#include #include VALUE cTinyTdsClient; extern VALUE mTinyTds, cTinyTdsError; static ID sym_username, sym_password, sym_dataserver, sym_database, sym_appname, sym_tds_version, sym_login_timeout, sym_timeout, sym_encoding, sym_azure, sym_contained, sym_use_utf16, sym_message_handler; static ID intern_source_eql, intern_severity_eql, intern_db_error_number_eql, intern_os_error_number_eql; static ID intern_new, intern_dup, intern_transpose_iconv_encoding, intern_local_offset, intern_gsub, intern_call; VALUE opt_escape_regex, opt_escape_dblquote; VALUE message_handler; // Lib Macros #define GET_CLIENT_WRAPPER(self) \ tinytds_client_wrapper *cwrap; \ Data_Get_Struct(self, tinytds_client_wrapper, cwrap) #define REQUIRE_OPEN_CLIENT(cwrap) \ if (cwrap->closed || cwrap->userdata->closed) { \ rb_raise(cTinyTdsError, "closed connection"); \ return Qnil; \ } // Lib Backend (Helpers) VALUE rb_tinytds_raise_error(DBPROCESS *dbproc, int is_message, int cancel, const char *error, const char *source, int severity, int dberr, int oserr) { VALUE e; GET_CLIENT_USERDATA(dbproc); if (cancel && !dbdead(dbproc) && userdata && !userdata->closed) { userdata->dbsqlok_sent = 1; dbsqlok(dbproc); userdata->dbcancel_sent = 1; dbcancel(dbproc); } e = rb_exc_new2(cTinyTdsError, error); rb_funcall(e, intern_source_eql, 1, rb_str_new2(source)); if (severity) rb_funcall(e, intern_severity_eql, 1, INT2FIX(severity)); if (dberr) rb_funcall(e, intern_db_error_number_eql, 1, INT2FIX(dberr)); if (oserr) rb_funcall(e, intern_os_error_number_eql, 1, INT2FIX(oserr)); if (severity <= 10 && is_message) { if (message_handler && message_handler != Qnil && rb_respond_to(message_handler, intern_call) != 0) { rb_funcall(message_handler, intern_call, 1, e); } return Qnil; } rb_exc_raise(e); return Qnil; } // Lib Backend (Memory Management & Handlers) int tinytds_err_handler(DBPROCESS *dbproc, int severity, int dberr, int oserr, char *dberrstr, char *oserrstr) { static const char *source = "error"; /* Everything should cancel by default */ int return_value = INT_CANCEL; int cancel = 0; GET_CLIENT_USERDATA(dbproc); /* These error codes are documented in include/sybdb.h in FreeTDS */ switch(dberr) { /* We don't want to raise these as a ruby exception for various reasons */ case 100: /* SYBEVERDOWN, indicating the connection can only be v7.1 */ case SYBESEOF: /* Usually accompanied by another more useful error */ case SYBESMSG: /* Generic "check messages from server" error */ case SYBEICONVI: /* Just return ?s to the client, as explained in readme */ return return_value; case SYBEICONVO: dbfreebuf(dbproc); return return_value; case SYBETIME: /* SYBETIME is the only error that can send INT_TIMEOUT or INT_CONTINUE, but we don't ever want to automatically retry. Instead have the app decide what to do. */ return_value = INT_TIMEOUT; cancel = 1; break; case SYBEWRIT: /* Write errors may happen after we abort a statement */ if (userdata && (userdata->dbsqlok_sent || userdata->dbcancel_sent)) { return return_value; } cancel = 1; break; } /* When in non-blocking mode we need to store the exception data to throw it once the blocking call returns, otherwise we will segfault ruby since part of the contract of the ruby non-blocking indicator is that you do not call any of the ruby C API. */ if (userdata && userdata->nonblocking) { if (cancel && !dbdead(dbproc) && !userdata->closed) { dbcancel(dbproc); userdata->dbcancel_sent = 1; } /* If we've already captured an error message, don't overwrite it. This is here because FreeTDS sends a generic "General SQL Server error" message that will overwrite the real message. This is not normally a problem because a ruby exception is normally thrown and we bail before the generic message can be sent. */ if (!userdata->nonblocking_error.is_set) { userdata->nonblocking_error.is_message = 0; userdata->nonblocking_error.cancel = cancel; strncpy(userdata->nonblocking_error.error, dberrstr, ERROR_MSG_SIZE); strncpy(userdata->nonblocking_error.source, source, ERROR_MSG_SIZE); userdata->nonblocking_error.severity = severity; userdata->nonblocking_error.dberr = dberr; userdata->nonblocking_error.oserr = oserr; userdata->nonblocking_error.is_set = 1; } } else { rb_tinytds_raise_error(dbproc, 0, cancel, dberrstr, source, severity, dberr, oserr); } return return_value; } int tinytds_msg_handler(DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBINT msgno, int msgstate, int severity, char *msgtext, char *srvname, char *procname, int line) { static const char *source = "message"; GET_CLIENT_USERDATA(dbproc); int is_message_an_error = severity > 10 ? 1 : 0; // See tinytds_err_handler() for info about why we do this if (userdata && userdata->nonblocking) { if (!userdata->nonblocking_error.is_set) { userdata->nonblocking_error.is_message = !is_message_an_error; userdata->nonblocking_error.cancel = is_message_an_error; strncpy(userdata->nonblocking_error.error, msgtext, ERROR_MSG_SIZE); strncpy(userdata->nonblocking_error.source, source, ERROR_MSG_SIZE); userdata->nonblocking_error.severity = severity; userdata->nonblocking_error.dberr = msgno; userdata->nonblocking_error.oserr = msgstate; userdata->nonblocking_error.is_set = 1; } if (is_message_an_error && !dbdead(dbproc) && !userdata->closed) { dbcancel(dbproc); userdata->dbcancel_sent = 1; } } else { rb_tinytds_raise_error(dbproc, !is_message_an_error, is_message_an_error, msgtext, source, severity, msgno, msgstate); } return 0; } static void rb_tinytds_client_reset_userdata(tinytds_client_userdata *userdata) { userdata->timing_out = 0; userdata->dbsql_sent = 0; userdata->dbsqlok_sent = 0; userdata->dbcancel_sent = 0; userdata->nonblocking = 0; userdata->nonblocking_error.is_set = 0; } static void rb_tinytds_client_mark(void *ptr) { tinytds_client_wrapper *cwrap = (tinytds_client_wrapper *)ptr; if (cwrap) { rb_gc_mark(cwrap->charset); } } static void rb_tinytds_client_free(void *ptr) { tinytds_client_wrapper *cwrap = (tinytds_client_wrapper *)ptr; if (cwrap->login) dbloginfree(cwrap->login); if (cwrap->client && !cwrap->closed) { dbclose(cwrap->client); cwrap->closed = 1; cwrap->userdata->closed = 1; } xfree(cwrap->userdata); xfree(ptr); } static VALUE allocate(VALUE klass) { VALUE obj; tinytds_client_wrapper *cwrap; obj = Data_Make_Struct(klass, tinytds_client_wrapper, rb_tinytds_client_mark, rb_tinytds_client_free, cwrap); cwrap->closed = 1; cwrap->charset = Qnil; cwrap->userdata = malloc(sizeof(tinytds_client_userdata)); cwrap->userdata->closed = 1; rb_tinytds_client_reset_userdata(cwrap->userdata); return obj; } // TinyTds::Client (public) static VALUE rb_tinytds_tds_version(VALUE self) { GET_CLIENT_WRAPPER(self); return INT2FIX(dbtds(cwrap->client)); } static VALUE rb_tinytds_close(VALUE self) { GET_CLIENT_WRAPPER(self); if (cwrap->client && !cwrap->closed) { dbclose(cwrap->client); cwrap->closed = 1; cwrap->userdata->closed = 1; } return Qtrue; } static VALUE rb_tinytds_dead(VALUE self) { GET_CLIENT_WRAPPER(self); return dbdead(cwrap->client) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE rb_tinytds_closed(VALUE self) { GET_CLIENT_WRAPPER(self); return (cwrap->closed || cwrap->userdata->closed) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE rb_tinytds_canceled(VALUE self) { GET_CLIENT_WRAPPER(self); return cwrap->userdata->dbcancel_sent ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE rb_tinytds_sqlsent(VALUE self) { GET_CLIENT_WRAPPER(self); return cwrap->userdata->dbsql_sent ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE rb_tinytds_execute(VALUE self, VALUE sql) { VALUE result; GET_CLIENT_WRAPPER(self); rb_tinytds_client_reset_userdata(cwrap->userdata); REQUIRE_OPEN_CLIENT(cwrap); dbcmd(cwrap->client, StringValueCStr(sql)); if (dbsqlsend(cwrap->client) == FAIL) { rb_warn("TinyTds: dbsqlsend() returned FAIL.\n"); return Qfalse; } cwrap->userdata->dbsql_sent = 1; result = rb_tinytds_new_result_obj(cwrap); rb_iv_set(result, "@query_options", rb_funcall(rb_iv_get(self, "@query_options"), intern_dup, 0)); { GET_RESULT_WRAPPER(result); rwrap->local_offset = rb_funcall(cTinyTdsClient, intern_local_offset, 0); rwrap->encoding = cwrap->encoding; return result; } } static VALUE rb_tinytds_charset(VALUE self) { GET_CLIENT_WRAPPER(self); return cwrap->charset; } static VALUE rb_tinytds_encoding(VALUE self) { GET_CLIENT_WRAPPER(self); return rb_enc_from_encoding(cwrap->encoding); } static VALUE rb_tinytds_escape(VALUE self, VALUE string) { VALUE new_string; GET_CLIENT_WRAPPER(self); Check_Type(string, T_STRING); new_string = rb_funcall(string, intern_gsub, 2, opt_escape_regex, opt_escape_dblquote); rb_enc_associate(new_string, cwrap->encoding); return new_string; } /* Duplicated in result.c */ static VALUE rb_tinytds_return_code(VALUE self) { GET_CLIENT_WRAPPER(self); if (cwrap->client && dbhasretstat(cwrap->client)) { return LONG2NUM((long)dbretstatus(cwrap->client)); } else { return Qnil; } } static VALUE rb_tinytds_identity_sql(VALUE self) { GET_CLIENT_WRAPPER(self); return rb_str_new2(cwrap->identity_insert_sql); } // TinyTds::Client (protected) static VALUE rb_tinytds_connect(VALUE self, VALUE opts) { /* Parsing options hash to local vars. */ VALUE user, pass, dataserver, database, app, version, ltimeout, timeout, charset, azure, contained, use_utf16; GET_CLIENT_WRAPPER(self); user = rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_username); pass = rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_password); dataserver = rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_dataserver); database = rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_database); app = rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_appname); version = rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_tds_version); ltimeout = rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_login_timeout); timeout = rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_timeout); charset = rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_encoding); azure = rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_azure); contained = rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_contained); use_utf16 = rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_use_utf16); message_handler = rb_hash_aref(opts, sym_message_handler); /* Dealing with options. */ if (dbinit() == FAIL) { rb_raise(cTinyTdsError, "failed dbinit() function"); return self; } dberrhandle(tinytds_err_handler); dbmsghandle(tinytds_msg_handler); cwrap->login = dblogin(); if (!NIL_P(version)) dbsetlversion(cwrap->login, NUM2INT(version)); if (!NIL_P(user)) dbsetluser(cwrap->login, StringValueCStr(user)); if (!NIL_P(pass)) dbsetlpwd(cwrap->login, StringValueCStr(pass)); if (!NIL_P(app)) dbsetlapp(cwrap->login, StringValueCStr(app)); if (!NIL_P(ltimeout)) dbsetlogintime(NUM2INT(ltimeout)); if (!NIL_P(charset)) DBSETLCHARSET(cwrap->login, StringValueCStr(charset)); if (!NIL_P(database)) { if (azure == Qtrue || contained == Qtrue) { #ifdef DBSETLDBNAME DBSETLDBNAME(cwrap->login, StringValueCStr(database)); #else if (azure == Qtrue) { rb_warn("TinyTds: :azure option is not supported in this version of FreeTDS.\n"); } if (contained == Qtrue) { rb_warn("TinyTds: :contained option is not supported in this version of FreeTDS.\n"); } #endif } } #ifdef DBSETUTF16 if (use_utf16 == Qtrue) { DBSETLUTF16(cwrap->login, 1); } if (use_utf16 == Qfalse) { DBSETLUTF16(cwrap->login, 0); } #else if (use_utf16 == Qtrue || use_utf16 == Qfalse) { rb_warn("TinyTds: :use_utf16 option not supported in this version of FreeTDS.\n"); } #endif cwrap->client = dbopen(cwrap->login, StringValueCStr(dataserver)); if (cwrap->client) { VALUE transposed_encoding, timeout_string; cwrap->closed = 0; cwrap->charset = charset; if (!NIL_P(version)) dbsetversion(NUM2INT(version)); if (!NIL_P(timeout)) { timeout_string = rb_sprintf("%"PRIsVALUE"", timeout); if (dbsetopt(cwrap->client, DBSETTIME, StringValueCStr(timeout_string), 0) == FAIL) { dbsettime(NUM2INT(timeout)); } } dbsetuserdata(cwrap->client, (BYTE*)cwrap->userdata); cwrap->userdata->closed = 0; if (!NIL_P(database) && (azure != Qtrue)) { dbuse(cwrap->client, StringValueCStr(database)); } transposed_encoding = rb_funcall(cTinyTdsClient, intern_transpose_iconv_encoding, 1, charset); cwrap->encoding = rb_enc_find(StringValueCStr(transposed_encoding)); if (dbtds(cwrap->client) <= 7) { cwrap->identity_insert_sql = "SELECT CAST(@@IDENTITY AS bigint) AS Ident"; } else { cwrap->identity_insert_sql = "SELECT CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS bigint) AS Ident"; } } return self; } // Lib Init void init_tinytds_client() { cTinyTdsClient = rb_define_class_under(mTinyTds, "Client", rb_cObject); rb_define_alloc_func(cTinyTdsClient, allocate); /* Define TinyTds::Client Public Methods */ rb_define_method(cTinyTdsClient, "tds_version", rb_tinytds_tds_version, 0); rb_define_method(cTinyTdsClient, "close", rb_tinytds_close, 0); rb_define_method(cTinyTdsClient, "closed?", rb_tinytds_closed, 0); rb_define_method(cTinyTdsClient, "canceled?", rb_tinytds_canceled, 0); rb_define_method(cTinyTdsClient, "dead?", rb_tinytds_dead, 0); rb_define_method(cTinyTdsClient, "sqlsent?", rb_tinytds_sqlsent, 0); rb_define_method(cTinyTdsClient, "execute", rb_tinytds_execute, 1); rb_define_method(cTinyTdsClient, "charset", rb_tinytds_charset, 0); rb_define_method(cTinyTdsClient, "encoding", rb_tinytds_encoding, 0); rb_define_method(cTinyTdsClient, "escape", rb_tinytds_escape, 1); rb_define_method(cTinyTdsClient, "return_code", rb_tinytds_return_code, 0); rb_define_method(cTinyTdsClient, "identity_sql", rb_tinytds_identity_sql, 0); /* Define TinyTds::Client Protected Methods */ rb_define_protected_method(cTinyTdsClient, "connect", rb_tinytds_connect, 1); /* Symbols For Connect */ sym_username = ID2SYM(rb_intern("username")); sym_password = ID2SYM(rb_intern("password")); sym_dataserver = ID2SYM(rb_intern("dataserver")); sym_database = ID2SYM(rb_intern("database")); sym_appname = ID2SYM(rb_intern("appname")); sym_tds_version = ID2SYM(rb_intern("tds_version")); sym_login_timeout = ID2SYM(rb_intern("login_timeout")); sym_timeout = ID2SYM(rb_intern("timeout")); sym_encoding = ID2SYM(rb_intern("encoding")); sym_azure = ID2SYM(rb_intern("azure")); sym_contained = ID2SYM(rb_intern("contained")); sym_use_utf16 = ID2SYM(rb_intern("use_utf16")); sym_message_handler = ID2SYM(rb_intern("message_handler")); /* Intern TinyTds::Error Accessors */ intern_source_eql = rb_intern("source="); intern_severity_eql = rb_intern("severity="); intern_db_error_number_eql = rb_intern("db_error_number="); intern_os_error_number_eql = rb_intern("os_error_number="); /* Intern Misc */ intern_new = rb_intern("new"); intern_dup = rb_intern("dup"); intern_transpose_iconv_encoding = rb_intern("transpose_iconv_encoding"); intern_local_offset = rb_intern("local_offset"); intern_gsub = rb_intern("gsub"); intern_call = rb_intern("call"); /* Escape Regexp Global */ opt_escape_regex = rb_funcall(rb_cRegexp, intern_new, 1, rb_str_new2("\\\'")); opt_escape_dblquote = rb_str_new2("''"); rb_global_variable(&opt_escape_regex); rb_global_variable(&opt_escape_dblquote); }