#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 14; use FindBin; my $dir; BEGIN { $dir = $FindBin::Bin . '/' }; use lib $dir; my $module = $ENV{EXERCISM} ? 'Example' : 'LinkedList'; use_ok($module) or BAIL_OUT("You need to create a module called $module.pm"); foreach my $f (qw/new from_array to_array next reverse data/ ) { can_ok($module, $f) or BAIL_OUT("You need to implement the function '$f'"); } sub elem { $module->new( @_ ) } sub array { $module->from_array( [@_] ) } subtest 'Tested new()' => sub { plan tests => 1; isa_ok( elem(1), $module, "return value of new()" ); }; subtest 'Tested data()' => sub { plan tests => 1; is( elem(42)->data(), 42, "element returns the correct data" ); }; subtest 'Tested next()' => sub { plan tests => 3; my $two = elem(2); my $one = elem(1, $two); is( $one->data(), 1, "first element is 1" ); is( $one->next(), $two, "next is two" ); is( $one->next()->data(), 2, "two is 2" ); }; subtest 'Tested from_array()' => sub { plan tests => 7; is( array(), undef, "from_array creates nothing from nothing" ); my $one = array(1); is( $one->data(), 1, "from_array with 1 element" ); is( $one->next(), undef, "only one element was created" ); my $e = array(1..5); is( $e->data(), 1, "first element is 1" ); is( $e->next()->data(), 2, "second element is 2" ); my $five = $e->next()->next()->next()->next(); is( $five->data(), 5, "fifth element is 5" ); is( $five->next(), undef, "fifth element is the last element" ); }; subtest 'Tested to_array()' => sub { plan tests => 3; is_deeply( array(1)->to_array(), [1], "to_array on a one element list" ); is_deeply( elem(2, array(1))->to_array(), [2,1], "to_array on 2 element-list" ); is_deeply( array(1..10)->to_array(), [1..10], "to_array() works" ); }; subtest 'Tested reverse()' => sub { plan tests => 3; is( array(1)->reverse()->data(), 1, "reverse of single element" ); is( array(1..10)->reverse()->data(), 10, "reverse of large list, first element is last element" ); is_deeply( array(1..10)->reverse()->to_array(), [reverse 1..10], "all elements reversed" ); }; subtest 'Tested all the things!' => sub { plan tests => 1; is_deeply( array(1..10)->reverse()->reverse()->to_array(), [1..10], "double reverse" ); };