/** * The autocompletion feature implemented with RightJS * * Home page: http://rightjs.org/ui/autocompleter * * @copyright (C) 2009 Nikolay V. Nemshilov aka St. */ if (!RightJS) { throw "Gimme RightJS. Please." }; /** * The RightJS UI Autocompleter unit base class * * Copyright (C) Nikolay V. Nemshilov aka St. */ var Autocompleter = new Class(Observer, { extend: { EVENTS: $w('show hide update load select done'), Options: { url: document.location.href, param: 'search', method: 'get', minLength: 1, // the minimal length when it starts work threshold: 200, // the typing pause threshold cache: true, // the use the results cache local: null, // an optional local search results list fxName: 'slide', fxDuration: 'short', spinner: 'native', relName: 'autocompleter' }, // scans the document for autocompletion fields rescan: function() { var key = Autocompleter.Options.relName; var reg = new RegExp('^'+key+'+\\[(.*?)\\]$'); $$('input[rel^="'+key+'"]').each(function(input) { if (!input.autocompleter) { var data = input.get('data-'+key+'-options'); var options = Object.merge(eval('('+data+')')); var match = input.get('rel').match(reg); if (match) { var url = match[1]; // if looks like a list of local options if (url.match(/^['"].*?['"]$/)) { options.local = eval('['+url+']'); } else if (!url.blank()) { options.url = url; } } new Autocompleter(input, options); } }); } }, /** * basic constructor * * @param mixed the input element reference, a string id or the element instance * @param Object options */ initialize: function(input, options) { this.$super(options); // storing the callbacks so we could detach them later this._watch = this.watch.bind(this); this._hide = this.hide.bind(this); this.input = $(input).onKeyup(this._watch).onBlur(this._hide); this.container = $E('div', {'class': 'autocompleter'}).insertTo(this.input, 'after'); this.input.autocompleter = this; }, // kills the autocompleter destroy: function() { this.input.stopObserving('keyup', this._watch).stopObserving('blur', this._hide); delete(this.input.autocompleter); return this; }, // catching up with some additonal options setOptions: function(options) { this.$super(options); // building the correct url template with a placeholder if (!this.options.url.includes('%{search}')) { this.options.url += (this.options.url.includes('?') ? '&' : '?') + this.options.param + '=%{search}'; } }, // handles the list appearance show: function() { if (this.container.hidden()) { var dims = this.input.dimensions(); this.container.setStyle({ top: (dims.top + dims.height) + 'px', left: dims.left + 'px', width: dims.width + 'px' }).show(this.options.fxName, { duration: this.options.fxDuration, onFinish: this.fire.bind(this, 'show') }); } return Autocompleter.current = this; }, // handles the list hidding hide: function() { if (this.container.visible()) { this.container.hide(); this.fire.bind(this, 'hide'); } Autocompleter.current = null; return this; }, // selects the next item on the list prev: function() { return this.select('prev', this.container.select('li').last()); }, // selects the next item on the list next: function() { return this.select('next', this.container.first('li')); }, // marks it done done: function(current) { var current = current || this.container.first('li.current'); if (current) { this.input.value = current.innerHTML.stripTags(); } return this.fire('done').hide(); }, // protected // works with the 'prev' and 'next' methods select: function(what, fallback) { var current = this.container.first('li.current'); if (current) { current = current[what]('li') || current; } return this.fire('select', (current || fallback).radioClass('current')); }, // receives the keyboard events out of the input element watch: function(event) { // skip the overlaping key codes that are already watched in the hooker.js if ([27,37,38,39,40,13].include(event.keyCode)) return; if (this.input.value.length >= this.options.minLength) { if (this.timeout) { this.timeout.cancel(); } this.timeout = this.trigger.bind(this).delay(this.options.threshold); } else { return this.hide(); } }, // triggers the actual action trigger: function() { this.timeout = null; this.cache = this.cache || {}; var search = this.input.value; if (search.length < this.options.minLength) return this.hide(); if (this.cache[search]) { this.suggest(this.cache[search], search); } else if (this.options.local) { this.suggest(this.findLocal(search), search); } else { this.request = Xhr.load(this.options.url.replace('%{search}', encodeURIComponent(search)), { method: this.options.method, spinner: this.getSpinner(), onComplete: function(response) { this.fire('load').suggest(response.responseText, search); }.bind(this) }); } }, // updates the suggestions list suggest: function(result, search) { this.container.update(result).select('li').each(function(li) { // we reassiging the events each time so the were no doublecalls li.onmouseover = function() { li.radioClass('current'); }; li.onmousedown = function() { this.done(li); }.bind(this); }, this); // saving the result in cache if (this.options.cache) { this.cache[search] = result; } return this.fire('update').show(); }, // performs the locals search findLocal: function(search) { var regexp = new RegExp("("+RegExp.escape(search)+")", 'ig'); return $E('ul').insert( this.options.local.map(function(option) { if (regexp.test(option)) { return $E('li', {html: option.replace(regexp, '<strong>$1</strong>') }); } }).compact() ); }, // builds a native textual spinner if necessary getSpinner: function() { this._spinner = this._spinner || this.options.spinner; // building the native spinner if (this._spinner == 'native') { this._spinner = $E('div', { 'class': 'autocompleter-spinner' }).insertTo(this.input, 'after'); var dots = '123'.split('').map(function(i) { return $E('div', {'class': 'dot-'+i, html: '»'}); }); (function() { var dot = dots.shift(); dots.push(dot); this._spinner.update(dot); }.bind(this)).periodical(400); } // repositioning the native spinner if (this.options.spinner == 'native') { var dims = this.input.dimensions(); this._spinner.setStyle('visiblity: hidden').show(); this._spinner.setStyle({ visibility: 'visible', top: (dims.top + 1) + 'px', height: (dims.height - 2) + 'px', lineHeight: (dims.height - 2) + 'px', left: (dims.left + dims.width - this._spinner.offsetWidth - 1) + 'px' }).hide(); } return this._spinner; } }); /** * The document events hooking * * Copyright (C) Nikolay V. Nemshilov aka St. */ document.on({ ready: Autocompleter.rescan, // the autocompletion list navigation keydown: function(event) { if (Autocompleter.current) { var name; switch (event.keyCode) { case 27: name = 'hide'; break; case 37: name = 'prev'; break; case 39: name = 'next'; break; case 38: name = 'prev'; break; case 40: name = 'next'; break; case 13: name = 'done'; break; } if (name) { Autocompleter.current[name](); event.stop(); } } } }); document.write("<style type=\"text/css\">div.autocompleter{display:none;position:absolute;z-index:100000000;border:none;margin:0;padding:0;background:white;-moz-box-shadow:#BBB .2em .2em .4em;-webkit-box-shadow:#BBB .2em .2em .4em;overflow:hidden}div.autocompleter ul{list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0;border:none;background:none;*border-bottom:1px solid #CCC}div.autocompleter ul li{list-style:none;font-weight:normal;margin:0;padding:.2em .4em;border:1px solid #CCC;border-top:none;border-bottom:none;background:none;cursor:pointer}div.autocompleter ul li:first-child{border-top:1px solid #CCC}div.autocompleter ul li:last-child{border-bottom:1px solid #CCC;*border-bottom:none}div.autocompleter ul li.current{background:#DDD}div.autocompleter-spinner{position:absolute;z-index:100000000;text-align:center;font-size:140%;font-family:Georgia;background:#DDD;color:#666;display:none;width:1em;margin:0;padding:0}div.autocompleter-spinner div.dot-1{margin-left:-4px}div.autocompleter-spinner div.dot-2{}div.autocompleter-spinner div.dot-3{margin-left:4px}</style>");