# frozen_string_literal: true

# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Auto-generated by gapic-generator-ruby. DO NOT EDIT!

require "google/cloud/errors"
require "google/privacy/dlp/v2/dlp_pb"
require "google/cloud/location"

module Google
  module Cloud
    module Dlp
      module V2
        module DlpService
          # Client for the DlpService service.
          # The Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) API is a service that allows clients
          # to detect the presence of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and other
          # privacy-sensitive data in user-supplied, unstructured data streams, like text
          # blocks or images.
          # The service also includes methods for sensitive data redaction and
          # scheduling of data scans on Google Cloud Platform based data sets.
          # To learn more about concepts and find how-to guides see
          # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/.
          class Client
            # @private
            API_VERSION = ""

            # @private

            include Paths

            # @private
            attr_reader :dlp_service_stub

            # Configure the DlpService Client class.
            # See {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client::Configuration}
            # for a description of the configuration fields.
            # @example
            #   # Modify the configuration for all DlpService clients
            #   ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.configure do |config|
            #     config.timeout = 10.0
            #   end
            # @yield [config] Configure the Client client.
            # @yieldparam config [Client::Configuration]
            # @return [Client::Configuration]
            def self.configure
              @configure ||= begin
                namespace = ["Google", "Cloud", "Dlp", "V2"]
                parent_config = while namespace.any?
                                  parent_name = namespace.join "::"
                                  parent_const = const_get parent_name
                                  break parent_const.configure if parent_const.respond_to? :configure
                default_config = Client::Configuration.new parent_config

                default_config.rpcs.inspect_content.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.inspect_content.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.redact_image.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.redact_image.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.deidentify_content.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.deidentify_content.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.reidentify_content.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.reidentify_content.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.list_info_types.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.list_info_types.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.create_inspect_template.timeout = 300.0

                default_config.rpcs.update_inspect_template.timeout = 300.0

                default_config.rpcs.get_inspect_template.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.get_inspect_template.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.list_inspect_templates.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.list_inspect_templates.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.delete_inspect_template.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.delete_inspect_template.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.create_deidentify_template.timeout = 300.0

                default_config.rpcs.update_deidentify_template.timeout = 300.0

                default_config.rpcs.get_deidentify_template.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.get_deidentify_template.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.list_deidentify_templates.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.list_deidentify_templates.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.delete_deidentify_template.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.delete_deidentify_template.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.create_job_trigger.timeout = 300.0

                default_config.rpcs.update_job_trigger.timeout = 300.0

                default_config.rpcs.hybrid_inspect_job_trigger.timeout = 300.0

                default_config.rpcs.get_job_trigger.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.get_job_trigger.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.list_job_triggers.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.list_job_triggers.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.delete_job_trigger.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.delete_job_trigger.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.activate_job_trigger.timeout = 300.0

                default_config.rpcs.create_discovery_config.timeout = 300.0

                default_config.rpcs.update_discovery_config.timeout = 300.0

                default_config.rpcs.get_discovery_config.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.get_discovery_config.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.list_discovery_configs.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.list_discovery_configs.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.delete_discovery_config.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.delete_discovery_config.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.create_dlp_job.timeout = 300.0

                default_config.rpcs.list_dlp_jobs.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.list_dlp_jobs.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.get_dlp_job.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.get_dlp_job.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.delete_dlp_job.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.delete_dlp_job.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.cancel_dlp_job.timeout = 300.0

                default_config.rpcs.create_stored_info_type.timeout = 300.0

                default_config.rpcs.update_stored_info_type.timeout = 300.0

                default_config.rpcs.get_stored_info_type.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.get_stored_info_type.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.list_stored_info_types.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.list_stored_info_types.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.delete_stored_info_type.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.delete_stored_info_type.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.list_project_data_profiles.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.list_project_data_profiles.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.list_table_data_profiles.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.list_table_data_profiles.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.list_column_data_profiles.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.list_column_data_profiles.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.get_project_data_profile.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.get_project_data_profile.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.list_file_store_data_profiles.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.list_file_store_data_profiles.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.get_file_store_data_profile.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.get_file_store_data_profile.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.delete_file_store_data_profile.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.delete_file_store_data_profile.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.get_table_data_profile.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.get_table_data_profile.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.get_column_data_profile.timeout = 300.0
                default_config.rpcs.get_column_data_profile.retry_policy = {
                  initial_delay: 0.1, max_delay: 60.0, multiplier: 1.3, retry_codes: [14, 4]

                default_config.rpcs.hybrid_inspect_dlp_job.timeout = 300.0

                default_config.rpcs.finish_dlp_job.timeout = 300.0

              yield @configure if block_given?

            # Configure the DlpService Client instance.
            # The configuration is set to the derived mode, meaning that values can be changed,
            # but structural changes (adding new fields, etc.) are not allowed. Structural changes
            # should be made on {Client.configure}.
            # See {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client::Configuration}
            # for a description of the configuration fields.
            # @yield [config] Configure the Client client.
            # @yieldparam config [Client::Configuration]
            # @return [Client::Configuration]
            def configure
              yield @config if block_given?

            # The effective universe domain
            # @return [String]
            def universe_domain

            # Create a new DlpService client object.
            # @example
            #   # Create a client using the default configuration
            #   client = ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a client using a custom configuration
            #   client = ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new do |config|
            #     config.timeout = 10.0
            #   end
            # @yield [config] Configure the DlpService client.
            # @yieldparam config [Client::Configuration]
            def initialize
              # These require statements are intentionally placed here to initialize
              # the gRPC module only when it's required.
              # See https://github.com/googleapis/toolkit/issues/446
              require "gapic/grpc"
              require "google/privacy/dlp/v2/dlp_services_pb"

              # Create the configuration object
              @config = Configuration.new Client.configure

              # Yield the configuration if needed
              yield @config if block_given?

              # Create credentials
              credentials = @config.credentials
              # Use self-signed JWT if the endpoint is unchanged from default,
              # but only if the default endpoint does not have a region prefix.
              enable_self_signed_jwt = @config.endpoint.nil? ||
                                       (@config.endpoint == Configuration::DEFAULT_ENDPOINT &&
              credentials ||= Credentials.default scope: @config.scope,
                                                  enable_self_signed_jwt: enable_self_signed_jwt
              if credentials.is_a?(::String) || credentials.is_a?(::Hash)
                credentials = Credentials.new credentials, scope: @config.scope
              @quota_project_id = @config.quota_project
              @quota_project_id ||= credentials.quota_project_id if credentials.respond_to? :quota_project_id

              @dlp_service_stub = ::Gapic::ServiceStub.new(
                credentials: credentials,
                endpoint: @config.endpoint,
                endpoint_template: DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_TEMPLATE,
                universe_domain: @config.universe_domain,
                channel_args: @config.channel_args,
                interceptors: @config.interceptors,
                channel_pool_config: @config.channel_pool

              @location_client = Google::Cloud::Location::Locations::Client.new do |config|
                config.credentials = credentials
                config.quota_project = @quota_project_id
                config.endpoint = @dlp_service_stub.endpoint
                config.universe_domain = @dlp_service_stub.universe_domain

            # Get the associated client for mix-in of the Locations.
            # @return [Google::Cloud::Location::Locations::Client]
            attr_reader :location_client

            # Service calls

            # Finds potentially sensitive info in content.
            # This method has limits on input size, processing time, and output size.
            # When no InfoTypes or CustomInfoTypes are specified in this request, the
            # system will automatically choose what detectors to run. By default this may
            # be all types, but may change over time as detectors are updated.
            # For how to guides, see
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/inspecting-images
            # and
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/inspecting-text,
            # @overload inspect_content(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `inspect_content` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectContentRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectContentRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload inspect_content(parent: nil, inspect_config: nil, item: nil, inspect_template_name: nil, location_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `inspect_content` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value varies depending on whether you have [specified a
            #     processing
            #     location](https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/specifying-location):
            #     + Projects scope, location specified:
            #       `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `projects/{project_id}`
            #     The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the
            #     identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location
            #     for processing data:
            #         parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3
            #   @param inspect_config [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectConfig, ::Hash]
            #     Configuration for the inspector. What specified here will override
            #     the template referenced by the inspect_template_name argument.
            #   @param item [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ContentItem, ::Hash]
            #     The item to inspect.
            #   @param inspect_template_name [::String]
            #     Template to use. Any configuration directly specified in
            #     inspect_config will override those set in the template. Singular fields
            #     that are set in this request will replace their corresponding fields in the
            #     template. Repeated fields are appended. Singular sub-messages and groups
            #     are recursively merged.
            #   @param location_id [::String]
            #     Deprecated. This field has no effect.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectContentResponse]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectContentResponse]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectContentRequest.new
            #   # Call the inspect_content method.
            #   result = client.inspect_content request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectContentResponse.
            #   p result
            def inspect_content request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectContentRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.inspect_content.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.inspect_content.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.inspect_content.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :inspect_content, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Redacts potentially sensitive info from an image.
            # This method has limits on input size, processing time, and output size.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/redacting-sensitive-data-images
            # to learn more.
            # When no InfoTypes or CustomInfoTypes are specified in this request, the
            # system will automatically choose what detectors to run. By default this may
            # be all types, but may change over time as detectors are updated.
            # @overload redact_image(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `redact_image` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::RedactImageRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::RedactImageRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload redact_image(parent: nil, location_id: nil, inspect_config: nil, image_redaction_configs: nil, include_findings: nil, byte_item: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `redact_image` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value varies depending on whether you have [specified a
            #     processing
            #     location](https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/specifying-location):
            #     + Projects scope, location specified:
            #       `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `projects/{project_id}`
            #     The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the
            #     identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location
            #     for processing data:
            #         parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3
            #   @param location_id [::String]
            #     Deprecated. This field has no effect.
            #   @param inspect_config [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectConfig, ::Hash]
            #     Configuration for the inspector.
            #   @param image_redaction_configs [::Array<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::RedactImageRequest::ImageRedactionConfig, ::Hash>]
            #     The configuration for specifying what content to redact from images.
            #   @param include_findings [::Boolean]
            #     Whether the response should include findings along with the redacted
            #     image.
            #   @param byte_item [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ByteContentItem, ::Hash]
            #     The content must be PNG, JPEG, SVG or BMP.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::RedactImageResponse]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::RedactImageResponse]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::RedactImageRequest.new
            #   # Call the redact_image method.
            #   result = client.redact_image request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::RedactImageResponse.
            #   p result
            def redact_image request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::RedactImageRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.redact_image.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.redact_image.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.redact_image.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :redact_image, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # De-identifies potentially sensitive info from a ContentItem.
            # This method has limits on input size and output size.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/deidentify-sensitive-data
            # to learn more.
            # When no InfoTypes or CustomInfoTypes are specified in this request, the
            # system will automatically choose what detectors to run. By default this may
            # be all types, but may change over time as detectors are updated.
            # @overload deidentify_content(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `deidentify_content` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyContentRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyContentRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload deidentify_content(parent: nil, deidentify_config: nil, inspect_config: nil, item: nil, inspect_template_name: nil, deidentify_template_name: nil, location_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `deidentify_content` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value varies depending on whether you have [specified a
            #     processing
            #     location](https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/specifying-location):
            #     + Projects scope, location specified:
            #       `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `projects/{project_id}`
            #     The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the
            #     identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location
            #     for processing data:
            #         parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3
            #   @param deidentify_config [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyConfig, ::Hash]
            #     Configuration for the de-identification of the content item.
            #     Items specified here will override the template referenced by the
            #     deidentify_template_name argument.
            #   @param inspect_config [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectConfig, ::Hash]
            #     Configuration for the inspector.
            #     Items specified here will override the template referenced by the
            #     inspect_template_name argument.
            #   @param item [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ContentItem, ::Hash]
            #     The item to de-identify. Will be treated as text.
            #     This value must be of type
            #     {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Table Table} if your
            #     {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyContentRequest#deidentify_config deidentify_config}
            #     is a
            #     {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::RecordTransformations RecordTransformations}
            #     object.
            #   @param inspect_template_name [::String]
            #     Template to use. Any configuration directly specified in
            #     inspect_config will override those set in the template. Singular fields
            #     that are set in this request will replace their corresponding fields in the
            #     template. Repeated fields are appended. Singular sub-messages and groups
            #     are recursively merged.
            #   @param deidentify_template_name [::String]
            #     Template to use. Any configuration directly specified in
            #     deidentify_config will override those set in the template. Singular fields
            #     that are set in this request will replace their corresponding fields in the
            #     template. Repeated fields are appended. Singular sub-messages and groups
            #     are recursively merged.
            #   @param location_id [::String]
            #     Deprecated. This field has no effect.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyContentResponse]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyContentResponse]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyContentRequest.new
            #   # Call the deidentify_content method.
            #   result = client.deidentify_content request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyContentResponse.
            #   p result
            def deidentify_content request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyContentRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.deidentify_content.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.deidentify_content.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.deidentify_content.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :deidentify_content, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Re-identifies content that has been de-identified.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/pseudonymization#re-identification_in_free_text_code_example
            # to learn more.
            # @overload reidentify_content(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `reidentify_content` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ReidentifyContentRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ReidentifyContentRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload reidentify_content(parent: nil, reidentify_config: nil, inspect_config: nil, item: nil, inspect_template_name: nil, reidentify_template_name: nil, location_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `reidentify_content` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value varies depending on whether you have [specified a
            #     processing
            #     location](https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/specifying-location):
            #     + Projects scope, location specified:
            #       `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `projects/{project_id}`
            #     The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the
            #     identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location
            #     for processing data:
            #         parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3
            #   @param reidentify_config [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyConfig, ::Hash]
            #     Configuration for the re-identification of the content item.
            #     This field shares the same proto message type that is used for
            #     de-identification, however its usage here is for the reversal of the
            #     previous de-identification. Re-identification is performed by examining
            #     the transformations used to de-identify the items and executing the
            #     reverse. This requires that only reversible transformations
            #     be provided here. The reversible transformations are:
            #      - `CryptoDeterministicConfig`
            #      - `CryptoReplaceFfxFpeConfig`
            #   @param inspect_config [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectConfig, ::Hash]
            #     Configuration for the inspector.
            #   @param item [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ContentItem, ::Hash]
            #     The item to re-identify. Will be treated as text.
            #   @param inspect_template_name [::String]
            #     Template to use. Any configuration directly specified in
            #     `inspect_config` will override those set in the template. Singular fields
            #     that are set in this request will replace their corresponding fields in the
            #     template. Repeated fields are appended. Singular sub-messages and groups
            #     are recursively merged.
            #   @param reidentify_template_name [::String]
            #     Template to use. References an instance of `DeidentifyTemplate`.
            #     Any configuration directly specified in `reidentify_config` or
            #     `inspect_config` will override those set in the template. The
            #     `DeidentifyTemplate` used must include only reversible transformations.
            #     Singular fields that are set in this request will replace their
            #     corresponding fields in the template. Repeated fields are appended.
            #     Singular sub-messages and groups are recursively merged.
            #   @param location_id [::String]
            #     Deprecated. This field has no effect.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ReidentifyContentResponse]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ReidentifyContentResponse]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ReidentifyContentRequest.new
            #   # Call the reidentify_content method.
            #   result = client.reidentify_content request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ReidentifyContentResponse.
            #   p result
            def reidentify_content request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ReidentifyContentRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.reidentify_content.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.reidentify_content.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.reidentify_content.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :reidentify_content, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Returns a list of the sensitive information types that DLP API
            # supports. See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/infotypes-reference
            # to learn more.
            # @overload list_info_types(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_info_types` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListInfoTypesRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListInfoTypesRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_info_types(parent: nil, language_code: nil, filter: nil, location_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_info_types` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     The parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value is as follows:
            #         `locations/{location_id}`
            #   @param language_code [::String]
            #     BCP-47 language code for localized infoType friendly
            #     names. If omitted, or if localized strings are not available,
            #     en-US strings will be returned.
            #   @param filter [::String]
            #     filter to only return infoTypes supported by certain parts of the
            #     API. Defaults to supported_by=INSPECT.
            #   @param location_id [::String]
            #     Deprecated. This field has no effect.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListInfoTypesResponse]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListInfoTypesResponse]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListInfoTypesRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_info_types method.
            #   result = client.list_info_types request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListInfoTypesResponse.
            #   p result
            def list_info_types request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListInfoTypesRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_info_types.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_info_types.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_info_types.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :list_info_types, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Creates an InspectTemplate for reusing frequently used configuration
            # for inspecting content, images, and storage.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-templates
            # to learn more.
            # @overload create_inspect_template(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_inspect_template` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateInspectTemplateRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateInspectTemplateRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload create_inspect_template(parent: nil, inspect_template: nil, template_id: nil, location_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_inspect_template` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value varies depending on the scope of the request
            #     (project or organization) and whether you have [specified a processing
            #     location](https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/specifying-location):
            #     + Projects scope, location specified:
            #       `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `projects/{project_id}`
            #     + Organizations scope, location specified:
            #       `organizations/{org_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Organizations scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `organizations/{org_id}`
            #     The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the
            #     identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location
            #     for processing data:
            #         parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3
            #   @param inspect_template [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectTemplate, ::Hash]
            #     Required. The InspectTemplate to create.
            #   @param template_id [::String]
            #     The template id can contain uppercase and lowercase letters,
            #     numbers, and hyphens; that is, it must match the regular
            #     expression: `[a-zA-Z\d-_]+`. The maximum length is 100
            #     characters. Can be empty to allow the system to generate one.
            #   @param location_id [::String]
            #     Deprecated. This field has no effect.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectTemplate]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectTemplate]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateInspectTemplateRequest.new
            #   # Call the create_inspect_template method.
            #   result = client.create_inspect_template request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectTemplate.
            #   p result
            def create_inspect_template request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateInspectTemplateRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.create_inspect_template.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.create_inspect_template.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.create_inspect_template.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :create_inspect_template, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Updates the InspectTemplate.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-templates
            # to learn more.
            # @overload update_inspect_template(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_inspect_template` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateInspectTemplateRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateInspectTemplateRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload update_inspect_template(name: nil, inspect_template: nil, update_mask: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_inspect_template` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of organization and inspectTemplate to be updated,
            #     for example `organizations/433245324/inspectTemplates/432452342` or
            #     projects/project-id/inspectTemplates/432452342.
            #   @param inspect_template [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectTemplate, ::Hash]
            #     New InspectTemplate value.
            #   @param update_mask [::Google::Protobuf::FieldMask, ::Hash]
            #     Mask to control which fields get updated.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectTemplate]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectTemplate]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateInspectTemplateRequest.new
            #   # Call the update_inspect_template method.
            #   result = client.update_inspect_template request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectTemplate.
            #   p result
            def update_inspect_template request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateInspectTemplateRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.update_inspect_template.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.update_inspect_template.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.update_inspect_template.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :update_inspect_template, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Gets an InspectTemplate.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-templates
            # to learn more.
            # @overload get_inspect_template(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_inspect_template` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetInspectTemplateRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetInspectTemplateRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload get_inspect_template(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_inspect_template` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the organization and inspectTemplate to be read,
            #     for example `organizations/433245324/inspectTemplates/432452342` or
            #     projects/project-id/inspectTemplates/432452342.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectTemplate]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectTemplate]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetInspectTemplateRequest.new
            #   # Call the get_inspect_template method.
            #   result = client.get_inspect_template request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectTemplate.
            #   p result
            def get_inspect_template request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetInspectTemplateRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.get_inspect_template.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.get_inspect_template.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.get_inspect_template.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :get_inspect_template, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists InspectTemplates.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-templates
            # to learn more.
            # @overload list_inspect_templates(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_inspect_templates` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListInspectTemplatesRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListInspectTemplatesRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_inspect_templates(parent: nil, page_token: nil, page_size: nil, order_by: nil, location_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_inspect_templates` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value varies depending on the scope of the request
            #     (project or organization) and whether you have [specified a processing
            #     location](https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/specifying-location):
            #     + Projects scope, location specified:
            #       `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `projects/{project_id}`
            #     + Organizations scope, location specified:
            #       `organizations/{org_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Organizations scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `organizations/{org_id}`
            #     The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the
            #     identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location
            #     for processing data:
            #         parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Page token to continue retrieval. Comes from the previous call
            #     to `ListInspectTemplates`.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Size of the page. This value can be limited by the server. If zero server
            #     returns a page of max size 100.
            #   @param order_by [::String]
            #     Comma-separated list of fields to order by,
            #     followed by `asc` or `desc` postfix. This list is case insensitive. The
            #     default sorting order is ascending. Redundant space characters are
            #     insignificant.
            #     Example: `name asc,update_time, create_time desc`
            #     Supported fields are:
            #     - `create_time`: corresponds to the time the template was created.
            #     - `update_time`: corresponds to the time the template was last updated.
            #     - `name`: corresponds to the template's name.
            #     - `display_name`: corresponds to the template's display name.
            #   @param location_id [::String]
            #     Deprecated. This field has no effect.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectTemplate>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectTemplate>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListInspectTemplatesRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_inspect_templates method.
            #   result = client.list_inspect_templates request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can iterate
            #   # over elements, and API calls will be issued to fetch pages as needed.
            #   result.each do |item|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectTemplate.
            #     p item
            #   end
            def list_inspect_templates request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListInspectTemplatesRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_inspect_templates.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_inspect_templates.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_inspect_templates.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :list_inspect_templates, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @dlp_service_stub, :list_inspect_templates, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Deletes an InspectTemplate.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-templates
            # to learn more.
            # @overload delete_inspect_template(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_inspect_template` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteInspectTemplateRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteInspectTemplateRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload delete_inspect_template(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_inspect_template` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the organization and inspectTemplate to be
            #     deleted, for example `organizations/433245324/inspectTemplates/432452342`
            #     or projects/project-id/inspectTemplates/432452342.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteInspectTemplateRequest.new
            #   # Call the delete_inspect_template method.
            #   result = client.delete_inspect_template request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Protobuf::Empty.
            #   p result
            def delete_inspect_template request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteInspectTemplateRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.delete_inspect_template.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.delete_inspect_template.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.delete_inspect_template.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :delete_inspect_template, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Creates a DeidentifyTemplate for reusing frequently used configuration
            # for de-identifying content, images, and storage.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-templates-deid
            # to learn more.
            # @overload create_deidentify_template(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_deidentify_template` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateDeidentifyTemplateRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateDeidentifyTemplateRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload create_deidentify_template(parent: nil, deidentify_template: nil, template_id: nil, location_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_deidentify_template` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value varies depending on the scope of the request
            #     (project or organization) and whether you have [specified a processing
            #     location](https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/specifying-location):
            #     + Projects scope, location specified:
            #       `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `projects/{project_id}`
            #     + Organizations scope, location specified:
            #       `organizations/{org_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Organizations scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `organizations/{org_id}`
            #     The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the
            #     identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location
            #     for processing data:
            #         parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3
            #   @param deidentify_template [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyTemplate, ::Hash]
            #     Required. The DeidentifyTemplate to create.
            #   @param template_id [::String]
            #     The template id can contain uppercase and lowercase letters,
            #     numbers, and hyphens; that is, it must match the regular
            #     expression: `[a-zA-Z\d-_]+`. The maximum length is 100
            #     characters. Can be empty to allow the system to generate one.
            #   @param location_id [::String]
            #     Deprecated. This field has no effect.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyTemplate]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyTemplate]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateDeidentifyTemplateRequest.new
            #   # Call the create_deidentify_template method.
            #   result = client.create_deidentify_template request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyTemplate.
            #   p result
            def create_deidentify_template request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateDeidentifyTemplateRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.create_deidentify_template.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.create_deidentify_template.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.create_deidentify_template.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :create_deidentify_template, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Updates the DeidentifyTemplate.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-templates-deid
            # to learn more.
            # @overload update_deidentify_template(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_deidentify_template` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateDeidentifyTemplateRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateDeidentifyTemplateRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload update_deidentify_template(name: nil, deidentify_template: nil, update_mask: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_deidentify_template` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of organization and deidentify template to be
            #     updated, for example
            #     `organizations/433245324/deidentifyTemplates/432452342` or
            #     projects/project-id/deidentifyTemplates/432452342.
            #   @param deidentify_template [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyTemplate, ::Hash]
            #     New DeidentifyTemplate value.
            #   @param update_mask [::Google::Protobuf::FieldMask, ::Hash]
            #     Mask to control which fields get updated.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyTemplate]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyTemplate]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateDeidentifyTemplateRequest.new
            #   # Call the update_deidentify_template method.
            #   result = client.update_deidentify_template request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyTemplate.
            #   p result
            def update_deidentify_template request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateDeidentifyTemplateRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.update_deidentify_template.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.update_deidentify_template.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.update_deidentify_template.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :update_deidentify_template, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Gets a DeidentifyTemplate.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-templates-deid
            # to learn more.
            # @overload get_deidentify_template(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_deidentify_template` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetDeidentifyTemplateRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetDeidentifyTemplateRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload get_deidentify_template(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_deidentify_template` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the organization and deidentify template to be
            #     read, for example `organizations/433245324/deidentifyTemplates/432452342`
            #     or projects/project-id/deidentifyTemplates/432452342.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyTemplate]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyTemplate]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetDeidentifyTemplateRequest.new
            #   # Call the get_deidentify_template method.
            #   result = client.get_deidentify_template request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyTemplate.
            #   p result
            def get_deidentify_template request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetDeidentifyTemplateRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.get_deidentify_template.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.get_deidentify_template.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.get_deidentify_template.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :get_deidentify_template, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists DeidentifyTemplates.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-templates-deid
            # to learn more.
            # @overload list_deidentify_templates(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_deidentify_templates` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListDeidentifyTemplatesRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListDeidentifyTemplatesRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_deidentify_templates(parent: nil, page_token: nil, page_size: nil, order_by: nil, location_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_deidentify_templates` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value varies depending on the scope of the request
            #     (project or organization) and whether you have [specified a processing
            #     location](https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/specifying-location):
            #     + Projects scope, location specified:
            #       `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `projects/{project_id}`
            #     + Organizations scope, location specified:
            #       `organizations/{org_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Organizations scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `organizations/{org_id}`
            #     The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the
            #     identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location
            #     for processing data:
            #         parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Page token to continue retrieval. Comes from the previous call
            #     to `ListDeidentifyTemplates`.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Size of the page. This value can be limited by the server. If zero server
            #     returns a page of max size 100.
            #   @param order_by [::String]
            #     Comma-separated list of fields to order by,
            #     followed by `asc` or `desc` postfix. This list is case insensitive. The
            #     default sorting order is ascending. Redundant space characters are
            #     insignificant.
            #     Example: `name asc,update_time, create_time desc`
            #     Supported fields are:
            #     - `create_time`: corresponds to the time the template was created.
            #     - `update_time`: corresponds to the time the template was last updated.
            #     - `name`: corresponds to the template's name.
            #     - `display_name`: corresponds to the template's display name.
            #   @param location_id [::String]
            #     Deprecated. This field has no effect.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyTemplate>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyTemplate>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListDeidentifyTemplatesRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_deidentify_templates method.
            #   result = client.list_deidentify_templates request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can iterate
            #   # over elements, and API calls will be issued to fetch pages as needed.
            #   result.each do |item|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeidentifyTemplate.
            #     p item
            #   end
            def list_deidentify_templates request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListDeidentifyTemplatesRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_deidentify_templates.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_deidentify_templates.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_deidentify_templates.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :list_deidentify_templates, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @dlp_service_stub, :list_deidentify_templates, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Deletes a DeidentifyTemplate.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-templates-deid
            # to learn more.
            # @overload delete_deidentify_template(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_deidentify_template` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteDeidentifyTemplateRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteDeidentifyTemplateRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload delete_deidentify_template(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_deidentify_template` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the organization and deidentify template to be
            #     deleted, for example
            #     `organizations/433245324/deidentifyTemplates/432452342` or
            #     projects/project-id/deidentifyTemplates/432452342.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteDeidentifyTemplateRequest.new
            #   # Call the delete_deidentify_template method.
            #   result = client.delete_deidentify_template request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Protobuf::Empty.
            #   p result
            def delete_deidentify_template request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteDeidentifyTemplateRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.delete_deidentify_template.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.delete_deidentify_template.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.delete_deidentify_template.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :delete_deidentify_template, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Creates a job trigger to run DLP actions such as scanning storage for
            # sensitive information on a set schedule.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-job-triggers
            # to learn more.
            # @overload create_job_trigger(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_job_trigger` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateJobTriggerRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateJobTriggerRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload create_job_trigger(parent: nil, job_trigger: nil, trigger_id: nil, location_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_job_trigger` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value varies depending on whether you have [specified a
            #     processing
            #     location](https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/specifying-location):
            #     + Projects scope, location specified:
            #       `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `projects/{project_id}`
            #     The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the
            #     identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location
            #     for processing data:
            #         parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3
            #   @param job_trigger [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::JobTrigger, ::Hash]
            #     Required. The JobTrigger to create.
            #   @param trigger_id [::String]
            #     The trigger id can contain uppercase and lowercase letters,
            #     numbers, and hyphens; that is, it must match the regular
            #     expression: `[a-zA-Z\d-_]+`. The maximum length is 100
            #     characters. Can be empty to allow the system to generate one.
            #   @param location_id [::String]
            #     Deprecated. This field has no effect.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::JobTrigger]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::JobTrigger]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateJobTriggerRequest.new
            #   # Call the create_job_trigger method.
            #   result = client.create_job_trigger request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::JobTrigger.
            #   p result
            def create_job_trigger request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateJobTriggerRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.create_job_trigger.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.create_job_trigger.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.create_job_trigger.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :create_job_trigger, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Updates a job trigger.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-job-triggers
            # to learn more.
            # @overload update_job_trigger(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_job_trigger` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateJobTriggerRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateJobTriggerRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload update_job_trigger(name: nil, job_trigger: nil, update_mask: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_job_trigger` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the project and the triggeredJob, for example
            #     `projects/dlp-test-project/jobTriggers/53234423`.
            #   @param job_trigger [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::JobTrigger, ::Hash]
            #     New JobTrigger value.
            #   @param update_mask [::Google::Protobuf::FieldMask, ::Hash]
            #     Mask to control which fields get updated.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::JobTrigger]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::JobTrigger]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateJobTriggerRequest.new
            #   # Call the update_job_trigger method.
            #   result = client.update_job_trigger request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::JobTrigger.
            #   p result
            def update_job_trigger request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateJobTriggerRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.update_job_trigger.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.update_job_trigger.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.update_job_trigger.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :update_job_trigger, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Inspect hybrid content and store findings to a trigger. The inspection
            # will be processed asynchronously. To review the findings monitor the
            # jobs within the trigger.
            # @overload hybrid_inspect_job_trigger(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `hybrid_inspect_job_trigger` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::HybridInspectJobTriggerRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::HybridInspectJobTriggerRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload hybrid_inspect_job_trigger(name: nil, hybrid_item: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `hybrid_inspect_job_trigger` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the trigger to execute a hybrid inspect on, for
            #     example `projects/dlp-test-project/jobTriggers/53234423`.
            #   @param hybrid_item [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::HybridContentItem, ::Hash]
            #     The item to inspect.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::HybridInspectResponse]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::HybridInspectResponse]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::HybridInspectJobTriggerRequest.new
            #   # Call the hybrid_inspect_job_trigger method.
            #   result = client.hybrid_inspect_job_trigger request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::HybridInspectResponse.
            #   p result
            def hybrid_inspect_job_trigger request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::HybridInspectJobTriggerRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.hybrid_inspect_job_trigger.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.hybrid_inspect_job_trigger.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.hybrid_inspect_job_trigger.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :hybrid_inspect_job_trigger, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Gets a job trigger.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-job-triggers
            # to learn more.
            # @overload get_job_trigger(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_job_trigger` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetJobTriggerRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetJobTriggerRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload get_job_trigger(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_job_trigger` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the project and the triggeredJob, for example
            #     `projects/dlp-test-project/jobTriggers/53234423`.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::JobTrigger]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::JobTrigger]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetJobTriggerRequest.new
            #   # Call the get_job_trigger method.
            #   result = client.get_job_trigger request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::JobTrigger.
            #   p result
            def get_job_trigger request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetJobTriggerRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.get_job_trigger.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.get_job_trigger.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.get_job_trigger.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :get_job_trigger, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists job triggers.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-job-triggers
            # to learn more.
            # @overload list_job_triggers(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_job_triggers` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListJobTriggersRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListJobTriggersRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_job_triggers(parent: nil, page_token: nil, page_size: nil, order_by: nil, filter: nil, type: nil, location_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_job_triggers` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value varies depending on whether you have [specified a
            #     processing
            #     location](https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/specifying-location):
            #     + Projects scope, location specified:
            #       `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `projects/{project_id}`
            #     The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the
            #     identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location
            #     for processing data:
            #         parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Page token to continue retrieval. Comes from the previous call
            #     to ListJobTriggers. `order_by` field must not
            #     change for subsequent calls.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Size of the page. This value can be limited by a server.
            #   @param order_by [::String]
            #     Comma-separated list of triggeredJob fields to order by,
            #     followed by `asc` or `desc` postfix. This list is case insensitive. The
            #     default sorting order is ascending. Redundant space characters are
            #     insignificant.
            #     Example: `name asc,update_time, create_time desc`
            #     Supported fields are:
            #     - `create_time`: corresponds to the time the JobTrigger was created.
            #     - `update_time`: corresponds to the time the JobTrigger was last updated.
            #     - `last_run_time`: corresponds to the last time the JobTrigger ran.
            #     - `name`: corresponds to the JobTrigger's name.
            #     - `display_name`: corresponds to the JobTrigger's display name.
            #     - `status`: corresponds to JobTrigger's status.
            #   @param filter [::String]
            #     Allows filtering.
            #     Supported syntax:
            #     * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions.
            #     * Restrictions can be combined by `AND` or `OR` logical operators. A
            #     sequence of restrictions implicitly uses `AND`.
            #     * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`.
            #     * Supported fields/values for inspect triggers:
            #         - `status` - HEALTHY|PAUSED|CANCELLED
            #         - `inspected_storage` - DATASTORE|CLOUD_STORAGE|BIGQUERY
            #         - 'last_run_time` - RFC 3339 formatted timestamp, surrounded by
            #         quotation marks. Nanoseconds are ignored.
            #         - 'error_count' - Number of errors that have occurred while running.
            #     * The operator must be `=` or `!=` for status and inspected_storage.
            #     Examples:
            #     * inspected_storage = cloud_storage AND status = HEALTHY
            #     * inspected_storage = cloud_storage OR inspected_storage = bigquery
            #     * inspected_storage = cloud_storage AND (state = PAUSED OR state = HEALTHY)
            #     * last_run_time > \"2017-12-12T00:00:00+00:00\"
            #     The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.
            #   @param type [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpJobType]
            #     The type of jobs. Will use `DlpJobType.INSPECT` if not set.
            #   @param location_id [::String]
            #     Deprecated. This field has no effect.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::JobTrigger>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::JobTrigger>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListJobTriggersRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_job_triggers method.
            #   result = client.list_job_triggers request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can iterate
            #   # over elements, and API calls will be issued to fetch pages as needed.
            #   result.each do |item|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::JobTrigger.
            #     p item
            #   end
            def list_job_triggers request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListJobTriggersRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_job_triggers.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_job_triggers.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_job_triggers.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :list_job_triggers, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @dlp_service_stub, :list_job_triggers, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Deletes a job trigger.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-job-triggers
            # to learn more.
            # @overload delete_job_trigger(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_job_trigger` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteJobTriggerRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteJobTriggerRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload delete_job_trigger(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_job_trigger` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the project and the triggeredJob, for example
            #     `projects/dlp-test-project/jobTriggers/53234423`.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteJobTriggerRequest.new
            #   # Call the delete_job_trigger method.
            #   result = client.delete_job_trigger request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Protobuf::Empty.
            #   p result
            def delete_job_trigger request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteJobTriggerRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.delete_job_trigger.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.delete_job_trigger.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.delete_job_trigger.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :delete_job_trigger, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Activate a job trigger. Causes the immediate execute of a trigger
            # instead of waiting on the trigger event to occur.
            # @overload activate_job_trigger(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `activate_job_trigger` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ActivateJobTriggerRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ActivateJobTriggerRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload activate_job_trigger(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `activate_job_trigger` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the trigger to activate, for example
            #     `projects/dlp-test-project/jobTriggers/53234423`.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpJob]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpJob]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ActivateJobTriggerRequest.new
            #   # Call the activate_job_trigger method.
            #   result = client.activate_job_trigger request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpJob.
            #   p result
            def activate_job_trigger request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ActivateJobTriggerRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.activate_job_trigger.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.activate_job_trigger.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.activate_job_trigger.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :activate_job_trigger, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Creates a config for discovery to scan and profile storage.
            # @overload create_discovery_config(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_discovery_config` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateDiscoveryConfigRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateDiscoveryConfigRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload create_discovery_config(parent: nil, discovery_config: nil, config_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_discovery_config` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value varies depending on the scope of the request
            #     (project or organization):
            #     + Projects scope:
            #       `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Organizations scope:
            #       `organizations/{org_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the
            #     identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location
            #     for processing data:
            #         parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3
            #   @param discovery_config [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DiscoveryConfig, ::Hash]
            #     Required. The DiscoveryConfig to create.
            #   @param config_id [::String]
            #     The config ID can contain uppercase and lowercase letters,
            #     numbers, and hyphens; that is, it must match the regular
            #     expression: `[a-zA-Z\d-_]+`. The maximum length is 100
            #     characters. Can be empty to allow the system to generate one.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DiscoveryConfig]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DiscoveryConfig]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateDiscoveryConfigRequest.new
            #   # Call the create_discovery_config method.
            #   result = client.create_discovery_config request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DiscoveryConfig.
            #   p result
            def create_discovery_config request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateDiscoveryConfigRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.create_discovery_config.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.create_discovery_config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.create_discovery_config.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :create_discovery_config, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Updates a discovery configuration.
            # @overload update_discovery_config(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_discovery_config` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateDiscoveryConfigRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateDiscoveryConfigRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload update_discovery_config(name: nil, discovery_config: nil, update_mask: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_discovery_config` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the project and the configuration, for example
            #     `projects/dlp-test-project/discoveryConfigs/53234423`.
            #   @param discovery_config [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DiscoveryConfig, ::Hash]
            #     Required. New DiscoveryConfig value.
            #   @param update_mask [::Google::Protobuf::FieldMask, ::Hash]
            #     Mask to control which fields get updated.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DiscoveryConfig]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DiscoveryConfig]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateDiscoveryConfigRequest.new
            #   # Call the update_discovery_config method.
            #   result = client.update_discovery_config request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DiscoveryConfig.
            #   p result
            def update_discovery_config request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateDiscoveryConfigRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.update_discovery_config.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.update_discovery_config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.update_discovery_config.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :update_discovery_config, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Gets a discovery configuration.
            # @overload get_discovery_config(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_discovery_config` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetDiscoveryConfigRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetDiscoveryConfigRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload get_discovery_config(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_discovery_config` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the project and the configuration, for example
            #     `projects/dlp-test-project/discoveryConfigs/53234423`.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DiscoveryConfig]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DiscoveryConfig]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetDiscoveryConfigRequest.new
            #   # Call the get_discovery_config method.
            #   result = client.get_discovery_config request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DiscoveryConfig.
            #   p result
            def get_discovery_config request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetDiscoveryConfigRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.get_discovery_config.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.get_discovery_config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.get_discovery_config.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :get_discovery_config, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists discovery configurations.
            # @overload list_discovery_configs(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_discovery_configs` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListDiscoveryConfigsRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListDiscoveryConfigsRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_discovery_configs(parent: nil, page_token: nil, page_size: nil, order_by: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_discovery_configs` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value is as follows:
            #     `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the
            #     identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location
            #     for processing data:
            #         parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Page token to continue retrieval. Comes from the previous call
            #     to ListDiscoveryConfigs. `order_by` field must not
            #     change for subsequent calls.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Size of the page. This value can be limited by a server.
            #   @param order_by [::String]
            #     Comma-separated list of config fields to order by,
            #     followed by `asc` or `desc` postfix. This list is case insensitive. The
            #     default sorting order is ascending. Redundant space characters are
            #     insignificant.
            #     Example: `name asc,update_time, create_time desc`
            #     Supported fields are:
            #     - `last_run_time`: corresponds to the last time the DiscoveryConfig ran.
            #     - `name`: corresponds to the DiscoveryConfig's name.
            #     - `status`: corresponds to DiscoveryConfig's status.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DiscoveryConfig>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DiscoveryConfig>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListDiscoveryConfigsRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_discovery_configs method.
            #   result = client.list_discovery_configs request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can iterate
            #   # over elements, and API calls will be issued to fetch pages as needed.
            #   result.each do |item|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DiscoveryConfig.
            #     p item
            #   end
            def list_discovery_configs request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListDiscoveryConfigsRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_discovery_configs.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_discovery_configs.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_discovery_configs.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :list_discovery_configs, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @dlp_service_stub, :list_discovery_configs, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Deletes a discovery configuration.
            # @overload delete_discovery_config(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_discovery_config` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteDiscoveryConfigRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteDiscoveryConfigRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload delete_discovery_config(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_discovery_config` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the project and the config, for example
            #     `projects/dlp-test-project/discoveryConfigs/53234423`.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteDiscoveryConfigRequest.new
            #   # Call the delete_discovery_config method.
            #   result = client.delete_discovery_config request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Protobuf::Empty.
            #   p result
            def delete_discovery_config request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteDiscoveryConfigRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.delete_discovery_config.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.delete_discovery_config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.delete_discovery_config.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :delete_discovery_config, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Creates a new job to inspect storage or calculate risk metrics.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/inspecting-storage
            # and
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/compute-risk-analysis
            # to learn more.
            # When no InfoTypes or CustomInfoTypes are specified in inspect jobs, the
            # system will automatically choose what detectors to run. By default this may
            # be all types, but may change over time as detectors are updated.
            # @overload create_dlp_job(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_dlp_job` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateDlpJobRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateDlpJobRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload create_dlp_job(parent: nil, inspect_job: nil, risk_job: nil, job_id: nil, location_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_dlp_job` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value varies depending on whether you have [specified a
            #     processing
            #     location](https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/specifying-location):
            #     + Projects scope, location specified:
            #       `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `projects/{project_id}`
            #     The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the
            #     identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location
            #     for processing data:
            #         parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3
            #   @param inspect_job [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::InspectJobConfig, ::Hash]
            #     An inspection job scans a storage repository for InfoTypes.
            #   @param risk_job [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::RiskAnalysisJobConfig, ::Hash]
            #     A risk analysis job calculates re-identification risk metrics for a
            #     BigQuery table.
            #   @param job_id [::String]
            #     The job id can contain uppercase and lowercase letters,
            #     numbers, and hyphens; that is, it must match the regular
            #     expression: `[a-zA-Z\d-_]+`. The maximum length is 100
            #     characters. Can be empty to allow the system to generate one.
            #   @param location_id [::String]
            #     Deprecated. This field has no effect.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpJob]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpJob]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateDlpJobRequest.new
            #   # Call the create_dlp_job method.
            #   result = client.create_dlp_job request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpJob.
            #   p result
            def create_dlp_job request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateDlpJobRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.create_dlp_job.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.create_dlp_job.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.create_dlp_job.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :create_dlp_job, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists DlpJobs that match the specified filter in the request.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/inspecting-storage
            # and
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/compute-risk-analysis
            # to learn more.
            # @overload list_dlp_jobs(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_dlp_jobs` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListDlpJobsRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListDlpJobsRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_dlp_jobs(parent: nil, filter: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, type: nil, order_by: nil, location_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_dlp_jobs` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value varies depending on whether you have [specified a
            #     processing
            #     location](https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/specifying-location):
            #     + Projects scope, location specified:
            #       `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `projects/{project_id}`
            #     The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the
            #     identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location
            #     for processing data:
            #         parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3
            #   @param filter [::String]
            #     Allows filtering.
            #     Supported syntax:
            #     * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions.
            #     * Restrictions can be combined by `AND` or `OR` logical operators. A
            #     sequence of restrictions implicitly uses `AND`.
            #     * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`.
            #     * Supported fields/values for inspect jobs:
            #         - `state` - PENDING|RUNNING|CANCELED|FINISHED|FAILED
            #         - `inspected_storage` - DATASTORE|CLOUD_STORAGE|BIGQUERY
            #         - `trigger_name` - The name of the trigger that created the job.
            #         - 'end_time` - Corresponds to the time the job finished.
            #         - 'start_time` - Corresponds to the time the job finished.
            #     * Supported fields for risk analysis jobs:
            #         - `state` - RUNNING|CANCELED|FINISHED|FAILED
            #         - 'end_time` - Corresponds to the time the job finished.
            #         - 'start_time` - Corresponds to the time the job finished.
            #     * The operator must be `=` or `!=`.
            #     Examples:
            #     * inspected_storage = cloud_storage AND state = done
            #     * inspected_storage = cloud_storage OR inspected_storage = bigquery
            #     * inspected_storage = cloud_storage AND (state = done OR state = canceled)
            #     * end_time > \"2017-12-12T00:00:00+00:00\"
            #     The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     The standard list page size.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     The standard list page token.
            #   @param type [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpJobType]
            #     The type of job. Defaults to `DlpJobType.INSPECT`
            #   @param order_by [::String]
            #     Comma-separated list of fields to order by,
            #     followed by `asc` or `desc` postfix. This list is case insensitive. The
            #     default sorting order is ascending. Redundant space characters are
            #     insignificant.
            #     Example: `name asc, end_time asc, create_time desc`
            #     Supported fields are:
            #     - `create_time`: corresponds to the time the job was created.
            #     - `end_time`: corresponds to the time the job ended.
            #     - `name`: corresponds to the job's name.
            #     - `state`: corresponds to `state`
            #   @param location_id [::String]
            #     Deprecated. This field has no effect.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpJob>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpJob>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListDlpJobsRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_dlp_jobs method.
            #   result = client.list_dlp_jobs request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can iterate
            #   # over elements, and API calls will be issued to fetch pages as needed.
            #   result.each do |item|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpJob.
            #     p item
            #   end
            def list_dlp_jobs request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListDlpJobsRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_dlp_jobs.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_dlp_jobs.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_dlp_jobs.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :list_dlp_jobs, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @dlp_service_stub, :list_dlp_jobs, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Gets the latest state of a long-running DlpJob.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/inspecting-storage
            # and
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/compute-risk-analysis
            # to learn more.
            # @overload get_dlp_job(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_dlp_job` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetDlpJobRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetDlpJobRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload get_dlp_job(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_dlp_job` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The name of the DlpJob resource.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpJob]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpJob]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetDlpJobRequest.new
            #   # Call the get_dlp_job method.
            #   result = client.get_dlp_job request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpJob.
            #   p result
            def get_dlp_job request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetDlpJobRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.get_dlp_job.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.get_dlp_job.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.get_dlp_job.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :get_dlp_job, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Deletes a long-running DlpJob. This method indicates that the client is
            # no longer interested in the DlpJob result. The job will be canceled if
            # possible.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/inspecting-storage
            # and
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/compute-risk-analysis
            # to learn more.
            # @overload delete_dlp_job(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_dlp_job` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteDlpJobRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteDlpJobRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload delete_dlp_job(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_dlp_job` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The name of the DlpJob resource to be deleted.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteDlpJobRequest.new
            #   # Call the delete_dlp_job method.
            #   result = client.delete_dlp_job request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Protobuf::Empty.
            #   p result
            def delete_dlp_job request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteDlpJobRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.delete_dlp_job.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.delete_dlp_job.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.delete_dlp_job.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :delete_dlp_job, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running DlpJob. The server
            # makes a best effort to cancel the DlpJob, but success is not
            # guaranteed.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/inspecting-storage
            # and
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/compute-risk-analysis
            # to learn more.
            # @overload cancel_dlp_job(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `cancel_dlp_job` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CancelDlpJobRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CancelDlpJobRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload cancel_dlp_job(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `cancel_dlp_job` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The name of the DlpJob resource to be cancelled.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CancelDlpJobRequest.new
            #   # Call the cancel_dlp_job method.
            #   result = client.cancel_dlp_job request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Protobuf::Empty.
            #   p result
            def cancel_dlp_job request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CancelDlpJobRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.cancel_dlp_job.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.cancel_dlp_job.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.cancel_dlp_job.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :cancel_dlp_job, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Creates a pre-built stored infoType to be used for inspection.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-stored-infotypes
            # to learn more.
            # @overload create_stored_info_type(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_stored_info_type` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateStoredInfoTypeRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateStoredInfoTypeRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload create_stored_info_type(parent: nil, config: nil, stored_info_type_id: nil, location_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_stored_info_type` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value varies depending on the scope of the request
            #     (project or organization) and whether you have [specified a processing
            #     location](https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/specifying-location):
            #     + Projects scope, location specified:
            #       `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `projects/{project_id}`
            #     + Organizations scope, location specified:
            #       `organizations/{org_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Organizations scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `organizations/{org_id}`
            #     The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the
            #     identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location
            #     for processing data:
            #         parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3
            #   @param config [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::StoredInfoTypeConfig, ::Hash]
            #     Required. Configuration of the storedInfoType to create.
            #   @param stored_info_type_id [::String]
            #     The storedInfoType ID can contain uppercase and lowercase letters,
            #     numbers, and hyphens; that is, it must match the regular
            #     expression: `[a-zA-Z\d-_]+`. The maximum length is 100
            #     characters. Can be empty to allow the system to generate one.
            #   @param location_id [::String]
            #     Deprecated. This field has no effect.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::StoredInfoType]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::StoredInfoType]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateStoredInfoTypeRequest.new
            #   # Call the create_stored_info_type method.
            #   result = client.create_stored_info_type request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::StoredInfoType.
            #   p result
            def create_stored_info_type request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateStoredInfoTypeRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.create_stored_info_type.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.create_stored_info_type.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.create_stored_info_type.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :create_stored_info_type, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Updates the stored infoType by creating a new version. The existing version
            # will continue to be used until the new version is ready.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-stored-infotypes
            # to learn more.
            # @overload update_stored_info_type(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_stored_info_type` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateStoredInfoTypeRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateStoredInfoTypeRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload update_stored_info_type(name: nil, config: nil, update_mask: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_stored_info_type` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of organization and storedInfoType to be updated,
            #     for example `organizations/433245324/storedInfoTypes/432452342` or
            #     projects/project-id/storedInfoTypes/432452342.
            #   @param config [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::StoredInfoTypeConfig, ::Hash]
            #     Updated configuration for the storedInfoType. If not provided, a new
            #     version of the storedInfoType will be created with the existing
            #     configuration.
            #   @param update_mask [::Google::Protobuf::FieldMask, ::Hash]
            #     Mask to control which fields get updated.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::StoredInfoType]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::StoredInfoType]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateStoredInfoTypeRequest.new
            #   # Call the update_stored_info_type method.
            #   result = client.update_stored_info_type request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::StoredInfoType.
            #   p result
            def update_stored_info_type request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateStoredInfoTypeRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.update_stored_info_type.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.update_stored_info_type.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.update_stored_info_type.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :update_stored_info_type, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Gets a stored infoType.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-stored-infotypes
            # to learn more.
            # @overload get_stored_info_type(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_stored_info_type` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetStoredInfoTypeRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetStoredInfoTypeRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload get_stored_info_type(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_stored_info_type` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the organization and storedInfoType to be read,
            #     for example `organizations/433245324/storedInfoTypes/432452342` or
            #     projects/project-id/storedInfoTypes/432452342.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::StoredInfoType]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::StoredInfoType]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetStoredInfoTypeRequest.new
            #   # Call the get_stored_info_type method.
            #   result = client.get_stored_info_type request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::StoredInfoType.
            #   p result
            def get_stored_info_type request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetStoredInfoTypeRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.get_stored_info_type.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.get_stored_info_type.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.get_stored_info_type.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :get_stored_info_type, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists stored infoTypes.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-stored-infotypes
            # to learn more.
            # @overload list_stored_info_types(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_stored_info_types` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListStoredInfoTypesRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListStoredInfoTypesRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_stored_info_types(parent: nil, page_token: nil, page_size: nil, order_by: nil, location_id: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_stored_info_types` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value varies depending on the scope of the request
            #     (project or organization) and whether you have [specified a processing
            #     location](https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/specifying-location):
            #     + Projects scope, location specified:
            #       `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global):
            #       `projects/{project_id}`
            #     The following example `parent` string specifies a parent project with the
            #     identifier `example-project`, and specifies the `europe-west3` location
            #     for processing data:
            #         parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Page token to continue retrieval. Comes from the previous call
            #     to `ListStoredInfoTypes`.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Size of the page. This value can be limited by the server. If zero server
            #     returns a page of max size 100.
            #   @param order_by [::String]
            #     Comma-separated list of fields to order by,
            #     followed by `asc` or `desc` postfix. This list is case insensitive. The
            #     default sorting order is ascending. Redundant space characters are
            #     insignificant.
            #     Example: `name asc, display_name, create_time desc`
            #     Supported fields are:
            #     - `create_time`: corresponds to the time the most recent version of the
            #     resource was created.
            #     - `state`: corresponds to the state of the resource.
            #     - `name`: corresponds to resource name.
            #     - `display_name`: corresponds to info type's display name.
            #   @param location_id [::String]
            #     Deprecated. This field has no effect.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::StoredInfoType>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::StoredInfoType>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListStoredInfoTypesRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_stored_info_types method.
            #   result = client.list_stored_info_types request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can iterate
            #   # over elements, and API calls will be issued to fetch pages as needed.
            #   result.each do |item|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::StoredInfoType.
            #     p item
            #   end
            def list_stored_info_types request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListStoredInfoTypesRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_stored_info_types.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_stored_info_types.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_stored_info_types.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :list_stored_info_types, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @dlp_service_stub, :list_stored_info_types, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Deletes a stored infoType.
            # See
            # https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/creating-stored-infotypes
            # to learn more.
            # @overload delete_stored_info_type(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_stored_info_type` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteStoredInfoTypeRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteStoredInfoTypeRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload delete_stored_info_type(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_stored_info_type` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the organization and storedInfoType to be
            #     deleted, for example `organizations/433245324/storedInfoTypes/432452342` or
            #     projects/project-id/storedInfoTypes/432452342.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteStoredInfoTypeRequest.new
            #   # Call the delete_stored_info_type method.
            #   result = client.delete_stored_info_type request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Protobuf::Empty.
            #   p result
            def delete_stored_info_type request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteStoredInfoTypeRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.delete_stored_info_type.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.delete_stored_info_type.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.delete_stored_info_type.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :delete_stored_info_type, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists project data profiles for an organization.
            # @overload list_project_data_profiles(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_project_data_profiles` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListProjectDataProfilesRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListProjectDataProfilesRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_project_data_profiles(parent: nil, page_token: nil, page_size: nil, order_by: nil, filter: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_project_data_profiles` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. organizations/\\{org_id}/locations/\\{loc_id}
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Page token to continue retrieval.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Size of the page. This value can be limited by the server. If zero, server
            #     returns a page of max size 100.
            #   @param order_by [::String]
            #     Comma-separated list of fields to order by, followed by `asc` or `desc`
            #     postfix. This list is case insensitive. The default sorting order is
            #     ascending. Redundant space characters are insignificant. Only one order
            #     field at a time is allowed.
            #     Examples:
            #     * `project_id`
            #     * `sensitivity_level desc`
            #     Supported fields are:
            #     - `project_id`: Google Cloud project ID
            #     - `sensitivity_level`: How sensitive the data in a project is, at most.
            #     - `data_risk_level`: How much risk is associated with this data.
            #     - `profile_last_generated`: When the profile was last updated in epoch
            #     seconds.
            #   @param filter [::String]
            #     Allows filtering.
            #     Supported syntax:
            #     * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions.
            #     * Restrictions can be combined by `AND` or `OR` logical operators. A
            #     sequence of restrictions implicitly uses `AND`.
            #     * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`.
            #     * Supported fields/values:
            #         - `sensitivity_level` - HIGH|MODERATE|LOW
            #         - `data_risk_level` - HIGH|MODERATE|LOW
            #         - `status_code` - an RPC status code as defined in
            #         https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/rpc/code.proto
            #     * The operator must be `=` or `!=`.
            #     Examples:
            #     * `project_id = 12345 AND status_code = 1`
            #     * `project_id = 12345 AND sensitivity_level = HIGH`
            #     The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ProjectDataProfile>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ProjectDataProfile>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListProjectDataProfilesRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_project_data_profiles method.
            #   result = client.list_project_data_profiles request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can iterate
            #   # over elements, and API calls will be issued to fetch pages as needed.
            #   result.each do |item|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ProjectDataProfile.
            #     p item
            #   end
            def list_project_data_profiles request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListProjectDataProfilesRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_project_data_profiles.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_project_data_profiles.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_project_data_profiles.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :list_project_data_profiles, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @dlp_service_stub, :list_project_data_profiles, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists table data profiles for an organization.
            # @overload list_table_data_profiles(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_table_data_profiles` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListTableDataProfilesRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListTableDataProfilesRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_table_data_profiles(parent: nil, page_token: nil, page_size: nil, order_by: nil, filter: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_table_data_profiles` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the organization or project, for
            #     example `organizations/433245324/locations/europe` or
            #     `projects/project-id/locations/asia`.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Page token to continue retrieval.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Size of the page. This value can be limited by the server. If zero, server
            #     returns a page of max size 100.
            #   @param order_by [::String]
            #     Comma-separated list of fields to order by, followed by `asc` or `desc`
            #     postfix. This list is case insensitive. The default sorting order is
            #     ascending. Redundant space characters are insignificant. Only one order
            #     field at a time is allowed.
            #     Examples:
            #     * `project_id asc`
            #     * `table_id`
            #     * `sensitivity_level desc`
            #     Supported fields are:
            #     - `project_id`: The Google Cloud project ID.
            #     - `dataset_id`: The ID of a BigQuery dataset.
            #     - `table_id`: The ID of a BigQuery table.
            #     - `sensitivity_level`: How sensitive the data in a table is, at most.
            #     - `data_risk_level`: How much risk is associated with this data.
            #     - `profile_last_generated`: When the profile was last updated in epoch
            #     seconds.
            #     - `last_modified`: The last time the resource was modified.
            #     - `resource_visibility`: Visibility restriction for this resource.
            #     - `row_count`: Number of rows in this resource.
            #   @param filter [::String]
            #     Allows filtering.
            #     Supported syntax:
            #     * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions.
            #     * Restrictions can be combined by `AND` or `OR` logical operators. A
            #     sequence of restrictions implicitly uses `AND`.
            #     * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`.
            #     * Supported fields/values:
            #         - `project_id` - The Google Cloud project ID.
            #         - `dataset_id` - The BigQuery dataset ID.
            #         - `table_id` - The ID of the BigQuery table.
            #         - `sensitivity_level` - HIGH|MODERATE|LOW
            #         - `data_risk_level` - HIGH|MODERATE|LOW
            #         - `resource_visibility`: PUBLIC|RESTRICTED
            #         - `status_code` - an RPC status code as defined in
            #         https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/rpc/code.proto
            #     * The operator must be `=` or `!=`.
            #     Examples:
            #     * `project_id = 12345 AND status_code = 1`
            #     * `project_id = 12345 AND sensitivity_level = HIGH`
            #     * `project_id = 12345 AND resource_visibility = PUBLIC`
            #     The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::TableDataProfile>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::TableDataProfile>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListTableDataProfilesRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_table_data_profiles method.
            #   result = client.list_table_data_profiles request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can iterate
            #   # over elements, and API calls will be issued to fetch pages as needed.
            #   result.each do |item|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::TableDataProfile.
            #     p item
            #   end
            def list_table_data_profiles request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListTableDataProfilesRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_table_data_profiles.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_table_data_profiles.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_table_data_profiles.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :list_table_data_profiles, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @dlp_service_stub, :list_table_data_profiles, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists column data profiles for an organization.
            # @overload list_column_data_profiles(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_column_data_profiles` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListColumnDataProfilesRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListColumnDataProfilesRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_column_data_profiles(parent: nil, page_token: nil, page_size: nil, order_by: nil, filter: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_column_data_profiles` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the organization or project, for
            #     example `organizations/433245324/locations/europe` or
            #     `projects/project-id/locations/asia`.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Page token to continue retrieval.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Size of the page. This value can be limited by the server. If zero, server
            #     returns a page of max size 100.
            #   @param order_by [::String]
            #     Comma-separated list of fields to order by, followed by `asc` or `desc`
            #     postfix. This list is case insensitive. The default sorting order is
            #     ascending. Redundant space characters are insignificant. Only one order
            #     field at a time is allowed.
            #     Examples:
            #     * `project_id asc`
            #     * `table_id`
            #     * `sensitivity_level desc`
            #     Supported fields are:
            #     - `project_id`: The Google Cloud project ID.
            #     - `dataset_id`: The ID of a BigQuery dataset.
            #     - `table_id`: The ID of a BigQuery table.
            #     - `sensitivity_level`: How sensitive the data in a column is, at most.
            #     - `data_risk_level`: How much risk is associated with this data.
            #     - `profile_last_generated`: When the profile was last updated in epoch
            #     seconds.
            #   @param filter [::String]
            #     Allows filtering.
            #     Supported syntax:
            #     * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions.
            #     * Restrictions can be combined by `AND` or `OR` logical operators. A
            #     sequence of restrictions implicitly uses `AND`.
            #     * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`.
            #     * Supported fields/values:
            #         - `table_data_profile_name` - The name of the related table data
            #         profile.
            #         - `project_id` - The Google Cloud project ID. (REQUIRED)
            #         - `dataset_id` - The BigQuery dataset ID. (REQUIRED)
            #         - `table_id` - The BigQuery table ID. (REQUIRED)
            #         - `field_id` - The ID of the BigQuery field.
            #         - `info_type` - The infotype detected in the resource.
            #         - `sensitivity_level` - HIGH|MEDIUM|LOW
            #         - `data_risk_level`: How much risk is associated with this data.
            #         - `status_code` - an RPC status code as defined in
            #         https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/rpc/code.proto
            #     * The operator must be `=` for project_id, dataset_id, and table_id. Other
            #       filters also support `!=`.
            #     Examples:
            #     * project_id = 12345 AND status_code = 1
            #     * project_id = 12345 AND sensitivity_level = HIGH
            #     * project_id = 12345 AND info_type = STREET_ADDRESS
            #     The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ColumnDataProfile>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ColumnDataProfile>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListColumnDataProfilesRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_column_data_profiles method.
            #   result = client.list_column_data_profiles request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can iterate
            #   # over elements, and API calls will be issued to fetch pages as needed.
            #   result.each do |item|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ColumnDataProfile.
            #     p item
            #   end
            def list_column_data_profiles request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListColumnDataProfilesRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_column_data_profiles.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_column_data_profiles.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_column_data_profiles.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :list_column_data_profiles, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @dlp_service_stub, :list_column_data_profiles, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Gets a project data profile.
            # @overload get_project_data_profile(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_project_data_profile` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetProjectDataProfileRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetProjectDataProfileRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload get_project_data_profile(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_project_data_profile` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name, for example
            #     `organizations/12345/locations/us/projectDataProfiles/53234423`.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ProjectDataProfile]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ProjectDataProfile]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetProjectDataProfileRequest.new
            #   # Call the get_project_data_profile method.
            #   result = client.get_project_data_profile request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ProjectDataProfile.
            #   p result
            def get_project_data_profile request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetProjectDataProfileRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.get_project_data_profile.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.get_project_data_profile.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.get_project_data_profile.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :get_project_data_profile, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists file store data profiles for an organization.
            # @overload list_file_store_data_profiles(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_file_store_data_profiles` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListFileStoreDataProfilesRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListFileStoreDataProfilesRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_file_store_data_profiles(parent: nil, page_token: nil, page_size: nil, order_by: nil, filter: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_file_store_data_profiles` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the organization or project, for
            #     example `organizations/433245324/locations/europe` or
            #     `projects/project-id/locations/asia`.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Optional. Page token to continue retrieval.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Optional. Size of the page. This value can be limited by the server. If
            #     zero, server returns a page of max size 100.
            #   @param order_by [::String]
            #     Optional. Comma-separated list of fields to order by, followed by `asc` or
            #     `desc` postfix. This list is case insensitive. The default sorting order is
            #     ascending. Redundant space characters are insignificant. Only one order
            #     field at a time is allowed.
            #     Examples:
            #     * `project_id asc`
            #     * `name`
            #     * `sensitivity_level desc`
            #     Supported fields are:
            #     - `project_id`: The Google Cloud project ID.
            #     - `sensitivity_level`: How sensitive the data in a table is, at most.
            #     - `data_risk_level`: How much risk is associated with this data.
            #     - `profile_last_generated`: When the profile was last updated in epoch
            #     seconds.
            #     - `last_modified`: The last time the resource was modified.
            #     - `resource_visibility`: Visibility restriction for this resource.
            #     - `name`: The name of the profile.
            #     - `create_time`: The time the file store was first created.
            #   @param filter [::String]
            #     Optional. Allows filtering.
            #     Supported syntax:
            #     * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions.
            #     * Restrictions can be combined by `AND` or `OR` logical operators. A
            #     sequence of restrictions implicitly uses `AND`.
            #     * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`.
            #     * Supported fields/values:
            #         - `project_id` - The Google Cloud project ID.
            #         - `file_store_path` - The path like "gs://bucket".
            #         - `data_source_type` - The profile's data source type, like
            #         "google/storage/bucket".
            #         - `data_storage_location` - The location where the file store's data is
            #         stored, like "us-central1".
            #         - `sensitivity_level` - HIGH|MODERATE|LOW
            #         - `data_risk_level` - HIGH|MODERATE|LOW
            #         - `resource_visibility`: PUBLIC|RESTRICTED
            #         - `status_code` - an RPC status code as defined in
            #         https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/master/google/rpc/code.proto
            #     * The operator must be `=` or `!=`.
            #     Examples:
            #     * `project_id = 12345 AND status_code = 1`
            #     * `project_id = 12345 AND sensitivity_level = HIGH`
            #     * `project_id = 12345 AND resource_visibility = PUBLIC`
            #     * `file_store_path = "gs://mybucket"`
            #     The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::FileStoreDataProfile>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::FileStoreDataProfile>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListFileStoreDataProfilesRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_file_store_data_profiles method.
            #   result = client.list_file_store_data_profiles request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can iterate
            #   # over elements, and API calls will be issued to fetch pages as needed.
            #   result.each do |item|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::FileStoreDataProfile.
            #     p item
            #   end
            def list_file_store_data_profiles request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListFileStoreDataProfilesRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_file_store_data_profiles.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_file_store_data_profiles.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_file_store_data_profiles.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :list_file_store_data_profiles, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @dlp_service_stub, :list_file_store_data_profiles, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Gets a file store data profile.
            # @overload get_file_store_data_profile(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_file_store_data_profile` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetFileStoreDataProfileRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetFileStoreDataProfileRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload get_file_store_data_profile(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_file_store_data_profile` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name, for example
            #     `organizations/12345/locations/us/fileStoreDataProfiles/53234423`.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::FileStoreDataProfile]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::FileStoreDataProfile]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetFileStoreDataProfileRequest.new
            #   # Call the get_file_store_data_profile method.
            #   result = client.get_file_store_data_profile request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::FileStoreDataProfile.
            #   p result
            def get_file_store_data_profile request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetFileStoreDataProfileRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.get_file_store_data_profile.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.get_file_store_data_profile.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.get_file_store_data_profile.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :get_file_store_data_profile, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Delete a FileStoreDataProfile. Will not prevent the profile from being
            # regenerated if the resource is still included in a discovery configuration.
            # @overload delete_file_store_data_profile(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_file_store_data_profile` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteFileStoreDataProfileRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteFileStoreDataProfileRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload delete_file_store_data_profile(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_file_store_data_profile` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the file store data profile.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteFileStoreDataProfileRequest.new
            #   # Call the delete_file_store_data_profile method.
            #   result = client.delete_file_store_data_profile request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Protobuf::Empty.
            #   p result
            def delete_file_store_data_profile request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteFileStoreDataProfileRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.delete_file_store_data_profile.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.delete_file_store_data_profile.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.delete_file_store_data_profile.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :delete_file_store_data_profile, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Gets a table data profile.
            # @overload get_table_data_profile(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_table_data_profile` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetTableDataProfileRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetTableDataProfileRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload get_table_data_profile(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_table_data_profile` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name, for example
            #     `organizations/12345/locations/us/tableDataProfiles/53234423`.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::TableDataProfile]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::TableDataProfile]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetTableDataProfileRequest.new
            #   # Call the get_table_data_profile method.
            #   result = client.get_table_data_profile request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::TableDataProfile.
            #   p result
            def get_table_data_profile request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetTableDataProfileRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.get_table_data_profile.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.get_table_data_profile.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.get_table_data_profile.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :get_table_data_profile, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Gets a column data profile.
            # @overload get_column_data_profile(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_column_data_profile` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetColumnDataProfileRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetColumnDataProfileRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload get_column_data_profile(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_column_data_profile` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name, for example
            #     `organizations/12345/locations/us/columnDataProfiles/53234423`.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ColumnDataProfile]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ColumnDataProfile]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetColumnDataProfileRequest.new
            #   # Call the get_column_data_profile method.
            #   result = client.get_column_data_profile request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ColumnDataProfile.
            #   p result
            def get_column_data_profile request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetColumnDataProfileRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.get_column_data_profile.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.get_column_data_profile.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.get_column_data_profile.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :get_column_data_profile, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Delete a TableDataProfile. Will not prevent the profile from being
            # regenerated if the table is still included in a discovery configuration.
            # @overload delete_table_data_profile(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_table_data_profile` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteTableDataProfileRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteTableDataProfileRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload delete_table_data_profile(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_table_data_profile` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the table data profile.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteTableDataProfileRequest.new
            #   # Call the delete_table_data_profile method.
            #   result = client.delete_table_data_profile request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Protobuf::Empty.
            #   p result
            def delete_table_data_profile request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteTableDataProfileRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.delete_table_data_profile.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.delete_table_data_profile.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.delete_table_data_profile.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :delete_table_data_profile, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Inspect hybrid content and store findings to a job.
            # To review the findings, inspect the job. Inspection will occur
            # asynchronously.
            # @overload hybrid_inspect_dlp_job(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `hybrid_inspect_dlp_job` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::HybridInspectDlpJobRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::HybridInspectDlpJobRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload hybrid_inspect_dlp_job(name: nil, hybrid_item: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `hybrid_inspect_dlp_job` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the job to execute a hybrid inspect on, for
            #     example `projects/dlp-test-project/dlpJob/53234423`.
            #   @param hybrid_item [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::HybridContentItem, ::Hash]
            #     The item to inspect.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::HybridInspectResponse]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::HybridInspectResponse]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::HybridInspectDlpJobRequest.new
            #   # Call the hybrid_inspect_dlp_job method.
            #   result = client.hybrid_inspect_dlp_job request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::HybridInspectResponse.
            #   p result
            def hybrid_inspect_dlp_job request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::HybridInspectDlpJobRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.hybrid_inspect_dlp_job.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.hybrid_inspect_dlp_job.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.hybrid_inspect_dlp_job.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :hybrid_inspect_dlp_job, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Finish a running hybrid DlpJob. Triggers the finalization steps and running
            # of any enabled actions that have not yet run.
            # @overload finish_dlp_job(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `finish_dlp_job` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::FinishDlpJobRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::FinishDlpJobRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload finish_dlp_job(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `finish_dlp_job` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. The name of the DlpJob resource to be finished.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::FinishDlpJobRequest.new
            #   # Call the finish_dlp_job method.
            #   result = client.finish_dlp_job request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Protobuf::Empty.
            #   p result
            def finish_dlp_job request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::FinishDlpJobRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.finish_dlp_job.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.finish_dlp_job.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.finish_dlp_job.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :finish_dlp_job, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Create a Connection to an external data source.
            # @overload create_connection(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_connection` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateConnectionRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateConnectionRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload create_connection(parent: nil, connection: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `create_connection` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Parent resource name.
            #     The format of this value varies depending on the scope of the request
            #     (project or organization):
            #     + Projects scope:
            #       `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #     + Organizations scope:
            #       `organizations/{org_id}/locations/{location_id}`
            #   @param connection [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Connection, ::Hash]
            #     Required. The connection resource.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Connection]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Connection]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateConnectionRequest.new
            #   # Call the create_connection method.
            #   result = client.create_connection request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Connection.
            #   p result
            def create_connection request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::CreateConnectionRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.create_connection.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.create_connection.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.create_connection.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :create_connection, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Get a Connection by name.
            # @overload get_connection(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_connection` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetConnectionRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetConnectionRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload get_connection(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `get_connection` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name in the format:
            #     `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/connections/{connection}`.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Connection]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Connection]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetConnectionRequest.new
            #   # Call the get_connection method.
            #   result = client.get_connection request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Connection.
            #   p result
            def get_connection request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::GetConnectionRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.get_connection.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.get_connection.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.get_connection.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :get_connection, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Lists Connections in a parent. Use SearchConnections to see all connections
            # within an organization.
            # @overload list_connections(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_connections` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListConnectionsRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListConnectionsRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload list_connections(parent: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, filter: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `list_connections` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the organization or project, for
            #     example, `organizations/433245324/locations/europe` or
            #     `projects/project-id/locations/asia`.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Optional. Number of results per page, max 1000.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Optional. Page token from a previous page to return the next set of
            #     results. If set, all other request fields must match the original request.
            #   @param filter [::String]
            #     Optional. Supported field/value: `state` - MISSING|AVAILABLE|ERROR
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Connection>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Connection>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListConnectionsRequest.new
            #   # Call the list_connections method.
            #   result = client.list_connections request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can iterate
            #   # over elements, and API calls will be issued to fetch pages as needed.
            #   result.each do |item|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Connection.
            #     p item
            #   end
            def list_connections request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::ListConnectionsRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.list_connections.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.list_connections.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.list_connections.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :list_connections, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @dlp_service_stub, :list_connections, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Searches for Connections in a parent.
            # @overload search_connections(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `search_connections` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::SearchConnectionsRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::SearchConnectionsRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload search_connections(parent: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, filter: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `search_connections` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param parent [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the organization or project with a wildcard
            #     location, for example, `organizations/433245324/locations/-` or
            #     `projects/project-id/locations/-`.
            #   @param page_size [::Integer]
            #     Optional. Number of results per page, max 1000.
            #   @param page_token [::String]
            #     Optional. Page token from a previous page to return the next set of
            #     results. If set, all other request fields must match the original request.
            #   @param filter [::String]
            #     Optional. Supported field/value: - `state` - MISSING|AVAILABLE|ERROR
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Connection>]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Gapic::PagedEnumerable<::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Connection>]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::SearchConnectionsRequest.new
            #   # Call the search_connections method.
            #   result = client.search_connections request
            #   # The returned object is of type Gapic::PagedEnumerable. You can iterate
            #   # over elements, and API calls will be issued to fetch pages as needed.
            #   result.each do |item|
            #     # Each element is of type ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Connection.
            #     p item
            #   end
            def search_connections request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::SearchConnectionsRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.search_connections.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.parent
                header_params["parent"] = request.parent

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.search_connections.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.search_connections.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :search_connections, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                response = ::Gapic::PagedEnumerable.new @dlp_service_stub, :search_connections, request, response, operation, options
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Delete a Connection.
            # @overload delete_connection(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_connection` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteConnectionRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteConnectionRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload delete_connection(name: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `delete_connection` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name of the Connection to be deleted, in the format:
            #     `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/connections/{connection}`.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Protobuf::Empty]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteConnectionRequest.new
            #   # Call the delete_connection method.
            #   result = client.delete_connection request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Protobuf::Empty.
            #   p result
            def delete_connection request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DeleteConnectionRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.delete_connection.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.delete_connection.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.delete_connection.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :delete_connection, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Update a Connection.
            # @overload update_connection(request, options = nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_connection` via a request object, either of type
            #   {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateConnectionRequest} or an equivalent Hash.
            #   @param request [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateConnectionRequest, ::Hash]
            #     A request object representing the call parameters. Required. To specify no
            #     parameters, or to keep all the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash.
            #   @param options [::Gapic::CallOptions, ::Hash]
            #     Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries, etc. Optional.
            # @overload update_connection(name: nil, connection: nil, update_mask: nil)
            #   Pass arguments to `update_connection` via keyword arguments. Note that at
            #   least one keyword argument is required. To specify no parameters, or to keep all
            #   the default parameter values, pass an empty Hash as a request object (see above).
            #   @param name [::String]
            #     Required. Resource name in the format:
            #     `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/connections/{connection}`.
            #   @param connection [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Connection, ::Hash]
            #     Required. The connection with new values for the relevant fields.
            #   @param update_mask [::Google::Protobuf::FieldMask, ::Hash]
            #     Optional. Mask to control which fields get updated.
            # @yield [response, operation] Access the result along with the RPC operation
            # @yieldparam response [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Connection]
            # @yieldparam operation [::GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation]
            # @return [::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Connection]
            # @raise [::Google::Cloud::Error] if the RPC is aborted.
            # @example Basic example
            #   require "google/cloud/dlp/v2"
            #   # Create a client object. The client can be reused for multiple calls.
            #   client = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new
            #   # Create a request. To set request fields, pass in keyword arguments.
            #   request = Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateConnectionRequest.new
            #   # Call the update_connection method.
            #   result = client.update_connection request
            #   # The returned object is of type Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::Connection.
            #   p result
            def update_connection request, options = nil
              raise ::ArgumentError, "request must be provided" if request.nil?

              request = ::Gapic::Protobuf.coerce request, to: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::UpdateConnectionRequest

              # Converts hash and nil to an options object
              options = ::Gapic::CallOptions.new(**options.to_h) if options.respond_to? :to_h

              # Customize the options with defaults
              metadata = @config.rpcs.update_connection.metadata.to_h

              # Set x-goog-api-client, x-goog-user-project and x-goog-api-version headers
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-client"] ||= ::Gapic::Headers.x_goog_api_client \
                lib_name: @config.lib_name, lib_version: @config.lib_version,
                gapic_version: ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::VERSION
              metadata[:"x-goog-api-version"] = API_VERSION unless API_VERSION.empty?
              metadata[:"x-goog-user-project"] = @quota_project_id if @quota_project_id

              header_params = {}
              if request.name
                header_params["name"] = request.name

              request_params_header = header_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&")
              metadata[:"x-goog-request-params"] ||= request_params_header

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.rpcs.update_connection.timeout,
                                     metadata:     metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.rpcs.update_connection.retry_policy

              options.apply_defaults timeout:      @config.timeout,
                                     metadata:     @config.metadata,
                                     retry_policy: @config.retry_policy

              @dlp_service_stub.call_rpc :update_connection, request, options: options do |response, operation|
                yield response, operation if block_given?
                return response
            rescue ::GRPC::BadStatus => e
              raise ::Google::Cloud::Error.from_error(e)

            # Configuration class for the DlpService API.
            # This class represents the configuration for DlpService,
            # providing control over timeouts, retry behavior, logging, transport
            # parameters, and other low-level controls. Certain parameters can also be
            # applied individually to specific RPCs. See
            # {::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client::Configuration::Rpcs}
            # for a list of RPCs that can be configured independently.
            # Configuration can be applied globally to all clients, or to a single client
            # on construction.
            # @example
            #   # Modify the global config, setting the timeout for
            #   # inspect_content to 20 seconds,
            #   # and all remaining timeouts to 10 seconds.
            #   ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.configure do |config|
            #     config.timeout = 10.0
            #     config.rpcs.inspect_content.timeout = 20.0
            #   end
            #   # Apply the above configuration only to a new client.
            #   client = ::Google::Cloud::Dlp::V2::DlpService::Client.new do |config|
            #     config.timeout = 10.0
            #     config.rpcs.inspect_content.timeout = 20.0
            #   end
            # @!attribute [rw] endpoint
            #   A custom service endpoint, as a hostname or hostname:port. The default is
            #   nil, indicating to use the default endpoint in the current universe domain.
            #   @return [::String,nil]
            # @!attribute [rw] credentials
            #   Credentials to send with calls. You may provide any of the following types:
            #    *  (`String`) The path to a service account key file in JSON format
            #    *  (`Hash`) A service account key as a Hash
            #    *  (`Google::Auth::Credentials`) A googleauth credentials object
            #       (see the [googleauth docs](https://rubydoc.info/gems/googleauth/Google/Auth/Credentials))
            #    *  (`Signet::OAuth2::Client`) A signet oauth2 client object
            #       (see the [signet docs](https://rubydoc.info/gems/signet/Signet/OAuth2/Client))
            #    *  (`GRPC::Core::Channel`) a gRPC channel with included credentials
            #    *  (`GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials`) a gRPC credentails object
            #    *  (`nil`) indicating no credentials
            #   @return [::Object]
            # @!attribute [rw] scope
            #   The OAuth scopes
            #   @return [::Array<::String>]
            # @!attribute [rw] lib_name
            #   The library name as recorded in instrumentation and logging
            #   @return [::String]
            # @!attribute [rw] lib_version
            #   The library version as recorded in instrumentation and logging
            #   @return [::String]
            # @!attribute [rw] channel_args
            #   Extra parameters passed to the gRPC channel. Note: this is ignored if a
            #   `GRPC::Core::Channel` object is provided as the credential.
            #   @return [::Hash]
            # @!attribute [rw] interceptors
            #   An array of interceptors that are run before calls are executed.
            #   @return [::Array<::GRPC::ClientInterceptor>]
            # @!attribute [rw] timeout
            #   The call timeout in seconds.
            #   @return [::Numeric]
            # @!attribute [rw] metadata
            #   Additional gRPC headers to be sent with the call.
            #   @return [::Hash{::Symbol=>::String}]
            # @!attribute [rw] retry_policy
            #   The retry policy. The value is a hash with the following keys:
            #    *  `:initial_delay` (*type:* `Numeric`) - The initial delay in seconds.
            #    *  `:max_delay` (*type:* `Numeric`) - The max delay in seconds.
            #    *  `:multiplier` (*type:* `Numeric`) - The incremental backoff multiplier.
            #    *  `:retry_codes` (*type:* `Array<String>`) - The error codes that should
            #       trigger a retry.
            #   @return [::Hash]
            # @!attribute [rw] quota_project
            #   A separate project against which to charge quota.
            #   @return [::String]
            # @!attribute [rw] universe_domain
            #   The universe domain within which to make requests. This determines the
            #   default endpoint URL. The default value of nil uses the environment
            #   universe (usually the default "googleapis.com" universe).
            #   @return [::String,nil]
            class Configuration
              extend ::Gapic::Config

              # @private
              # The endpoint specific to the default "googleapis.com" universe. Deprecated.
              DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = "dlp.googleapis.com"

              config_attr :endpoint,      nil, ::String, nil
              config_attr :credentials,   nil do |value|
                allowed = [::String, ::Hash, ::Proc, ::Symbol, ::Google::Auth::Credentials, ::Signet::OAuth2::Client, nil]
                allowed += [::GRPC::Core::Channel, ::GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials] if defined? ::GRPC
                allowed.any? { |klass| klass === value }
              config_attr :scope,         nil, ::String, ::Array, nil
              config_attr :lib_name,      nil, ::String, nil
              config_attr :lib_version,   nil, ::String, nil
              config_attr(:channel_args,  { "grpc.service_config_disable_resolution" => 1 }, ::Hash, nil)
              config_attr :interceptors,  nil, ::Array, nil
              config_attr :timeout,       nil, ::Numeric, nil
              config_attr :metadata,      nil, ::Hash, nil
              config_attr :retry_policy,  nil, ::Hash, ::Proc, nil
              config_attr :quota_project, nil, ::String, nil
              config_attr :universe_domain, nil, ::String, nil

              # @private
              def initialize parent_config = nil
                @parent_config = parent_config unless parent_config.nil?

                yield self if block_given?

              # Configurations for individual RPCs
              # @return [Rpcs]
              def rpcs
                @rpcs ||= begin
                  parent_rpcs = nil
                  parent_rpcs = @parent_config.rpcs if defined?(@parent_config) && @parent_config.respond_to?(:rpcs)
                  Rpcs.new parent_rpcs

              # Configuration for the channel pool
              # @return [::Gapic::ServiceStub::ChannelPool::Configuration]
              def channel_pool
                @channel_pool ||= ::Gapic::ServiceStub::ChannelPool::Configuration.new

              # Configuration RPC class for the DlpService API.
              # Includes fields providing the configuration for each RPC in this service.
              # Each configuration object is of type `Gapic::Config::Method` and includes
              # the following configuration fields:
              #  *  `timeout` (*type:* `Numeric`) - The call timeout in seconds
              #  *  `metadata` (*type:* `Hash{Symbol=>String}`) - Additional gRPC headers
              #  *  `retry_policy (*type:* `Hash`) - The retry policy. The policy fields
              #     include the following keys:
              #      *  `:initial_delay` (*type:* `Numeric`) - The initial delay in seconds.
              #      *  `:max_delay` (*type:* `Numeric`) - The max delay in seconds.
              #      *  `:multiplier` (*type:* `Numeric`) - The incremental backoff multiplier.
              #      *  `:retry_codes` (*type:* `Array<String>`) - The error codes that should
              #         trigger a retry.
              class Rpcs
                # RPC-specific configuration for `inspect_content`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :inspect_content
                # RPC-specific configuration for `redact_image`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :redact_image
                # RPC-specific configuration for `deidentify_content`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :deidentify_content
                # RPC-specific configuration for `reidentify_content`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :reidentify_content
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_info_types`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_info_types
                # RPC-specific configuration for `create_inspect_template`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :create_inspect_template
                # RPC-specific configuration for `update_inspect_template`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :update_inspect_template
                # RPC-specific configuration for `get_inspect_template`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :get_inspect_template
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_inspect_templates`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_inspect_templates
                # RPC-specific configuration for `delete_inspect_template`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :delete_inspect_template
                # RPC-specific configuration for `create_deidentify_template`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :create_deidentify_template
                # RPC-specific configuration for `update_deidentify_template`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :update_deidentify_template
                # RPC-specific configuration for `get_deidentify_template`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :get_deidentify_template
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_deidentify_templates`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_deidentify_templates
                # RPC-specific configuration for `delete_deidentify_template`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :delete_deidentify_template
                # RPC-specific configuration for `create_job_trigger`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :create_job_trigger
                # RPC-specific configuration for `update_job_trigger`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :update_job_trigger
                # RPC-specific configuration for `hybrid_inspect_job_trigger`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :hybrid_inspect_job_trigger
                # RPC-specific configuration for `get_job_trigger`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :get_job_trigger
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_job_triggers`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_job_triggers
                # RPC-specific configuration for `delete_job_trigger`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :delete_job_trigger
                # RPC-specific configuration for `activate_job_trigger`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :activate_job_trigger
                # RPC-specific configuration for `create_discovery_config`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :create_discovery_config
                # RPC-specific configuration for `update_discovery_config`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :update_discovery_config
                # RPC-specific configuration for `get_discovery_config`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :get_discovery_config
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_discovery_configs`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_discovery_configs
                # RPC-specific configuration for `delete_discovery_config`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :delete_discovery_config
                # RPC-specific configuration for `create_dlp_job`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :create_dlp_job
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_dlp_jobs`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_dlp_jobs
                # RPC-specific configuration for `get_dlp_job`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :get_dlp_job
                # RPC-specific configuration for `delete_dlp_job`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :delete_dlp_job
                # RPC-specific configuration for `cancel_dlp_job`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :cancel_dlp_job
                # RPC-specific configuration for `create_stored_info_type`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :create_stored_info_type
                # RPC-specific configuration for `update_stored_info_type`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :update_stored_info_type
                # RPC-specific configuration for `get_stored_info_type`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :get_stored_info_type
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_stored_info_types`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_stored_info_types
                # RPC-specific configuration for `delete_stored_info_type`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :delete_stored_info_type
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_project_data_profiles`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_project_data_profiles
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_table_data_profiles`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_table_data_profiles
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_column_data_profiles`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_column_data_profiles
                # RPC-specific configuration for `get_project_data_profile`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :get_project_data_profile
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_file_store_data_profiles`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_file_store_data_profiles
                # RPC-specific configuration for `get_file_store_data_profile`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :get_file_store_data_profile
                # RPC-specific configuration for `delete_file_store_data_profile`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :delete_file_store_data_profile
                # RPC-specific configuration for `get_table_data_profile`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :get_table_data_profile
                # RPC-specific configuration for `get_column_data_profile`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :get_column_data_profile
                # RPC-specific configuration for `delete_table_data_profile`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :delete_table_data_profile
                # RPC-specific configuration for `hybrid_inspect_dlp_job`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :hybrid_inspect_dlp_job
                # RPC-specific configuration for `finish_dlp_job`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :finish_dlp_job
                # RPC-specific configuration for `create_connection`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :create_connection
                # RPC-specific configuration for `get_connection`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :get_connection
                # RPC-specific configuration for `list_connections`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :list_connections
                # RPC-specific configuration for `search_connections`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :search_connections
                # RPC-specific configuration for `delete_connection`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :delete_connection
                # RPC-specific configuration for `update_connection`
                # @return [::Gapic::Config::Method]
                attr_reader :update_connection

                # @private
                def initialize parent_rpcs = nil
                  inspect_content_config = parent_rpcs.inspect_content if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :inspect_content
                  @inspect_content = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new inspect_content_config
                  redact_image_config = parent_rpcs.redact_image if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :redact_image
                  @redact_image = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new redact_image_config
                  deidentify_content_config = parent_rpcs.deidentify_content if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :deidentify_content
                  @deidentify_content = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new deidentify_content_config
                  reidentify_content_config = parent_rpcs.reidentify_content if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :reidentify_content
                  @reidentify_content = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new reidentify_content_config
                  list_info_types_config = parent_rpcs.list_info_types if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_info_types
                  @list_info_types = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_info_types_config
                  create_inspect_template_config = parent_rpcs.create_inspect_template if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :create_inspect_template
                  @create_inspect_template = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new create_inspect_template_config
                  update_inspect_template_config = parent_rpcs.update_inspect_template if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :update_inspect_template
                  @update_inspect_template = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new update_inspect_template_config
                  get_inspect_template_config = parent_rpcs.get_inspect_template if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :get_inspect_template
                  @get_inspect_template = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new get_inspect_template_config
                  list_inspect_templates_config = parent_rpcs.list_inspect_templates if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_inspect_templates
                  @list_inspect_templates = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_inspect_templates_config
                  delete_inspect_template_config = parent_rpcs.delete_inspect_template if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :delete_inspect_template
                  @delete_inspect_template = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new delete_inspect_template_config
                  create_deidentify_template_config = parent_rpcs.create_deidentify_template if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :create_deidentify_template
                  @create_deidentify_template = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new create_deidentify_template_config
                  update_deidentify_template_config = parent_rpcs.update_deidentify_template if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :update_deidentify_template
                  @update_deidentify_template = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new update_deidentify_template_config
                  get_deidentify_template_config = parent_rpcs.get_deidentify_template if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :get_deidentify_template
                  @get_deidentify_template = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new get_deidentify_template_config
                  list_deidentify_templates_config = parent_rpcs.list_deidentify_templates if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_deidentify_templates
                  @list_deidentify_templates = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_deidentify_templates_config
                  delete_deidentify_template_config = parent_rpcs.delete_deidentify_template if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :delete_deidentify_template
                  @delete_deidentify_template = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new delete_deidentify_template_config
                  create_job_trigger_config = parent_rpcs.create_job_trigger if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :create_job_trigger
                  @create_job_trigger = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new create_job_trigger_config
                  update_job_trigger_config = parent_rpcs.update_job_trigger if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :update_job_trigger
                  @update_job_trigger = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new update_job_trigger_config
                  hybrid_inspect_job_trigger_config = parent_rpcs.hybrid_inspect_job_trigger if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :hybrid_inspect_job_trigger
                  @hybrid_inspect_job_trigger = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new hybrid_inspect_job_trigger_config
                  get_job_trigger_config = parent_rpcs.get_job_trigger if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :get_job_trigger
                  @get_job_trigger = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new get_job_trigger_config
                  list_job_triggers_config = parent_rpcs.list_job_triggers if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_job_triggers
                  @list_job_triggers = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_job_triggers_config
                  delete_job_trigger_config = parent_rpcs.delete_job_trigger if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :delete_job_trigger
                  @delete_job_trigger = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new delete_job_trigger_config
                  activate_job_trigger_config = parent_rpcs.activate_job_trigger if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :activate_job_trigger
                  @activate_job_trigger = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new activate_job_trigger_config
                  create_discovery_config_config = parent_rpcs.create_discovery_config if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :create_discovery_config
                  @create_discovery_config = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new create_discovery_config_config
                  update_discovery_config_config = parent_rpcs.update_discovery_config if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :update_discovery_config
                  @update_discovery_config = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new update_discovery_config_config
                  get_discovery_config_config = parent_rpcs.get_discovery_config if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :get_discovery_config
                  @get_discovery_config = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new get_discovery_config_config
                  list_discovery_configs_config = parent_rpcs.list_discovery_configs if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_discovery_configs
                  @list_discovery_configs = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_discovery_configs_config
                  delete_discovery_config_config = parent_rpcs.delete_discovery_config if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :delete_discovery_config
                  @delete_discovery_config = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new delete_discovery_config_config
                  create_dlp_job_config = parent_rpcs.create_dlp_job if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :create_dlp_job
                  @create_dlp_job = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new create_dlp_job_config
                  list_dlp_jobs_config = parent_rpcs.list_dlp_jobs if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_dlp_jobs
                  @list_dlp_jobs = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_dlp_jobs_config
                  get_dlp_job_config = parent_rpcs.get_dlp_job if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :get_dlp_job
                  @get_dlp_job = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new get_dlp_job_config
                  delete_dlp_job_config = parent_rpcs.delete_dlp_job if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :delete_dlp_job
                  @delete_dlp_job = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new delete_dlp_job_config
                  cancel_dlp_job_config = parent_rpcs.cancel_dlp_job if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :cancel_dlp_job
                  @cancel_dlp_job = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new cancel_dlp_job_config
                  create_stored_info_type_config = parent_rpcs.create_stored_info_type if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :create_stored_info_type
                  @create_stored_info_type = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new create_stored_info_type_config
                  update_stored_info_type_config = parent_rpcs.update_stored_info_type if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :update_stored_info_type
                  @update_stored_info_type = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new update_stored_info_type_config
                  get_stored_info_type_config = parent_rpcs.get_stored_info_type if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :get_stored_info_type
                  @get_stored_info_type = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new get_stored_info_type_config
                  list_stored_info_types_config = parent_rpcs.list_stored_info_types if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_stored_info_types
                  @list_stored_info_types = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_stored_info_types_config
                  delete_stored_info_type_config = parent_rpcs.delete_stored_info_type if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :delete_stored_info_type
                  @delete_stored_info_type = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new delete_stored_info_type_config
                  list_project_data_profiles_config = parent_rpcs.list_project_data_profiles if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_project_data_profiles
                  @list_project_data_profiles = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_project_data_profiles_config
                  list_table_data_profiles_config = parent_rpcs.list_table_data_profiles if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_table_data_profiles
                  @list_table_data_profiles = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_table_data_profiles_config
                  list_column_data_profiles_config = parent_rpcs.list_column_data_profiles if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_column_data_profiles
                  @list_column_data_profiles = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_column_data_profiles_config
                  get_project_data_profile_config = parent_rpcs.get_project_data_profile if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :get_project_data_profile
                  @get_project_data_profile = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new get_project_data_profile_config
                  list_file_store_data_profiles_config = parent_rpcs.list_file_store_data_profiles if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_file_store_data_profiles
                  @list_file_store_data_profiles = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_file_store_data_profiles_config
                  get_file_store_data_profile_config = parent_rpcs.get_file_store_data_profile if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :get_file_store_data_profile
                  @get_file_store_data_profile = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new get_file_store_data_profile_config
                  delete_file_store_data_profile_config = parent_rpcs.delete_file_store_data_profile if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :delete_file_store_data_profile
                  @delete_file_store_data_profile = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new delete_file_store_data_profile_config
                  get_table_data_profile_config = parent_rpcs.get_table_data_profile if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :get_table_data_profile
                  @get_table_data_profile = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new get_table_data_profile_config
                  get_column_data_profile_config = parent_rpcs.get_column_data_profile if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :get_column_data_profile
                  @get_column_data_profile = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new get_column_data_profile_config
                  delete_table_data_profile_config = parent_rpcs.delete_table_data_profile if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :delete_table_data_profile
                  @delete_table_data_profile = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new delete_table_data_profile_config
                  hybrid_inspect_dlp_job_config = parent_rpcs.hybrid_inspect_dlp_job if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :hybrid_inspect_dlp_job
                  @hybrid_inspect_dlp_job = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new hybrid_inspect_dlp_job_config
                  finish_dlp_job_config = parent_rpcs.finish_dlp_job if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :finish_dlp_job
                  @finish_dlp_job = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new finish_dlp_job_config
                  create_connection_config = parent_rpcs.create_connection if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :create_connection
                  @create_connection = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new create_connection_config
                  get_connection_config = parent_rpcs.get_connection if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :get_connection
                  @get_connection = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new get_connection_config
                  list_connections_config = parent_rpcs.list_connections if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :list_connections
                  @list_connections = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new list_connections_config
                  search_connections_config = parent_rpcs.search_connections if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :search_connections
                  @search_connections = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new search_connections_config
                  delete_connection_config = parent_rpcs.delete_connection if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :delete_connection
                  @delete_connection = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new delete_connection_config
                  update_connection_config = parent_rpcs.update_connection if parent_rpcs.respond_to? :update_connection
                  @update_connection = ::Gapic::Config::Method.new update_connection_config

                  yield self if block_given?