module Spec module Mocks class Proxy DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :null_object => false, } @@warn_about_expectations_on_nil = true def self.allow_message_expectations_on_nil @@warn_about_expectations_on_nil = false # ensure nil.rspec_verify is called even if an expectation is not set in the example # otherwise the allowance would effect subsequent examples $rspec_mocks.add(nil) unless $rspec_mocks.nil? end def initialize(target, name=nil, options={}) @target = target @name = name @error_generator = target, name @expectation_ordering = @error_generator @expectations = [] @messages_received = [] @stubs = [] @proxied_methods = [] @options = options ? DEFAULT_OPTIONS.dup.merge(options) : DEFAULT_OPTIONS end def null_object? @options[:null_object] end def as_null_object @options[:null_object] = true @target end def add_message_expectation(expected_from, sym, opts={}, &block) __add sym warn_if_nil_class sym if existing_stub = @stubs.detect {|s| s.sym == sym } expectation = existing_stub.build_child(expected_from, block_given?? block : nil, 1, opts) else expectation =, @expectation_ordering, expected_from, sym, block_given? ? block : nil, 1, opts) end @expectations << expectation @expectations.last end def add_negative_message_expectation(expected_from, sym, &block) __add sym warn_if_nil_class sym @expectations <<, @expectation_ordering, expected_from, sym, block_given? ? block : nil) @expectations.last end def add_stub(expected_from, sym, opts={}) __add sym @stubs.unshift, @expectation_ordering, expected_from, sym, nil, :any, opts) @stubs.first end def verify #:nodoc: verify_expectations ensure reset end def reset clear_expectations clear_stubs reset_proxied_methods clear_proxied_methods reset_nil_expectations_warning end def received_message?(sym, *args, &block) @messages_received.any? {|array| array == [sym, args, block]} end def has_negative_expectation?(sym) @expectations.detect {|expectation| expectation.negative_expectation_for?(sym)} end def record_message_received(sym, args, block) @messages_received << [sym, args, block] end def message_received(sym, *args, &block) expectation = find_matching_expectation(sym, *args) stub = find_matching_method_stub(sym, *args) if (stub && expectation && expectation.called_max_times?) || (stub && !expectation) if expectation = find_almost_matching_expectation(sym, *args) expectation.advise(args, block) unless expectation.expected_messages_received? end stub.invoke(args, block) elsif expectation expectation.invoke(args, block) elsif expectation = find_almost_matching_expectation(sym, *args) expectation.advise(args, block) if null_object? unless expectation.expected_messages_received? raise_unexpected_message_args_error(expectation, *args) unless (has_negative_expectation?(sym) or null_object?) else @target.__send__ :method_missing, sym, *args, &block end end def raise_unexpected_message_args_error(expectation, *args) @error_generator.raise_unexpected_message_args_error expectation, *args end def raise_unexpected_message_error(sym, *args) @error_generator.raise_unexpected_message_error sym, *args end private def __add(sym) $rspec_mocks.add(@target) unless $rspec_mocks.nil? define_expected_method(sym) end def warn_if_nil_class(sym) if proxy_for_nil_class? & @@warn_about_expectations_on_nil Kernel.warn("An expectation of :#{sym} was set on nil. Called from #{caller[2]}. Use allow_message_expectations_on_nil to disable warnings.") end end def define_expected_method(sym) visibility_string = "#{visibility(sym)} :#{sym}" unless @proxied_methods.include?(sym) if target_responds_to?(sym) munged_sym = munge(sym) target_metaclass.instance_eval do alias_method munged_sym, sym if method_defined?(sym.to_s) end @proxied_methods << sym end end target_metaclass.class_eval(<<-EOF, __FILE__, __LINE__) def #{sym}(*args, &block) __mock_proxy.message_received :#{sym}, *args, &block end #{visibility_string} EOF end def target_responds_to?(sym) return @target.__send__(munge(:respond_to?),sym) if @already_proxied_respond_to return @already_proxied_respond_to = true if sym == :respond_to? return @target.respond_to?(sym, true) end def visibility(sym) if Mock === @target 'public' elsif target_metaclass.private_method_defined?(sym) 'private' elsif target_metaclass.protected_method_defined?(sym) 'protected' else 'public' end end def munge(sym) "proxied_by_rspec__#{sym.to_s}".to_sym end def clear_expectations @expectations.clear end def clear_stubs @stubs.clear end def clear_proxied_methods @proxied_methods.clear end def target_metaclass class << @target; self; end end def verify_expectations @expectations.each do |expectation| expectation.verify_messages_received end end def reset_proxied_methods @proxied_methods.each do |sym| munged_sym = munge(sym) target_metaclass.instance_eval do if method_defined?(munged_sym.to_s) alias_method sym, munged_sym undef_method munged_sym else remove_method sym end end end end def proxy_for_nil_class? @target.nil? end def reset_nil_expectations_warning @@warn_about_expectations_on_nil = true if proxy_for_nil_class? end def find_matching_expectation(sym, *args) @expectations.find {|expectation| expectation.matches(sym, args)} end def find_almost_matching_expectation(sym, *args) @expectations.find {|expectation| expectation.matches_name_but_not_args(sym, args)} end def find_matching_method_stub(sym, *args) @stubs.find {|stub| stub.matches(sym, args)} end end end end