module AuthorizationRulesHelper def syntax_highlight (rules) regexps = { :constant => [/(:)(\w+)/], :proc => ['role', 'authorization', 'privileges'], :statement => ['has_permission_on', 'if_attribute', 'if_permitted_to', 'includes', 'privilege', 'to'], :operator => ['is', 'contains', 'is_in', 'is_not', 'is_not_in', 'intersects'], :special => ['user', 'true', 'false'], :preproc => ['do', 'end', /()(=>)/, /()(\{)/, /()(\})/, /()(\[)/, /()(\])/], :comment => [/()(#.*$)/]#, #:privilege => [:read], #:context => [:conferences] } regexps.each do |name, res| res.each do |re| rules.gsub!( re.is_a?(String) ?"(^|[^:])\\b(#{Regexp.escape(re)})\\b") : (re.is_a?(Symbol) ?"()(:#{Regexp.escape(re.to_s)})\\b") : re), "\\1\\2") end end rules end def policy_analysis_hints (marked_up, policy_data) analyzer = analyzer.analyze(policy_data) marked_up_by_line = marked_up.split("\n") reports_by_line = analyzer.reports.inject({}) do |memo, report| memo[report.line || 1] ||= [] memo[report.line || 1] << report memo end reports_by_line.each do |line, reports| text = reports.collect {|report| "#{report.type}: #{report.message}"} * " " note = %Q{[i]} marked_up_by_line[line - 1] = note + marked_up_by_line[line - 1] end marked_up_by_line * "\n" end def link_to_graph (title, options = {}) type = options[:type] || '' link_to_function title, "$$('object')[0].data = '#{url_for :action => 'index', :format => 'svg', :type => type}'" end def navigation link_to("Rules", authorization_rules_path) << ' | ' << link_to("Change Support", change_authorization_rules_path) << ' | ' << link_to("Graphical view", graph_authorization_rules_path) << ' | ' << link_to("Usages", authorization_usages_path) #<< ' | ' << # 'Edit | ' << # link_to("XACML export", :action => 'index', :format => 'xacml') end def role_color (role, fill = false) if @has_changes if has_changed(:add_role, role) fill ? '#ddffdd' : '#000000' elsif has_changed(:remove_role, role) fill ? '#ffdddd' : '#000000' else fill ? '#ddddff' : '#000000' end else fill_colors = %w{#ffdddd #ddffdd #ddddff #ffffdd #ffddff #ddffff} colors = %w{#dd0000 #00dd00 #0000dd #dddd00 #dd00dd #00dddd} @@role_colors ||= {} @@role_colors[role] ||= begin idx = @@role_colors.length % colors.length [colors[idx], fill_colors[idx]] end @@role_colors[role][fill ? 1 : 0] end end def role_fill_color (role) role_color(role, true) end def privilege_color (privilege, context, role) has_changed(:add_privilege, privilege, context, role) ? '#00dd00' : (has_changed(:remove_privilege, privilege, context, role) ? '#dd0000' : role_color(role)) end def describe_step (step, options = {}) options = {:with_removal => false}.merge(options) case step[0] when :add_privilege dont_assign = prohibit_link(step[0,3], "Add privilege #{h step[1].to_sym.inspect} #{h step[2].to_sym.inspect} to any role", "Don't suggest adding #{h step[1].to_sym.inspect} #{h step[2].to_sym.inspect}.", options) "Add privilege #{h step[1].inspect} #{h step[2].inspect}#{dont_assign} to role #{h step[3].to_sym.inspect}" when :remove_privilege dont_remove = prohibit_link(step[0,3], "Remove privilege #{h step[1].to_sym.inspect} #{h step[2].to_sym.inspect} from any role", "Don't suggest removing #{h step[1].to_sym.inspect} #{h step[2].to_sym.inspect}.", options) "Remove privilege #{h step[1].inspect} #{h step[2].inspect}#{dont_remove} from role #{h step[3].to_sym.inspect}" when :add_role "New role #{h step[1].to_sym.inspect}" when :assign_role_to_user dont_assign = prohibit_link(step[0,2], "Assign role #{h step[1].to_sym.inspect} to any user", "Don't suggest assigning #{h step[1].to_sym.inspect}.", options) "Assign role #{h step[1].to_sym.inspect}#{dont_assign} to #{h readable_step_info(step[2])}" when :remove_role_from_user dont_remove = prohibit_link(step[0,2], "Remove role #{h step[1].to_sym.inspect} from any user", "Don't suggest removing #{h step[1].to_sym.inspect}.", options) "Remove role #{h step[1].to_sym.inspect}#{dont_remove} from #{h readable_step_info(step[2])}" else step.collect {|info| readable_step_info(info) }.map {|str| h str } * ', ' end + prohibit_link(step, options[:with_removal] ? "#{escape_javascript(describe_step(step))}" : '', "Don't suggest this action.", options) end def prohibit_link (step, text, title, options) options[:with_removal] ? link_to_function("[x]", "prohibit_action('#{serialize_action(step)}', '#{text}')", :class => 'prohibit', :title => title) : '' end def readable_step_info (info) case info when Symbol then info.inspect when User then info.login else info.to_sym.inspect end end def serialize_changes (approach) changes = approach.changes.collect {|step| step.to_a.first.is_a?(Enumerable) ? step.to_a : [step.to_a]} changes.collect {|multi_step| multi_step.collect {|step| serialize_action(step) }}.flatten * ';' end def serialize_action (step) step.collect {|info| readable_step_info(info) } * ',' end def serialize_relevant_roles (approach) {:filter_roles => (Authorization::DevelopmentSupport::AnalyzerEngine.relevant_roles(approach.engine, approach.users). map(&:to_sym) + [:new_role_for_change_analyzer]).uniq}.to_param end def has_changed (*args) @changes && @changes[args[0]] && @changes[args[0]].include?(args[1..-1]) end def affected_users_count (approach) @affected_users[approach] end def auth_usage_info_classes (auth_info) classes = [] if auth_info[:controller_permissions] if auth_info[:controller_permissions][0] classes << "catch-all" if auth_info[:controller_permissions][0].actions.include?(:all) classes << "default-privilege" unless auth_info[:controller_permissions][0].privilege classes << "default-context" unless auth_info[:controller_permissions][0].context classes << "no-attribute-check" unless auth_info[:controller_permissions][0].attribute_check end else classes << "unprotected" end classes * " " end def auth_usage_info_title (auth_info) titles = [] if auth_usage_info_classes(auth_info) =~ /unprotected/ titles << "No filter_access_to call protects this action" end if auth_usage_info_classes(auth_info) =~ /no-attribute-check/ titles << "Action is not protected with attribute check" end if auth_usage_info_classes(auth_info) =~ /default-privilege/ titles << "Privilege set automatically from action name by :all rule" end if auth_usage_info_classes(auth_info) =~ /default-context/ titles << "Context set automatically from controller name by filter_access_to call without :context option" end titles * ". " end end