# IMDbTerm
IMDbTerm is a terminal application used for querying the IMDb site.
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'imdb_term'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install imdb_term
## Usage
[Video walkthrough](https://youtu.be/DXs30HfgV10)
Run imdb_term from terminal to start IMDbTerm.
Once started you will be greeted with a prompt.
now playing
Returns a list of movies currently in theaters
[id] - [title]
[id] - [title]
[id] - [title]
[id] - [title]
this week
Returns a list of movies opening this week
[id] - [title]
[id] - [title]
[id] - [title]
[id] - [title]
search [title]
Searches IMDb for movies with [title]
Returns top 5 results
[id] - [title] ([release_year])
[id] - [title] ([release_year])
[id] - [title] ([release_year])
[id] - [title] ([release_year])
details [id]
Gives detailed information about movie with id [id]
[movie_title] ([year])
[rating] | [runtime] | [genres]
Director(s): [director]
Stars: [stars]
Summary: [summary]
save [id]
If movie id is included will save information about movie with id
Otherwise saves all movies from previous command
[Movie saved] || [Movies saved] || [No movie to save]
[list] [detailed]
If detailed option is included lists full details of all saved movies
Otherwise lists only id, name, and release year
[id] - [name] [(release year)]
[title] [(release year)]
[content rating] | [runtime] | [genres]
Director(s): [director(s)]
Stars: [top billed stars]
Summary: [movie summary]
## Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/forgiv/imdb_term.
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).