Feature: prodder init Background: Given a prodder config in "prodder.yml" with project: blog And a "blog" git repository Scenario: Clone a project When I run `prodder init -c prodder.yml` Then the exit status should be 0 And a directory named "prodder-workspace/blog" should exist And the workspace file "blog/README" should match /Read me/ Scenario: Update pre-existing repository on re-initializing Given I run `prodder init -c prodder.yml` And a new commit is already in the "blog" git repository When I run `prodder init -c prodder.yml` Then the new commit should be in the workspace copy of the "blog" repository Scenario: Can't clone repository (no such repo, permissions, whatever) Given I deleted the "blog" git repository When I run `prodder init -c prodder.yml` Then the exit status should be 1 And the output should contain "Failed to run 'git clone ./repos/blog" And the output should match /repository.*does not exist/