$stdlib = {} ObjectSpace.each_object(Module) { |m| $stdlib[m.name] = true } $:.unshift( *$I.split(/:/) ) if defined? $I and String === $I $r = false unless defined? $r # reverse mapping for testclass names if $r then # all this is needed because rails is retarded $-w = false $: << 'test' $: << 'lib' require 'config/environment' f = './app/controllers/application.rb' require f if test ?f, f end $ZENTEST = true $TESTING = true require 'test/unit/testcase' # helps required modules class Module def zentest at_exit { ZenTest.autotest(self) } end end ## # ZenTest scans your target and unit-test code and writes your missing # code based on simple naming rules, enabling XP at a much quicker # pace. ZenTest only works with Ruby and Test::Unit. # # == RULES # # ZenTest uses the following rules to figure out what code should be # generated: # # * Definition: # * CUT = Class Under Test # * TC = Test Class (for CUT) # * TC's name is the same as CUT w/ "Test" prepended at every scope level. # * Example: TestA::TestB vs A::B. # * CUT method names are used in CT, with "test_" prependend and optional "_ext" extensions for differentiating test case edge boundaries. # * Example: # * A::B#blah # * TestA::TestB#test_blah_normal # * TestA::TestB#test_blah_missing_file # * All naming conventions are bidirectional with the exception of test extensions. # # == METHOD MAPPING # # Method names are mapped bidirectionally in the following way: # # method test_method # method? test_method_eh (too much exposure to Canadians :) # method! test_method_bang # method= test_method_equals # [] test_index # * test_times # == test_equals2 # === test_equals3 # # Further, any of the test methods should be able to have arbitrary # extensions put on the name to distinguish edge cases: # # method test_method # method test_method_simple # method test_method_no_network # # To allow for unmapped test methods (ie, non-unit tests), name them: # # test_integration_.* class ZenTest VERSION = '3.4.0' if $TESTING then attr_reader :missing_methods attr_accessor :test_klasses attr_accessor :klasses attr_accessor :inherited_methods else def missing_methods; raise "Something is wack"; end end def initialize @result = [] @test_klasses = {} @klasses = {} @error_count = 0 @inherited_methods = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = {} } # key = klassname, val = hash of methods => true @missing_methods = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = {} } end def load_file(file) puts "# loading #{file} // #{$0}" if $DEBUG unless file == $0 then begin require file rescue LoadError => err puts "Could not load #{file}: #{err}" end else puts "# Skipping loading myself (#{file})" if $DEBUG end end def get_class(klassname) begin klass = Module.const_get(klassname.intern) puts "# found class #{klass.name}" if $DEBUG rescue NameError ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |cls| if cls.name =~ /(^|::)#{klassname}$/ then klass = cls klassname = cls.name break end end puts "# searched and found #{klass.name}" if klass and $DEBUG end if klass.nil? and not $TESTING then puts "Could not figure out how to get #{klassname}..." puts "Report to support-zentest@zenspider.com w/ relevant source" end return klass end def get_methods_for(klass, full=false) klass = self.get_class(klass) if klass.kind_of? String # WTF? public_instance_methods: default vs true vs false = 3 answers public_methods = klass.public_instance_methods(false) klass_methods = klass.singleton_methods(full) klass_methods -= Class.public_methods(true) klass_methods -= %w(suite new) klass_methods = klass_methods.map { |m| "self." + m } public_methods += klass_methods public_methods -= Kernel.methods unless full public_methods -= %w(pretty_print pretty_print_cycle) klassmethods = {} public_methods.each do |meth| puts "# found method #{meth}" if $DEBUG klassmethods[meth] = true end return klassmethods end def get_inherited_methods_for(klass, full) klass = self.get_class(klass) if klass.kind_of? String klassmethods = {} if (klass.class.method_defined?(:superclass)) then superklass = klass.superclass if superklass then the_methods = superklass.instance_methods(true) # generally we don't test Object's methods... unless full then the_methods -= Object.instance_methods(true) the_methods -= Kernel.methods # FIX (true) - check 1.6 vs 1.8 end the_methods.each do |meth| klassmethods[meth] = true end end end return klassmethods end def is_test_class(klass) klass = klass.to_s klasspath = klass.split(/::/) a_bad_classpath = klasspath.find do |s| s !~ ($r ? /Test$/ : /^Test/) end return a_bad_classpath.nil? end def convert_class_name(name) name = name.to_s if self.is_test_class(name) then if $r then name = name.gsub(/Test($|::)/, '\1') # FooTest::BlahTest => Foo::Blah else name = name.gsub(/(^|::)Test/, '\1') # TestFoo::TestBlah => Foo::Blah end else if $r then name = name.gsub(/($|::)/, 'Test\1') # Foo::Blah => FooTest::BlahTest else name = name.gsub(/(^|::)/, '\1Test') # Foo::Blah => TestFoo::TestBlah end end return name end def process_class(klassname, full=false) klass = self.get_class(klassname) raise "Couldn't get class for #{klassname}" if klass.nil? klassname = klass.name # refetch to get full name is_test_class = self.is_test_class(klassname) target = is_test_class ? @test_klasses : @klasses # record public instance methods JUST in this class target[klassname] = self.get_methods_for(klass, full) # record ALL instance methods including superclasses (minus Object) @inherited_methods[klassname] = self.get_inherited_methods_for(klass, full) return klassname end def scan_files(*files) assert_count = Hash.new(0) method_count = Hash.new(0) klassname = nil files.each do |path| is_loaded = false # if reading stdin, slurp the whole thing at once file = (path == "-" ? $stdin.read : File.new(path)) file.each_line do |line| if klassname then case line when /^\s*def/ then method_count[klassname] += 1 when /assert|flunk/ then assert_count[klassname] += 1 end end if line =~ /^\s*(?:class|module)\s+([\w:]+)/ then klassname = $1 if line =~ /\#\s*ZenTest SKIP/ then klassname = nil next end full = false if line =~ /\#\s*ZenTest FULL/ then full = true end unless is_loaded then unless path == "-" then self.load_file(path) else eval file, TOPLEVEL_BINDING end is_loaded = true end begin klassname = self.process_class(klassname, full) rescue puts "# Couldn't find class for name #{klassname}" next end # Special Case: ZenTest is already loaded since we are running it if klassname == "TestZenTest" then klassname = "ZenTest" self.process_class(klassname, false) end end # if /class/ end # IO.foreach end # files result = [] method_count.each_key do |classname| entry = {} next if is_test_class(classname) testclassname = convert_class_name(classname) a_count = assert_count[testclassname] m_count = method_count[classname] ratio = a_count.to_f / m_count.to_f * 100.0 entry['n'] = classname entry['r'] = ratio entry['a'] = a_count entry['m'] = m_count result.push entry end sorted_results = result.sort { |a,b| b['r'] <=> a['r'] } @result.push sprintf("# %25s: %4s / %4s = %6s%%", "classname", "asrt", "meth", "ratio") sorted_results.each do |e| @result.push sprintf("# %25s: %4d / %4d = %6.2f%%", e['n'], e['a'], e['m'], e['r']) end end def add_missing_method(klassname, methodname) @result.push "# ERROR method #{klassname}\##{methodname} does not exist (1)" if $DEBUG and not $TESTING @error_count += 1 @missing_methods[klassname][methodname] = true end @@orig_method_map = { '!' => 'bang', '%' => 'percent', '&' => 'and', '*' => 'times', '**' => 'times2', '+' => 'plus', '-' => 'minus', '/' => 'div', '<' => 'lt', '<=' => 'lte', '<=>' => 'spaceship', "<\<" => 'lt2', '==' => 'equals2', '===' => 'equals3', '=~' => 'equalstilde', '>' => 'gt', '>=' => 'ge', '>>' => 'gt2', '+@' => 'unary_plus', '-@' => 'unary_minus', '[]' => 'index', '[]=' => 'index_equals', '^' => 'carat', '|' => 'or', '~' => 'tilde', } @@method_map = @@orig_method_map.merge(@@orig_method_map.invert) def normal_to_test(name) name = name.dup # wtf? is_cls_method = name.sub!(/^self\./, '') name = @@method_map[name] if @@method_map.has_key? name name = name.sub(/=$/, '_equals') name = name.sub(/\?$/, '_eh') name = name.sub(/\!$/, '_bang') name = "class_" + name if is_cls_method "test_#{name}" end def test_to_normal(name, klassname=nil) known_methods = (@inherited_methods[klassname] || {}).keys.sort.reverse mapped_re = @@orig_method_map.values.sort_by { |k| k.length }.map {|s| Regexp.escape(s)}.reverse.join("|") known_methods_re = known_methods.map {|s| Regexp.escape(s)}.join("|") name = name.sub(/^test_/, '') name = name.sub(/_equals/, '=') unless name =~ /index/ name = name.sub(/_bang.*$/, '!') # FIX: deal w/ extensions separately name = name.sub(/_eh/, '?') is_cls_method = name.sub!(/^class_/, '') name = name.sub(/^(#{mapped_re})(.*)$/) {$1} name = name.sub(/^(#{known_methods_re})(.*)$/) {$1} unless known_methods_re.empty? # look up in method map name = @@method_map[name] if @@method_map.has_key? name name = 'self.' + name if is_cls_method name end def analyze_impl(klassname) testklassname = self.convert_class_name(klassname) if @test_klasses[testklassname] then methods = @klasses[klassname] testmethods = @test_klasses[testklassname] # check that each method has a test method @klasses[klassname].each_key do | methodname | testmethodname = normal_to_test(methodname) unless testmethods[testmethodname] then begin unless testmethods.keys.find { |m| m =~ /#{testmethodname}(_\w+)+$/ } then self.add_missing_method(testklassname, testmethodname) end rescue RegexpError => e puts "# ERROR trying to use '#{testmethodname}' as a regex. Look at #{klassname}.#{methodname}" end end # testmethods[testmethodname] end # @klasses[klassname].each_key else # ! @test_klasses[testklassname] puts "# ERROR test class #{testklassname} does not exist" if $DEBUG @error_count += 1 @klasses[klassname].keys.each do | methodname | self.add_missing_method(testklassname, normal_to_test(methodname)) end end # @test_klasses[testklassname] end def analyze_test(testklassname) klassname = self.convert_class_name(testklassname) # CUT might be against a core class, if so, slurp it and analyze it if $stdlib[klassname] then self.process_class(klassname, true) self.analyze_impl(klassname) end if @klasses[klassname] then methods = @klasses[klassname] testmethods = @test_klasses[testklassname] # check that each test method has a method testmethods.each_key do | testmethodname | if testmethodname =~ /^test_(?!integration_)/ then # try the current name methodname = test_to_normal(testmethodname, klassname) orig_name = methodname.dup found = false until methodname == "" or methods[methodname] or @inherited_methods[klassname][methodname] do # try the name minus an option (ie mut_opt1 -> mut) if methodname.sub!(/_[^_]+$/, '') then if methods[methodname] or @inherited_methods[klassname][methodname] then found = true end else break # no more substitutions will take place end end # methodname == "" or ... unless found or methods[methodname] or methodname == "initialize" then self.add_missing_method(klassname, orig_name) end else # not a test_.* method unless testmethodname =~ /^util_/ then puts "# WARNING Skipping #{testklassname}\##{testmethodname}" if $DEBUG end end # testmethodname =~ ... end # testmethods.each_key else # ! @klasses[klassname] puts "# ERROR class #{klassname} does not exist" if $DEBUG @error_count += 1 @test_klasses[testklassname].keys.each do |testmethodname| @missing_methods[klassname][test_to_normal(testmethodname)] = true end end # @klasses[klassname] end def analyze # walk each known class and test that each method has a test method @klasses.each_key do |klassname| self.analyze_impl(klassname) end # now do it in the other direction... @test_klasses.each_key do |testklassname| self.analyze_test(testklassname) end end def generate_code # @result.unshift "# run against: #{files.join(', ')}" if $DEBUG @result.unshift "# Code Generated by ZenTest v. #{VERSION}" if $DEBUG then @result.push "# found classes: #{@klasses.keys.join(', ')}" @result.push "# found test classes: #{@test_klasses.keys.join(', ')}" end if @missing_methods.size > 0 then @result.push "" @result.push "require 'test/unit' unless defined? $ZENTEST and $ZENTEST" @result.push "" end indentunit = " " @missing_methods.keys.sort.each do |fullklasspath| methods = @missing_methods[fullklasspath] cls_methods = methods.keys.grep(/^(self\.|test_class_)/) methods.delete_if {|k,v| cls_methods.include? k } next if methods.empty? and cls_methods.empty? indent = 0 is_test_class = self.is_test_class(fullklasspath) klasspath = fullklasspath.split(/::/) klassname = klasspath.pop klasspath.each do | modulename | m = self.get_class(modulename) type = m.nil? ? "module" : m.class.name.downcase @result.push indentunit*indent + "#{type} #{modulename}" indent += 1 end @result.push indentunit*indent + "class #{klassname}" + (is_test_class ? " < Test::Unit::TestCase" : '') indent += 1 meths = [] cls_methods.sort.each do |method| meth = [] meth.push indentunit*indent + "def #{method}" meth.last << "(*args)" unless method =~ /^test/ indent += 1 meth.push indentunit*indent + "raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write #{method}'" indent -= 1 meth.push indentunit*indent + "end" meths.push meth.join("\n") end methods.keys.sort.each do |method| next if method =~ /pretty_print/ meth = [] meth.push indentunit*indent + "def #{method}" meth.last << "(*args)" unless method =~ /^test/ indent += 1 meth.push indentunit*indent + "raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write #{method}'" indent -= 1 meth.push indentunit*indent + "end" meths.push meth.join("\n") end @result.push meths.join("\n\n") indent -= 1 @result.push indentunit*indent + "end" klasspath.each do | modulename | indent -= 1 @result.push indentunit*indent + "end" end @result.push '' end @result.push "# Number of errors detected: #{@error_count}" @result.push '' end def result return @result.join("\n") end def self.fix(*files) zentest = ZenTest.new zentest.scan_files(*files) zentest.analyze zentest.generate_code return zentest.result end def self.autotest(*klasses) zentest = ZenTest.new klasses.each do |klass| zentest.process_class(klass) end zentest.analyze zentest.missing_methods.each do |klass,methods| methods.each do |method,x| warn "autotest generating #{klass}##{method}" end end zentest.generate_code code = zentest.result puts code if $DEBUG Object.class_eval code end end