# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: ignore # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/pg/all/pg.rbi # # pg-1.2.3 module PG def self.connect(*args); end def self.init_openssl(arg0, arg1); end def self.init_ssl(arg0); end def self.is_threadsafe?; end def self.isthreadsafe; end def self.library_version; end def self.threadsafe?; end def self.version_string(include_buildnum = nil); end end class PG::Connection def async_describe_portal(arg0); end def async_describe_prepared(arg0); end def async_exec(*arg0); end def async_exec_params(*arg0); end def async_exec_prepared(*arg0); end def async_prepare(*arg0); end def async_query(*arg0); end def backend_pid; end def block(*arg0); end def cancel; end def client_encoding=(arg0); end def close; end def conndefaults; end def conndefaults_hash; end def connect_poll; end def connection_needs_password; end def connection_used_password; end def conninfo; end def conninfo_hash; end def consume_input; end def copy_data(sql, coder = nil); end def db; end def decoder_for_get_copy_data; end def decoder_for_get_copy_data=(arg0); end def describe_portal(arg0); end def describe_prepared(arg0); end def discard_results; end def encoder_for_put_copy_data; end def encoder_for_put_copy_data=(arg0); end def encrypt_password(*arg0); end def error_message; end def escape(arg0); end def escape_bytea(arg0); end def escape_identifier(arg0); end def escape_literal(arg0); end def escape_string(arg0); end def exec(*arg0); end def exec_params(*arg0); end def exec_prepared(*arg0); end def external_encoding; end def field_name_type; end def field_name_type=(arg0); end def finish; end def finished?; end def flush; end def get_client_encoding; end def get_copy_data(*arg0); end def get_last_result; end def get_result; end def host; end def initialize(*arg0); end def internal_encoding; end def internal_encoding=(arg0); end def is_busy; end def isnonblocking; end def lo_close(arg0); end def lo_creat(*arg0); end def lo_create(arg0); end def lo_export(arg0, arg1); end def lo_import(arg0); end def lo_lseek(arg0, arg1, arg2); end def lo_open(*arg0); end def lo_read(arg0, arg1); end def lo_seek(arg0, arg1, arg2); end def lo_tell(arg0); end def lo_truncate(arg0, arg1); end def lo_unlink(arg0); end def lo_write(arg0, arg1); end def loclose(arg0); end def locreat(*arg0); end def locreate(arg0); end def loexport(arg0, arg1); end def loimport(arg0); end def lolseek(arg0, arg1, arg2); end def loopen(*arg0); end def loread(arg0, arg1); end def loseek(arg0, arg1, arg2); end def lotell(arg0); end def lotruncate(arg0, arg1); end def lounlink(arg0); end def lowrite(arg0, arg1); end def make_empty_pgresult(arg0); end def nonblocking?; end def notifies; end def notifies_wait(*arg0); end def options; end def parameter_status(arg0); end def pass; end def port; end def prepare(*arg0); end def protocol_version; end def put_copy_data(*arg0); end def put_copy_end(*arg0); end def query(*arg0); end def quote_ident(arg0); end def reset; end def reset_poll; end def reset_start; end def self.async_api=(enable); end def self.conndefaults; end def self.conndefaults_hash; end def self.connect(*arg0); end def self.connect_start(*arg0); end def self.encrypt_password(arg0, arg1); end def self.escape(arg0); end def self.escape_bytea(arg0); end def self.escape_string(arg0); end def self.isthreadsafe; end def self.open(*arg0); end def self.parse_connect_args(*args); end def self.ping(*arg0); end def self.quote_connstr(value); end def self.quote_ident(arg0); end def self.setdb(*arg0); end def self.setdblogin(*arg0); end def self.unescape_bytea(arg0); end def send_describe_portal(arg0); end def send_describe_prepared(arg0); end def send_prepare(*arg0); end def send_query(*arg0); end def send_query_params(*arg0); end def send_query_prepared(*arg0); end def server_version; end def set_client_encoding(arg0); end def set_default_encoding; end def set_error_context_visibility(arg0); end def set_error_verbosity(arg0); end def set_notice_processor; end def set_notice_receiver; end def set_single_row_mode; end def setnonblocking(arg0); end def socket; end def socket_io; end def ssl_attribute(arg0); end def ssl_attribute_names; end def ssl_attributes; end def ssl_in_use?; end def status; end def sync_describe_portal(arg0); end def sync_describe_prepared(arg0); end def sync_exec(*arg0); end def sync_exec_params(*arg0); end def sync_exec_prepared(*arg0); end def sync_prepare(*arg0); end def trace(arg0); end def transaction; end def transaction_status; end def tty; end def type_map_for_queries; end def type_map_for_queries=(arg0); end def type_map_for_results; end def type_map_for_results=(arg0); end def unescape_bytea(arg0); end def untrace; end def user; end def wait_for_notify(*arg0); end end class PG::Result < Data def [](arg0); end def autoclear?; end def check; end def check_result; end def clear; end def cleared?; end def cmd_status; end def cmd_tuples; end def cmdtuples; end def column_values(arg0); end def each; end def each_row; end def error_field(arg0); end def error_message; end def fformat(arg0); end def field_name_type; end def field_name_type=(arg0); end def field_names_as(type); end def field_values(arg0); end def fields; end def fmod(arg0); end def fname(arg0); end def fnumber(arg0); end def fsize(arg0); end def ftable(arg0); end def ftablecol(arg0); end def ftype(arg0); end def getisnull(arg0, arg1); end def getlength(arg0, arg1); end def getvalue(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def map_types!(type_map); end def nfields; end def nparams; end def ntuples; end def num_fields; end def num_tuples; end def oid_value; end def paramtype(arg0); end def res_status(arg0); end def result_error_field(arg0); end def result_error_message; end def result_status; end def result_verbose_error_message(arg0, arg1); end def stream_each; end def stream_each_row; end def stream_each_tuple; end def tuple(arg0); end def tuple_values(arg0); end def type_map; end def type_map=(arg0); end def values; end def verbose_error_message(arg0, arg1); end end class PG::Error < StandardError def connection; end def error; end def result; end end module PG::TypeMap::DefaultTypeMappable def default_type_map; end def default_type_map=(arg0); end def with_default_type_map(arg0); end end class PG::TypeMapByClass < PG::TypeMap def [](arg0); end def []=(arg0, arg1); end def coders; end end class PG::TypeMapByColumn < PG::TypeMap def coders; end def initialize(arg0); end def inspect; end def oids; end end class PG::TypeMapByMriType < PG::TypeMap def [](arg0); end def []=(arg0, arg1); end def coders; end end class PG::TypeMapByOid < PG::TypeMap def add_coder(arg0); end def build_column_map(arg0); end def coders; end def max_rows_for_online_lookup; end def max_rows_for_online_lookup=(arg0); end def rm_coder(arg0, arg1); end end class PG::TypeMapInRuby < PG::TypeMap def typecast_copy_get(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); end def typecast_query_param(arg0, arg1); end def typecast_result_value(arg0, arg1, arg2); end end class PG::Coder def ==(v); end def dup; end def flags; end def flags=(arg0); end def format; end def format=(arg0); end def initialize(params = nil); end def inspect; end def inspect_short; end def marshal_dump; end def marshal_load(str); end def name; end def name=(arg0); end def oid; end def oid=(arg0); end def to_h; end end class PG::CompositeCoder < PG::Coder def delimiter; end def delimiter=(arg0); end def elements_type; end def elements_type=(arg0); end def inspect; end def needs_quotation=(arg0); end def needs_quotation?; end def to_h; end end class PG::TextEncoder::Boolean < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextEncoder::Integer < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextEncoder::Float < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextEncoder::Numeric < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextEncoder::String < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextEncoder::Bytea < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextEncoder::Identifier < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextEncoder::Array < PG::CompositeEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextEncoder::QuotedLiteral < PG::CompositeEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextEncoder::ToBase64 < PG::CompositeEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextDecoder::Boolean < PG::SimpleDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextDecoder::Integer < PG::SimpleDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextDecoder::Float < PG::SimpleDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextDecoder::Numeric < PG::SimpleDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextDecoder::String < PG::SimpleDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextDecoder::Bytea < PG::SimpleDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextDecoder::Identifier < PG::SimpleDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextDecoder::Timestamp < PG::SimpleDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextDecoder::Inet < PG::SimpleDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextDecoder::Array < PG::CompositeDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextDecoder::FromBase64 < PG::CompositeDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::BinaryEncoder::Boolean < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::BinaryEncoder::Int2 < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::BinaryEncoder::Int4 < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::BinaryEncoder::Int8 < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::BinaryEncoder::String < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::BinaryEncoder::Bytea < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::BinaryEncoder::FromBase64 < PG::CompositeEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::BinaryDecoder::Boolean < PG::SimpleDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::BinaryDecoder::Integer < PG::SimpleDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::BinaryDecoder::Float < PG::SimpleDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::BinaryDecoder::String < PG::SimpleDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::BinaryDecoder::Bytea < PG::SimpleDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::BinaryDecoder::Timestamp < PG::SimpleDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::BinaryDecoder::ToBase64 < PG::CompositeDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::CopyCoder < PG::Coder def delimiter; end def delimiter=(arg0); end def null_string; end def null_string=(arg0); end def to_h; end def type_map; end def type_map=(arg0); end end class PG::TextEncoder::CopyRow < PG::CopyEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextDecoder::CopyRow < PG::CopyDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::RecordCoder < PG::Coder def to_h; end def type_map; end def type_map=(arg0); end end class PG::TextEncoder::Record < PG::RecordEncoder def encode(*arg0); end end class PG::TextDecoder::Record < PG::RecordDecoder def decode(*arg0); end end class PG::Tuple def [](arg0); end def each; end def each_key(&block); end def each_value; end def fetch(*arg0); end def field_map; end def field_names; end def has_key?(key); end def index(arg0); end def inspect; end def key?(key); end def keys; end def length; end def marshal_dump; end def marshal_load(arg0); end def size; end def values; end end module PG::Constants end module PG::Coder::BinaryFormatting def initialize(params = nil); end end module PG::BinaryDecoder end class PG::BinaryDecoder::TimestampUtc < PG::BinaryDecoder::Timestamp def initialize(params = nil); end end class PG::BinaryDecoder::TimestampUtcToLocal < PG::BinaryDecoder::Timestamp def initialize(params = nil); end end class PG::BinaryDecoder::TimestampLocal < PG::BinaryDecoder::Timestamp def initialize(params = nil); end end module PG::TextEncoder end class PG::TextEncoder::Date < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(value); end end class PG::TextEncoder::TimestampWithoutTimeZone < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(value); end end class PG::TextEncoder::TimestampUtc < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(value); end end class PG::TextEncoder::TimestampWithTimeZone < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(value); end end class PG::TextEncoder::JSON < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(value); end end class PG::TextEncoder::Inet < PG::SimpleEncoder def encode(value); end end module PG::TextDecoder end class PG::TextDecoder::Date < PG::SimpleDecoder def decode(string, tuple = nil, field = nil); end end class PG::TextDecoder::JSON < PG::SimpleDecoder def decode(string, tuple = nil, field = nil); end end class PG::TextDecoder::TimestampUtc < PG::TextDecoder::Timestamp def initialize(params = nil); end end class PG::TextDecoder::TimestampUtcToLocal < PG::TextDecoder::Timestamp def initialize(params = nil); end end class PG::TextDecoder::TimestampLocal < PG::TextDecoder::Timestamp def initialize(params = nil); end end module PG::BasicTypeRegistry def build_coder_maps(connection); end def check_format_and_direction(format, direction); end def self.alias_type(format, new, old); end def self.register_coder(coder); end def self.register_type(format, name, encoder_class, decoder_class); end def supports_ranges?(connection); end end class PG::BasicTypeRegistry::CoderMap def coder_by_name(name); end def coder_by_oid(oid); end def coders; end def coders_by_name; end def coders_by_oid; end def initialize(result, coders_by_name, format, arraycoder); end def typenames_by_oid; end end class PG::BasicTypeMapForResults < PG::TypeMapByOid def initialize(connection); end include PG::BasicTypeRegistry end class PG::BasicTypeMapForResults::WarningTypeMap < PG::TypeMapInRuby def initialize(typenames); end def typecast_result_value(result, _tuple, field); end end class PG::BasicTypeMapBasedOnResult < PG::TypeMapByOid def initialize(connection); end include PG::BasicTypeRegistry end class PG::BasicTypeMapForQueries < PG::TypeMapByClass def array_encoders_by_klass; end def coder_by_name(format, direction, name); end def encode_array_as; end def encode_array_as=(pg_type); end def get_array_type(value); end def init_encoders; end def initialize(connection); end def populate_encoder_list; end include PG::BasicTypeRegistry end class PG::NotAllCopyDataRetrieved < PG::Error end