


struct              CRAttrSel;
enum CRStatus       cr_attr_sel_append_attr_sel         (CRAttrSel *a_this,
                                                         CRAttrSel *a_attr_sel);
void                cr_attr_sel_destroy                 (CRAttrSel *a_this);
void                cr_attr_sel_dump                    (CRAttrSel const *a_this,
                                                         FILE *a_fp);
CRAttrSel *         cr_attr_sel_new                     (void);
enum CRStatus       cr_attr_sel_prepend_attr_sel        (CRAttrSel *a_this,
                                                         CRAttrSel *a_attr_sel);
guchar *            cr_attr_sel_to_string               (CRAttrSel const *a_this);



struct CRAttrSel

struct CRAttrSel {
        CRString             *name ;
        CRString             *value ;
        enum AttrMatchWay  match_way ;
        CRAttrSel          *next ;
        CRAttrSel          *prev ;
        CRParsingLocation location ;

CRAdditionalSel abstracts an attribute selector. Attributes selectors are described in the css2 spec [5.8]. There are more generally used in the css2 selectors described in css2 spec [5] .

cr_attr_sel_append_attr_sel ()

enum CRStatus       cr_attr_sel_append_attr_sel         (CRAttrSel *a_this,
                                                         CRAttrSel *a_attr_sel);

Appends an attribute selector to the current list of attribute selectors represented by a_this.

a_this :

the this pointer of the current instance of CRAttrSel.

a_attr_sel :

selector to append.

Returns :

CR_OK upon successfull completion, an error code otherwise.

cr_attr_sel_destroy ()

void                cr_attr_sel_destroy                 (CRAttrSel *a_this);

Destroys the current instance of CRAttrSel. Frees all the fields if they are non null.

a_this :

the "this pointer" of the current instance of CRAttrSel.

cr_attr_sel_dump ()

void                cr_attr_sel_dump                    (CRAttrSel const *a_this,
                                                         FILE *a_fp);

Dumps the current instance of CRAttrSel to a file.

a_this :

the "this pointer" of the current instance of CRAttrSel.

a_fp :

the destination file.

cr_attr_sel_new ()

CRAttrSel *         cr_attr_sel_new                     (void);

cr_attr_sel_prepend_attr_sel ()

enum CRStatus       cr_attr_sel_prepend_attr_sel        (CRAttrSel *a_this,
                                                         CRAttrSel *a_attr_sel);

Prepends an attribute selector to the list of attributes selector represented by a_this.

a_this :

the "this pointer" of the current instance *of CRAttrSel.

a_attr_sel :

the attribute selector to append.

Returns :

CR_OK upon successfull completion, an error code otherwise.

cr_attr_sel_to_string ()

guchar *            cr_attr_sel_to_string               (CRAttrSel const *a_this);

Serializes an attribute selector into a string

a_this :

the current instance of CRAttrSel.

Returns :

the serialized attribute selector.