module RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat # Default FileFormat class for Rails logs. # # Instances will be created dynamically based on the lines you want it to parse. You can # specify what lines should be included in the parser by providing a list to the create # method as first argument. class Rails < Base # Creates a Rails FileFormat instance. # # The lines that will be parsed can be defined by the argument to this function, # which should be an array of line names, or a list of line names as comma separated # string. The resulting report depends on the lines that will be parsed. You can # also provide s string that describes a common set of lines, like "production", # "development" or "production". def self.create(lines = 'production') definitions_hash = line_definer.line_definitions.clone lines = lines.to_s.split(',') if lines.kind_of?(String) lines = [lines.to_s] if lines.kind_of?(Symbol) lines.each do |line| line = line.to_sym if LINE_COLLECTIONS.has_key?(line) LINE_COLLECTIONS[line].each { |l| definitions_hash[l] = LINE_DEFINITIONS[l] } elsif LINE_DEFINITIONS.has_key?(line) definitions_hash[line] = LINE_DEFINITIONS[line] else raise "Unrecognized Rails log line name: #{line.inspect}!" end end return, report_trackers(definitions_hash)) end # Creates trackers based on the specified line definitions. # # The more lines that will be parsed, the more information will appear in the report. def self.report_trackers(lines) analyze = analyze.timespan analyze.hourly_spread analyze.frequency :category => REQUEST_CATEGORIZER, :title => 'Most requested' analyze.frequency :method, :title => 'HTTP methods' analyze.frequency :status, :title => 'HTTP statuses returned' if lines.has_key?(:cache_hit) analyze.frequency(:category => lambda { |request| request =~ :cache_hit ? 'Cache hit' : 'No hit' }, :title => 'Rails action cache hits') end analyze.duration :duration, :category => REQUEST_CATEGORIZER, :title => "Request duration", :line_type => :completed analyze.duration :view, :category => REQUEST_CATEGORIZER, :title => "View rendering time", :line_type => :completed analyze.duration :db, :category => REQUEST_CATEGORIZER, :title => "Database time", :line_type => :completed analyze.frequency :category => REQUEST_CATEGORIZER, :title => 'Process blockers (> 1 sec duration)', :if => lambda { |request| request[:duration] && request[:duration] > 1.0 } if lines.has_key?(:failure) analyze.frequency :error, :title => 'Failed requests', :line_type => :failure end if lines.has_key?(:rendered) analyze.duration :render_duration, :category => :render_file, :multiple_per_request => true, :title => 'Partial rendering duration' end if lines.has_key?(:query_executed) analyze.duration :query_duration, :category => :query_sql, :multiple_per_request => true, :title => 'Query duration' end return analyze.trackers + report_definer.trackers end # Rails < 2.1 completed line example # Completed in 0.21665 (4 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00926 (4%) | DB: 0.00000 (0%) | 200 OK [] RAILS_21_COMPLETED = /Completed in (\d+\.\d{5}) \(\d+ reqs\/sec\) (?:\| Rendering: (\d+\.\d{5}) \(\d+\%\) )?(?:\| DB: (\d+\.\d{5}) \(\d+\%\) )?\| (\d\d\d).+\[(http.+)\]/ # Rails > 2.1 completed line example # Completed in 614ms (View: 120, DB: 31) | 200 OK [http://floorplanner.local/demo] RAILS_22_COMPLETED = /Completed in (\d+)ms \((?:View: (\d+), )?DB: (\d+)\) \| (\d\d\d).+\[(http.+)\]/ # A hash of definitions for all common lines in Rails logs. LINE_DEFINITIONS = { :processing =>, :header => true, :teaser => /Processing /, :regexp => /Processing ((?:\w+::)?\w+)#(\w+)(?: to (\w+))? \(for (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) at (\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d)\) \[([A-Z]+)\]/, :captures => [{ :name => :controller, :type => :string }, { :name => :action, :type => :string }, { :name => :format, :type => :string, :default => 'html' }, { :name => :ip, :type => :string }, { :name => :timestamp, :type => :timestamp }, { :name => :method, :type => :string }]), :completed =>, :footer => true, :teaser => /Completed in /, :regexp => Regexp.union(RAILS_21_COMPLETED, RAILS_22_COMPLETED), :captures => [{ :name => :duration, :type => :duration, :unit => :sec }, # First old variant capture { :name => :view, :type => :duration, :unit => :sec }, { :name => :db, :type => :duration, :unit => :sec }, { :name => :status, :type => :integer }, { :name => :url, :type => :string }, # Last old variant capture { :name => :duration, :type => :duration, :unit => :msec }, # First new variant capture { :name => :view, :type => :duration, :unit => :msec }, { :name => :db, :type => :duration, :unit => :msec }, { :name => :status, :type => :integer }, { :name => :url, :type => :string }]), # Last new variant capture :failure =>, :footer => true, :teaser => /((?:[A-Z]\w*[a-z]\w+\:\:)*[A-Z]\w*[a-z]\w+) \((.*)\)(?: on line #(\d+) of (.+))?\:/, :regexp => /((?:[A-Z]\w*[a-z]\w+\:\:)*[A-Z]\w*[a-z]\w+) \((.*)\)(?: on line #(\d+) of (.+))?\:\s*$/, :captures => [{ :name => :error, :type => :string }, { :name => :message, :type => :string }, { :name => :line, :type => :integer }, { :name => :file, :type => :string }]), :cache_hit =>, :regexp => /Filter chain halted as \[\#, :teaser => / Parameters:/, :regexp => / Parameters:\s+(\{.*\})/, :captures => [{ :name => :params, :type => :eval }]), :rendered =>, :teaser => /Rendered /, :regexp => /Rendered (\w+(?:\/\w+)+) \((\d+\.\d+)ms\)/, :captures => [{ :name => :render_file, :type => :string }, { :name => :render_duration, :type => :duration, :unit => :msec }]), :query_executed =>, :regexp => /\s+(?:\e\[4;36;1m)?((?:\w+::)*\w+) Load \((\d+\.\d+)ms\)(?:\e\[0m)?\s+(?:\e\[0;1m)?([^\e]+) ?(?:\e\[0m)?/, :captures => [{ :name => :query_class, :type => :string }, { :name => :query_duration, :type => :duration, :unit => :msec }, { :name => :query_sql, :type => :sql }]), :query_cached =>, :regexp => /\s+(?:\e\[4;35;1m)?CACHE \((\d+\.\d+)ms\)(?:\e\[0m)?\s+(?:\e\[0m)?([^\e]+) ?(?:\e\[0m)?/, :captures => [{ :name => :cached_duration, :type => :duration, :unit => :msec }, { :name => :cached_sql, :type => :sql }]) } # Definitions of common combinations of lines that can be parsed LINE_COLLECTIONS = { :minimal => [:processing, :completed], :production => [:processing, :completed, :failure, :cache_hit], :development => [:processing, :completed, :failure, :rendered, :query_executed, :query_cached], :all => LINE_DEFINITIONS.keys } # Simple function to categorize Rails requests using controller/actions/format and method. REQUEST_CATEGORIZER = do |request| "#{request[:controller]}##{request[:action]}.#{request[:format]} [#{request[:method]}]" end # Define a custom Request class for the Rails file format to speed up timestamp handling # and to ensure that a format is always set. class Request < RequestLogAnalyzer::Request # Do not use DateTime.parse def convert_timestamp(value, definition) value.gsub(/[^0-9]/, '')[0...14].to_i end # Sanitizes SQL queries so that they can be grouped def convert_sql(sql, definition) sql.gsub(/\b\d+\b/, ':int').gsub(/`([^`]+)`/, '\1').gsub(/'[^']*'/, ':string').rstrip end end end end