// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_MLP_KERNEl_C_ #define DLIB_MLP_KERNEl_C_ #include "mlp_kernel_abstract.h" #include "../algs.h" #include "../assert.h" namespace dlib { template < typename mlp_base // is an implementation of mlp_kernel_abstract.h > class mlp_kernel_c : public mlp_base { long verify_constructor_args ( long nodes_in_input_layer, long nodes_in_first_hidden_layer, long nodes_in_second_hidden_layer, long nodes_in_output_layer ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_CASSERT(nodes_in_input_layer > 0 && nodes_in_first_hidden_layer > 0 && nodes_in_second_hidden_layer >= 0 && nodes_in_output_layer > 0, "\tconst mlp::constructor()" << "\n\tinvalid constructor arguments" << "\n\tnodes_in_input_layer: " << nodes_in_input_layer << "\n\tnodes_in_first_hidden_layer: " << nodes_in_first_hidden_layer << "\n\tnodes_in_second_hidden_layer: " << nodes_in_second_hidden_layer << "\n\tnodes_in_output_layer: " << nodes_in_output_layer ); return nodes_in_input_layer; } public: mlp_kernel_c ( long nodes_in_input_layer, long nodes_in_first_hidden_layer, long nodes_in_second_hidden_layer = 0, long nodes_in_output_layer = 1, double alpha = 0.1, double momentum = 0.8 ) : mlp_base( verify_constructor_args( nodes_in_input_layer, nodes_in_input_layer, nodes_in_second_hidden_layer, nodes_in_output_layer), nodes_in_first_hidden_layer, nodes_in_second_hidden_layer, nodes_in_output_layer, alpha, momentum) { } template const matrix operator() ( const matrix_exp& in ) const { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_CASSERT(in.nr() == this->input_layer_nodes() && in.nc() == 1, "\tconst matrix mlp::operator()(matrix_exp)" << "\n\tthe input matrix dimensions are not correct" << "\n\tin.nr(): " << in.nr() << "\n\tin.nc(): " << in.nc() << "\n\tinput_layer_nodes(): " << this->input_layer_nodes() << "\n\tthis: " << this ); return mlp_base::operator()(in); } template void train ( const matrix_exp& example_in, const matrix_exp& example_out ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_CASSERT(example_in.nr() == this->input_layer_nodes() && example_in.nc() == 1 && example_out.nr() == this->output_layer_nodes() && example_out.nc() == 1 && max(example_out) <= 1.0 && min(example_out) >= 0.0, "\tvoid mlp::train(matrix_exp, matrix_exp)" << "\n\tthe training example dimensions are not correct" << "\n\texample_in.nr(): " << example_in.nr() << "\n\texample_in.nc(): " << example_in.nc() << "\n\texample_out.nr(): " << example_out.nr() << "\n\texample_out.nc(): " << example_out.nc() << "\n\tmax(example_out): " << max(example_out) << "\n\tmin(example_out): " << min(example_out) << "\n\tinput_layer_nodes(): " << this->input_layer_nodes() << "\n\toutput_layer_nodes(): " << this->output_layer_nodes() << "\n\tthis: " << this ); mlp_base::train(example_in,example_out); } template void train ( const matrix_exp& example_in, double example_out ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_CASSERT(example_in.nr() == this->input_layer_nodes() && example_in.nc() == 1 && this->output_layer_nodes() == 1 && example_out <= 1.0 && example_out >= 0.0, "\tvoid mlp::train(matrix_exp, double)" << "\n\tthe training example dimensions are not correct" << "\n\texample_in.nr(): " << example_in.nr() << "\n\texample_in.nc(): " << example_in.nc() << "\n\texample_out: " << example_out << "\n\tinput_layer_nodes(): " << this->input_layer_nodes() << "\n\toutput_layer_nodes(): " << this->output_layer_nodes() << "\n\tthis: " << this ); mlp_base::train(example_in,example_out); } }; template < typename mlp_base > inline void swap ( mlp_kernel_c& a, mlp_kernel_c& b ) { a.swap(b); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_MLP_KERNEl_C_