## Alpha: 0.0.1 (yanked) Features: - Added for Character search via Character name, Server or Character ID - Character Profile - HP, MP, TP - Race, Sex, Clan, Nameday, Guardian, City, Grand Company, Free Company - Gear List - Shows item name, ilevel, slot, ffxiv db url, calculates total ilevel - Disciple List(Classes) - Shows class name, level, current exp, total exp, icon url, calculates experience to next level - All character attributes - Converts Character profile to json ## Alpha: 0.0.2 (2015-01-05) Bugfixes: - Added required Ruby version to gemspec ## Alpha: 0.0.3 (2015-01-05) Bugfixes: - Added nokogiri dependency to gemspec - Remove rake dependency from spec - Fixed ilevel calculation, forgot to double 2handed ilevel as offhand - Refactored Paser#get_classes()., Parser#get_gear ## Alpha: 0.0.4 (2015-01-07) Features - Added new method to creating a Character class, Character.new("Benpi Kancho"), can pass name without server if you have an extremely rare name - Added server name method - Character, DiscipleList, GearList class have had a to_json method added to them - Added first_name and last_name methods - Added minion parser + mounts parser Bugfixes - Rewriting more comprehensive tests - Change the way Character.new arguments work - Cleaned up code structure to be more modular ## Alpha: 0.0.5 (2015-01-19) Features - Added server status - Added job detection Bugfixes - Logic error in process_args - Removed MoreThanOneCharacter exception(now picks the first character from result search) - Now returns the first match if multiple characters - cleaned up to_json method - More bug fixes