// This file contains the styles for the Component Guide. @import "govuk_publishing_components/components/helpers/govuk-frontend-settings"; @import "govuk_publishing_components/components/helpers/markdown-typography"; @import "govuk-frontend/settings/all"; @import "govuk-frontend/tools/all"; @import "govuk-frontend/helpers/all"; @import "govuk-frontend/core/all"; @include _govuk-font-face-nta; .component-guide-wrapper { padding-bottom: $govuk-gutter * 1.5; } .component-list { @include govuk-text-colour; @extend %govuk-list--bullet; li { @include govuk-font($size: 19); margin-bottom: $govuk-gutter-half; } p { margin: 0; } } .component-search { display: none; .js-enabled & { display: block; margin-top: $govuk-gutter * 2; } } .component-body { margin-bottom: $govuk-gutter * 1.5; } .component-guide-hidden { display: none; } .component-doc { @include govuk-font($size: 16); .component-doc-h2:first-child { margin-top: 0; } } .component-violation { @include govuk-text-colour; border: 3px solid $govuk-error-colour; margin: 0 0 $govuk-gutter; padding: $govuk-gutter $govuk-gutter; .component-violation__title { @include govuk-font($size: 24, $weight: bold); margin: 0; } .component-violation__link { display: block; @include govuk-font($size: 19, $weight: bold); color: $govuk-error-colour; margin: $govuk-gutter-half 0; } } .component-doc-h2 { @include govuk-text-colour; @include govuk-font($size: 27, $weight: bold); margin: ($govuk-gutter * 1.5) 0 $govuk-gutter; small { @include govuk-font($size: 16, $weight: bold); } } .component-doc-h3 { @include govuk-text-colour; margin: $govuk-gutter 0 $govuk-gutter-half; @include govuk-font($size: 19, $weight: bold); } .component-call { margin-top: $govuk-gutter-half; margin-bottom: $govuk-gutter-half; font-family: Consolas, Monaco, 'Andale Mono', monospace; font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.5; border: 1px solid $govuk-border-colour; &[contenteditable]:hover { cursor: text; } &[contenteditable]:focus { outline: 3px solid $govuk-focus-colour; } > pre { margin: 0; padding: $govuk-gutter; max-height: 300px; overflow: auto; font-family: inherit; > code { font-family: inherit; display: block; } } } .component-output { > pre { max-height: 200px; } } .component-guide-preview { &.direction-rtl { direction: rtl; text-align: start; } &.dark-background { background-color: govuk-colour("blue"); } &.component-output { padding: 0; } padding: ($govuk-gutter * 1.5) $govuk-gutter $govuk-gutter; border: 1px solid $govuk-border-colour; position: relative; &:before { @include govuk-font($size: 14); content: attr(data-content); position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; padding: 0.21053em 0.78947em; background: $govuk-border-colour; color: govuk-colour("black"); font-weight: bold; } } .component-guide-preview--simple { border: 0; padding: 0; &:before { display: none; } } .component-guide-preview--violation, .component-guide-preview--warning { @include govuk-text-colour; margin-top: $govuk-gutter-half; @include govuk-font($size: 19); &:empty { display: none; } p, h3, h4 { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: $govuk-gutter / 2; } h3 a { @extend %govuk-link; } h3:not(:first-child) { margin-top: $govuk-gutter; } ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-left: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; } .selector { font-style: italic; } } .component-guide-preview--warning { border-color: govuk-colour("yellow"); &:before { background-color: govuk-colour("yellow"); } } .component-guide-preview--violation { border-color: govuk-colour("red"); &:before { background-color: govuk-colour("red"); color: govuk-colour("white"); } } .examples { .component-example { margin: 0 0 $govuk-gutter * 1.5; .example-title { @include govuk-text-colour; @include govuk-font($size: 24, $weight: bold); margin: $govuk-gutter-half 0; small { @include govuk-font($size: 16, $weight: bold); } } } } .component-markdown { @include markdown-typography; } // Preview Page Styling html { background: govuk-colour("white"); } .hide-header-and-footer { // scss-lint:disable IdSelector #global-header, #global-header-bar, #global-breadcrumb, #footer { display: none; } // scss-lint:enable IdSelector } .component-guide-preview-page { padding: ($govuk-gutter * 1.5) 0; position: relative; .preview-title { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 1em; @include govuk-font($size: 16, $weight: bold); a { @include govuk-link-common; @include govuk-link-style-text; } } } // Hide survey banner // scss-lint:disable IdSelector #user-satisfaction-survey-container { display: none; } // scss-lint:enable IdSelector // Rouge syntax highlighting // Based on https://github.com/alphagov/tech-docs-template/blob/master/template/source/stylesheets/palette/_syntax-highlighting.scss $code-00: scale-color(govuk-colour("grey-4"), $lightness:50%); // Default Background $code-01: #f5f5f5; // Lighter Background (Unused) $code-02: #bfc1c3; // Selection Background $code-03: darken($govuk-secondary-text-colour, 2%); // Comments, Invisibles, Line Highlighting $code-04: #e8e8e8; // Dark Foreground (Unused) $code-05: $govuk-text-colour; // Default Foreground, Caret, Delimiters, Operators $code-06: #ffffff; // Light Foreground (Unused) $code-07: #ffffff; // Light Background (Unused) $code-08: #ae5f3d; // Variables, XML Tags, Markup Link Text, Markup Lists $code-09: #0E7754; // Integers, Boolean, Constants, XML Attributes, Markup Link Url $code-0a: #4C4077; // Classes, Markup Bold, Search Text Background $code-0b: govuk-colour("blue"); // Strings, Inherited Class, Markup Code $code-0c: govuk-colour("blue"); // Support, Regular Expressions, Escape Characters, Markup Quotes $code-0d: #4C4077; // Functions, Methods, Attribute IDs, Headings $code-0e: #a71d5d; // Keywords, Storage, Selector, Markup Italic $code-0f: #C92424; // Deprecated, Opening/Closing Embedded Language Tags e.g. (Unused) $code-insert-bg: #DEF8CA; $code-delete-bg: #FADDDD; .component-highlight { // Map Rouge / Pygments Tokens to work with 'Base 16' themes background: $code-00; color: $code-05; // // Comments // .c, // Comment .cm, // Comment.Multiline .cp, // Comment.Preproc .c1, // Comment.Single .cs { // Comment.Special color: $code-03; } // // Keywords // .k, // Keyword .kc, // Keyword.Constant .kd, // Keyword.Declaration .kp, // Keyword.Pseudo .kr { // Keyword.Reserved color: $code-0e; } .kn { // Keyword.Namespace color: $code-0c; } .kt { // Keyword.Type color: $code-0a; } // // Operators // .o, // Operator .ow { // Operator.Word color: $code-0c; } // // Names // .n, // Name .nb, // Name.Builtin .bp, // Name.Builtin.Pseudo .ni, // Name.Entity .nl, // Name.Label .py { // Name.Property // Default styling } .nc, // Name.Class .nn { // Name.Namespace color: $code-0a; } .na, // Name.Attribute .nf { // Name.Function color: $code-0d; } .nv, // Name.Variable .no, // Name.Constant .vc, // Name.Variable.Class .vg, // Name.Variable.Global .vi { // Name.Variable.Instance color: $code-08; } .nd { // Name.Decorator color: $code-0c; } .nt, // Name.Tag .nx { // Name.Other color: $code-09; } .ne { // Name.Exception color: $code-0f; } // // Literals // .l { // Literal color: $code-09; } .ld { // Literal.Date color: $code-0b; } .m, // Literal.Number .mf, // Literal.Number.Float .mh, // Literal.Number.Hex .mi, // Literal.Number.Integer .il, // Literal.Number.Integer.Long .mo { // Literal.Number.Oct color: $code-09; } .s, // Literal.String .sb, // Literal.String.Backtick .s2, // Literal.String.Double .sh { // Literal.String.Heredoc color: $code-0b; } .sx, // Literal.String.Other .sr, // Literal.String.Regex .s1, // Literal.String.Single .ss { // Literal.String.Symbol color: $code-0b; } .se, // Literal.String.Escape .si { // Literal.String.Interpol color: $code-09; } .sd { // Literal.String.Doc color: $code-03; } .sc { // Literal.String.Char // Default styling } // // Diffs // .gi { // Generic.Inserted background-color: $code-insert-bg; } .gd { // Generic.Deleted background-color: $code-delete-bg; } // // Misc // .p { // Punctuation // Default styling } .w { // Text.Whitespace // Default styling } .hll { // Highlight background-color: $code-02; } .err, // Error .gr, // Generic.Error .gt { // Generic.Traceback color: $code-0f; } .gs { // Generic.Strong font-weight: bold; } .ge { // Generic.Emph font-style: italic; } .gh { // Generic.Heading font-weight: bold; } .gu { // Generic.Subheading color: $code-0a; font-weight: bold; } .gp { // Generic.Prompt color: $code-03; font-weight: bold; } } // Specific for this Gem, optimized for erb render statements .component-highlight { .s2 { color: $code-08; } .n + .s2 { color: $code-09; } }