[[configuration]] == Configuration There are several ways to configure how Elastic APM behaves. The recommended way to configure Elastic APM is to create a file `config/elastic_apm.yml` and specify options in there: [source,yaml] ---- --- server_url: 'http://localhost:8200' secret_token: 'very_very_secret' ---- Options are applied in the following order (last one wins): 1. Defaults 2. Arguments to `ElasticAPM.start` / `Config.new` 3. Config file eg. `config/elastic_apm.yml` 4. Environment variables [float] === Ruby on Rails When using Rails it's also possible to specify options inside `config/application.rb`: [source,ruby] ---- # config/application.rb config.elastic_apm.service_name = 'MyApp' ---- [float] === Sinatra and Rack When using APM with Sinatra and Rack you can configure it when starting the agent: [source,ruby] ---- # config.ru or similar ElasticAPM.start( app: MyApp, service_name: 'SomeOtherName' ) ---- See <>. [float] === Options Some options can be set with `ENV` variables and all of them may be set in your source code. When setting values for lists using `ENV` variables, strings are split by comma eg `ELASTIC_APM_ENABLED_ENVIRONMENTS=development,production`. [float] [[config-config-file]] ==== `config_file` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | `ELASTIC_APM_CONFIG_FILE` | `config_file` | `config/elastic_apm.yml` |============ Path to the configuration YAML-file. Elastic APM will load config options from this if the file exists. [float] [[config-server-url]] ==== `server_url` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | `ELASTIC_APM_SERVER_URL` | `server_url` | `'http://localhost:8200'` |============ The URL for your APM Server. The URL must be fully qualified, including protocol (`http` or `https`) and port. [float] [[config-secret-token]] ==== `secret_token` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | Example | `ELASTIC_APM_SECRET_TOKEN` | `secret_token` | `nil` | A random string |============ This string is used to ensure that only your agents can send data to your APM server. Both the agents and the APM server have to be configured with the same secret token. One example to generate a secure secret token is: [source,bash] ---- ruby -r securerandom -e 'print SecureRandom.uuid' ---- WARNING: Secret tokens only provide any real security if your APM server use TLS. [float] [[config-api-buffer-size]] ==== `api_buffer_size` |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | `ELASTIC_APM_API_BUFFER_SIZE` | `api_buffer_size` | `256` |============ Maximum amount of objects kept in queue, before sending to APM Server. If you hit this limit you either have to increase the agent's <> or it could mean the agent has trouble connecting to APM Server. The <> should tell you what went wrong. [float] [[config-api-request-size]] ==== `api_request_size` |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | `ELASTIC_APM_API_REQUEST_SIZE` | `api_request_size` | `"750kb"` |============ Maximum amount of bytes sent over one request to APM Server. When reached the agent will open a new request. It has to be provided in *<>*. [float] [[config-api-request-time]] ==== `api_request_time` |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | `ELASTIC_APM_API_REQUEST_TIME` | `api_request_time` | `"10s"` |============ Maximum duration of a single streaming request to APM Server before opening a new one. APM Server has its own limit of 30 seconds before it will close requests. It has to be provided in *<>*. [float] [[config-custom-key-filters]] ==== `custom_key_filters` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | Example | `ELASTIC_APM_CUSTOM_KEY_FILTERS` | `custom_key_filters` | `[]` | `['MyAuthHeader']` |============ Elastic APM strips https://github.com/elastic/apm-agent-ruby/blob/1.x/lib/elastic_apm/filters/secrets_filter.rb[ what looks like confidential information] from the request/response headers. Use this option to add your own custom header keys to the list of filtered keys. When setting this option via `ENV`, use a comma separated string. Eg. `ELASTIC_APM_CUSTOM_KEY_FILTERS="a,b" # => [/a/, /b/]` [float] [[config-default-tags]] ==== `default_tags` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | Example | `ELASTIC_APM_DEFAULT_TAGS` | `default_tags` | `{}` | `region=us1` |============ Add default tags to add to every transaction. WARNING: Be aware that tags are indexed in Elasticsearch. Using too many unique keys will result in *https://www.elastic.co/blog/found-crash-elasticsearch#mapping-explosion[Mapping explosion]*. [float] [[config-disable-send]] ==== `disable_send` |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | N/A | `disable_send` | `false` |============ Disables sending payloads to APM Server. [float] [[config-disabled-spies]] ==== `disabled_spies` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | `ELASTIC_APM_DISABLED_SPIES` | `disabled_spies` | `['json']` |============ Elastic APM automatically instruments select third party libraries. Use this option to disable any of these. Get an array of enabled spies with `ElasticAPM.agent.config.enabled_spies`. [float] [[config-environment]] ==== `environment` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | Example | `ELASTIC_APM_ENVIRONMENT` | `environment` | From `ENV` | `"production"` |============ The name of the environment this service is deployed in, e.g. "production" or "staging". Defaults to `ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV']`. NOTE: Kibana will not differentiate between different environments. To avoid mixing data from multiple environments, consider appending the environment to `service_name`. [float] [[config-filter-exception-types]] ==== `filter_exception_types` |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | Example | N/A | `filter_exception_types` | `[]` | `[MyApp::Errors::IgnoredError]` |============ Use this to filter error tracking for specific error constants. [float] [[config-framework-name]] ==== `framework_name` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | `ELASTIC_APM_FRAMEWORK_NAME` | `framework_name` | Depending on framework |============ Name of the used framework. For Rails or Sinatra, this defaults to `Ruby on Rails` and `Sinatra` respectively, otherwise defaults to `nil`. [float] [[config-framework-version]] ==== `framework_version` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | `ELASTIC_APM_FRAMEWORK_VERSION` | `framework_version` | Depending on framework |============ Version number of the used framework. For Ruby on Rails and Sinatra, this defaults to the used version of the framework, otherwise, the default is `nil`. [float] [[config-hostname]] ==== `hostname` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | Example | `ELASTIC_APM_HOSTNAME` | `hostname` | `hostname` | `app-server01.example.com` |============ The host name to use when sending error and transaction data to the APM server. [float] [[config-custom-ignore-url-patterns]] ==== `ignore_url_patterns` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | Example | `ELASTIC_APM_IGNORE_URL_PATTERNS` | `ignore_url_patterns` | `[]` | `['^/ping', %r{^/admin}]` |============ Use this option to ignore certain URL patterns eg. healthchecks or admin sections. _Ignoring_ in this context means _don't wrap in a <>_. Errors will still be reported. When setting this option via `ENV`, use a comma separated string. Eg. `ELASTIC_APM_IGNORE_URL_PATTERNS="a,b" # => [/a/, /b/]` [float] [[config-instrument]] ==== `instrument` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | Example | `ELASTIC_APM_INSTRUMENT` | `instrument` | `true` | `0` |============ Use this option to ignore certain URL patterns eg. healthchecks or admin sections. [float] [[config-instrumented-rake-tasks]] ==== `instrumented_rake_tasks` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | Example | `ELASTIC_APM_INSTRUMENTED_RAKE_TASKS` | `instrumented_rake_tasks` | `[]` | `['my_task']` |============ Elastic APM can instrument your Rake tasks but given that they are used for a multitude of sometimes very different and not always relevant things, this is opt in. [float] [[config-log-level]] ==== `log_level` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | `ELASTIC_APM_LOG_LEVEL` | `log_level` | `Logger::DEBUG # => 0` |============ By default Elastic APM logs to `stdout` or uses `Rails.log` when used with Rails. [float] [[config-log-path]] ==== `log_path` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | Example | `ELASTIC_APM_LOG_PATH` | `log_path` | `nil` | `log/elastic_apm.log` |============ A path to a log file. By default Elastic APM logs to `stdout` or uses `Rails.log` when used with Rails. Should support both absolute and relative paths. Just make sure the directory exists. [float] [[config-logger]] ==== `logger` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | Example | N/A | `logger` | Depends | `Logger.new('path/to_file.log')` |============ By default Elastic APM logs to `stdout` or uses `Rails.log` when used with Rails. Use this to provide another logger. Expected to have the same API as Ruby's built-in `Logger`. [float] [[config-pool-size]] ==== `pool_size` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | Example | `ELASTIC_APM_POOL_SIZE` | `pool_size` | `1` | `2` |============ Elastic APM uses a thread pool to send its data to APM Server. This makes sure the agent doesn't block the main thread any more than necessary. If you have high load and get warnings about the buffer being full, increasing the worker pool size might help. [float] [[config-service-name]] ==== `service_name` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | Example | `ELASTIC_APM_SERVICE_NAME` | `service_name` | App's name | `MyApp` |============ The name of your service. This is used to keep all the errors and transactions of your service together and is the primary filter in the Elastic APM user interface. If you're using Ruby on Rails this will default to your app's name. If you're using Sinatra it will default to the name of your app's class. NOTE: The service name must conform to this regular expression: `^[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]+$`. In layman's terms: Your service name must only contain characters from the ASCII alphabet, numbers, dashes, underscores and spaces. [float] [[config-service-version]] ==== `service_version` [options="header"] |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | Example | `ELASTIC_APM_SERVICE_VERSION` | `service_version` | `git` sha | A string indicating the version of the deployed service |============ Deployed version of your service. Defaults to `git rev-parse --verify HEAD`. [float] [[config-source-lines-error-app-frames]] ==== `source_lines_error_app_frames` [float] [[config-source-lines-error-library-frames]] ==== `source_lines_error_library_frames` [float] [[config-source-lines-span-app-frames]] ==== `source_lines_span_app_frames` [float] [[config-source-lines-span-library-frames]] ==== `source_lines_span_library_frames` |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | `ELASTIC_APM_SOURCE_LINES_ERROR_APP_FRAMES` | `source_lines_error_app_frames` | `5` | `ELASTIC_APM_SOURCE_LINES_ERROR_LIBRARY_FRAMES` | `source_lines_error_library_frames` | `5` | `ELASTIC_APM_SOURCE_LINES_SPAN_APP_FRAMES` | `source_lines_span_app_frames` | `0` | `ELASTIC_APM_SOURCE_LINES_SPAN_LIBRARY_FRAMES` | `source_lines_span_library_frames` | `0` |============ By default, the APM agent collects source code snippets for errors. With the above settings, you can modify how many lines of source code is collected. We differ between errors and spans, as well as library frames and app frames. WARNING: Especially for spans, collecting source code can have a large impact on storage use in your Elasticsearch cluster. [float] [[config-span-frames-min-duration-ms]] ==== `span_frames_min_duration` |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | `ELASTIC_APM_SPAN_FRAMES_MIN_DURATION` | `span_frames_min_duration` | `"5ms"` |============ Use this to disable stacktrace frame collection for spans with a duration shorter than or equal to the given amount of milleseconds. The default is `"5ms"`. Set it to `-1` to collect stack traces for all spans. Set it to `0` to disable stack trace collection for all spans. It has to be provided in *<>*. [float] [[config-transaction-max-spans]] ==== `transaction_max_spans` |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | `ELASTIC_APM_TRANSACTION_MAX_SPANS` | `transaction_max_spans` | `500` |============ Limits the amount of spans that are recorded per transaction. This is helpful in cases where a transaction creates a very high amount of spans (e.g. thousands of SQL queries). Setting an upper limit will prevent overloading the agent and the APM server with too much work for such edge cases. [float] [[config-transaction-sample-rate]] ==== `transaction_sample_rate` |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | `ELASTIC_APM_TRANSACTION_SAMPLE_RATE` | `transaction_sample_rate` | `1.0` |============ By default, the agent will sample every transaction (e.g. request to your service). To reduce overhead and storage requirements, you can set the sample rate to a value between `0.0` and `1.0`. We still record overall time and the result for unsampled transactions, but no context information, tags, or spans. [float] [[config-verify-server-cert]] ==== `verify_server_cert` |============ | Environment | `Config` key | Default | `ELASTIC_APM_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT` | `verify_server_cert` | `true` |============ By default, the agent verifies the SSL certificate if you use an HTTPS connection to the APM server. Verification can be disabled by changing this setting to `false`. [float] [[config-formats]] === Configuration formats Some options require a unit, either duration or size. These need to be provided in a specific format. [float] [[config-format-duration]] ==== Duration format The _duration_ format is used for options like timeouts. The unit is provided as suffix directly after the number, without any separation by whitespace. *Example*: `"5ms"` *Supported units* * `ms` (milliseconds) * `s` (seconds) * `m` (minutes) [float] [[config-format-size]] ==== Size format The _size_ format is used for options like maximum buffer sizes. The unit is provided as suffix directly after the number, without any separation by whitespace. *Example*: `10kb` *Supported units*: * `b` (bytes) * `kb` (kilobytes) * `mb` (megabytes) * `gb` (gigabytes) NOTE: we use the power-of-two sizing convention, e.g. `1 kilobyte == 1024 bytes`