# $Id: anon-prop.n3,v 1.1 2001-02-26 15:22:30 connolly Exp $
# I discovered a bug in cwm.py while writing
# http://www.w3.org/2001/02pd/gv.n3 (rev/date)
# at or before gv.n3,v 1.3 2001/02/22 06:17:55
# notation3.py reads it in and spits out just what I'd expect
# (by naming the anonymous node and using log:forSome)
# but running it thru cwm.py -think causes the property
# of the property to get lost altogether, and the anonymous
# property gets a name without an existential quantifier.

<#anySubj> [ <#propProp> "red" ] <#anyObj>.