require 'spec_helper' module Qrb describe Syntax, "system" do subject{ Syntax.parse(input, root: "system") } let(:ast){ subject.to_ast } context 'with definitions and a type' do let(:input){ "Int = .Integer\n{r: Int}" } it 'has the expected AST' do ast.should eq([ :system, [:type_def, "Int", [:builtin_type, "Integer"]], [:tuple_type, [:heading, [:attribute, "r", [:type_ref, "Int"]]]] ]) end end context 'with definitions only' do let(:input){ "Int = .Integer" } it 'has the expected AST' do ast.should eq([ :system, [:type_def, "Int", [:builtin_type, "Integer"]] ]) end end context 'with a type only' do let(:input){ "{r: .Integer}" } it 'has the expected AST' do ast.should eq([ :system, [:tuple_type, [:heading, [:attribute, "r", [:builtin_type, "Integer"]]]] ]) end end end end