module Adhearsion module VoIP module DSL # In Ruby, a number with a leading zero such as 023.45 or 023 does not evaluate as expected. # In the case of the float 023.45, you get a syntax error. In the case of 023 the number is # parsed as being in octal form and the number 19 is returned. # # In Adhearsion, various strings that are entirely numeric might start with zero and that zero # should be preserved when converting that string of numbers into a number. The numerical string # retains the zero while still allowing it to be compared to other numbers. # # [[I think this leading zero thing is only part of the reason that NumericalString exists. I'm # currently writing tests for this leading zero stuff so I thought I'd dump some of my assumptions # about it here in the documentation.]] class NumericalString class << self def starts_with_leading_zero?(string) string.to_s[/^0\d+/] end end (instance_methods - %w"__id__ __send__ __real_num __real_string").each do |m| undef_method m end attr_reader :__real_num, :__real_string def initialize(str) @__real_string = str.to_s @__real_num = str.to_i if @__real_string =~ /^\d+$/ end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) @__real_string.__send__ name, *args, &block end def respond_to?(m) @__real_string.respond_to?(m) || m == :__real_num || m == :__real_string end end # The PhoneNumber class is used by one object throughout Adhearsion: the AGI # "extension" variable. Using some clevery Ruby hackery, the Extension class allows # dialplan writers to use the best of Fixnum and String usage such as # # - Dialing international numbers # - Using a regexp in a case statement for "extension" # - Using a numerical range against extension -- e.g. (100...200) # - Using the thousands separator class PhoneNumber < NumericalString # Checks against a pattern identifying US local numbers (i.e numbers # without an area code seven digits long) def local_number?() to_s =~ Adhearsion::VoIP::Constants::US_LOCAL_NUMBER end # Checks against a pattern identifying US domestic numbers. def national_number?() to_s =~ Adhearsion::VoIP::Constants::US_NATIONAL_NUMBER end # Checks against a pattern identifying an ISN number. See # for more info. def isn?() to_s =~ Adhearsion::VoIP::Constants::ISN end # Useful for dialing those 1-800-FUDGEME type numbers with letters in them. Letters # in the argument will be converted to their appropriate keypad key. def self.from_vanity str str.gsub(/\W/, '')'A-Z', '22233344455566677778889999') end end end end end # These monkey patches are necessary for the NumericalString to work, unfortunately. class Class def alias_method_once(new_name, old_name) unless instance_methods.include?(new_name.to_s) alias_method(new_name, old_name) end end end [Object, Range, class << String; self; end].each do |klass| klass.alias_method_once(:pre_modified_threequal, :===) end class Object def ===(arg) if arg.respond_to? :__real_string arg = arg.__real_num if kind_of?(Numeric) || kind_of?(Range) pre_modified_threequal arg else pre_modified_threequal arg end end end class Range alias_method_once(:original_threequal, :===) def ===(arg) if (arg.respond_to? :__real_string) && !arg.__real_num.nil? arg = arg.__real_num original_threequal arg else original_threequal arg end end end class << String alias_method_once(:original_threequal, :===) def ===(arg) arg.respond_to?(:__real_string) || original_threequal(arg) end end