db_common: &db_common methods: - probe_db opts: &db_common_opts connection_string: dbname=gitlabhq_development user=postgres # Web server config server: name: webrick # cf. https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra#available-settings listen_address: listen_port: 9168 # Maximum amount of memory to use in megabytes, after which the process is killed memory_threshold: 1024 # TLS settings tls_enabled: false tls_cert_path: /tmp/server.crt tls_key_path: /tmp/server.key # Probes config probes: # Each key corresponds to an endpoint, so here metrics are available at http://localhost:9168/git. # The server will search for a prober using the format `KeyProber`, so here it will be `GitProber`. # If there's no prober matching the format above, `class_name` key should be provided (see `git_process` below). git: # Methods to call on the prober methods: - probe_pull - probe_push # Options to pass to the prober class initializer opts: source: /home/git/repo git_process: &git_process class_name: GitProcessProber # `class_name` is redundant here methods: - probe_git opts: quantiles: true database_bloat: class_name: Database::BloatProber <<: *db_common # We can group multiple probes under a single endpoint by setting the `multiple` key to `true`, followed # by probe definitions as usual. database: multiple: true ci_builds: class_name: Database::CiBuildsProber <<: *db_common opts: <<: *db_common_opts created_builds_counting_disabled: true unarchived_traces_offset_minutes: 1440 tuple_stats: class_name: Database::TuplesProber <<: *db_common rows_count: class_name: Database::RowCountProber <<: *db_common opts: <<: *db_common_opts selected_queries: - soft_deleted_projects - orphaned_projects - uploads - users - projects - groups remote_mirrors: class_name: Database::RemoteMirrorsProber <<: *db_common opts: <<: *db_common_opts project_ids: - 1 process: &process methods: - probe_stat - probe_count opts: - pid_or_pattern: "sidekiq .* \\[.*?\\]" name: sidekiq - pid_or_pattern: "git-upload-pack --stateless-rpc" name: git_upload_pack quantiles: true sidekiq: &sidekiq methods: - probe_stats - probe_queues - probe_workers - probe_retries opts: redis_url: "redis://localhost:6379" # Uncomment if username or password is not part of the redis_url specified above # redis_username: 'redis-username' # redis_password: 'redis-password' redis_enable_client: true ruby: &ruby class_name: RubyProber methods: - probe_gc opts: quantiles: false # Uncomment below to add GitLab specific Elasticsearch metrics. # # To support multiple authorization types, opts are passed to a Faraday connection object. # See: https://www.rubydoc.info/github/lostisland/faraday/Faraday%2FConnection:initialize # # elasticsearch: &elasticsearch # methods: # - probe_migrations # # opts: # - url: http://localhost:9200 # options: # headers: # Authorization: "Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==" metrics: multiple: true git_process: <<: *git_process process: <<: *process ruby: <<: *ruby sidekiq: <<: *sidekiq ci_builds: class_name: Database::CiBuildsProber <<: *db_common tuple_stats: class_name: Database::TuplesProber <<: *db_common rows_count: class_name: Database::RowCountProber <<: *db_common