require 'calabash-cucumber/core' require 'calabash-cucumber/tests_helpers' require 'fileutils' require 'calabash-cucumber/utils/logging' module Calabash module Cucumber module WaitHelpers include Calabash::Cucumber::Logging include Calabash::Cucumber::Core include Calabash::Cucumber::TestsHelpers CLIENT_TIMEOUT_ADDITION = 5 class WaitError < RuntimeError end CALABASH_CONDITIONS = {:none_animating => "NONE_ANIMATING", :no_network_indicator => "NO_NETWORK_INDICATOR"} # 'post_timeout' is the time to wait after a wait function returns true DEFAULT_OPTS = { :timeout => 30, :retry_frequency => 0.3, :post_timeout => 0, :timeout_message => 'Timed out waiting...', :screenshot_on_error => true }.freeze def wait_for(options_or_timeout=DEFAULT_OPTS, &block) #note Hash is preferred, number acceptable for backwards compat default_timeout = 30 timeout = options_or_timeout || default_timeout post_timeout=0 retry_frequency=0.3 timeout_message = nil screenshot_on_error = true if options_or_timeout.is_a?(Hash) timeout = options_or_timeout[:timeout] || default_timeout retry_frequency = options_or_timeout[:retry_frequency] || retry_frequency post_timeout = options_or_timeout[:post_timeout] || post_timeout timeout_message = options_or_timeout[:timeout_message] if options_or_timeout.key?(:screenshot_on_error) screenshot_on_error = options_or_timeout[:screenshot_on_error] end end begin Timeout::timeout(timeout, WaitError) do sleep(retry_frequency) until yield end sleep(post_timeout) if post_timeout > 0 rescue WaitError => e msg = timeout_message || e if screenshot_on_error sleep(retry_frequency) return screenshot_and_retry(msg, &block) else raise wait_error(msg) end rescue Exception => e handle_error_with_options(e, nil, screenshot_on_error) end end def screenshot_and_retry(msg, &block) path = screenshot res = yield # Validate after taking screenshot if res FileUtils.rm_f(path) return res else embed(path, 'image/png', msg) raise wait_error(msg) end end def wait_poll(opts, &block) test = opts[:until] if test.nil? cond = opts[:until_exists] raise 'Must provide :until or :until_exists' unless cond test = lambda { element_exists(cond) } end wait_for(opts) do if true else yield false end end end #options for wait_for apply def wait_for_elements_exist(elements_arr, options={}) if elements_arr.is_a?(String) elements_arr = [elements_arr] end options[:timeout_message] = options[:timeout_message] || "Timeout waiting for elements: #{elements_arr.join(",")}" wait_for(options) do elements_arr.all? { |q| element_exists(q) } end end #options for wait_for apply def wait_for_elements_do_not_exist(elements_arr, options={}) if elements_arr.is_a?(String) elements_arr = [elements_arr] end options[:timeout_message] = options[:timeout_message] || "Timeout waiting for no elements matching: #{elements_arr.join(",")}" wait_for(options) do elements_arr.none? { |q| element_exists(q) } end end def wait_for_condition(options = {}) timeout = options[:timeout] unless timeout && timeout > 0 timeout = 30 end options[:query] = options[:query] || '*' if options.has_key?(:condition) opt_condition = options[:condition] if opt_condition.is_a?(Symbol) target_condition = CALABASH_CONDITIONS[opt_condition] elsif opt_condition.is_a?(String) target_condition = options[:condition] end options[:condition] = target_condition end options[:condition] = options[:condition] || CALABASH_CONDITIONS[:none_animating] options[:post_timeout] = options[:post_timeout] || 0 retry_frequency = options[:frequency] = options[:frequency] || 0.2 timeout_message = options[:timeout_message] = options[:timeout_message] || "Timeout waiting (#{options[:timeout]}) for condition (#{options[:condition]})" screenshot_on_error = true if options.key?(:screenshot_on_error) screenshot_on_error = options[:screenshot_on_error] end begin Timeout::timeout(timeout+CLIENT_TIMEOUT_ADDITION, WaitError) do res = http({:method => :post, :path => 'condition'}, options) res = JSON.parse(res) unless res['outcome'] == 'SUCCESS' raise['reason']) end sleep(options[:post_timeout]) if options[:post_timeout] > 0 end rescue WaitError => e msg = timeout_message || e if screenshot_on_error sleep(retry_frequency) return screenshot_and_retry(msg) do res = http({:method => :post, :path => 'condition'}, options) res = JSON.parse(res) res['outcome'] == 'SUCCESS' end else raise wait_error(msg) end rescue Exception => e handle_error_with_options(e,nil, screenshot_on_error) end end def wait_for_none_animating(options = {}) options[:condition] = CALABASH_CONDITIONS[:none_animating] wait_for_condition(options) end def wait_for_no_network_indicator(options = {}) options[:condition] = CALABASH_CONDITIONS[:no_network_indicator] wait_for_condition(options) end #may be called with a string (query) or an array of strings def wait_for_transition(done_queries, check_options={},animation_options={}) done_queries = [*done_queries] wait_for_elements_exist(done_queries,check_options) wait_for_none_animating(animation_options) end def touch_transition(touch_q, done_queries,check_options={},animation_options={}) touch(touch_q) wait_for_transition(done_queries,check_options,animation_options) end def handle_error_with_options(ex, timeout_message, screenshot_on_error) msg = (timeout_message || ex) if ex msg = "#{msg} (#{ex.class})" end if screenshot_on_error screenshot_and_raise msg else raise msg end end def wait_error(msg) (msg.is_a?(String) ? : msg) end # Performs a lambda action until the element (a query string) appears. # The default action is to do nothing. # # Raises an error if no uiquery is specified. Same options as wait_for # which are timeout, retry frequency, post_timeout, timeout_message, and # screenshot on error. # # Example usage: # until_element_exists("Button", :action => lambda { swipe("up") }) def until_element_exists(uiquery, opts = {}) extra_opts = { :until_exists => uiquery, :action => lambda { ; } } opts = DEFAULT_OPTS.merge(extra_opts).merge(opts) wait_poll(opts) do opts[:action].call end end # Performs a lambda action until the element (a query string) disappears. # The default action is to do nothing. # # Raises an error if no uiquery is specified. Same options as wait_for # which are timeout, retry frequency, post_timeout, timeout_message, and # screenshot on error. # # Example usage: # until_element_does_not_exist("Button", :action => lambda { swipe("up") }) def until_element_does_not_exist(uiquery, opts = {}) condition = lambda { element_exists(uiquery) ? false : true } extra_opts = { :until => condition, :action => lambda { ; } } opts = DEFAULT_OPTS.merge(extra_opts).merge(opts) wait_poll(opts) do opts[:action].call end end # Performs a lambda action once the element exists. # The default behavior is to touch the specified element. # # Raises an error if no uiquery is specified. Same options as wait_for # which are timeout, retry frequency, post_timeout, timeout_message, and # screenshot on error. # # Example usage: when_element_exists("Button", :timeout => 10) def when_element_exists(uiquery, opts = {}) action = { :action => lambda { touch uiquery } } opts = DEFAULT_OPTS.merge(action).merge(opts) wait_for_elements_exist([uiquery], opts) opts[:action].call end end end end