require 'terminal-table' require 'collins_shell/util/printer_util' module CollinsShell class AssetPrinter include CollinsShell::PrinterUtil attr_accessor :asset, :detailed, :table, :col_size, :thor, :separator, :logs, :color def initialize asset, thor, options = {} @asset = asset @table = @thor = thor @separator = options[:separator] @detailed = options.fetch(:detailed, true) @col_size = 6 @color = options.fetch(:color, true) @logs = options[:logs] end def render table.title = header_text("Asset #{asset.tag}") collect_asset_basics collect_disk_data if detailed collect_ip_data if detailed collect_ipmi_data if detailed collect_nic_data if detailed collect_mem_data if detailed collect_power_data if detailed collect_xtra_data collect_log_data table_s = table.render if separator then width = (0...@col_size).inject(0) do |result, idx| result + table.column_width(idx) end sep_s = separator * (1.13 * width.to_f).to_i table_s + "\n#{sep_s}\n" else table_s end end alias :to_s :render def collect_asset_basics header = [:tag,:status,:type,:created,:updated,:location] table << get_row(header, true, header.length) table << :separator table << get_row({|s| asset.send(s)}, false, header.length) if asset.state && !asset.state.empty? then state = asset.state state_headers = [ title_text("State Name"), title_text("State Label"), {:value => title_text("State Description"), :colspan => 4} ] table << :separator table << state_headers table << :separator table << [, state.label, {:value => state.description, :colspan => 4}] end @col_size = table.number_of_columns end def collect_disk_data disk_header = ["SIZE_HUMAN", "SIZE", "TYPE", "DESCRIPTION"] row_title "Disks" table << get_row(disk_header, true) table << :separator asset.disks.each do |disk| table << get_row({|s| disk[s]}) end end def collect_log_data return if (not logs or logs.empty?) row_title "Log Entries" headers = [ title_text("Created"), title_text("Severity"), title_text("Source"), title_text("Format"), {:value => title_text("Message"), :colspan => 2} ] table << headers table << :separator have_multi_row = false logs_formatted = do |log| rewritten_msg = log.MESSAGE.strip message = wrap_text(rewritten_msg).strip if message != rewritten_msg then have_multi_row = true end [ format_datetime(log.CREATED), log.TYPE, log.SOURCE, log.FORMAT, {:value => message, :colspan => 2} ] end last_log_idx = logs.length - 1 logs_formatted.each_with_index do |row, index| table << row # Don't print a separator if we don't have a multi-row message if index != last_log_idx && have_multi_row then table << :separator end end end def collect_ip_data address_header = [:address,:gateway,:netmask,:pool,:is_private?,:is_public?] row_title "IP Addresses" table << get_row(address_header, true) table << :separator asset.addresses.each{|a| table << get_row({|s| a.send(s)})} end def collect_ipmi_data ipmi_header = [:address,:gateway,:netmask,:username,:password] row_title "IPMI Information" table << get_row(ipmi_header, true) table << :separator table << get_row( {|i| asset.ipmi.send(i)}) end def collect_nic_data nic_header = ["SPEED_HUMAN", "MAC_ADDRESS", "DESCRIPTION"] row_title "Network Interfaces" table << get_row(nic_header, true) table << :separator asset.nics.each {|nic| table << get_row({|s| nic[s]})} end def collect_mem_data memory_header = ["BANK","SIZE","SIZE_HUMAN","DESCRIPTION"] row_title "Physical Memory" table << get_row(memory_header, true) table << :separator memory_total = 0 asset.memory.each do |mem| memory_total += mem["SIZE"].to_i if mem["SIZE"].to_i != 0 then table << get_row({|s| mem[s]}) end end table << :separator table << [title_text("TOTAL SIZE (Bytes)"), {:value => memory_total.to_s, :colspan => 5}] table << [title_text("TOTAL SIZE (Human)"), {:value => memory_total.to_human_size, :colspan => 5}] end def collect_power_data power_header = [:type,:key,:value,:label] row_title "Power Information" table << get_row(power_header, true) table << :separator asset.power.each do |power| power.units.each do |unit| table << get_row( {|key| unit.send(key)}) end end end def format_text key, value key_s = key.to_s.downcase if key_s.start_with?("json_") or key_s.end_with?("_json") then begin JSON.parse(value, :symbolize_names => true).to_s rescue Exception => e value end else value end end def collect_xtra_data return unless (asset.extras and asset.extras["ATTRIBS"] && asset.extras["ATTRIBS"]["0"]) row_title "Extra Attributes" attribs = [] attribs_unsorted = asset.extras["ATTRIBS"]["0"] attribs_sorted = attribs_unsorted.keys.sort.inject({}) do |result,key| result.update(key => attribs_unsorted[key]) end attribs_sorted.each do |key,value| attribs << title_text(key) attribs << format_text(key, value) if attribs.length == 6 then table << attribs attribs = [] end if CollinsShell::Util::SIZABLE_ATTRIBUTES.include?(key.downcase.to_sym) then attribs << title_text("#{key} (Human)") attribs << value.to_f.to_human_size end if attribs.length == 6 then table << attribs attribs = [] end end if attribs.length != 0 then until attribs.length == 6 attribs << " " end table << attribs end end def header_text txt if @color then thor.set_color(txt, :bold, :magenta) else txt end end def title_text txt if @color then thor.set_color(txt, :bold, :white) else txt end end def regular_text txt txt end def get_row row_data, header = false, cols = 0 num_cols = @col_size row_length = row_data.length last_index = row_length - 1 average_size = (num_cols.to_f / row_length.to_f) est_size = (num_cols / row_length) est_is_actual = (average_size == est_size) used_cols = 0 row = [] row_data.each_with_index do |col,index| if est_is_actual then size_per_col = est_size elsif index == 0 then size_per_col = 1 elsif average_size > (used_cols.to_f/index.to_f) then size_per_col = 2 else size_per_col = 1 end if col.is_a?(DateTime) then col = format_datetime(col) end used_cols += size_per_col alignment = if size_per_col > 1 then :center else :left end value = if header then title_text(col) else regular_text(col) end row << {:value => value, :alignment => alignment, :colspan => size_per_col} end row end def row_title txt table << :separator table << [{:value => header_text(txt), :alignment => :center, :colspan => @col_size}] table << :separator end end end