= HookR by Avdi Grimm http://hookr.rubyforge.org == DESCRIPTION: HookR is a publish/subscribe callback hook facility for Ruby. === What is it? HookR can be understood in a few different ways. * If you are familiar with Events and Event Listeners in Java[http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/javabeans/events/index.html] or C#[http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa645739(VS.71).aspx]; Hooks[http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Hooks.html#Hooks] in Emacs-lisp; or signals-and-slots as implemented in the Qt[http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/signalsandslots.html], Boost.Signals[http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_37_0/doc/html/signals.html], or libsigc++[http://libsigc.sourceforge.net/] frameworks - HookR provides a very similar facility. * If youve ever used the Observer standard library, but wished you could have more than one type of notification per observable object, HookR is the library for you. * HookR is an easy way to add Rails-style[http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Callbacks.html] before- and after-filters to your own classes. * HookR is an Inversion-of-Control[http://martinfowler.com/bliki/InversionOfControl.html] framework in that it makes it easy to write event-driven code. * HookR is a way to support a limited, structured form of Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspect-oriented_programming]) where the advisable events are explicitly defined. === What HookR is not: * HookR is not (yet) an asynchronous event notification system. No provision is made for multi-threaded operation or event queueing. * HookR will show you a good time, but it will not make you breakfast in the morning. == FEATURES: * Fully spec'd * Provides class-level and instance-level callbacks * Inheritance-safe * Supports both iterative and recursive callback models * "Wildcard" callbacks can observe all events * Three types of callback supported - internal (instance-eval'd), external, and method callbacks. == SYNOPSIS: require 'rubygems' require 'hookr' class ZeroWing include HookR::Hooks define_hook :we_get_signal, :message def start_game execute_hook(:we_get_signal, "How are you gentlemen?") end def bomb(event, message) puts "somebody set us up the bomb!" end we_get_signal do |event, message| puts "Main screen turn on!" puts "Cats: #{message}" end we_get_signal :bomb end zw = ZeroWing.new zw.we_get_signal do puts "Take off every zig!" end zw.start_game # >> Main screen turn on! # >> Cats: How are you gentlemen? # >> somebody set us up the bomb! # >> Take off every zig! == DETAILS Pour yourself a drink, loosen your tie, and let's get cozy with HookR. === Hooks Hooks are at the center of HookR's functionality. A hook is a named attachment point for arbitrary callbacks. It is the "publish" portion of publish/subscribe. From the event-handling perspective, hooks define interesting events in an object's lifetime. For example, an XML parser might define hooks named :tag_start and :tag_end hooks. A network protocol class might define :connected and :message_received hooks. A database-backed model might define :before_save and :after_save hooks. Hooks are defined at the class level, using the define_hook method: class ZeroWing define_hook :we_get_signal end ==== Hook Parameters Sometimes we want to pass some data along with our events. Hooks can define named parameters by passing extra symbol arguments to define_hook: class ZeroWing include HookR::Hooks define_hook :we_get_signal, :message end ==== Listing Hooks You can access the full set of hooks defined for a particular class by calling the #hooks class method: ZeroWing.hooks # => # If you are playing along at home you may notice a :__wildcards__ hook in this list. We'll talk about that in the Advanced section. === Callbacks Hooks aren't much use without callbacks. Callbacks represent a piece of code to be run when a hook is executed. They are the "subscribe" part of the publish/subscribe duo. HookR defines three types of callback: ==== Internal Callbacks An internal callback represents a block of code which will be run in the context of the source object (the object executing the hook). That is, it will be run using #instance_eval. In general this type of callback should only be defined internally to the class having the hook, since the called code will have full access to private members and instance variables of the source object. One drawback of internal callbacks is that due to limitations of #instance_eval, they cannot receive arguments. ==== External Callbacks An external callback is a block of code which will be executed in the context in which it was defined. That is, a Proc which will be called with the Event object (see below) and any parameters defined by the hook. ==== Method Callbacks A method callback is a callback which when executed will call an instance method on the source object (the object executing the hook). Like internal callbacks, these should usually only be added internally by the source class, since private methods may be called. The method will receive as arguments the Event (see below), and an argument for each parameter defined on the hook. ==== Named Callbacks A callback may be *named* or *anonymous*. Naming callbacks makes it easier to reference them after adding them, for instance if you want to remove a callback. Naming calbacks also ensures that only one callback with the given name will be added to a hook. ==== Adding Callbacks There are several ways to add callbacks to hooks. ===== Adding callbacks In the class definition The first way to define a callback is to do it in the class definition: class ZeroWing include HookR::Hooks define_hook :we_get_signal, :message we_get_signal do main_screen.turn_on! end end HookR creates class-level macros for each defined hook. The above example demonstrates an anonymous *internal* callback being defined on the hook :we_get_signal. Why internal? HookR uses a set of rules to determine what kind of callback to generate. If the block passed to the callback macro has no arguments, it will generate an internal callback. If, however, the block defines arguments: class ZeroWing include HookR::Hooks define_hook :we_get_signal, :message we_get_signal do |event, message| puts message.what_you_say? end end An *external* callback will be defined. Why external? As discussed earlier, it is impossible for instance_eval-ed code to receive arguments. So in order to supply the defined parameters an external callback must be defined. If no block is passed, but a method name is supplied, a *method* callback will be generated: class ZeroWing include HookR::Hooks def take_off_every_zig(event, message) # ... end define_hook :we_get_signal, :message we_get_signal :take_off_every_zig end For any of the variations demonstrated above, an explicit symbolic callback handle may be supplied. This handle can then be used to access or remove the callback. class ZeroWing include HookR::Hooks define_hook :we_get_signal, :message we_get_signal :zig do take_off_every_zig end end ZeroWing.remove_callback(:zig) ===== In instance methods In instance methods of the class defining the hook, it is possible to explicitly add the different types of callback using the methods add_external_callback, add_internal_callback, and #add_method_callback. See the method documentation for details. The methods all return a callback *handle*, which can be used to access or remove the callback. This will be the same as the handle argument, if one is supplied. ===== In client code In code that uses a hook-enabled object, callbacks can be easily added using a method with the same name as the hook: zw = ZeroWing.new zw.we_get_signal do |event, message| puts "it's you!" end Only *external* callbacks may be added using this method. This is consistent with public/private class protection. Like the add_*_callback methods described above, this method may be passed an explicit symbolic handle. Whether an explicit handle is supplied or not, it will always return a handle which can be used to access or remove the added callback. ==== Removing Callbacks remove_callback methods are available at both the class and instance levels. They can be used to remove class- or instance-level callbacks, respectively. Both forms take either a callback index or a handle. === Listeners Listeners embody an alternative model of publish/subscribe event handling. A Listener is an object which "listens" to another object. Instead of attaching callbacks to individual hooks, you attach a listener to an entire object. Anytime a hook is executed on the object being listened to, a method with a name corresponding to the hook is called on the listener. These handler methods should take arguments corresponding to the parameters defined on the hook. This model is similar to the SAX XML event model, and to the Java Event/EventListener model. For more convenient listener definition, HookR can generate a base class for you to base your listeners on. The base class will provide default do-nothing methods for each hook, so you only have to redefine the methods you care about. class ZeroWing include HookR::Hooks define_hook :we_get_signal, :message define_hook :set_us_up_the_bomb end class MyListener < ZeroWing::Listener def we_get_signal(message) # ... end # :set_us_up_the_bomb events are silently ignored end zw = ZeroWing.new l = MyListener.new zw.add_listener(l) === Events Events represent the execution of a hook. They encapsulate information about the hook, the object executing the hook, and any parameters passed when the hook was executed (see Execution, below). Events are normally passed as the first argument to external callbacks and method callbacks. Events have a few important attributes: ==== Source The event *source* is the object which initiated the hook execution. Ordinarily this is an instance of the class which defines the hook. ==== Name Name is the hook name of the hook being executed. For instance, given the following hook definition: class ZeroWing include HookR::Hooks define_hook :we_get_signal, :message end the name would be :we_get_signal. ==== Arguments Event arguments are the extra arguments passed to #execute_hook, corresponding to the hook parameters (if any). === Execution An instance of the hook-bearing class can initiate hook execution by calling #execute_hook. It takes as arguments the hook name and an argument for every parameter defined by the hook. Example: class ZeroWing include HookR::Hooks define_hook :we_get_signal, :message def game_start execute_hook(:we_get_signal, "You have no chance to survive") end end There are two models of callback execution. Each is described below. ==== Iterative In the simple case, callback execution follows the iterative model. Each callback is executed in turn (in order of addition). Callback return calues are ignored. ==== Recursive When #execute_hook is called with a block argument, recursive execution is triggered. E.g.: class ZeroWing include HookR::Hooks define_hook :we_get_signal, :message def game_start execute_hook(:we_get_signal, "You have no chance to survive") do |event, message| puts message end end end In this model, the most recently defined hook will be called first. As usual, it will be passed an event as its first argument. In order to continue execution to the next callback, the first callback must call event.next. This will cause the next-most-recently-defined callback to be executed, which will again be passed an event with a #next method, and so on. Finally, when the last callback is executed and calls event.next, the block passed to #execute_hook will be called. In this way, it is possible to "wrap" an event with callbacks or, in the language of AOP, "around advice". At any point in the chain, a callback can opt to pass new arguments to Event#next, which will then override the original arguments for any callbacks further down the chain. This enables callbacks to act as "filters" on the callback arguments. WARNING: This area is still under active development, and the API may change. Some ideas under consideration include automatically executing the next callback even if Event#next is not explicitly called; and an Event#cancel method which will prevent further callbacks from running. === Advanced In which we take a look under HookR's clothes. ==== Adding multiple callbacks with the same name When adding callbacks with an explicit handle, only one callback for that handle can be added to a given hook. Subsequent attempts to add a callback with the same name will silently fail. This makes adding named callbacks an idempotent operation. ==== Hook Chaining Every hook has a parent, to which it delegates execution when it is finished executing its own callbacks. This is how class inheritance is handles, and how it is possible for callbacks to be added at both the class and instanve levels. Under normal circumstances, however, this is an implementation detail which Just Works, and you can safely ignore it. ==== Wildcard Callbacks It is possible to define a "wildcard" callback which will be called when *any* hook is executed, using the #add_wildcard_callback class and instance methods. ==== Callback Arity External and method callbacks must take at least as many arguments as there are parameters on the hook. For instance, given the following hook definition: class ZeroWing include HookR::Hooks define_hook :take_off_every, :what, :why end Callbacks for :take_off_every must accept at least two arguments. If they accept exactly two arguments, they will be passed the two arguments only. If they accept three arguments, they will be passed the event object followed by the two arguments. More than three arguments would be an error. ==== Custom Hook Classes In some special cases it may be desirable to customize the specific class of Hook generated by #define_hook. When this is the case you may define a custom make_hook class method. This method will be passed a hook name, a parent hook, and a list of parameters, and should return an instance of a subclass of HookR::Hook or something that behaves very similarly. == REQUIREMENTS: * FailFast (http://fail-fast.rubyforge.org) == INSTALL: * sudo gem install hookr == KNOWN BUGS * It is currently not possible to define a method callback before the method has been defined. This is either a bug or a feature, depending on your point of view. == SUPPORT/CONTRIBUTING Questions, comments, suggestions, bug reports: Email Avdi Grimm at mailto:avdi@avdi.org == LICENSE: (The MIT License) Copyright (c) 2008 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.