// (c) 2012 Onsi Fakhouri // Cocktail.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license. // http://github.com/onsi/cocktail (function(factory) { if (typeof require === 'function' && typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory(require('underscore')); } else if (typeof define === 'function') { define(['underscore'], factory); } else { this.Cocktail = factory(_); } }(function (_) { var Cocktail = {}; Cocktail.mixins = {}; Cocktail.mixin = function mixin(klass) { var mixins = _.chain(arguments).toArray().rest().flatten().value(); // Allows mixing into the constructor's prototype or the dynamic instance var obj = klass.prototype || klass; var collisions = {}; _.each(mixins, function(mixin) { if (_.isString(mixin)) { mixin = Cocktail.mixins[mixin]; } _.each(mixin, function(value, key) { if (_.isFunction(value)) { // If the mixer already has that exact function reference // Note: this would occur on an accidental mixin of the same base if (obj[key] === value) return; if (obj[key]) { // Avoid accessing built-in properties like constructor (#39) collisions[key] = collisions.hasOwnProperty(key) ? collisions[key] : [obj[key]]; collisions[key].push(value); } obj[key] = value; } else if (_.isArray(value)) { obj[key] = _.union(value, obj[key] || []); } else if (_.isObject(value)) { obj[key] = _.extend({}, value, obj[key] || {}); } else if (!(key in obj)) { obj[key] = value; } }); }); _.each(collisions, function(propertyValues, propertyName) { obj[propertyName] = function() { var that = this, args = arguments, returnValue; _.each(propertyValues, function(value) { var returnedValue = _.isFunction(value) ? value.apply(that, args) : value; returnValue = (typeof returnedValue === 'undefined' ? returnValue : returnedValue); }); return returnValue; }; }); return klass; }; var originalExtend; Cocktail.patch = function patch(Backbone) { originalExtend = Backbone.Model.extend; var extend = function(protoProps, classProps) { var klass = originalExtend.call(this, protoProps, classProps); var mixins = klass.prototype.mixins; if (mixins && klass.prototype.hasOwnProperty('mixins')) { Cocktail.mixin(klass, mixins); } return klass; }; _.each([Backbone.Model, Backbone.Collection, Backbone.Router, Backbone.View], function(klass) { klass.mixin = function mixin() { Cocktail.mixin(this, _.toArray(arguments)); }; klass.extend = extend; }); }; Cocktail.unpatch = function unpatch(Backbone) { _.each([Backbone.Model, Backbone.Collection, Backbone.Router, Backbone.View], function(klass) { klass.mixin = undefined; klass.extend = originalExtend; }); }; return Cocktail; }));