$: << File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname( __FILE__ ), "lib")) require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'rubygems/package_task' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'rake/extensiontask' GEM_NAME = "libyajl2" gemspec = eval(File.read('libyajl2.gemspec')) Gem::PackageTask.new(gemspec) do |pkg| pkg.need_tar = true end # # build tasks # #desc "repackage and install #{GEM_NAME}-#{Libyajl2::VERSION}.gem" #task :install => :repackage do # sh %{gem install pkg/#{GEM_NAME}-#{Libyajl2::VERSION}.gem --no-rdoc --no-ri} #end # #desc "uninstall #{GEM_NAME}-#{Libyajl2::VERSION}.gem" #task :uninstall do # sh %{gem uninstall #{GEM_NAME} -x -v #{Libyajl2::VERSION} } #end # #task :compile do # cp "ext/libyajl2" # ruby "extconf.rb" #end desc "clean the git repo" task :clean do sh "git clean -fdx" cd "ext/libyajl2/vendor/yajl" sh "git clean -fdx" end Rake::ExtensionTask.new('libyajl', gemspec) do |ext| ext.lib_dir = 'lib/libyajl2/vendored-libyajl2/lib' ext.ext_dir = 'ext/libyajl2' end # hack to generate yajl_version.h without using cmake def generate_yajl_version build_path = File.expand_path("../ext/libyajl2", __FILE__) vendor_path = File.expand_path("../ext/libyajl2/vendor/yajl", __FILE__) yajl_major = yajl_minor = yajl_micro = nil File.open("#{vendor_path}/CMakeLists.txt").each do |line| if m = line.match(/YAJL_MAJOR (\d+)/) yajl_major = m[1] end if m = line.match(/YAJL_MINOR (\d+)/) yajl_minor = m[1] end if m = line.match(/YAJL_MICRO (\d+)/) yajl_micro = m[1] end end File.open("#{build_path}/api/yajl_version.h", "w+") do |out| # FIXME: relative path File.open("#{vendor_path}/src/api/yajl_version.h.cmake").each do |line| line.gsub!(/\$\{YAJL_MAJOR\}/, yajl_major) line.gsub!(/\$\{YAJL_MINOR\}/, yajl_minor) line.gsub!(/\$\{YAJL_MICRO\}/, yajl_micro) out.write(line) end end FileUtils.cp "#{build_path}/api/yajl_version.h", "#{build_path}/yajl/yajl_version.h" end desc "Prep and patch yajl sources" task :prep do build_path = File.expand_path("../ext/libyajl2", __FILE__) vendor_src_path = File.expand_path("../ext/libyajl2/vendor/yajl/src", __FILE__) # copy yajl files into build position FileUtils.cp Dir["#{vendor_src_path}/*.c"], build_path FileUtils.cp Dir["#{vendor_src_path}/*.h"], build_path # the *.c files need api/yajl_foo.h headers Dir.mkdir "#{build_path}/api" unless Dir.exist?("#{build_path}/api") FileUtils.cp Dir["#{vendor_src_path}/api/*.h"], "#{build_path}/api" # the header files need yajl/yajl_foo.h headers (and windows symlinks # are a bit of a PITA so just copy them all) Dir.mkdir "#{build_path}/yajl" unless Dir.exist?("#{build_path}/yajl") FileUtils.cp Dir["#{vendor_src_path}/api/*.h"], "#{build_path}/yajl" # apply patches that haven't yet been pushed upstream Dir["#{build_path}/patches/*"].sort.each do |file| Dir.chdir build_path sh "patch -p2 < #{file}" end # generate the yajl_version.h header file without invoking cmake generate_yajl_version end # FIXME: need a rake task to update the git submodule and need to do that before shipping desc "Build it and ship it" #task :ship => [:clean, :prep, :gem] do task :ship do sh("git tag #{Libyajl2::VERSION}") sh("git push --tags") Dir[File.expand_path("../pkg/*.gem", __FILE__)].reverse.each do |built_gem| sh("gem push #{built_gem}") end end # # test tasks # RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:spec) if RUBY_VERSION.to_f >= 1.9 namespace :integration do begin require 'kitchen' rescue LoadError task :vagrant do puts "test-kitchen gem is not installed" end task :cloud do puts "test-kitchen gem is not installed" end else desc 'Run Test Kitchen with Vagrant' task :vagrant do Kitchen.logger = Kitchen.default_file_logger Kitchen::Config.new.instances.each do |instance| instance.test(:always) end end desc 'Run Test Kitchen with cloud plugins' task :cloud do if ENV['TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST'] != 'true' ENV['KITCHEN_YAML'] = '.kitchen.cloud.yml' sh "kitchen test --concurrency 4" end end end end namespace :style do desc 'Run Ruby style checks' begin require 'rubocop/rake_task' rescue LoadError task :rubocop do puts "rubocop gem is not installed" end else Rubocop::RakeTask.new(:rubocop) do |t| t.fail_on_error = false end end desc 'Run Ruby smell checks' begin require 'reek/rake/task' rescue LoadError task :reek do puts "reek gem is not installed" end else Reek::Rake::Task.new(:reek) do |t| t.fail_on_error = false t.config_files = '.reek.yml' end end end else namespace :integration do task :vagrant do puts "test-kitchen unsupported on ruby 1.8" end task :cloud do puts "test-kitchen unsupported on ruby 1.8" end end namespace :style do task :rubocop do puts "rubocop unsupported on ruby 1.8" end task :reek do puts "reek unsupported on ruby 1.8" end end end desc 'Run all style checks' task :style => ['style:rubocop', 'style:reek'] desc 'Run style + spec tests by default on travis' task :travis => ['compile', 'spec', 'style'] desc 'Run style, spec and test kichen on travis' task :travis_all => ['compile', 'spec', 'integration:cloud', 'style'] task :default => ['compile', 'spec', 'integration:vagrant', 'style']