module Lolita
# Create mapping for routes.
# Each mapping has name, like :posts, :files etc.
# Also it accepts options:
# * :singular - singular form for route, by default it call #singularize on _name_.
# * :class_name - class that is related with route, by default it uses :singular, and classify it. It should be like "Post".
# * :path_prefix - path starts with path prefix, like /path_prefix/lolita/posts.
# * :path - path and path url methods starts with this path.
# =====Example
# lolita_for :posts, :path=>"admin"
# # add paths like this to routes
# # admin_posts GET /admin/posts {:controller=>"lolita/rest", :action=>:index}
# # edit_admin_posts GET /admin/post/1/edit {:controller=>"lolita/rest",:action=>:edit}
# * :module - change module for path, it changes :controller that is used for lolita, like,
# :module=>"admin", change controller to "admin/posts". If this is used without :path then no named routes will be generated
class Mapping
attr_reader :class_name,:path,:singular,:plural,:path_prefix,:module,:controllers,:as
alias :name :singular
# TODO how it is when lolita plugin extend default path and there is module is this not break the logic?
def initialize(name,options={})
@plural=name.to_sym#(options[:as] ? "#{options[:as]}_#{name}" : name).to_sym
@singular=(options[:singular] || @plural.to_s.singularize).to_sym
@class_name=(options[:class_name] || name.to_s.classify).to_s
@ref = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.ref(@class_name)
@path=(options[:path] || "lolita").to_s
mod=@module ? nil : "lolita/"{|h,k|
# Return class that is related with mapping.
def to
# full path of current mapping
def fullpath
def url_name #TODO test what with namespace