en: corl: errors: batch_error: |- An issue was encountered during batch processing core: action: options: parallel: |- Enable parallelism of node action execution (default %{default_value}) net_remote: |- Optional network project remote name to use in updating and storing changes remotely (default %{default_value}) net_provider: |- CORL network provider to use for managing cloud nodes (default %{default_value}) node_provider: |- Default to using a specific node provider but individual node references can override (default %{default_value}) nodes: |- Optional nodes on which to execute this action errors: network_provider: |- Network plugin provider %{value} is not loaded >> Pick from the following: %{choices} node_provider: |- Node plugin provider %{value} is not loaded >> Pick from the following: %{choices} nodes: |- Node reference %{value} failed to parse or provider %{provider} isn't loaded (%{name}) node: bootstrap: status: |- Bootstrap script %{script} failed with status %{status} mixin: action: keypair: options: private_key: |- Optional existing private SSH key to use for SSH communication (new keys are generated by default) require_password: |- Require and prompt for a password for generated keys (default %{default_value}) key_type: |- Type of SSH key to generate (default %{default_value}) key_bits: |- Strength of generated key encryption in bits (default %{default_value}) key_comment: |- Optional key comment (attached at the end of the public key) errors: private_key_not_found: |- Private key %{value} not found private_key_parse_error: |- Private key %{value} failed to parse and can not be accepted as a valid private SSH key key_type: |- SSH key type %{value} not supported >> Pick from the following: %{choices} key_bits: |- Encryption strength must be greater than %{required} bits (%{value} specified) no_password: |- Password verification of private key was terminated (verification required to use encrypted SSH keys) actions: images: options: match_case: |- Match case on any search terms given when searching for images (default %{default_value}) require_all: |- Require all search terms to be present in image descriptions to be included (default %{default_value}) provider: |- Node provider to retrieve images for search: |- Optional array of search terms to filter image results start: |- Retrieving a list of defined images from %{node_provider} results: |- Total of %{images} images found machines: options: node_provider: |- Node provider to retrieve machine types start: |- Retrieving a list of available machines from %{node_provider} results: |- Total of %{machines} machine types found spawn: options: parallel: |- Enable or disable parallelism of node creation (default %{default_value}) seed: |- CORL project reference with cloud project to seed new machines with (default %{default_value}) region: |- Machine provider region in which to create the machines (defaults to first defined in provider) machine_type: |- Provider ID of machine type to create (defaults to first defined in provider - usually smallest) provider: |- Create machines with this node provider image: |- Provider ID of operating system image on which to initialize the new machines hostnames: |- Hostnames of machines to create on provider infrastructure start: |- Spawning new machines on %{node_provider} ssh: options: errors: ssh_nodes_empty: |- Nodes must be specified in order to launch a SSH terminal ssh_nodes: |- Provider %{node_provider} node %{name} is not a valid node to launch terminal (%{value} given) start: |- Launching terminal for machine %{hostname} (%{id}) success: |- Machine %{hostname} (%{id}) successfully ended terminal session failure: |- Machine %{hostname} (%{id}) terminal session failed with status %{status} bootstrap: options: bootstrap_path: |- Bootstrap script top level local directory (default %{default_value}) bootstrap_init: |- Gateway bootstrap script within the bootstrap project directory (default %{default_value}) bootstrap_glob: |- Path glob to use in searching bootstrap scripts for remote execution (default %{default_value}) auth_files: |- Any additional authorization or state files to pass to the node during bootstrap (relative to local home) home_env_var: |- Home directory environment variable on remote server (default %{default_value}) home: |- Specified home directory on remote server (default %{default_value}) bootstrap_nodes: |- Node references to bootstrap errors: bootstrap_path: |- Bootstrap path must be an existing directory auth_files: |- Authorization file %{value} does not exist on the local system bootstrap_nodes_empty: |- Nodes must be specified in order to run the bootstrap action bootstrap_nodes: |- Provider %{node_provider} node %{name} is not a valid node to bootstrap (%{value} given) start: |- Starting bootstrap of machine %{hostname} (%{id}) success: |- Machine %{hostname} (%{id}) successfully bootstrapped failure: |- Machine %{hostname} (%{id}) bootstrap failed with status %{status} exec: options: command: |- Command line executable and arguments to execute on machine lookup: options: context: |- Lookup evaluation context; priority, array, hash (default %{default_value}) errors: context: |- Lookup evaluation context %{value} is not valid >> Possible contexts: %{choices} seed: options: project_branch: |- Project branch to seed project (default %{default_value}) project_reference: |- Reference to seed project (default %{default_value}) errors: project_reference: |- Project reference %{value} failed to parse or provider %{provider} isn't loaded >> Possible providers: %{choices} start: |- Now seeding CORL node image: start: |- Starting image of %{provider} machine %{name} start: start: |- Starting %{provider} machine %{name} stop: start: |- Stopping %{provider} machine %{name} reboot: start: |- Rebooting %{provider} machine %{name} destroy: start: |- Destroying %{provider} machine %{name} build: start: |- Building provisioner project provision: options: dry_run: |- Whether or not to build the provisioner catalog without configuring the system (default %{default_value}) start: |- Starting provision run vagrant: actions: init_keys: start: |- Initializing CORL development keys... link_network: start: |- Linking CORL network to standard directory... delete_cache: start: |- Clearing CORL cache for this machine...