# frozen_string_literal: true require 'fileutils' require 'open3' require 'spec_helper' require 'spree/core/version' RSpec.describe 'Create extension' do include FileUtils let(:gem_root) { File.expand_path('../..', __dir__) } let(:solidus_cmd) { "#{gem_root}/exe/solidus" } let(:extension_name) { 'test_extension' } let(:gemspec_name) { "solidus_#{extension_name}.gemspec" } let(:tmp_path) { Pathname.new(gem_root).join('tmp') } let(:install_path) { tmp_path.join("solidus_#{extension_name}") } let(:command_failed_error) { Class.new(StandardError) } before do rm_rf(install_path) mkdir_p(tmp_path) end def step(method_name) puts "Step #{method_name}" send method_name end it 'checks the create extension process' do step :check_solidus_cmd step :check_gem_version step :check_create_extension step :check_bundle_install step :check_default_task step :check_run_specs step :check_sandbox end private def check_solidus_cmd cd(tmp_path) do output = `#{solidus_cmd} -h` expect($?).to be_success expect(output).to include('Commands:') end end def check_gem_version gem_version_commands = ['version', '--version', '-v'] gem_version = SolidusDevSupport::VERSION solidus_version = Spree.solidus_gem_version cd(tmp_path) do gem_version_commands.each do |gem_version_cmd| output = `#{solidus_cmd} #{gem_version_cmd}` expect($?).to be_success expect(output).to include("Solidus version #{solidus_version}") expect(output).to include("Solidus Dev Support version #{gem_version}") end end end def check_create_extension cd(tmp_path) do output = `#{solidus_cmd} extension #{extension_name}` expect($?).to be_success expect(output).to include(gemspec_name) expect(output).to include('.circleci') end cd(install_path) do aggregate_failures do %w[ bin/console bin/rails bin/rails-engine bin/rails-sandbox bin/sandbox bin/setup ].each do |bin| bin = Pathname(bin) expect( name: bin, exist: bin.exist?, executable: bin.stat.executable? ).to eq( name: bin, exist: true, executable: true ) end end end end def check_bundle_install cd(install_path) do open('Gemfile', 'a') { |f| f.puts "gem 'solidus_dev_support', path: '../../..'" } end expect { bundle_install }.to raise_error(command_failed_error, /invalid gemspec/) # Update gemspec with the required fields gemspec_path = install_path.join(gemspec_name) gemspec = gemspec_path.read.lines gemspec.grep(/spec\.author/).first.replace(" spec.author = 'John Doe'\n") gemspec.grep(/spec\.email/).first.replace(" spec.email = 'john@example.com'\n") gemspec.grep(/spec\.summary/).first.replace(" spec.summary = 'A nice extension'\n") gemspec.grep(/spec\.description/).first.replace(" spec.description = 'A super nice extension'\n") gemspec_path.write(gemspec.join) expect(bundle_install).to match(/Bundle complete/) end def check_default_task cd(install_path) do output = sh('bin/rake') expect(output).to include('Generating dummy Rails application') expect(output).to include('0 examples, 0 failures') end end def check_run_specs install_path.join('lib', 'solidus_test_extension', 'testing_support', 'factories.rb').open('a') do |factories_file| factories_file.write "\n puts 'loading test_extension factories'" end install_path.join('spec', 'some_spec.rb').write( "require 'spec_helper'\nRSpec.describe 'Some test' do it { expect(true).to be_truthy } end\n" ) cd(install_path) do output = sh('bundle exec rspec') expect(output).to include('loading test_extension factories') expect(output).to include('1 example, 0 failures') expect(output).to include(ENV['CODECOV_TOKEN'] ? 'Coverage reports upload successfully' : 'Provide a CODECOV_TOKEN environment variable to enable Codecov uploads') end end def check_sandbox cd(install_path) do # rubocop:disable Lint/InterpolationCheck command = 'bin/rails-sandbox runner "puts %{The version of SolidusTestExtension is #{SolidusTestExtension::VERSION}}"' # rubocop:enable Lint/InterpolationCheck first_run_output = sh(command) expect(first_run_output).to include("Creating the sandbox app...") expect(first_run_output).to include('The version of SolidusTestExtension is 0.0.1') second_run_output = sh(command) expect(second_run_output).not_to include("Creating the sandbox app...") expect(second_run_output).to include('The version of SolidusTestExtension is 0.0.1') end end def sh(*args) command = args.size == 1 ? args.first : args.shelljoin output, status = with_unbundled_env do Open3.capture2e({ 'CI' => nil }, command) end if $DEBUG || ENV['DEBUG'] warn '~' * 80 warn "$ #{command}" warn output warn "$ #{command} ~~~~> EXIT STATUS: #{status.exitstatus}" end unless status.success? raise(command_failed_error, "command failed: #{command}\n#{output}") end output.to_s end def with_unbundled_env(&block) if Bundler.respond_to?(:with_unbundled_env) Bundler.with_unbundled_env(&block) else Bundler.with_clean_env(&block) end end def bundle_install # Optimize the bundle path within the CI, in this context using bundler env # variables doesn't help because commands are run with a clean env. bundle_path = "#{gem_root}/vendor/bundle" if File.exist?(bundle_path) sh "bundle config set --local path #{bundle_path.shellescape}" end output = nil cd(install_path) { output = sh 'bundle install' } output end end