class MySQL < SphinxModule def check(quiet = false) result = true unless mysql_installed? result = false puts "The MySQL server doesn't appear to be installed.'".red unless quiet end unless File.exists? "/etc/paths.d/mysql" result = false puts "MySQL paths.d file is not configured.".red unless quiet end unless File.exists? "/usr/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib" result = false puts "MySQL does not have a symbolic link set up for the libmysqlclient dynlib.".red unless quiet end unless File.exists? "/var/mysql/mysql.sock" result = false puts "MySQL socket does not exist.".red unless quiet end puts "MySQL is OK.".green if result result end def configure unless mysql_installed? puts "\nOnce you have MySQL installed, you may return to this menu to setup root access\n" end exit = false until exit do choose do |menu| menu.header = "\nMySQL Configuration".cyan menu.prompt = "Select an option: " if mysql_installed? menu.choice("Setup root access") { set_mysql_root_access } end menu.choice("Done") { exit = true } end end end def download url = "" puts "Downloading MySQL".cyan puts url result = Download.url(url, SphinxTv::download_path("mysql.dmg")) end def install puts "Installing MySQL".cyan unless check(true) download Download.mount(SphinxTv::download_path("mysql.dmg"), "mysql*") do |volume| self.install_mysql_server volume self.install_mysql_prefpane volume self.install_mysql_startup volume end else puts "MySQL is installed.".green end end protected def mysql_installed? File.exists?("/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql") end def install_mysql_server volume puts "Installing MySQL Server".cyan puts "This will configure the MySQL server. A graphical installer should open now." files = Dir.glob File.join(volume, "mysql*") if (files.size == 0) puts "Could not find installer file in volume #{volume}".red return end %x[open #{files[0]}] ask "\nPress enter when the install is complete!".magenta # Create the paths.d file if mysql_installed? puts "Creating global path file /etc/paths.d/mysql".cyan %x[sudo #{SphinxTv::SUDO_PROMPT} bash -c 'echo "/usr/local/mysql/bin" > /etc/paths.d/mysql'] end # Create the symbolic link to the client library unless File.exists? "/usr/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib" puts "Linking dynamic libraries".cyan %x[sudo #{SphinxTv::SUDO_PROMPT} ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib /usr/lib] end # Create the mysql socket unless File.exists? "/tmp/mysql.sock" puts "Creating link to mysql socket".cyan %x[sudo #{SphinxTv::SUDO_PROMPT} mkdir -p /var/mysql] %x[sudo #{SphinxTv::SUDO_PROMPT} ln -s /tmp/mysql.sock /var/mysql/] end end def install_mysql_prefpane volume puts "Installing MySQL Prefpane\n".cyan puts "Select the option to install for all users of the computer" puts "On the Prefpane, tick the option to start the MySQL Server on Startup" puts "Click the button to start the MySQL Server" files = Dir.glob File.join(volume, "MySQL.prefpane") if (files.size == 0) puts "Could not find Prefpane file in volume #{volume}".red return end %x[open #{files[0]}] ask "\nPress enter when the install is complete!".magenta end def install_mysql_startup volume puts "Installing MySQL Startup".cyan files = Dir.glob File.join(volume, "MySQLStartup*") if (files.size == 0) puts "Could not find startup installer file in volume #{volume}".red return end %x[open #{files[0]}] ask "\nPress enter when the install is complete!".magenta end def set_mysql_root_access puts "This will allow you to set the root password for your database.".yellow puts "It will give you a more secure SQL server on your network but if you lose".yellow puts "the root password at any point, it will cause you pain.".yellow response = ask("Set up root privileges? ") { |q| q.default = "No" } return if !/Y/i.match(response) old_root_pass = ask("Enter the current root password: ") { |q| q.echo = "*" } root_pass = ask("Enter the new root password: ") { |q| q.echo = "*" } root_pass_confirm = ask("Re-enter the new root password: ") { |q| q.echo = "*" } if root_pass != root_pass_confirm puts "Passwords do not match!".red return end hostname = %x[hostname].strip hostname_short = /^[^\.]+/.match(hostname) mysql_commands = do |c| c << "DROP USER ''@'localhost';" if old_root_pass.empty? c << "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('#{root_pass}');" c << "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'' = PASSWORD('#{root_pass}');" c << "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'#{hostname}' = PASSWORD('#{root_pass}');" c << "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'#{hostname_short}' = PASSWORD('#{root_pass}');" end password_param = old_root_pass.empty? ? "" : " --password=#{old_root_pass}" mysql_commands.each do |sql| puts sql %x[/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root#{password_param} -e "#{sql}"] end end end