@announce @no-clobber Feature: vagrant-vultr In order to use Vultr As a Vagrant provider I want to use plugin for that Background: Given I write to "Vagrantfile" with: """ Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| config.vm.box = 'vultr' config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', type: 'rsync' config.ssh.private_key_path = '~/.ssh/id_rsa' config.vm.provision 'shell', inline: 'echo "it works" > /tmp/vultr-provision', privileged: false end """ Scenario: creates server on up When I run `bundle exec vagrant up --provider=vultr` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "Machine is booted and ready to use!" When I run `bundle exec vagrant status` Then the output should contain "active (vultr)" Scenario: starts created server on up When I run `bundle exec vagrant up --provider=vultr` And I run `bundle exec vagrant halt` And I run `bundle exec vagrant up --provider=vultr` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "Machine is booted and ready to use!" When I run `bundle exec vagrant status` Then the output should contain "active (vultr)" Scenario: syncs folders When I run `bundle exec vagrant up --provider=vultr` And I run `bundle exec vagrant ssh -c "test -d /vagrant"` Then the exit status should be 0 Scenario: provisions server When I run `bundle exec vagrant up --provider=vultr` And I run `bundle exec vagrant ssh -c "cat /tmp/vultr-provision"` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "it works" Scenario: executes SSH to created server When I run `bundle exec vagrant up --provider=vultr` And I run `bundle exec vagrant ssh` interactively And I type "uname -a" And I close the stdin stream Then the output should contain "vultr.guest" Scenario: reboots server on reload When I run `bundle exec vagrant up --provider=vultr` And I run `bundle exec vagrant reload` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "Machine is booted and ready to use!" When I run `bundle exec vagrant status` Then the output should contain "active (vultr)" Scenario: shutdowns server on halt When I run `bundle exec vagrant up --provider=vultr` And I run `bundle exec vagrant halt` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "Machine is stopped." When I run `bundle exec vagrant status` Then the output should contain "off (vultr)" Scenario: removes server on destroy When I run `bundle exec vagrant up --provider=vultr` And I run `bundle exec vagrant destroy --force` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "Machine is destroyed." When I run `bundle exec vagrant status` Then the output should contain "not created"