Version: 0.1.0 The two to four letter coded region. White space separated list of two to four letter coded regions. Reference to the source AIP document. A coded indication for the number of engines of an aircraft. code indicating the primary activity taking place in the airspace or the reason for its establishment Classification of aircraft based on 1.3 times stall speed in landing configuration at maximum certified landing mass. Category A: - less than 169 km/h (91 kt) IAS Category B: - 169 km/h (91 kt) or more but less than 224 km/h (121 kt) IAS Category C: - 224 km/h (121 kt) or more but less than 261 km/h (141 kt) IAS Category D: - 261 km/h (141 kt) or more but less than 307 km/h (166 kt) IAS Category E: - 307 km/h (166 kt) or more but less than 391 km/h (211 kt) IAS Category E: - helicopter (the stall speed method of calculating aircraft category does not apply) Category H: - helicopter (the stall speed method of calculating aircraft category does not apply) (IAS = indicated air speed) A code indicating the category of the fire fighting service provided at the aerodrome/heliport. A code indicating the category of fuel available at an aerodrome/heliport. A code indicating the category of a landing aid. DEPRECATED-4.5 A code indicating the category of oil available at an aerodrome/heliport. A code indicating the channel of an MLS. A code indicating the channel of an MLS. A code indicating the channel of a TACAN. Code indicating if a route is available for civil aviation or not. Code of the class of aircraft that may use the route (e.g., jet, heli, prop). One letter code for the type of airspace according to Annex 11, Appendix 4. A code indicating the performance class of a helicopter. A code indicating the class of a radio marker. A code indicating the class of an NDB. A code indicating a class of unit (depending on the service provided). A code indicating a colour. The list of allowable values comprises 'named' colours, not colours being only describable using the RGB or the CYMK or another colour system combination. A code indicating which event in a list of events in time should be given precedence over the others. E.g. the earliest or the latest. A list of comparison operators. A code indicating one of the two components of a TACAN facility. A code indicating the composition of a surface. Eg. asphalt, concrete etc.. A code indicating the condition of a RWY, TWY, SWY, FATO, TLOF or APRON surface. A code indicating the geodetic datum in which the geographical co-ordinates are expressed (list of allowable based on the ICAO WGS-84 Manual; abbreviations based on ARINC 424, Attachment 2). DEPRECATED-4.0 A code indicating a particular day. E.g. : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, the day preceding a holiday, a legal holiday, the day following a holiday, the day preceding a working day, a working day, the day following a working day. A code indicating a time period within a day. E.g. day or night. A code indicating if a waypoint should be crossed 'at', 'at or above', 'at or below' a specific altitude or 'between' two specified altitudes. A code indicating a 1-dimensional direction, e.g. forward or backward. A code indicating a direction with regard to a reference point, e.g. to or from. A code indicating the direction of a turn. A code indicating the reference for a vertical distance. Two series of values exist: 1) real distance: from GND, from the MSL, from the WGS-84 ellipsoid 2) pressure distance: QFE, QNH, STD. A code indicating the type of emission, as defined at the 1979 ITU World Administrative Radio Conference. E.G. : A3E, NONA2a, G1D. A coded value used to indicate a type of operation combining an elementary flow condition or a previously defined combination of flow conditions with another elementary flow condition or previously defined combination. A code indicating status of a flight. A code indicating the type of a flight. A code indicating the role of a fix within an instrument approach procedure. Examples: initial approach fix, final approach fix, missed approach point, etc. A coded aircraft type designator assigned by ICAO to all aircraft heavier than micro-/ultra-light and published in ICAO DOC 8643. A coded identifier for an Aerodrome/Heliport. The rules according to which this identifier should be formed are as follows: 1) If the AD/HP has an ICAO four letter location indicator, this will become the CODE_ID for the Aerodrome/Heliport; 2) If the AD/HP does not have an ICAO four letter location indicator but has an IATA three letter code, then this will become the CODE_ID for the Aerodrome/Heliport; 3) If the AD/HP does not have either an ICAO four letter location indicator or an IATA three letter code, an artificially generated code will be used. This will contain a group of letters and a number. The group of letters could be the 2 letter code of the State responsible for the Aerodrome/Heliport (or one of these, if there are more than one, like ED and ET for Germany) and the number could be an integer between 0001 and 9999; 4) As an alternative to 3, it is also possible use the 2 letter code of the State responsible for the Aerodrome/Heliport and add at least four letters and/or numbers to it. A coded value allowing the unique identification of the airspace in question. The coded identifier of a special navigation system chain. The coded identifier of a designated point. The coded identifier of an ILS or MLS. A code identifying the column within a table of discreet cruising levels. E.g. east (000 to 179 degrees) or west (180 to 359 degrees) even. A code identifying the table of discreet cruising levels. Ex: ICAO IFR, ICAO VFR, ICAO RVSM, etc.. The coded identifier of a marker. Ex: Dots, Dashes, Dot/Dash. The coded identifier of a radio navigation aid. The coded identifier of the organisation, authority, agency or unit. A coded value which uniquely identifies a traffic flow restriction. Code indicating if a route is international or domestic. A code indicating the light intensity. Eg: LIL, LIM, LIH, etc. A code indicating a language (according to ISO 639). The three letter coded location identifier of an aerodrome/heliport according to the IATA Resolution 763. The four letter coded location identifier of an aerodrome/heliport based on the ICAO DOC 7910/78 - Location Indicators. The three to twenty characters GPS location identifier as defined by the aerodrome/heliport operator. A code indicating the standard referred to by a list of values, in case where different aviation authorities use different categorisation criteria. A code indicating the level: upper airspace, lower airspace or both. A code distinguishing between military and civil status. DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 An 'operator' in coded form according to which two 'operants' will be 'associated' in order to produce a result. An 'operator' in coded form according to which the geometry of an airspace will contribute to the geometry of an aggregated airspace. A code indicating the origin with regard to international borders. A code indicating the method used in the evaluation of a PCN number. A code indicating the pavement behaviour (rigid or flexible) used for the PCN determination. A code indicating the subgrade strength category related to a PCN number. A code indicating the maximum allowable tire pressure categoryrelated to a PCN number. A code indicating a phase of a SID, STAR or IAP. Note: Some of the values apply only for a SID, other apply only for a STAR and other apply only for an IAP (the 'A' value). A code indicating the preparation technique for a surface area. A code indicating a location on the surface of an apron. A code indicating a position in the ILS system. E.g. outer, middle, inner, backcourse. A code indicating a position, relative to the an axis. For example: left/right of a runway centreline. A code indicating the position of an item on a surface of a runway. Eg: THR, runway end, runway centre line, TDZ, etc. A code indicating the position of an item on the surface of a Touch Down and Lift-off Area. A code indicating the position of an item on the surface of a taxiway. A code indicating the purpose of a flight. A code indicating the reference position for the obstacle clearance height. A code qualifying a location (such as an airspace, aerodrome, point, etc.) when used as FLOW_CONDITION_ELEMENT, e.g. departing from that location, crossing the location, activation hours of the location are used as condition, etc.. A code indicating the type of position report required by an ATC Unit. Eg.: compulsory or on request. A code indicating the value of the required navigation performance. A code indicating the route segment availability whether within the Flexible Use of Airspace concept or not. A code indicating that the point has a specific role in the RVSM context. A code indicating the source of the service type. The list of allowable values is open-ended. A code indicating the type of a special date, such as 'holiday', 'busy Friday', etc. A code indicating the reference system for a speed value. DEPRECATED-4.0 [Deprecated] A code indicating the convention used to measure the strength of a surface. Eg: PCN, SIWL, etc.. DEPRECATED-4.5 A code indicating the operational status of a runway, taxiway, gate, parking position, FATO etc.. Eg: serviceable, unserviceable, closed, work in progress, etc.. A code indicating an event occurrence during any day. Ex: sunrise, sunset. A code indicating the time reference system: UTC or 'UTC adjustable for summer time'(the specified time is applicable during winter; during the summer time - daylight saving time - the value must be decreased by one hour). A code indicating the type of an aircraft A code indicating the type of equipment and certification of an aircraft for a specified capability; i.e.: RNAV, RVSM, etc. A code indicating the type of aircarft engine (e.g., jet, piston, turbo). A code indicating the address type. Ex: postal address, phone number, fax number, AFS address, E-mail address, telex number, etc.. A code specifying whether a particular entity occurrence is an Aerodrome or a Heliport. A code indicating the extent of collocation between an aerodrome and a heliport. A code indicating a type of aeronautical ground light. Eg: Marine, RWY BCN, ABN, IBN, etc. DEPRECATED-4.0 A code indicating the type of path to the next point of an airspace vertex, which is always a closed path. E.g. great circle, rhumbline, geoidal line, clockwise arc, counter clockwise arc, etc. A code indicating the type of approach lighting system of a FATO direction. Eg: ICAO CAT I, ICAO CAT II, simple approach lighting system. A code indicating the type of approach lighting system of a runway direction. Eg: ICAO CAT I, ICAO CAT II, simple approach lighting system. A code indicating the type of angle: magnetic, bearing, VOR radial. A code indicating a type of approach procedure. Eg: straight-in, circling, straight-in CAT I, etc.. DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 Allowed types of Airspace. DEPRECATED-4.0 DEPRECATED-4.0 The values indicating the type of association between two airspaces. The values indicating the type of association between two organisations/authorities. The values indicating the type of association between two units. A code indicating the type of the responsability that one organisation/authority has for an airspace. Ex: The airspace is under the jurisdiction of Organization/Authority or the airspace is delegated to the Organization/Authority for the provision of air traffic services. A code indicating the type of association between a significant point and an airspace. E.g. entry point, exit point, etc.. A code indicating the type of azimuth equipment: normal or backward. A code indicating the type of path to the next point of a geographical border vertex (open polyline). A code indicating the type of path to the next point of a centreline, such as great circle or rhumbline. A code indicating the type of course to be observed. E.g. true track, magnetic track, heading, VOR radial, true bearing, magnetic bearing. A code indicating the type of conventional declared distance for a Final Approach and Take-Off Direction. Eg: LDAH, RTODAH, etc.. A code indicating the type of conventional declared distance for a runway. Eg: TORA, TODA, LDA, etc.. A code indicating a specific type of designated point whether published by the State, published by ICAO or created by another agency for convenience of identification. A code indicating the type of UHF distance measuring equipment. Flight rules to be observed by aircraft. E.g. VFR and/or IFR. Type of special frequency used by a service. The type of geograpfical border. The most common situation is the border between two countries. A code indicating the type of holding procedure. E.g. en-route holding, terminal area holding. A code indicating the type of schedule a timesheet is describing. E.g. working hours, un-monitored hours. A code indicating the type of the Instrument Approach Procedure. E.g. Approach Transition, VOR/DME Approach, Instrument Landing System (ILS), NDB Approach, GPS Approach. A code indicating a type of light source, such as strobe or flood. DEPRECATED-4.0 A code indicating if a facility is to be used for military, civil or both types of operations. DEPRECATED-4.0 A code indicating the type of radio navigation aid limitation. A code indicating the type of navigation system for which the checkpoint has been established. E.g. INS, VOR, GNSS, etc.. A code describing the type of nitrogen supplies for aviation usage. A code indicating the type of the North reference used. A code indicating the type of the obstacle. A code indicating the type of link between two obstacles. A code indicating the type of operation performed using a runway direction. E.g. approach or take-off. A code indicating the type of an Organisation/Authority. Ex: State, Association of States, International Organisation, etc.. A code describing the type of oxygen supplies for aviation usage. A code indicating a type of passenger facility available. E.g. hotels, restaurants, transportation, medical service, etc. A code that defines a specific type of flight path and a specific type of termination of that flight path. Although we agree with the ARINC idea that procedures should be designed with the aim to permit FMS equipped aircraft to fly tracks instead of procedural headings, for the time being we must allow all representation of these procedures (especially reversal procedures) as they are published by the States. This is the explanation of the differences between the allowable values for attributes in this domain and the ARINC leg types. A code indicating the type of protection area for a FATO. E.g. clearway, ILS protection area, safety area, etc.. A code indicating the type of protection area for a runway E.g. clearway, obstacle free zone, ILS protection area, etc.. A code indicating how the two airspace are associated together. A code indicating if the restriction is an interdiction or a mandatory routing. The type of the route from the navigation point of view. E.g. conventional, RNAV, etc.. A code indicating the type of segment path. Type of a service such as Flight Information etc. A code indicating the type of ground service at an aerodrome/heliport. E.g. customs, immigration, health and sanitation, handling, security, de-icing, hangaring, repairing, rescue, disabled aircraft removal, fire fighting, clearing, fuelling. A code indicating the type of service provided by a station in a special navigation system chain, depending on the type of the system. A code indicating a type of Standard Instrument Departure (SID). E.g. SID, RNAV SID, Engine out SID or FMS SID. A code indicating a type of special navigation system. E.g. LORAN, DECCA, GNSS, etc. A code indicating the type of stand. E.g. parking position on the apron, isolated aircraft stand, terminal building gate, etc.. A code indicating a type of Standard Arival Route (STAR): convetional, RNAV, FMS. A code indicating the type of timetable (working hours, activation hours) associated with a specific activity. A code indicating the type of path to the next point of a TLOF related area. E.g. line, circle, clockwise arc, counter clockwise arc, etc. A code indicating a type of taxiway. E.g. normal taxiway, apron taxiway, air taxiway, etc.. A unit providing particular ATS services. A code indicating the usability of the localizer signal in the back-course sector. A code indicating a type of visual approach slope indicator system. Eg: VASIS, AVASIS, 3-BAR VASIS, PAPI, APAPI, etc.. A code indicating the type of path to the next point. E.g. great circle, rhumbline, geoidal line, clockwise arc, counter clockwise arc, etc. A code indicating the type of VOR, e.g. conventional VOR or Doppler VOR. A code indicating the type of label marker. Zoom level of rendered map. A code indicating whether a limitation is of type permission, interdiction or exclusive usage A code for a logical value: Yes or No. A code for coding mode: Constant or Parametrized. A date value without year indication. Same each year. E.g. 15-02, 29-04. A date for which only the year value is significant. A geographical latitude. A geographical longitude. A line or polygon. An open or closed Bézier curve. A (positive) number of similar items. A sequence number A time (hours and minutes) value with a resolution of 1 minute. E.g.: 12:45, 14:30, 00:00. A lapse (length or portion) of time expressed in number of minutes. It may be positive or negative. E.g. 10 min, 300 min, -20 minutes. A full free text address. E.g. +32(2)-729 3326,, LABBYOYX, etc.. A textual description. A textual designator. The textual designator of a SID, STAR or IAP (instrument approach procedure). The textual designator of an en-route route. Name or short description of an obstacle group. The official name of a State, an aerodrome, a unit, etc.. Free text remarks. A unit of measurement for a horizontal distance. E.g. metres, feet, nautical miles, kilometres, etc. . A unit of measurement for a vertical distance. E.g. Flight Level, metres, feet. A unit of measurement for time. E.g. seconds, minutes, hours. A unit of measurement for an elevation. E.g. metres or feet. A unit of measurement for a frequency. E.g. Hz, kHz, MHz,GHz. A unit of measurement for pressure values. A unit of measurement for speed. A unit of measurement for temperature. A unit of measurement for weight values. The value of an angle. The value of a bearing indication (at a given point) measured as the angle between the direction and either True North or Magnetic North (this should appear explicitly or implicitly). The angle is measured clockwise from 0 degrees up to and including 360 degrees. The value can also be a VOR radial. For example, “westward” is expressed as 270. The value of an angle (at a given point) between the direction of Magnetic North and the direction of Geographical North. A positive value indicates that Magnetic North is East of Geographical North. A negative value indicates that Magnetic North is West of Geographical North. The value of the annual rate of change of the magnetic variation. The unit of measurement would be degrees/year and can be positive or negative, i.e qualified by EAST (E) or WEST (W). A horizontal distance. A vertical distance value. E.g.: Upper and lower limis of an airspace, an ATS route, FL100, 600M, 300 FT, etc.. A duration value or elapsed time period. E.g. 5 minutes, 200 seconds, etc.. A value expressed in flight levels (FL). The frequency value of a navigation system. A hexadecimal value x ('00000000' LE x LE 'FFFFFFFF'). The value of a load classification number (LCN) for a surface A positive or negative distance value The value of a pavement classification number (PCN) for a surface The value of the maximum allowable tire pressure related to a PCN number, expressed in MPa (Mega Pascal). The value of a profile sequence slope that is always expressed as a percentage. The value of a pressure. The value of a speed. The value of a temperature. The value of a weight.