<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuite name="OpenStudio::Analysis::Translator::Excel setup version 2" tests="4" time="0.241991" failures="0" errors="0" skipped="0">
  <testcase name="OpenStudio::Analysis::Translator::Excel setup version 2 should have a version" time="0.000212">
  <testcase name="OpenStudio::Analysis::Translator::Excel setup version 2 should have the new settings" time="0.000107">
  <testcase name="OpenStudio::Analysis::Translator::Excel setup version 2 should have problem setup" time="0.000126">
  <testcase name="OpenStudio::Analysis::Translator::Excel setup version 2 should have algorithm setup" time="0.00013">
Parsing measure Baseline
Parsing measure Reduce Lighting Loads by Percentage
Parsing measure ReduceSpaceInfiltrationByPercentage
Parsing measure Rotate Building Relative to Current Orientation
Parsing measure Set South WWR
Parsing measure Set West WWR