first more than last" do report = test_report(:created_at => ["2013-01-01", "2012-01-01"]) do scope {Entry} filter(:created_at, :date, :range => true) end expect(report.created_at).to eq([, 01, 01),, 01, 01)]) end it "should automatically reverse Array if first more than last" do report = test_report(:created_at => ["2013-01-01", "2012-01-01"]) do scope {Entry} filter(:created_at, :date, :range => true) end expect(report.created_at).to eq([, 01, 01),, 01, 01)]) end it "should properly format date in filter_value_as_string" do with_date_format do report = test_report(:created_at => "2012-01-02") do scope {Entry} filter(:created_at, :date) end expect(report.filter_value_as_string(:created_at)).to eq("01/02/2012") end end end