@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix owl: . @prefix ph: . @prefix phIct: . @prefix phScience: . @prefix phIoT: . ph:hasTag a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range ph:marker . phIoT:absorption a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "absorption" ; rdfs:comment "Cooling process using energy from heat source such as hot water" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absorption_refrigerator"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:ac a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "ac" ; rdfs:comment "Relating to alternating current electricity" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:ac-elec a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:elec ; rdfs:label "ac-elec" ; rdfs:comment "Alternating current electricity" ; ph:is phScience:elec ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternating_current"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:ac-elec-meter a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:elec-meter ; rdfs:label "ac-elec-meter" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{avg ac elec current angle sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{avg ac elec current imbalance sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{avg ac elec current magnitude sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{avg ac elec current thd sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{avg ac elec pf sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{avg ac elec volt angle sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{avg ac elec volt imbalance sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{avg ac elec volt magnitude sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{avg ac elec volt thd sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{phase:\\\"A\\\" ac elec current angle sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{phase:\\\"A\\\" ac elec current imbalance sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{phase:\\\"A\\\" ac elec current magnitude sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{phase:\\\"A\\\" ac elec current thd sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{phase:\\\"A\\\" ac elec pf sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{phase:\\\"A\\\" ac elec volt angle sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{phase:\\\"A\\\" ac elec volt imbalance sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{phase:\\\"A\\\" ac elec volt magnitude sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{phase:\\\"A\\\" ac elec volt thd sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{phase:\\\"A\\\" active ac elec power sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{phase:\\\"A\\\" apparent ac elec power sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{phase:\\\"A\\\" net ac elec active energy sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{phase:\\\"A\\\" reactive ac elec power sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{total ac elec demand sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{total active ac elec power sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{total apparent ac elec power sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{total export ac elec active energy sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{total import ac elec active energy sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{total net ac elec active energy sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{total reactive ac elec power sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr ; rdfs:comment "AC Electricity meter" ; ph:is phIoT:elec-meter ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phIoT:meterScope phIoT:meterScopeType . phIoT:ac-freq a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:freq ; rdfs:label "ac-freq" ; rdfs:comment "Frequency of alternating current" ; ph:is phScience:freq ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phScience:prefUnit "Hz" ; phScience:quantityOf phIoT:ac-elec . ph:accumulate a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "accumulate" ; rdfs:comment "Accumulate the tag's value during [inheritance]`docHaystack::Normalization#inherit`\nand [defx]`docHaystack::Normalization#defx`. Tags marked as accumulate\nare aggregated together during normalization and deduplicated. This\nmarker must only be used on tags which expect a list value." ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph . phIoT:active a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "active" ; rdfs:comment "Working, operative, effective" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:active-energy a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:elec-energy ; rdfs:label "active-energy" ; rdfs:comment "Integral of `active-power` over time" ; ph:is phScience:elec-energy ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phScience:prefUnit "kWh" ; phScience:quantityOf phIoT:ac-elec . phIoT:active-power a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:elec-power ; rdfs:label "active-power" ; rdfs:comment "Active power or real power; energy transfer that contributes useful work" ; ph:is phScience:elec-power ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phScience:prefUnit "kW" ; phScience:quantityOf phIoT:ac-elec . phIoT:actuator a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:equip ; rdfs:label "actuator" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr ; rdfs:comment "Equipment to move or control a mechanism. Actuators may be manually\noperated or automated via a control system to convert an energy source\ninto mechanical energy. Typically the energy source is electricity,\nhydraulics, or pneumatics." ; ph:is phIoT:equip ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actuator"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:ahu a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:airHandlingEquip ; rdfs:label "ahu" ; phIoT:ahuZoneDelivery phIoT:ahuZoneDeliveryType ; phIoT:airVolumeAdjustability phIoT:airVolumeAdjustabilityType ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{bypass damper cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{dessicantDehumidifier cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{discharge duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{economizer duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{economizing cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{exhaust duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{faceBypass cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{filter sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{freezeStat sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{heatWheel cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{humidifier equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{mixed duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{outside duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{return duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{thermostat equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{ventilation duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr ; phIoT:coolingProcess phIoT:coolingProcessType ; phIoT:cools phScience:air ; phIoT:dehumidifies phScience:air ; rdfs:comment "Air Handling Unit: An enclosure with a fan that delivers air to a space\nvia ductwork and performs one or more of the functions of cleaning,\nheating, cooling, humidifying, dehumidifying, ventilating or circulating\nthe air." ; phIoT:ductConfig phIoT:ductConfigType ; phIoT:ductDeck phIoT:ductDeckType ; phIoT:heatingProcess phIoT:heatingProcessType ; phIoT:heats phScience:air ; phIoT:humidifies phScience:air ; ph:is phIoT:airHandlingEquip ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:mandatory ph:marker ; phIoT:ventilates phScience:air ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_handler"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:ahuZoneDelivery a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range phIoT:ahuZoneDeliveryType ; rdfs:label "ahuZoneDelivery" ; rdfs:comment "AHU delivery method of conditioned air to the zone" ; ph:is ph:choice ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:of phIoT:ahuZoneDeliveryType . phIoT:ahuZoneDeliveryType a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "ahuZoneDeliveryType" ; rdfs:comment "AHU delivery method of conditioned air to the zone" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phScience:air a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:gas ; rdfs:label "air" ; rdfs:comment "The mixture of gases which surrounds the earth" ; ph:is phScience:gas ; ph:lib phScience:lib:phScience ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmosphere_of_Earth"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:air-input a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:input ; rdfs:label "air-input" ; rdfs:comment "Entity inputs air which flows from another entity" ; ph:is ph:input ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:air-output a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:output ; rdfs:label "air-output" ; rdfs:comment "Entity outputs air to other entities" ; ph:is ph:output ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phScience:air-temp a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:temp ; rdfs:label "air-temp" ; rdfs:comment "Dry bulb temperature" ; ph:is phScience:temp ; ph:lib phScience:lib:phScience ; phScience:prefUnit "\u00b0C", "\u00b0F" ; phScience:quantityOf phScience:air . phIoT:airCooling a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:coolingProcessType, phIoT:air-input ; rdfs:label "airCooling" ; rdfs:comment "Cooling by dissipating heat into the surrounding air" ; ph:is phIoT:coolingProcessType, phIoT:air-input ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_cooling"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:airHandlingEquip a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:equip, phIoT:air-output ; rdfs:label "airHandlingEquip" ; phIoT:ahuZoneDelivery phIoT:ahuZoneDeliveryType ; phIoT:airVolumeAdjustability phIoT:airVolumeAdjustabilityType ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{bypass damper cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{dessicantDehumidifier cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{discharge duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{economizer duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{economizing cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{exhaust duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{faceBypass cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{filter sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{freezeStat sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{heatWheel cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{humidifier equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{mixed duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{outside duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{return duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{thermostat equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{ventilation duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr ; phIoT:coolingProcess phIoT:coolingProcessType ; phIoT:cools phScience:air ; phIoT:dehumidifies phScience:air ; rdfs:comment "HVAC equipment that conditions and delivers air via one or more fans.\nConditioning of air includes heating, cooling, humidificiation,\ndehumidification, and ventilation." ; phIoT:ductConfig phIoT:ductConfigType ; phIoT:ductDeck phIoT:ductDeckType ; phIoT:heatingProcess phIoT:heatingProcessType ; phIoT:heats phScience:air ; phIoT:humidifies phScience:air ; ph:is phIoT:equip, phIoT:air-output ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phIoT:ventilates phScience:air ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_handler"^^xsd:anyURI . phScience:airQuality a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:quantity ; rdfs:label "airQuality" ; rdfs:comment "Measurement of contaminants in the air" ; ph:is phScience:quantity ; ph:lib phScience:lib:phScience ; phScience:quantityOf phScience:air . phIoT:airRef a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain phIoT:air-input ; rdfs:range phIoT:air-output ; rdfs:label "airRef" ; rdfs:comment "Air flows from the the referent to this entity" ; ph:inputs phScience:air ; ph:is ph:ref ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:of phIoT:air-output ; ph:tagOn phIoT:air-input . phIoT:airTerminalUnit a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:equip, phIoT:air-input, phIoT:air-output ; rdfs:label "airTerminalUnit" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{discharge duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{inlet duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{thermostat equip}\")"^^ph:xstr ; rdfs:comment "Equipment in air distribution systems which terminate at the space.\nTerminal units receive air from `airHandlingEquip` which have the\nprimarily responsibility to condition air. Terminal units are primarily\nresponsible for delivery of air to the space and tempering the temperature." ; phIoT:ductConfig phIoT:ductConfigType ; ph:is phIoT:equip, phIoT:air-input, phIoT:air-output ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:airVolumeAdjustability a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range phIoT:airVolumeAdjustabilityType ; rdfs:label "airVolumeAdjustability" ; rdfs:comment "Ability of air handling equip to adjust volume of air flow" ; ph:is ph:choice ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:of phIoT:airVolumeAdjustabilityType . phIoT:airVolumeAdjustabilityType a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "airVolumeAdjustabilityType" ; rdfs:comment "Ability of air handling equip to adjust volume of air flow" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phScience:angle a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "angle" ; rdfs:comment "Measurement of the relative difference in direction between two vectors or phasors" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phScience:lib:phScience . phScience:apparent a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "apparent" ; rdfs:comment "Perceived quantity" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phScience:lib:phScience . phIoT:apparent-energy a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:quantity ; rdfs:label "apparent-energy" ; rdfs:comment "Integral of `apparent-power` over time" ; ph:is phScience:quantity ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phScience:quantityOf phIoT:ac-elec . phIoT:apparent-power a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:quantity ; rdfs:label "apparent-power" ; rdfs:comment "Apparent power is perceived magnitude of power due to the combination of active and reactive power" ; ph:is phScience:quantity ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phScience:prefUnit "kVA" ; phScience:quantityOf phIoT:ac-elec . phIoT:area a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain phIoT:site, phIoT:space ; rdfs:range ph:number ; rdfs:label "area" ; rdfs:comment "Area of a shape or floor space" ; ph:is ph:number ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phScience:prefUnit "ft\u00b2", "m\u00b2" ; ph:tagOn phIoT:site, phIoT:space . ph:association a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range ph:list ; rdfs:label "association" ; rdfs:comment "Associations model ontological relationships between definitions.\nSee [Associations]`docHaystack::Associations` chapter." ; ph:docTaxonomy ph:marker ; ph:is ph:list ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph ; ph:of ph:symbol . phScience:atmospheric a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "atmospheric" ; rdfs:comment "Related to the atmosphere of the earth" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phScience:lib:phScience . phScience:atmospheric-pressure a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:pressure ; rdfs:label "atmospheric-pressure" ; rdfs:comment "Barometric pressure exerted by the weight of the atmosphere" ; ph:is phScience:pressure ; ph:lib phScience:lib:phScience ; phScience:prefUnit "millibar", "inHg" ; phScience:quantityOf phScience:weather . phScience:avg a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "avg" ; rdfs:comment "Average; central or typical value; median" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phScience:lib:phScience . phIct:bacnet a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIct:protocol ; rdfs:label "bacnet" ; rdfs:comment "ASHRAE building automation and control protocol" ; ph:is phIct:protocol ; ph:lib phIct:lib:phIct ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BACnet"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:barometric a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "barometric" ; rdfs:comment "Relating atmospheric pressure" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . ph:baseUri a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain ph:lib ; rdfs:range ph:uri ; rdfs:label "baseUri" ; rdfs:comment "Base URI for normalizing relative URIs" ; ph:is ph:uri ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph ; ph:tagOn ph:lib . phIoT:battery a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:equip ; rdfs:label "battery" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr ; rdfs:comment "Equipment used to store electric energy" ; ph:is phIoT:equip ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phIoT:stores phScience:elec ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_battery"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:blowdown a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "blowdown" ; rdfs:comment "Removal from container or pipe" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:blowdown-water a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:water ; rdfs:label "blowdown-water" ; rdfs:comment "Water expelled from a system to remove mineral build up" ; ph:is phScience:water ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:blowdown-water-input a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:input ; rdfs:label "blowdown-water-input" ; rdfs:comment "Entity inputs blowdown water which flows from another entity" ; ph:is ph:input ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:blowdown-water-output a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:output ; rdfs:label "blowdown-water-output" ; rdfs:comment "Entity outputs blowdown water to other entities" ; ph:is ph:output ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:blowdownWaterRef a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain phIoT:blowdown-water-input ; rdfs:range phIoT:blowdown-water-output ; rdfs:label "blowdownWaterRef" ; rdfs:comment "Blowdown water flows from the the referent to this entity" ; ph:inputs phIoT:blowdown-water ; ph:is ph:ref ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:of phIoT:blowdown-water-output ; ph:tagOn phIoT:blowdown-water-input . phIct:bluetooth a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIct:protocol ; rdfs:label "bluetooth" ; rdfs:comment "Short range wireless communication protocol" ; ph:is phIct:protocol ; ph:lib phIct:lib:phIct ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluetooth"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:boiler a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:equip ; rdfs:label "boiler" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr ; rdfs:comment "Equipment to generate hot water or steam for heating" ; phIoT:heatingProcess phIoT:heatingProcessType ; phIoT:heats phScience:fluid ; ph:is phIoT:equip ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiler"^^xsd:anyURI . ph:bool a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subClassOf xsd:boolean ; rdfs:label "bool" ; rdfs:comment "Boolean value 'true' or 'false'.\nSee [Kinds chatper]`docHaystack::Kinds#bool`." ; ph:is ph:scalar ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph . phIoT:bypass a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:pipeSectionType ; rdfs:label "bypass" ; rdfs:comment "Pipe used to bypass an equipment" ; ph:is phIoT:pipeSectionType ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:cav a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:airTerminalUnit ; rdfs:label "cav" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{discharge duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{inlet duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{thermostat equip}\")"^^ph:xstr ; rdfs:comment "Constant air volume terminal unit. CAV systems use a constant\nair flow rate with a variable air temperature." ; phIoT:ductConfig phIoT:ductConfigType ; ph:is phIoT:airTerminalUnit ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constant_air_volume"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:centrifugal a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "centrifugal" ; rdfs:comment "Compression via a continuous flow of fluid through an impeller" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrifugal_compressor"^^xsd:anyURI . ph:children a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range ph:list ; rdfs:label "children" ; ph:accumulate ph:marker ; rdfs:comment "List of prototypes contained by this entity.\nSee [Protos chatper]`docHaystack::Protos` for more details." ; ph:is ph:list ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph ; ph:of ph:dict . ph:childrenFlatten a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range ph:list ; rdfs:label "childrenFlatten" ; rdfs:comment "List of aspects to flatten into children prototypes.\nSee [Protos chatper]`docHaystack::Protos` for more details." ; ph:is ph:list ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph ; ph:of ph:symbol . phIoT:chilled a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "chilled" ; rdfs:comment "Substance is cooled using cooling process" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:chilled-water a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:water ; rdfs:label "chilled-water" ; rdfs:comment "Water used for HVAC cooling" ; ph:is phScience:water ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chilled_water"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:chilled-water-input a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:input ; rdfs:label "chilled-water-input" ; rdfs:comment "Entity inputs chilled water which flows from another entity" ; ph:is ph:input ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:chilled-water-output a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:output ; rdfs:label "chilled-water-output" ; rdfs:comment "Entity outputs chilled water to other entities" ; ph:is ph:output ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:chilled-water-plant a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:plant, phIoT:chilled-water-output ; rdfs:label "chilled-water-plant" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{chilled water bypass pipe equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{chilled water delta flow point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{chilled water delta pressure point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{chilled water delta temp point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{chilled water entering pipe equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{chilled water header pipe equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{chilled water heatExchanger equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{chilled water leaving pipe equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{chiller equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{condenser water bypass pipe equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{condenser water delta flow point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{condenser water delta pressure point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{condenser water delta temp point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{coolingTower equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr ; phIoT:condenserLoop phIoT:condenserLoopType ; rdfs:comment "Plant used to generate chilled water for cooling" ; ph:is phIoT:plant, phIoT:chilled-water-output ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phIoT:produces phIoT:chilled-water . phIoT:chilledBeam a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:radiantEquip ; rdfs:label "chilledBeam" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr ; phIoT:coolingProcess phIoT:chilledWaterCooling ; phIoT:cools phScience:air ; rdfs:comment "Conditions a space using a heat exchanger integrated into the ceiling" ; phIoT:heatingProcess phIoT:heatingProcessType ; phIoT:heats phScience:air ; ph:is phIoT:radiantEquip ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chilled_beam"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:chilledBeamZone a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:ahuZoneDeliveryType ; rdfs:label "chilledBeamZone" ; rdfs:comment "AHU supplies air to chilled beam terminal units" ; ph:is phIoT:ahuZoneDeliveryType ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:chilledWaterCooling a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:coolingProcessType, phIoT:chilled-water-input ; rdfs:label "chilledWaterCooling" ; rdfs:comment "Cooling using transfer of heat to chilled water" ; ph:is phIoT:coolingProcessType, phIoT:chilled-water-input ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:chilledWaterRef a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain phIoT:chilled-water-input ; rdfs:range phIoT:chilled-water-output ; rdfs:label "chilledWaterRef" ; rdfs:comment "Chilled water flows from the the referent to this entity" ; ph:inputs phIoT:chilled-water ; ph:is ph:ref ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:of phIoT:chilled-water-output ; ph:tagOn phIoT:chilled-water-input . phIoT:chiller a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:equip ; rdfs:label "chiller" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{chilled water delta flow sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{chilled water delta temp sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{chilled water entering pipe equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{chilled water leaving pipe equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{chilled water valve isolation cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{condenser refrig pressure sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{condenser refrig temp sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{condenser run state point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{condenser water entering pipe equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{condenser water leaving pipe equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{condenser water valve isolation cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{efficiency sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{enable state point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{evaporator refrig pressure sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{evaporator refrig temp sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{load cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{load sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{run state point}\")"^^ph:xstr ; phIoT:chillerMechanism phIoT:chillerMechanismType ; phIoT:cools phIoT:chilled-water ; rdfs:comment "Equipment to remove heat from a liquid. Chillers typically use a vapor\ncompression or an absorption refrigeration cycle." ; ph:is phIoT:equip ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiller"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:chiller-absorption a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:absorption, phIoT:chillerMechanismType ; rdfs:label "chiller-absorption" ; rdfs:comment "Cooling process using energy from heat source such as hot water" ; ph:is phIoT:absorption, phIoT:chillerMechanismType ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absorption_refrigerator"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:chiller-centrifugal a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:centrifugal, phIoT:chillerMechanismType ; rdfs:label "chiller-centrifugal" ; rdfs:comment "Compression via a continuous flow of fluid through an impeller" ; ph:is phIoT:centrifugal, phIoT:chillerMechanismType ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrifugal_compressor"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:chiller-reciprocal a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:reciprocal, phIoT:chillerMechanismType ; rdfs:label "chiller-reciprocal" ; rdfs:comment "Piston compressor driven by a crankshaft" ; ph:is phIoT:reciprocal, phIoT:chillerMechanismType ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reciprocating_compressor"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:chiller-rotaryScrew a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:rotaryScrew, phIoT:chillerMechanismType ; rdfs:label "chiller-rotaryScrew" ; rdfs:comment "Rotary screw compression" ; ph:is phIoT:rotaryScrew, phIoT:chillerMechanismType ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotary-screw_compressor"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:chillerMechanism a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range phIoT:chillerMechanismType ; rdfs:label "chillerMechanism" ; rdfs:comment "Primary mechanism of chiller" ; ph:is ph:choice ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:of phIoT:chillerMechanismType . phIoT:chillerMechanismType a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "chillerMechanismType" ; rdfs:comment "Primary mechanism of chiller" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . ph:choice rdfs:label "choice" ; rdfs:comment "Choice specifies an exclusive marker selection.\nSee [Choices]`docHaystack::Choices` chapter." ; ph:docTaxonomy ph:marker ; ph:is ph:symbol ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph . phIoT:circ a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:pipeSectionType ; rdfs:label "circ" ; rdfs:comment "Pipe used to circulate fluid through an equipment or system" ; ph:is phIoT:pipeSectionType ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phScience:cloudage a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:quantity ; rdfs:label "cloudage" ; rdfs:comment "Percentage of sky obscurred by clouds. This is also known as cloudiness, or cloud amount." ; ph:is phScience:quantity ; ph:lib phScience:lib:phScience ; phScience:prefUnit "%" ; phScience:quantityOf phScience:weather . phIoT:cmd a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:pointFunctionType ; rdfs:label "cmd" ; rdfs:comment "Point is a command, actuator, AO/BO" ; ph:is phIoT:pointFunctionType ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phScience:co a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:airQuality ; rdfs:label "co" ; rdfs:comment "Carbon monoxide level" ; ph:is phScience:airQuality ; ph:lib phScience:lib:phScience ; phScience:prefUnit "ppm" ; phScience:quantityOf phScience:air . phScience:co2 a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:airQuality ; rdfs:label "co2" ; rdfs:comment "Carbon dioxide level" ; ph:is phScience:airQuality ; ph:lib phScience:lib:phScience ; phScience:prefUnit "ppb" ; phScience:quantityOf phScience:air . phIct:coap a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIct:protocol ; rdfs:label "coap" ; rdfs:comment "Constrained Application Protocol" ; ph:is phIct:protocol ; ph:lib phIct:lib:phIct ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constrained_Application_Protocol"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:coil a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:heatExchanger ; rdfs:label "coil" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr ; rdfs:comment "Heat exchanger used to heat or cool air. Coils are sub-components\nof HVAC equipment such as `airHandlingEquip`." ; ph:is phIoT:heatExchanger ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_exchanger#HVAC_air_coils"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:coldDeck a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:ductDeckType ; rdfs:label "coldDeck" ; rdfs:comment "Duct carries air for cooling" ; ph:is phIoT:ductDeckType ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . ph:computed a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "computed" ; rdfs:comment "Indicates a definition which is computed. Computed defs cannot be\nused as tags themselves." ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph . phIoT:condensate a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:liquid ; rdfs:label "condensate" ; rdfs:comment "Liquid phase produced by the condensation of steam or other gas" ; ph:is phScience:liquid ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:condensate-input a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:input ; rdfs:label "condensate-input" ; rdfs:comment "Entity inputs condensate which flows from another entity" ; ph:is ph:input ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:condensate-output a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:output ; rdfs:label "condensate-output" ; rdfs:comment "Entity outputs condensate to other entities" ; ph:is ph:output ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:condensateRef a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain phIoT:condensate-input ; rdfs:range phIoT:condensate-output ; rdfs:label "condensateRef" ; rdfs:comment "Condensate flows from the the referent to this entity" ; ph:inputs phIoT:condensate ; ph:is ph:ref ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:of phIoT:condensate-output ; ph:tagOn phIoT:condensate-input . phIoT:condenser a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "condenser" ; rdfs:comment "Device or related to process of condensation" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:condenser-water a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:water ; rdfs:label "condenser-water" ; rdfs:comment "Water used used to remove heat through condensation" ; ph:is phScience:water ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:condenser-water-input a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:input ; rdfs:label "condenser-water-input" ; rdfs:comment "Entity inputs condenser water which flows from another entity" ; ph:is ph:input ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:condenser-water-output a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:output ; rdfs:label "condenser-water-output" ; rdfs:comment "Entity outputs condenser water to other entities" ; ph:is ph:output ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:condenserClosedLoop a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:condenserLoopType ; rdfs:label "condenserClosedLoop" ; rdfs:comment "Working fluid is kept separate from fluid used for heat transfer into the atmosphere" ; ph:is phIoT:condenserLoopType ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:condenserCooling a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:coolingProcessType ; rdfs:label "condenserCooling" ; rdfs:comment "Removal of heat through the process of water condensation" ; ph:is phIoT:coolingProcessType ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:condenserLoop a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range phIoT:condenserLoopType ; rdfs:label "condenserLoop" ; rdfs:comment "Open or closed loop for condenser working fluid" ; ph:is ph:choice ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:of phIoT:condenserLoopType . phIoT:condenserLoopType a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "condenserLoopType" ; rdfs:comment "Open or closed loop for condenser working fluid" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:condenserOpenLoop a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:condenserLoopType ; rdfs:label "condenserOpenLoop" ; rdfs:comment "Uses working fluid itself for evaporation into the atmosphere" ; ph:is phIoT:condenserLoopType ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:condenserWaterRef a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain phIoT:condenser-water-input ; rdfs:range phIoT:condenser-water-output ; rdfs:label "condenserWaterRef" ; rdfs:comment "Condenser water flows from the the referent to this entity" ; ph:inputs phIoT:condenser-water ; ph:is ph:ref ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:of phIoT:condenser-water-output ; ph:tagOn phIoT:condenser-water-input . phIoT:conduit a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:equip ; rdfs:label "conduit" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr ; phIoT:conveys phScience:phenomenon ; rdfs:comment "Duct, pipe, or cable to convey a substance or phenomenon" ; ph:is phIoT:equip ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:constantAirVolume a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:airVolumeAdjustabilityType ; rdfs:label "constantAirVolume" ; rdfs:comment "Delivers a constant volume of air flow. Typically this means\nequipment with a single speed fan." ; ph:is phIoT:airVolumeAdjustabilityType ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . ph:containedBy a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range ph:symbol ; rdfs:label "containedBy" ; rdfs:comment "The entity is logically contained by the referent." ; ph:is ph:relationship ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph ; ph:reciprocalOf ph:contains ; ph:transitive ph:marker . ph:contains a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range ph:symbol ; rdfs:label "contains" ; ph:computed ph:marker ; rdfs:comment "Entities logically contained by this entity" ; ph:is ph:relationship ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph ; ph:reciprocalOf ph:containedBy ; ph:transitive ph:marker . phIct:controller a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIct:device ; rdfs:label "controller" ; rdfs:comment "Microprocessor based device used in a control system. Controllers\ninteract with the physical world through direct I/O to sensors and\nactuators or via network [protocols]`protocol`." ; ph:is phIct:device ; ph:lib phIct:lib:phIct . phIoT:controls a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "controls" ; rdfs:comment "Associated with the control system for an industrial process" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_system"^^xsd:anyURI . phIct:controls-panel a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:panel ; rdfs:label "controls-panel" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{controller device}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{networking device}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr ; rdfs:comment "Panel housing controllers and networking gear" ; ph:is phIoT:panel ; ph:lib phIct:lib:phIct . phIoT:conveys a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range phScience:phenomenon ; rdfs:label "conveys" ; rdfs:comment "Equipment conveys a substance or phenomenon." ; ph:is phIoT:equipFunction ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:of phScience:phenomenon . phIoT:cool a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "cool" ; rdfs:comment "Point used to command equipment cooling" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:cooling a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "cooling" ; rdfs:comment "Cooling mode or process" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:coolingCapacity a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain phIoT:chiller ; rdfs:range ph:number ; rdfs:label "coolingCapacity" ; rdfs:comment "Measurement of a chiller ability to remove heat measured" ; ph:is ph:number ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phScience:prefUnit "tonref", "BTU/h", "kW" ; ph:tagOn phIoT:chiller . phIoT:coolingCoil a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:coil ; rdfs:label "coolingCoil" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{chilled water cool valve cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{stage:1 cool enable cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr ; ph:childrenFlatten phIoT:ductDeckType, phIoT:ductSectionType ; phIoT:coolingProcess phIoT:coolingProcessType ; phIoT:cools phScience:air ; rdfs:comment "Coil used to cool air." ; ph:is phIoT:coil ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_exchanger#HVAC_air_coils"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:coolingOnly a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "coolingOnly" ; rdfs:comment "Device without heating" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:coolingOnly-vav a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:vav ; rdfs:label "coolingOnly-vav" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{discharge duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{ductArea sp point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{inlet duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{perimeterHeat cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{reheat cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{thermostat equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{vavMode sp point}\")"^^ph:xstr ; rdfs:comment "Cooling only VAV without fan or reheat" ; phIoT:ductConfig phIoT:ductConfigType ; ph:is phIoT:vav ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phIoT:vavModulation phIoT:vavModulationType ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variable_air_volume"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:coolingProcess a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range phIoT:coolingProcessType ; rdfs:label "coolingProcess" ; rdfs:comment "Processed used to cool a substance" ; ph:is ph:choice ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:of phIoT:coolingProcessType . phIoT:coolingProcessType a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:process ; rdfs:label "coolingProcessType" ; rdfs:comment "Processed used to cool a substance" ; ph:is phIoT:process ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:coolingTower a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:equip ; rdfs:label "coolingTower" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{condenser water entering pipe equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{condenser water leaving pipe equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{fan motor equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr ; phIoT:cools phIoT:condenser-water ; rdfs:comment "Equipment to transfer waste heat into the atmosphere" ; ph:is phIoT:equip ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooling_tower"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:cools a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range phScience:substance ; rdfs:label "cools" ; rdfs:comment "Equipment removes heat from a substance." ; ph:is phIoT:equipFunction ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:of phScience:substance . ph:coord a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subClassOf xsd:string ; rdfs:label "coord" ; rdfs:comment "Geographic coordinate in latitude/longitude in decimal degrees.\nSee [Kinds chatper]`docHaystack::Kinds#coord`." ; ph:is ph:scalar ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph . phIoT:crac a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:fcu ; rdfs:label "crac" ; phIoT:ahuZoneDelivery phIoT:ahuZoneDeliveryType ; phIoT:airVolumeAdjustability phIoT:airVolumeAdjustabilityType ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{bypass damper cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{dessicantDehumidifier cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{discharge duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{economizer duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{economizing cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{exhaust duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{faceBypass cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{filter sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{freezeStat sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{heatWheel cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{humidifier equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{mixed duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{outside duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{return duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{thermostat equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{ventilation duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr ; phIoT:coolingProcess phIoT:coolingProcessType ; phIoT:cools phScience:air ; phIoT:dehumidifies phScience:air ; rdfs:comment "Computer Room Air Conditioner: An FCU designed to condition a computer\nroom." ; phIoT:ductConfig phIoT:ductConfigType ; phIoT:ductDeck phIoT:ductDeckType ; phIoT:heatingProcess phIoT:heatingProcessType ; phIoT:heats phScience:air ; phIoT:humidifies phScience:air ; ph:is phIoT:fcu ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phIoT:ventilates phScience:air ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fan_coil_unit"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:cur a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "cur" ; rdfs:comment "Supports current value" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:tagOn phIoT:point . phIoT:cur-point a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:point ; rdfs:label "cur-point" ; rdfs:comment "Point with support to report a \"real-time\" current value. By real-time\nwe typically mean freshness within the order of of a few seconds or at\nmost a few minutes. For systems with direct I/O the current value is\ntypically driven by the I/O scan rate. For overlay systems which acquire\ndata via a protocol such as BACnet or Modbus then the current value\nis typically refreshed using polling or subscription over a network." ; ph:is phIoT:point ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phIoT:pointFunction phIoT:pointFunctionType ; phIoT:pointQuantity phScience:quantity ; phIoT:pointSubject phScience:phenomenon . phIoT:curErr a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain phIoT:cur-point ; rdfs:range ph:str ; rdfs:label "curErr" ; rdfs:comment "Error description when `curStatus` indicates error condition" ; ph:is ph:str ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:tagOn phIoT:cur-point ; ph:transient ph:marker . phIoT:curStatus a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain phIoT:cur-point ; rdfs:range ph:str ; rdfs:label "curStatus" ; rdfs:comment "Status of point's current value reading. The `curVal` is only available\nwhen curStatus is \"ok\" or \"stale\". However a \"stale\" value should\nbe used with caution since the local system does not have a fresh value.\nIt is recommended that the `curVal` tag is removed from a point\nwhen the curStatus is not \"ok\" nor \"stale\"." ; ph:enum "- ok: all is okay\n- stale: the point's curVal is not fresh data\n- fault: a configuration or hardware problem - see `curErr`\n- down: a communication or network problem - see `curErr`\n- disabled: manual disable of the point or connector\n- unknown: we don't know anything (usually boot state)\n- remoteFault: point in remote system is fault\n- remoteDown: point in remote system is down\n- remoteDisabled: point in remote system is disabled\n- remoteUnknown: point in remote system is unknown" ; ph:is ph:str ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:tagOn phIoT:cur-point ; ph:transient ph:marker . phIoT:curVal a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Literal ; rdfs:label "curVal" ; rdfs:comment "Current value of a point. The current value is only available when\nthe the `curStatus` is \"ok\" or \"stale\"." ; ph:is ph:scalar ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:tagOn phIoT:cur-point ; ph:transient ph:marker . phScience:current a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "current" ; rdfs:comment "Movement of fluid or electricity" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phScience:lib:phScience . phIoT:current-angle a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:quantity ; rdfs:label "current-angle" ; rdfs:comment "AC current phase angle" ; ph:is phScience:quantity ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phScience:prefUnit "deg" ; phScience:quantityOf phIoT:ac-elec . phIoT:current-imbalance a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:quantity ; rdfs:label "current-imbalance" ; rdfs:comment "Current phase imbalance in a multiphase AC system" ; ph:is phScience:quantity ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phScience:prefUnit "%" ; phScience:quantityOf phIoT:ac-elec . phIoT:current-magnitude a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:elec-current ; rdfs:label "current-magnitude" ; rdfs:comment "Magnitude of electrical current" ; ph:is phScience:elec-current ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phScience:prefUnit "A" ; phScience:quantityOf phIoT:ac-elec . phIoT:current-thd a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:quantity ; rdfs:label "current-thd" ; rdfs:comment "Total harmonic current distortion" ; ph:is phScience:quantity ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phScience:prefUnit "%" ; phScience:quantityOf phIoT:ac-elec . phIct:dali a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIct:protocol ; rdfs:label "dali" ; rdfs:comment "Digital Addressable Lighting Interface protocol for lighting" ; ph:is phIct:protocol ; ph:lib phIct:lib:phIct ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Addressable_Lighting_Interface"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:damper a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "damper" ; rdfs:comment "Damper equipment or control point." ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damper_(flow)"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:damper-actuator a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:actuator ; rdfs:label "damper-actuator" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{damper cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{damper sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr ; ph:childrenFlatten phIoT:ductSectionType ; rdfs:comment "Actuator to regulate the flow of air." ; phIoT:ductSection phIoT:ductSectionType ; ph:is phIoT:actuator ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phIoT:regulates phScience:air ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damper_(flow)"^^xsd:anyURI . phIct:dataCenter a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:space ; rdfs:label "dataCenter" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{crac fcu equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{rack equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{space}\")"^^ph:xstr ; rdfs:comment "Space used to house computer and networking gear." ; ph:is phIoT:space ; ph:lib phIct:lib:phIct ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_center"^^xsd:anyURI . ph:date a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subClassOf xsd:date ; rdfs:label "date" ; rdfs:comment "ISO 8601 date as year, month, day: '2011-06-07'.\nSee [Kinds chatper]`docHaystack::Kinds#date`." ; ph:is ph:scalar ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph . ph:dateTime a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subClassOf xsd:dateTime ; rdfs:label "dateTime" ; rdfs:comment "ISO 8601 timestamp followed by timezone identifier.\nSee [Kinds chatper]`docHaystack::Kinds#dateTime`." ; ph:is ph:scalar ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph . phScience:daytime a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:quantity ; rdfs:label "daytime" ; rdfs:comment "Time between sunrise and sunset" ; ph:enum "- nighttime: false indicates sun is below horizon\n- daytime: true indicates sun is above horizon" ; ph:is phScience:quantity ; ph:lib phScience:lib:phScience ; phScience:quantityOf phScience:weather . phIoT:dc a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "dc" ; rdfs:comment "Relating to direct current electricity" ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:dc-elec a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:elec ; rdfs:label "dc-elec" ; rdfs:comment "Direct current electricity" ; ph:is phScience:elec ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_current"^^xsd:anyURI . phIoT:dc-elec-meter a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:elec-meter ; rdfs:label "dc-elec-meter" ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr ; rdfs:comment "DC Electricity meter" ; ph:is phIoT:elec-meter ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phIoT:meterScope phIoT:meterScopeType . ph:def a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range ph:symbol ; rdfs:label "def" ; rdfs:comment "Create a new definition bound to the given symbol.\nSee [Defs chapter]`docHaystack::Defs`." ; ph:is ph:symbol ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph . ph:defx a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range ph:symbol ; rdfs:label "defx" ; rdfs:comment "Extends the given definition with additional meta tags.\nSee [Normalization]`docHaystack::Normalization#defx`." ; ph:is ph:symbol ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph . phIoT:dehumidifies a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range phScience:air ; rdfs:label "dehumidifies" ; rdfs:comment "Equipment removes moisture from air to decrease humidity." ; ph:is phIoT:equipFunction ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; ph:of phScience:air . phIoT:delta a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "delta" ; rdfs:comment "Differential of fluid between entering and leaving sensors." ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:demand a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "demand" ; rdfs:comment "Rate required for a process." ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . ph:depends a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain ph:lib ; rdfs:range ph:list ; rdfs:label "depends" ; rdfs:comment "List of this library's dependencies. The dependent libs define the\n[lib namespace]`docHaystack::Namespaces#lib`. Also see\n[Normalization]`docHaystack::Normalization#resolve`." ; ph:is ph:list ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph ; ph:of ph:ref ; ph:tagOn ph:lib . phIoT:dessicantDehumidifier a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "dessicantDehumidifier" ; rdfs:comment "Decreases humidity from air using a substance which absorbs moisture." ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIct:device a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:entity ; rdfs:label "device" ; rdfs:comment "Microprocessor based hardware device. This is the general term for\nall computers, mobile phones, controllers, and I/O modules." ; ph:docTaxonomy ph:marker ; ph:is ph:entity ; ph:lib phIct:lib:phIct ; ph:mandatory ph:marker . phScience:dewPoint a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:quantity ; rdfs:label "dewPoint" ; rdfs:comment "Dew point temperature at which water vapor will form dew" ; ph:is phScience:quantity ; ph:lib phScience:lib:phScience ; phScience:prefUnit "\u00b0C", "\u00b0F" ; phScience:quantityOf phScience:air . ph:dict a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range ph:dict ; rdfs:label "dict" ; rdfs:comment "Map of name/value tag pairs.\nSee [Kinds chatper]`docHaystack::Kinds#dict`." ; ph:is ph:val ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph . phIoT:directZone a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:ahuZoneDeliveryType ; rdfs:label "directZone" ; rdfs:comment "AHU supplies air directly to the zone" ; ph:is phIoT:ahuZoneDeliveryType ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phScience:direction a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phScience:quantity ; rdfs:label "direction" ; rdfs:comment "Compass direction measured in degrees: North: 0\u00b0 = 360\u00b0, East: 90\u00b0, South: 180\u00b0, West: 270\u00b0" ; ph:is phScience:quantity ; ph:lib phScience:lib:phScience ; phScience:prefUnit "deg" . ph:dis a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain ph:entity ; rdfs:range ph:str ; rdfs:label "dis" ; rdfs:comment "Display name for an entity" ; ph:is ph:str ; ph:lib ph:lib:ph ; ph:tagOn ph:entity . phIoT:discharge a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:ductSectionType ; rdfs:label "discharge" ; rdfs:comment "Duct for air leaving an equipment" ; ph:is phIoT:ductSectionType ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:diverting a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ph:marker ; rdfs:label "diverting" ; rdfs:comment "Three way valve which inputs one pipe and diverts between two output pipes." ; ph:is ph:marker ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT . phIoT:doas a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf phIoT:ahu ; rdfs:label "doas" ; phIoT:ahuZoneDelivery phIoT:ahuZoneDeliveryType ; phIoT:airVolumeAdjustability phIoT:airVolumeAdjustabilityType ; ph:children "ZincDict(\"{bypass damper cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{dessicantDehumidifier cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{discharge duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{economizer duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{economizing cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{exhaust duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{faceBypass cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{filter sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{freezeStat sensor point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{heatWheel cmd point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{humidifier equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{mixed duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{outside duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{point}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{return duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{thermostat equip}\")"^^ph:xstr, "ZincDict(\"{ventilation duct equip}\")"^^ph:xstr ; phIoT:coolingProcess phIoT:coolingProcessType ; phIoT:cools phScience:air ; phIoT:dehumidifies phScience:air ; rdfs:comment "Dedicated Outside Air System: An AHU that brings in 100% outside air and\nno recirculated air in order to provide ventilation to spaces." ; phIoT:ductConfig phIoT:ductConfigType ; phIoT:ductDeck phIoT:ductDeckType ; phIoT:heatingProcess phIoT:heatingProcessType ; phIoT:heats phScience:air ; phIoT:humidifies phScience:air ; ph:is phIoT:ahu ; ph:lib phIoT:lib:phIoT ; phIoT:ventilates phScience:air ; ph:wikipedia "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_handler"^^xsd:anyURI . ph:doc a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain ph:def ; rdfs:range ph:str ; rdfs:label "doc" ; rdfs:comment "Documentation in simplified flavor of markdown. The first\nsentence up to the period is used as the summary.\n\nSpecific formatting options:\npre>\n// inline formatting\n*italic* // italics font\n**bold** // bold font\n'code' // code or API term\n`point` // hyperlink to def (code link)\n[text]`point` // hyperlink with explicit link text\n![alt]`image.png` // image\n\n// unordered list\n- one\n- two\n- three\n\n// ordered list; use numbers or letters\n1. one\n2. two\n3. three\n