#- ©2009 Rick DeNatale, All rights reserved. Refer to the file README.txt for the license # # A wrapper class for a Timezone implemented by the TZInfo Gem # (or by Rails) # class RiCal::Component::TZInfoTimezone < RiCal::Component::Timezone class Period #:nodoc: all def initialize(which, this_period, prev_period) @which = which if prev_period @onset = period_local_end(prev_period) @offset_from = format_rfc2445_offset(prev_period.utc_total_offset) else @onset = period_local_start(this_period) @offset_from = format_rfc2445_offset(this_period.utc_total_offset) end @offset_to = format_rfc2445_offset(this_period.utc_total_offset) @abbreviation = this_period.abbreviation @rdates = [] end def daylight? @which == "DAYLIGHT" end def period_local_end(period) (period.local_end || DateTime.parse("99990101T000000")).strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") end # This assumes a 1 hour shift which is why we use the previous period local end when # possible def period_local_start(period) shift = daylight? ? Rational(-1, 24) : Rational(1, 24) ((period.local_start || DateTime.parse("16010101T000000")) + shift).strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") end def add_period(this_period) @rdates << period_local_start(this_period) end def format_rfc2445_offset(seconds) #:nodoc: abs_seconds = seconds.abs h = (abs_seconds/3600).floor m = (abs_seconds - (h * 3600))/60 h *= -1 if seconds < 0 sprintf("%+03d%02d", h, m) end def export_to(export_stream) export_stream.puts "BEGIN:#{@which}" export_stream.puts "DTSTART:#{@onset}" @rdates.each do |rdate| export_stream.puts "RDATE:#{rdate}" end export_stream.puts "TZOFFSETFROM:#{@offset_from}" export_stream.puts "TZOFFSETTO:#{@offset_to}" export_stream.puts "TZNAME:#{@abbreviation}" export_stream.puts "END:#{@which}" end end class Periods #:nodoc: all def initialize @dst_period = @std_period = @previous_period = nil end def empty? @periods.nil? || @periods.empty? end def daylight_period(this_period, previous_period) @daylight_period ||= Period.new("DAYLIGHT", this_period, previous_period) end def standard_period(this_period, previous_period) @standard_period ||= Period.new("STANDARD", this_period, previous_period) end def log_period(period) @periods ||= [] @periods << period unless @periods.include?(period) end def add_period(this_period, force=false) if @previous_period || force if this_period.dst? period = daylight_period(this_period, @previous_period) else period = standard_period(this_period, @previous_period) end period.add_period(this_period) log_period(period) end @previous_period = this_period end def export_to(export_stream) @periods.each {|period| period.export_to(export_stream)} end end attr_reader :tzinfo_timezone #:nodoc: def initialize(tzinfo_timezone) #:nodoc: @tzinfo_timezone = tzinfo_timezone end # convert time from this time zone to utc time def local_to_utc(time) @tzinfo_timezone.local_to_utc(time.to_ri_cal_ruby_value) end # convert time from utc time to this time zone def utc_to_local(time) @tzinfo_timezone.utc_to_local(time.to_ri_cal_ruby_value) end # return the time zone identifier def identifier @tzinfo_timezone.identifier end def export_local_to(export_stream, local_start, local_end) #:nodoc: export_utc_to(export_stream, local_to_utc(local_start.to_ri_cal_ruby_value), local_to_utc(local_end.to_ri_cal_ruby_value)) end def to_rfc2445_string(utc_start, utc_end) #:nodoc: export_stream = StringIO.new export_utc_to(export_stream, utc_start, utc_end) export_stream.string end def export_utc_to(export_stream, utc_start, utc_end) #:nodoc: export_stream.puts "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE","TZID;X-RICAL-TZSOURCE=TZINFO:#{identifier}" periods = Periods.new period = initial_period = tzinfo_timezone.period_for_utc(utc_start) #start with the period before the one containing utc_start prev_period = period.utc_start && tzinfo_timezone.period_for_utc(period.utc_start - 1) period = prev_period if prev_period while period && period.utc_start && period.utc_start < utc_end periods.add_period(period) period = period.utc_end && tzinfo_timezone.period_for_utc(period.utc_end + 1) end periods.add_period(initial_period, :force) if periods.empty? periods.export_to(export_stream) export_stream.puts "END:VTIMEZONE\n" end end