require File.expand_path('spec_helper', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'rails_generator/scripts/generate' describe "shen_spec generator" do include Shenandoah::Spec::RailsRoot include Shenandoah::Spec::UseGenerators def generate(name='common')["shen_spec", name, "-q"]) end describe "generation" do %w(spec test examples).each do |dir| describe "when the rails project has a #{dir}" do before do FileUtils.mkdir "#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{dir}" generate end it "puts the HTML fixture in the right place" do File.exist?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{dir}/javascript/common.html").should be_true end it "puts the JavaScript spec in the right place" do File.exist?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{dir}/javascript/common_spec.js").should be_true end end end { 'common' => ['common', 'Common'], 'some_spec' => ['some', 'Some'], 'models/hat' => ['models/hat', 'models.Hat'], 'models/helicopter_spec' => ['models/helicopter', 'models.Helicopter'], 'themes/light/alison' => ['themes/light/alison', 'themes.light.Alison'] }.each do |input, (expected_filename, expected_classname)| describe "for '#{input}'" do before do generate(input) end describe "the HTML" do before do @html ="#{RAILS_ROOT}/test/javascript/#{expected_filename}.html") end it "includes the name in the title" do @html.should =~ %r{<title>#{expected_filename}.js | JavaScript Testing Results</title>} end it "includes the runner script" do @html.should =~ %r{src="/shenandoah/browser-runner.js"} end it "includes screw.css" do @html.should =~ %r{href="/screw.css"} end end describe "the JS" do before do @js ="#{RAILS_ROOT}/test/javascript/#{expected_filename}_spec.js") end it "requires the spec_helper" do @js.should =~ %r{require_spec\('spec_helper.js'\);} end it "requires the presumed main file" do @js.should =~ %r{require_main\('#{expected_filename}.js'\);} end it "describes the main file" do @js.should =~ %r{describe\('#{expected_classname}', function \(\) \{} end end end end end end