metadata :name => "choria_provision", :description => "Choria Provisioner", :author => "R.I.Pienaar ", :license => "Apache-2.0", :version => "0.27.0", :url => "", :timeout => 20 action "configure", :description => "Configure the Choria Server" do display :failed input :action_policies, :prompt => "Action Policy Documents", :description => "Map of Action Policy documents indexed by file name", :type => :hash, :optional => true input :ca, :prompt => "CA Bundle", :description => "PEM text block for the CA", :type => :string, :validation => '^-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----', :maxlength => 20480, :optional => true input :certificate, :prompt => "Certificate", :description => "PEM text block for the certificate", :type => :string, :validation => '^-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----', :maxlength => 10240, :optional => true input :config, :prompt => "Configuration", :description => "The configuration to apply to this node", :type => :string, :validation => '^{.+}$', :maxlength => 2048, :optional => false input :ecdh_public, :prompt => "ECDH Public Key", :description => "Required when sending a private key", :type => :string, :validation => '.', :maxlength => 64, :optional => true input :key, :prompt => "PEM text block for the private key", :description => "A RSA private key", :type => :string, :validation => '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----', :maxlength => 10240, :optional => true input :opa_policies, :prompt => "Open Policy Agent Policy Documents", :description => "Map of Open Policy Agent Policy documents indexed by file name", :type => :hash, :optional => true input :server_jwt, :prompt => "Server JWT", :description => "JWT file used to identify the server to the broker for ed25519 based authentication", :type => :string, :validation => '.', :maxlength => 2048, :optional => true input :ssldir, :prompt => "SSL Dir", :description => "Directory for storing the certificate in", :type => :string, :validation => '.', :maxlength => 500, :optional => true input :token, :prompt => "Token", :description => "Authentication token to pass to the server", :type => :string, :validation => '.', :maxlength => 128, :optional => true output :message, :description => "Status message from the Provisioner", :type => "string", :display_as => "Message" end action "gen25519", :description => "Generates a new ED25519 keypair" do display :always input :nonce, :prompt => "Nonce", :description => "Single use token to be signed by the private key being generated", :type => :string, :validation => '.', :maxlength => 64, :optional => false input :token, :prompt => "Token", :description => "Authentication token to pass to the server", :type => :string, :validation => '.', :maxlength => 128, :optional => false output :directory, :description => "The directory where server.key and is written to", :type => "string", :display_as => "Directory" output :public_key, :description => "The ED255519 public key hex encoded", :type => "string", :display_as => "Public Key" output :signature, :description => "The signature of the nonce made using the new private key, hex encoded", :type => "string", :display_as => "Signature" end action "gencsr", :description => "Request a CSR from the Choria Server" do display :always input :C, :prompt => "Country", :description => "Country Code", :type => :string, :validation => '^[A-Z]{2}$', :maxlength => 2, :optional => true input :L, :prompt => "Locality", :description => "Locality or municipality (such as city or town name)", :type => :string, :validation => '^[\w\s-]+$', :maxlength => 50, :optional => true input :O, :prompt => "Organization", :description => "Organization", :type => :string, :validation => '^[\w\s-]+$', :maxlength => 50, :optional => true input :OU, :prompt => "Organizational Unit", :description => "Organizational Unit", :type => :string, :validation => '^[\w\s-]+$', :maxlength => 50, :optional => true input :ST, :prompt => "State", :description => "State", :type => :string, :validation => '^[\w\s-]+$', :maxlength => 50, :optional => true input :cn, :prompt => "Common Name", :description => "The certificate Common Name to place in the CSR", :type => :string, :validation => '^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]).)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$', :maxlength => 80, :optional => true input :token, :prompt => "Token", :description => "Authentication token to pass to the server", :type => :string, :validation => '.', :maxlength => 128, :optional => false output :csr, :description => "PEM text block for the CSR", :type => "string", :display_as => "CSR" output :public_key, :description => "PEM text block of the public key that made the CSR", :type => "string", :display_as => "Public Key" output :ssldir, :description => "SSL directory as determined by the server", :type => "string", :display_as => "SSL Dir" end action "jwt", :description => "Re-enable provision mode in a running Choria Server" do display :always input :token, :prompt => "Token", :description => "Authentication token to pass to the server", :type => :string, :validation => '.', :maxlength => 128, :optional => false output :ecdh_public, :description => "The ECDH public key for calculating shared secrets", :type => "string", :display_as => "ECDH Public Key" output :jwt, :description => "The contents of the JWT token", :type => "string", :display_as => "JWT Token" end action "reprovision", :description => "Reenable provision mode in a running Choria Server" do display :always input :token, :prompt => "Token", :description => "Authentication token to pass to the server", :type => :string, :validation => '.', :maxlength => 128, :optional => false output :message, :description => "Status message from the Provisioner", :type => "string", :display_as => "Message" end action "restart", :description => "Restart the Choria Server" do display :failed input :splay, :prompt => "Splay time", :description => "The configuration to apply to this node", :type => :number, :optional => true input :token, :prompt => "Token", :description => "Authentication token to pass to the server", :type => :string, :validation => '.', :maxlength => 128, :optional => false output :message, :description => "Status message from the Provisioner", :type => "string", :display_as => "Message" end action "release_update", :description => "Performs an in-place binary update and restarts Choria" do display :always input :repository, :prompt => "Repository URL", :description => "HTTP(S) server hosting the update repository", :type => :string, :validation => '^http(s*)://', :maxlength => 512, :optional => false input :token, :prompt => "Token", :description => "Authentication token to pass to the server", :type => :string, :validation => '.', :maxlength => 128, :optional => false input :version, :prompt => "Version to update to", :description => "Package version to update to", :type => :string, :validation => '.+', :maxlength => 32, :optional => false output :message, :description => "Status message from the Provisioner", :type => "string", :display_as => "Message" end action "shutdown", :description => "Shut the Choria Server down cleanly" do display :failed input :token, :prompt => "Token", :description => "Authentication token to pass to the server", :type => :string, :validation => '.', :maxlength => 128, :optional => false output :message, :description => "Status message from the Provisioner", :type => "string", :display_as => "Message" end