# Copyright (c) 2023 M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands # # This software is released under the MIT license. # # Some parts are # Copyright 2004-2007, wxRuby development team # released under the MIT-like wxRuby2 license # Adapted for wxRuby3 ### require 'wx' # RichTextCtrl sample by Chauk-Mean Proum # # RichTextCtrl is a sophisticated styled text editing component. # This sample illustrates a basic but functional rich editor featuring : # - file loading/saving # - text formatting # - change undo/redo # - selection copy/cut and clipboard paste # - font preferences # RichTextCtrl supports numerous other text characteristics (colour, super/subscript), # as well as paragraph alignment and spacing, and bullets. # It permits named text styles to be created and organised in stylesheets. # Facilities are also provided for printing. # # Icons are taken from the Tango Icon Theme. # Disabled icons are created at runtime as darkened grayscale versions. class RichTextFrame < Wx::Frame def initialize super( nil, :title => "RichTextCtrl Sample", :size => [900, 600] ) # Initialize the toolbar with standard actions initialize_toolbar @editor = Wx::RichTextCtrl.new(self, :style => Wx::WANTS_CHARS) @editor.begin_text_colour(Wx::RICHTEXT_DEFAULT_FOCUS_RECT_COLOUR) # Add extra handlers (plain text is automatically added) # @editor.buffer.add_handler(Wx::RichTextXMLHandler.new) # @editor.buffer.add_handler(Wx::RichTextHTMLHandler.new) Wx::RichTextBuffer.add_handler(Wx::RichTextXMLHandler.new) Wx::RichTextBuffer.add_handler(Wx::RichTextHTMLHandler.new) file_wildcard = "Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|XML File (*.xml)|*.xml" @file_open_wildcard = file_wildcard + "|All Supported File (*.*)|*.*" @file_save_wildcard = file_wildcard + "|HTML File (*.html)|*.html" @cur_dir = Dir.getwd @cur_file = "" @cur_filter_index = 1 # XML file # Use the system's standard sans-serif font at 18 point @editor.font = Wx::Font.new( 18, Wx::FONTFAMILY_SWISS, Wx::FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, Wx::FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL ) initialize_text # -- For complex event handling, use of a method call -- evt_tool Wx::ID_OPEN, :open_file evt_tool Wx::ID_SAVE, :save_file evt_tool Wx::ID_PREFERENCES, :select_font # -- For simple event handling, use of a code block -- # Apply / unapply bold to selection evt_tool(Wx::ID_BOLD) do @editor.apply_bold_to_selection end # Keep the pressed / unpressed state of the button in sync with the # current selection in the text ctrl evt_update_ui(Wx::ID_BOLD) do |evt| evt.check(@editor.selection_bold?) end evt_tool(Wx::ID_ITALIC) do @editor.apply_italic_to_selection end evt_update_ui(Wx::ID_ITALIC) do |evt| evt.check(@editor.selection_italics?) end evt_tool(Wx::ID_UNDERLINE) do @editor.apply_underline_to_selection end evt_update_ui(Wx::ID_UNDERLINE) do |evt| evt.check(@editor.selection_underlined?) end evt_tool(Wx::ID_UNDO) do @editor.undo end evt_update_ui(Wx::ID_UNDO) do |evt| evt.enable(@editor.can_undo?) end evt_tool(Wx::ID_REDO) do @editor.redo end evt_update_ui(Wx::ID_REDO) do |evt| evt.enable(@editor.can_redo?) end evt_tool(Wx::ID_COPY) do @editor.copy end evt_update_ui(Wx::ID_COPY) do |evt| evt.enable(@editor.can_copy?) end evt_tool(Wx::ID_CUT) do @editor.cut end evt_update_ui(Wx::ID_CUT) do |evt| evt.enable(@editor.can_cut?) end evt_tool(Wx::ID_PASTE) do # @editor.apply_bold_to_selection if @editor.selection_bold? # @editor.apply_italic_to_selection if @editor.selection_italics? # @editor.apply_underline_to_selection if @editor.selection_underlined? @editor.paste end evt_update_ui(Wx::ID_PASTE) do |evt| evt.enable(@editor.can_paste?) end # Shortcut keys for the editor accel_keys = { "Z" => Wx::ID_UNDO, "Y" => Wx::ID_REDO, "C" => Wx::ID_COPY, "X" => Wx::ID_CUT, "V" => Wx::ID_PASTE } accel_table = accel_keys.keys.map do | key | [ Wx::MOD_CMD, key, accel_keys[key] ] end @editor.accelerator_table = Wx::AcceleratorTable[ *accel_table ] end # Return bitmaps corresponding to the specified PNG filename : # - the first one is the original version (e.g. for an enabled icon) # - the second one is a darkened grayscale version (e.g. for a disabled icon) def bitmaps_from_png(filename, greyscale = true) img_file = File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), filename) normal_bmp = Wx::Bitmap.new(img_file, Wx::BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) if greyscale greyscale_img = normal_bmp.convert_to_image.convert_to_greyscale(0.2, 0.2, 0.2) greyscale_bmp = Wx::Bitmap.from_image(greyscale_img) return normal_bmp, greyscale_bmp else normal_bmp end end # Return a new bitmap corresponding to the specified PNG filename def bitmap_from_png(filename) bitmaps_from_png(filename, false) end # Initialize the toolbar # # As the toolbar contains only standard actions, use of stock/builtin IDs # to avoid keeping references to each tool item. def initialize_toolbar toolbar = create_tool_bar( Wx::TB_HORIZONTAL|Wx::NO_BORDER| Wx::TB_FLAT|Wx::TB_TEXT ) toolbar.tool_bitmap_size = [ 32, 32 ] open_bmp = bitmap_from_png("document-open.png") toolbar.add_item(open_bmp, :id => Wx::ID_OPEN, :label => "Open", :short_help => "Open file") save_bmp = bitmap_from_png("document-save.png") toolbar.add_item(save_bmp, :id => Wx::ID_SAVE, :label => "Save", :short_help => "Save file") font_bmp = bitmap_from_png("preferences-desktop-font.png") toolbar.add_item(font_bmp, :id => Wx::ID_PREFERENCES, :label => "Font", :short_help => "Select font preferences") toolbar.add_separator copy_bmp, copy_disabled_bmp = bitmaps_from_png("edit-copy.png") toolbar.add_item(copy_bmp, copy_disabled_bmp, :id => Wx::ID_COPY, :label => "Copy", :short_help => "Copy selection (CMD+C)") cut_bmp, cut_disabled_bmp = bitmaps_from_png("edit-cut.png") toolbar.add_item(cut_bmp, cut_disabled_bmp, :id => Wx::ID_CUT, :label => "Cut", :short_help => "Cut selection (CMD+X)") paste_bmp, paste_disabled_bmp = bitmaps_from_png("edit-paste.png") toolbar.add_item(paste_bmp, paste_disabled_bmp, :id => Wx::ID_PASTE, :label => "Paste", :short_help => "Paste clipboard (CMD+V)") undo_bmp, undo_disabled_bmp = bitmaps_from_png("edit-undo.png") toolbar.add_item(undo_bmp, undo_disabled_bmp, :id => Wx::ID_UNDO, :label => "Undo", :short_help => "Undo change (CMD+Z)") redo_bmp, redo_disabled_bmp = bitmaps_from_png("edit-redo.png") toolbar.add_item(redo_bmp, redo_disabled_bmp, :id => Wx::ID_REDO, :label => "Redo", :short_help => "Redo change (CMD+Y)") toolbar.add_separator bold_bmp = bitmap_from_png("format-text-bold.png") toolbar.add_item(bold_bmp, :id => Wx::ID_BOLD, :kind => Wx::ITEM_CHECK, :label => "Bold", :short_help => "Apply bold") italic_bmp = bitmap_from_png("format-text-italic.png") toolbar.add_item(italic_bmp, :id => Wx::ID_ITALIC, :kind => Wx::ITEM_CHECK, :label => "Italic", :short_help => "Apply italic") underline_bmp = bitmap_from_png("format-text-underline.png") toolbar.add_item(underline_bmp, :id => Wx::ID_UNDERLINE, :kind => Wx::ITEM_CHECK, :label => "Underline", :short_help => "Apply underline") toolbar.realize end def initialize_text @editor.begin_suppress_undo @editor.begin_bold @editor.write_text "Simple RichTextCtrl sample" @editor.end_bold @editor.newline @editor.begin_italic @editor.write_text "Use the formatting buttons then type some text or " @editor.write_text "select some text and use the buttons to apply the formatting.\n" @editor.write_text "Save as an XML file in order to keep the text formatting.\n" @editor.end_italic @editor.newline @editor.end_suppress_undo end def select_font data = Wx::FontData.new data.initial_font = @editor.font # data.enable_effects(false) Wx::FontDialog(self, data) do |dlg| if dlg.show_modal == Wx::ID_OK data = dlg.font_data @editor.font = data.chosen_font end end end def open_file Wx::FileDialog(self, "Open file", @cur_dir, @cur_file, @file_open_wildcard, Wx::FD_OPEN) do |dlg| dlg.filter_index = @cur_filter_index if dlg.show_modal == Wx::ID_OK @editor.load_file(dlg.path, Wx::RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) update_from_file dlg end end end def save_file Wx::FileDialog(self, "Save file as...", @cur_dir, @cur_file, @file_save_wildcard, Wx::FD_SAVE) do |dlg| dlg.filter_index = @cur_filter_index if dlg.show_modal == Wx::ID_OK @editor.save_file(dlg.path, Wx::RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) update_from_file dlg end end end # Update current file parameters def update_from_file dlg @cur_dir = dlg.directory @cur_file = dlg.filename @cur_filter_index = dlg.filter_index self.title = "RichTextCtrl Sample - #{@cur_file}" end end module RichTextSample include WxRuby::Sample if defined? WxRuby::Sample def self.describe { file: __FILE__, summary: 'wxRuby RichTextCtrl example.', description: <<~__TXT wxRuby example displaying a frame window showcasing a RichTextCtrl. RichTextCtrl is a sophisticated styled text editing component. This sample illustrates a basic but functional rich editor featuring : - file loading/saving - text formatting - change undo/redo - selection copy/cut and clipboard paste - font preferences RichTextCtrl supports numerous other text characteristics (colour, super/subscript), as well as paragraph alignment and spacing, and bullets. It permits named text styles to be created and organised in stylesheets. Facilities are also provided for printing. __TXT } end def self.activate frame = RichTextFrame.new frame.centre frame.show frame end if $0 == __FILE__ Wx::App.run do self.app_name = 'RichTextCtrl sample' RichTextSample.activate end end end