# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe HttpLog do let(:host) { 'localhost' } let(:port) { 9292 } let(:path) { '/index.html' } let(:headers) { { 'accept' => '*/*', 'foo' => 'bar' } } let(:data) { 'foo=bar&bar=foo' } let(:params) { { 'foo' => 'bar:form-data', 'bar' => 'foo' } } ADAPTERS = [ NetHTTPAdapter, OpenUriAdapter, HTTPClientAdapter, HTTPartyAdapter, FaradayAdapter, ExconAdapter, EthonAdapter, PatronAdapter, HTTPAdapter ].freeze ADAPTERS.each do |adapter_class| context adapter_class, adapter: adapter_class.to_s do let(:adapter) { adapter_class.new(host: host, port: port, path: path, headers: headers, data: data, params: params) } context 'with default configuration' do connection_test_method = adapter_class.is_libcurl? ? :to_not : :to if adapter_class.method_defined? :send_get_request it 'should log GET requests' do res = adapter.send_get_request expect(log).send(connection_test_method, include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + "Connecting: #{host}:#{port}")) expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + "Sending: GET http://#{host}:#{port}#{path}") expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Data:') expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Header:') expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Status: 200') expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Benchmark: ') expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + "Response:#{adapter.expected_response_body}") expect(log).to_not include("\e[0") expect(res).to be_a adapter.response if adapter.respond_to? :response end context 'with gzip encoding' do let(:path) { '/index.html.gz' } let(:data) { nil } it 'decompresses gzipped response body' do adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + "Response:#{adapter.expected_response_body}") end if adapter_class.method_defined? :send_head_request it "doesn't try to decompress body for HEAD requests" do adapter.send_head_request expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Response:') end end end context 'with UTF-8 response body' do let(:path) { '/utf8.html' } let(:data) { nil } it 'works' do adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + "Response:#{adapter.expected_response_body}") if adapter.logs_data? expect(log).to include(' <title>Блог Яндекса</title>') end end end context 'with binary response body' do let(:path) { '/test.bin' } let(:data) { nil } it "doesn't log response" do adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Response: (not showing binary data)') end end end if adapter_class.method_defined? :send_post_request it 'logs POST requests' do res = adapter.send_post_request expect(log).send(connection_test_method, include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + "Connecting: #{host}:#{port}")) expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + "Sending: POST http://#{host}:#{port}#{path}") expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Data: foo=bar&bar=foo') expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Header:') expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Status: 200') expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Benchmark: ') expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + "Response:#{adapter.expected_response_body}") expect(res).to be_a adapter.response if adapter.respond_to? :response end context 'with non-UTF request data' do let(:data) { "a UTF-8 striñg with an 8BIT-ASCII character: \xC3" } it 'does not raise and error' do expect { adapter.send_post_request }.to_not raise_error expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Response:') end end context 'with URI encoded non-UTF data' do let(:data) { 'a UTF-8 striñg with a URI encoded 8BIT-ASCII character: %c3' } it 'does not raise and error' do expect { adapter.send_post_request }.to_not raise_error expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Response:') end end end end context 'with custom configuration' do context 'GET requests' do it 'should not log anything unless enabled is set' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.enabled = false } adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to eq('') end it 'should log at other levels' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.severity = Logger::Severity::INFO } adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to include('INFO') end it 'should log headers if enabled' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.log_headers = true } adapter.send_get_request # request header expect(log.downcase).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Header: accept: */*'.downcase) # response header expect(log.downcase).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Header: server: thin'.downcase) end it 'should not log headers if disabled' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.log_headers = false } adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Header:') end it 'should log the request if url does not match blacklist pattern' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.url_blacklist_pattern = /example.com/ } adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Sending: GET') end it 'should log the request if url matches whitelist pattern and not the blacklist pattern' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.url_blacklist_pattern = /example.com/ } HttpLog.configure { |c| c.url_whitelist_pattern = /#{host}:#{port}/ } adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Sending: GET') end it 'should not log the request if url matches blacklist pattern' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.url_blacklist_pattern = /#{host}:#{port}/ } adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Sending: GET') end it 'should not log the request if url does not match whitelist pattern' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.url_whitelist_pattern = /example.com/ } adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Sending: GET') end it 'should not log the request if url matches blacklist pattern and the whitelist pattern' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.url_blacklist_pattern = /#{host}:#{port}/ } HttpLog.configure { |c| c.url_whitelist_pattern = /#{host}:#{port}/ } adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Sending: GET') end it 'should not log the request if disabled' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.log_request = false } adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Sending: GET') end it 'should not log the connection if disabled' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.log_connect = false } adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + "Connecting: #{host}:#{port}") end it 'should not log data if disabled' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.log_data = false } adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Data:') end it 'should colorized output with single color' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.color = :red } adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to include("\e[31m") end it 'should colorized output with color hash' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.color = { color: :black, background: :yellow } } adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to include("\e[30m\e[43m") end it 'should log with custom string prefix' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.prefix = '[my logger]' } adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to include('[my logger]') expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX) end it 'should log with custom lambda prefix' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.prefix = -> { '[custom prefix]' } } adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to include('[custom prefix]') expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX) end end context 'POST requests' do if adapter_class.method_defined? :send_post_request it 'should not log data if disabled' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.log_data = false } adapter.send_post_request expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Data:') end it 'should not log the response if disabled' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.log_response = false } adapter.send_post_request expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Reponse:') end it 'should prefix all response lines' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.prefix_response_lines = true } adapter.send_post_request expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Response:') expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + '<html>') end it 'should prefix all response lines with line numbers' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.prefix_response_lines = true } HttpLog.configure { |c| c.prefix_line_numbers = true } adapter.send_post_request expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Response:') expect(log).to include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + '1: <html>') end it 'should not log the benchmark if disabled' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.log_benchmark = false } adapter.send_post_request expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Benchmark:') end end end context 'POST form data requests' do if adapter_class.method_defined? :send_post_form_request it 'should not log data if disabled' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.log_data = false } adapter.send_post_form_request expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Data:') end it 'should not log the response if disabled' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.log_response = false } adapter.send_post_form_request expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Reponse:') end it 'should not log the benchmark if disabled' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.log_benchmark = false } adapter.send_post_form_request expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Benchmark:') end end end context 'POST multi-part requests (file upload)' do let(:upload) { Tempfile.new('http-log') } let(:params) { { 'foo' => 'bar', 'file' => upload } } if adapter_class.method_defined? :send_multipart_post_request it 'should not log data if disabled' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.log_data = false } adapter.send_multipart_post_request expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Data:') end it 'should not log the response if disabled' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.log_response = false } adapter.send_multipart_post_request expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Reponse:') end it 'should not log the benchmark if disabled' do HttpLog.configure { |c| c.log_benchmark = false } adapter.send_multipart_post_request expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Benchmark:') end end end end context 'with compact config' do before(:each) { HttpLog.configure { |c| c.compact_log = true } } it 'should log a single line with status and benchmark' do adapter.send_get_request expect(log).to match(%r{\[httplog\] GET http://#{host}:#{port}#{path}(\?.*)? completed with status code \d{3} in (\d|\.)+}) expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + "Connecting: #{host}:#{port}") expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Response:') expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Data:') expect(log).to_not include(HttpLog::LOG_PREFIX + 'Benchmark: ') end end end end end