module RDF ## # An RDF repository. # # @example Creating a transient in-memory repository # repository = # # @example Checking whether a repository is readable/writable # repository.readable? # repository.writable? # # @example Checking whether a repository is persistent or transient # repository.persistent? # repository.transient? # # @example Checking whether a repository is empty # repository.empty? # # @example Checking how many statements a repository contains # repository.count # # @example Checking whether a repository contains a specific statement # repository.has_statement?(statement) # # @example Enumerating statements in a repository # repository.each_statement { |statement| statement.inspect! } # # @example Inserting statements into a repository # repository.insert(*statements) # repository.insert(statement) # repository.insert([subject, predicate, object]) # repository << statement # repository << [subject, predicate, object] # # @example Deleting statements from a repository # repository.delete(*statements) # repository.delete(statement) # repository.delete([subject, predicate, object]) # # @example Deleting all statements from a repository # repository.clear! # class Repository include RDF::Enumerable include RDF::Durable include RDF::Mutable include RDF::Queryable ## # Returns the {URI} of this repository. # # @return [URI] attr_reader :uri ## # Returns the title of this repository. # # @return [String] attr_reader :title ## # Loads one or more RDF files into a new transient in-memory repository. # # @param [String, Array<String>] filenames # @yield [repository] # @yieldparam [Repository] # @return [void] def self.load(filenames, options = {}, &block) do |repository| [filenames].flatten.each do |filename| repository.load(filename, options) end if block_given? case block.arity when 1 then else repository.instance_eval(&block) end end end end ## # Initializes this repository instance. # # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [URI, #to_s] :uri (nil) # @option options [String, #to_s] :title (nil) # @yield [repository] # @yieldparam [Repository] repository def initialize(options = {}, &block) @uri = options.delete(:uri) @title = options.delete(:title) @options = options # Provide a default in-memory implementation: if self.class.equal?(RDF::Repository) @data = [] send(:extend, Implementation) end if block_given? case block.arity when 1 then else instance_eval(&block) end end end ## # Outputs a developer-friendly representation of this repository to # `stderr`. # # @return [void] def inspect! each_statement { |statement| statement.inspect! } nil end ## # @see RDF::Repository module Implementation ## # Returns `false` to indicate that this repository is nondurable. # # @return [Boolean] # @see RDF::Durable#durable? def durable? false end ## # Enumerates each RDF statement in this repository. # # @yield [statement] # @yieldparam [Statement] # @return [Enumerator] # @see RDF::Enumerable#each_statement def each(&block) @data.each(&block) end ## # Returns `true` if this repository contains no RDF statements. # # @return [Boolean] # @see RDF::Enumerable#empty? def empty? @data.empty? end ## # Returns the number of RDF statements in this repository. # # @return [Integer] # @see RDF::Enumerable#count def count @data.size end ## # Returns `true` if this repository contains the given RDF statement. # # @param [Statement] statement # @return [Boolean] # @see RDF::Enumerable#has_statement? def has_statement?(statement) @data.include?(statement) end ## # Inserts an RDF statement into the underlying storage. # # @param [RDF::Statement] statement # @return [void] def insert_statement(statement) @data.push(statement) unless @data.include?(statement) end ## # Deletes an RDF statement from the underlying storage. # # @param [RDF::Statement] statement # @return [void] def delete_statement(statement) @data.delete(statement) end ## # Deletes all RDF statements from this repository. # # @return [Repository] # @see RDF::Mutable#clear def clear_statements @data.clear end protected :insert_statement protected :delete_statement protected :clear_statements end # module Implementation end # class Repository end # module RDF