inputs: none
[article, post, project, author, page] - one of these must exist in the parent context to render anything
site.static_files used to look up the placeholder image and get a list of filenames to check for file existence
item the post, project, or page for which to render the image html
placeholder used as the placeholder image for the article card
static_file_names used to see if the article image exists
image the image to render as the article image
alt_text the alt text to use for the image, for screen readers
img_title the image title to use for the image
NOTE: github doesn't like the `find` filter - change to `where` for now
{%-assign item = article | default: post | default: project | default: pg | default: page-%}
{%-assign placeholder = site.static_files | where: 'name', 'placeholder.png'-%}
{%-assign static_file_names = site.static_files | map: 'name'-%}
{%-assign image = item.images.thumbnail.file | default: item.images.default.file | default: item.images.banner.file | default: item.thumbnail | default: item.image | default: item.banner | default: placeholder.first.name-%}
{%-assign alt_text = item.images.thumbnail.alt_text | default: item.images.default.alt_text | default: item.images.banner.alt_text | default: item.images.alt_text | default: item.alt_text | default: item.banner.alt_text-%}
{%-assign img_title = item.images.thumbnail.title | default: item.images.default.title | default: item.images.banner.title | default: item.images.title | default: item.title | default: item.banner.title-%}
{%-if item != empty %}
{%-if static_file_names contains image %}
{%-elsif image == empty %}
{%-else %}