# # rhom_db_adapter.rb # rhodes # # Copyright (C) 2008 Lars Burgess. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../')) require 'sqlite3/database' module Rhom class RhomDbAdapter @@database = nil class << self # maintains a single database connection def open(dbfile=nil) puts "DB name = " + dbfile.inspect unless @@database or dbfile.nil? @@database = SQLite3::Database.new(dbfile) end end # closes the database if and only if it is open def close if @@database and not @@database.closed? @@database.close @@database = nil else return false end return true end # execute a sql statement # optionally, disable the factory processing # which returns the result array directly def execute_sql(sql=nil) result = [] if sql puts 'query is ' + sql # Make sure we lock the sync engine's mutex # before we perform a database transaction. # This prevents concurrency issues. begin SyncEngine::lock_sync_mutex # execute sql statement inside of transaction # result is returned as an array of hashes @@database.transaction unless @@database.transaction_active? @@database.results_as_hash = true result = @@database.execute sql @@database.commit SyncEngine::unlock_sync_mutex rescue Exception => e puts "exception when running query: #{e}" # make sure we unlock even if there's an error! SyncEngine::unlock_sync_mutex end end puts "returned #{result.length.to_s} records..." result end # generates where clause based on hash def where_str(condition) cond = "" condition.each do |key,value| val = value.is_a?(String) ? "'#{value}'" : "#{value}" cond << " #{key} = #{val} and" end cond[0..cond.length - 5] end # generates value clause based on hash def vals_str(values) vals = "" values.each do |key,value| val = value.is_a?(String) ? "'#{value}'" : "#{value}" vals << "#{key} = #{val}," end vals[0..vals.length - 2] end # support for select statements # this function takes table name, columns (as a comma-separated list), # condition (as a hash), and params (as a hash) # example usage is the following: # select_from_table('object_values', '*', {"source_id"=>2,"update_type"=>'query'}, # {"order by"=>'object'}) # this would return all columns where source_id = 2 and update_type = 'query' ordered # by the "object" column def select_from_table(table=nil,columns=nil,condition=nil,params=nil) query = nil if table and columns and condition if params and params['distinct'] query = "select distinct #{columns} from #{table} where #{where_str(condition)}" elsif params and params['order by'] query = "select #{columns} from #{table} where #{where_str(condition)} \ order by #{params['order by']}" else query = "select #{columns} from #{table} where #{where_str(condition)}" end elsif table and columns query = "select #{columns} from #{table}" end execute_sql query end # inserts a single row into the database # takes the table name and values (hash) as arguments # exmaple usage is the following: # insert_into_table('object_values, {"source_id"=>1,"object"=>"some-object","update_type"=>'delete'}) # this would execute the following sql: # insert into object_values (source_id,object,update_type) values (1,'some-object','delete'); def insert_into_table(table=nil,values=nil) query = nil cols = "" vals = "" if table and values values.each do |key,val| value = val.is_a?(Fixnum) ? "#{val}," : "'#{val}'," cols << "#{key}," vals << value end cols = cols[0..cols.length - 2] vals = vals[0..vals.length - 2] query = "insert into #{table} (#{cols}) values (#{vals})" end execute_sql query end # deletes rows from a table which satisfy condition (hash) # example usage is the following: # delete_from_table('object_values',{"object"=>"some-object"}) # this would execute the following sql: # delete from object_values where object="some-object" def delete_from_table(table=nil,condition=nil) query = nil if table and condition query = "delete from #{table} where #{where_str(condition)}" end execute_sql query end # deletes all rows from a given table def delete_all_from_table(table=nil) query = nil if table query = "delete from #{table}" end execute_sql query end # updates values (hash) in a given table which satisfy condition (hash) # example usage is the following: # update_into_table('object_values',{"value"=>"Electronics"},{"object"=>"some-object", "attrib"=>"industry"}) # this executes the following sql: # update table object_values set value='Electronics' where object='some-object' and attrib='industry'; def update_into_table(table=nil,values=nil,condition=nil) query = nil vals = values.nil? ? nil : vals_str(values) if table and condition and vals query = "update #{table} set #{vals} where #{where_str(condition)}" end execute_sql query end end # class methods end # RhomDbAdapter end # Rhom